Friday, October 14, 2011

One Mans Opinion 10/14/11
By Dewaine Shoulders

You have been warned.

Well, this will probably be the last One Mans Opinion you'll see on Palin Promotions. Why, you ask? It comes down to three things: One - Sarah Palin isn't seeking the presidency; Two - It's time to move forward; and Three - There will probably be an outcry from everyone to keep me off the site from this point on.

But before everyone gathers their pitchforks, let me explain myself here...

I hate whiners.

I have recently been seeing postings and hearing the boo hoos of the Occupy Wall Street bunch. You know the ones... Those protesters that are currently lamenting capitalism, and pushing for socialism, communism, and from the looks of some of those in the movement, total anarchy. These folks are mainly ObamaZombies, whacked-out Paulbots and your run-of-the-mill idiots that society normally has to take care of because they're too stinking sorry to wipe their own rear ends!

These slackers piss me off because they are bemoaning capitalism, all the while carrying their cellphones, IPad's, laptops computers, wearing clothing, shoes, and in some cases, underwear that was made by who? Capitalists, that's who. These loonfish are being led by the unions, George Soros and the Communist Party of America, from an idea by AdBusters out of Canada. And AdBusters, like the communists and union thugs, are pretty much anti-Semites. They hate the Jews, thus I am linking them all to the Nazi Party!

These whiners are why abortions, especially late-term abortions, should be legal... At least for liberals loonfish! The more they abort themselves, the better life would be for the rest of us. But that's just me.

Let's face the facts, most of these scumbags need to be re-educated, seeing that most went to public schools, and a few to universities like Columbia, Harvard, et al. They have learned that socialism is cool and capitalism is not their friend. But mainly, they don't want to repay their student loans, much less work for a living. They are the spoiled brats offspring from the last generation of spoiled brats that smoked dope while listening to Grunge music.

In other words, every last one of them are the brain dead children of brain dead  adults, all with chips on their shoulders.

The Occupy Wall Street bunch, protesting corporate America, big banks, and rich people in general, are a bunch of whiners. They don't want to work an actual job to afford things in their lives. They want to tax rich people in order for them to pay for the slacker lifestyle these losers want to live. These whiny, heads full of mush protesters are being paid by big unions and the likes of George Soros to act like a bunch of uneducated, trashy goons. They don't need to be paid to do what comes natural!

It's more fun for them to defecate on flags and police cars than actually put on work clothes and punch a time clock. Go figure!

Sorry, but you folks are pathetic excuses of humanity. Your anti-Semitism,  acts of depravity, and your total misunderstanding of how capitalism works only shows that public education is an utter failure and that they can't protest the actual folks that have caused all of the problems --- Their poor excuse of a president and their democrat friends in both houses of Congress.

And that brings me to Sarah Palin.

I've heard some pissing and moaning from many of her supporters that now say that she led them on; and those folks that cannot take 'no' for an answer. They are wanting to inundate her with post cards, hoping she will reconsider running for president. And some of you (and you know who you are) complained about the Chris Christie folks wanting him to run, even when he had said 'no' umpteen times.

But least anyone thinks I'm giving up on Sarah Palin, the truth is that I haven't. But, I also realize that hounding her about changing her mind won't change her mind. Trying to draft her to run is an exercise in futility.

You see, Sarah Palin's the original Mama Grizzly, and she knows what's best for her and her family... Just like she knows that she doesn't need a title to be effective in changing the direction of this country. She's going rogue yet again, and making a stand where it needs to be made. She knows what needs to be done, and just how to do it... And who to do it to.

And we all know who that is: both houses of Congress needs to be changed, just like the person in the White House needs to be changed! She will probably place herself in a position to facilitate that change, and one doesn't need to be president in order to effect the biggest changes. Sometimes just being there is enough for that to take place.

So, please quit whining, pissing and moaning about Sarah Palin not running for president. Now may not be her time right now, but one day she might decide to run, and then we can throw our full-fledged support her way.

Until then, in the immortal words of Don Henley, "Get over it!"

And for what may be the last time...
That's just my opinion, I could be right!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 10/5/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Well, it's now official. Sarah Palin is not running for president.

“My decision is based upon a review of what common sense Conservatives and Independents have accomplished, especially over the last year,” she said. “I believe that at this time I can be more effective in a decisive role to help elect other true public servants to office — from the nation’s governors to Congressional seats and the Presidency.”

So, as a Palin supporter, I have to say that she is doing what's best for her and her family, and we all should accept that fact. We may not like it, but now that she's made her decision, we should all begin the process of finding that one person that will be the best candidate for the GOP nominee, and hopefully president.

So far, Herman Cain is my choice, but there is still time to pick and choose who we think could fill the office and hopefully right the direction of this nation.

As sorry as I am that Sarah Palin will not be running, Maybe now we can focus on defeating the current Community Organizer in Chief with Sarah Palin backing that candidate all the way.

So, for all of us that have supported her, our disappointment should be short-lived. Maybe, like Chris Christie, now is not her time. But someday...

But one thing is for sure... We have not heard the last of Sarah Palin.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

One Mans Opinion  9/29/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Okay, normally I would be talking about Sarah Palin, or the upcoming presidential elections here, but this scares the hell out of me. First of all, let me preface this by saying that when I first saw this report, I was appalled. But then fear crept in, as this could very well be what happens before next November, if the left has their way.

Speaking to a Cary Rotary Club in North Carolina, Gov. Bev Perdue suggested that the next round Congressional elections should be postponed for two years, so that Congress can focus on the economic recovery and not the next election.

These are her own words:

"You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things. I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. The one good thing about Raleigh is that for so many years we worked across party lines. It's a little bit more contentious now but it's not impossible to try to do what's right in this state. You want people who don't worry about the next election."

Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the words of a liberal progressive; someone who would usurp the power from the people in order to save their own jobs and garner more power for themselves… To take away the rights of the people to vote in order to secure their positions of power over the people.

Does this scare you? It should, because I have said a time or two in the past to a few friends that our president could do this very thing to secure his own position as he slips further down in the polls. What better way is there to keep your job than by making sure that elections are suspended because of a national crisis? The thing is, I can't seem to recall a time that our voting rights were suspended because of anything... Be they World Wars, Great Depressions or any other crisis that stopped the people from voting.

Is it just me, or is this the plan being cast into motion by the left because they know that they are about to be swept out of office all over the country?

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but this sounds like someone who would call for the congressional elections, or, perhaps, even the presidential elections to be postponed indefinitely to make sure that the economy gets better. The only way the economy is going to get better is to oust the people that put us in this position in the first place; the elites in Congress... On both sides of the aisle! They are the very people who placed this nation in financial jeopardy, and they should be voted out of office; hopefully to be replaced with people with integrity, common sense, and some ability in mathematics!

It's the Spending, Stupid! This is not about taxing the rich, it's all about eradicating the Middle Class to make America into a Feudal Caste of the Elites and the Surfs! And they are doing it right before our eyes, and the useful idiots on the left seem to be okay with it so long as they get what's coming to them. Screw freedom, they say, we want what the rich guys have! They would give their freedom away for a few pieces of silver. Judas Priest, how stupid are they?

Okay, let's put this in a way that most everybody can understand: Anyone who has ever watched the Star Wars Saga knows that Senator Palpatine plotted a war, and then using it as a basis to get himself elected to the chancellor's office. Then, he kept himself in power far longer than he should have by using the lawmakers; playing them for fools--- preying on their fears. He used the corruption that many of them were involved in to keep his base unified. He went from Chancellor to Emperor Palpatine when he decided to eradicate the Jedi. And as silly as it sounds, a similar scenario is being played out in this country today.

You have union bosses telling their union members to protest state houses to disrupt laws being changed or passed. You have college professors telling their students to protest and get arrested, all in the hope of overthrowing the country (Does Socialist Professor Cornel West from Princeton ring any bells for you?). You also have a bunch of government-dependant people, who refuse to work to better themselves, who will vote for the democrats to keep getting their government checks and food stamps coming in.

They are called Useful Idiots by the Socialist. You can't have a revolution without them. But once the revolution has been won, the useful idiots are the first to die, thus striking fear into the hearts of everyone else. That is how Socialism leads to Communism, and China is drooling right now because we are but a few short steps away from being just like them! For anyone doubting this, take a look at how Cuba fell to Castro. It happened in our own back yard, so to speak. The youth, and the poor were used to overthrow the legitimate government and Castro took over. And what happened then is happening here... NOW! It's called Class Envy, or Class Warfare, but the results are the same --- The government takes the money from the people, who then will dribble it out to the masses. But, in return, you must earn it. There will be no lazy or sick people then, because those who refuse to work, and those that are too sick to work, are deemed inferior and disposed of. That will be the fruition of the revolution. That is what the useful idiots aren't told. If they were told the truth, no one would follow them!

Someone once called this the Perfect Storm, and I'm afraid that the storm clouds are now gathering, and soon, the storm will sweep across America... And take our precious liberties away. 

Again, maybe it's just me being paranoid, but somehow I sense the dark side is clouding everything, and soon, the Sith will rule the country. They damn near do now. All it will take is one crisis to make it so. 

May God help us!

Pray that America comes to her senses and votes out the progressives. Pray that America can ride this storm out and comes out of it a better place. Pray that we can elect leaders that will turn back the tide of leftist darkness that is overshadowing this nation. Pray that when it's all said and done, America will once again be that shining city on the hill, and not a smoldering pile of rubble at the hands the left, the anarchists, and the useful idiots they seem to attract. 

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!  


Saturday, September 10, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 9/10/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

They say you never forget where you were when something big, or terrible happens. There are many who are still among us that remember where they were when Pearl Harbor was attacked. There are many who remember where they were when JFK was assassinated in Dallas. And there are those of us that remember where we were when man first landed on the moon.

And like those people, I'll never forget where I was and what I was doing on that September morning in 2001.

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 - 7:45 a.m. (Central Time Zone)

The wife and I had recently moved from Dallas to Texarkana to care for her mother, who had just had quadruple bypass surgery and a leg amputated due to diabetes. I had found a part-time job, but was looking for something better.  We both were looking for full-time work, and the going was rough at that time in Texarkana.

That particular morning, I got up early and went to apply at one of the two hospitals in Texarkana. I garnered an application and took it out to my Ford Explorer to fill it out. It was a beautiful morning, and damned if I wanted to sit inside a musty old hospital, filling out an application. So, while filling out the application, I turned on the radio, listening to a Shreveport, Louisiana radio station that carried The Bob and Tom Show, which originates from Indianapolis. I think I was a tad bit homesick for Kentucky that morning. Back home, I used to listen to Bob and Tom daily.

Now, if you've have ever listened to The Bob and Tom Show, you know these people rarely get serious. Kristie Lee, the woman that does the news on the show, interrupted the shows humor with a serious story. A plane had just crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. Instantly, my attention was taken from the application and was placed on the radio. I remember staring at the radio, asking myself, "How could that be? How could some pilot not see two towers that reach so far up in the New York skyline?" It was then nearly ten minutes after the first plane had hit the first tower when the news was announced.

Within minutes, still filling out the application, Kristie Lee interrupted the show again, reporting that a second plane had hit the other tower. It was 8:05 in the morning (local time).

At that exact moment, I knew that this was no accident. We had just been attacked! I tossed the employment application in the back seat of my Explorer and took off out of the parking lot and made a beeline home. Ten minutes later, I was screeching the tires as I turned onto the driveway.

My wife had decided to sleep-in that morning before she was to go out looking for a job. So, she was just getting out of bed when I came rushing into the house we were renting at the time, immediately turning on Fox News. There, I witnessed the replay of the first plane crashing into the first tower.

My wife asked what was going on, and I tried to relay what precious little I knew from listening to the radio on the way home. She joined me on the couch, where we witnessed the buildings collapse, one--- and soon after--- the other. The carnage was awful. Then we learned about Flight 93 crashing in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and another plane slamming into the Pentagon in DC.

I felt my gut tighten. War had been declared on America!

For the next three days, we slept little; constantly watching what was going on in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.

At this point, we knew that Flight 93 had gone down in Pennsylvania, as passengers had overtaken the hijackers, in a plane that was presumably destined to crash into the White House.

As for the plane that hit the side of the Pentagon, my wife's nephew was among the first responders that were digging out burnt corpses and verified the horrific scene weeks later (after being debriefed) to us. And yes, it was a plane that hit the Pentagon (not some missile as conspiracy theorists have claimed). He saw the parts of the plane and the pieces of the engines.

Needless to say, around 3,000 souls were lost that fateful day. As December 7th, 1941 had been a day that would live in infamy, so would September 11th, 2001.

We watched the TV for three days straight, nodding off occasionally on the couch, but unable to peel ourselves away from the TV for longer that quick bathroom breaks and grabbing something to eat in front of the TV.

After three days of constant replaying of the horrific scenes of death and devastation, I finally turned the TV off. I told my wife that we would be at war soon, and that life was about to get interesting.

I was then reminded of the old Chinese proverb: "May you live in interesting times."

And life in America has become interesting indeed! And a lot has changed in America since 9/11/200... A day that will live in infamy.

Ten years after, I'm divorced, having moved back to Kentucky, and still in shock that someone dared do this to America. I have never hated people so much in my life like I have those that flew those planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and almost into The White House. I bless those brave souls that stopped the hijackers and crashed the plane in Shanksville, PA. They were truly heroes all!

I also have no respect for anyone that tries to condone the acts of a bunch of religious kooks. Anyone that dares claim that these idiots were martyrs to some lunatic cause are foolish. They were murderers!

And I'm aware that not all Muslims are guilty of the 9/11 attacks, but to any Muslim that condones what happened, or can justify it because of their religion, I can't even have pity for them, as they will burn in Hell, along with those mass-murdering hijackers.

To the politicians that now try to sugarcoat the attacks and politicize it, you will burn in Hell for forgetting the true nature of Radical Islam, and forgetting the faces and names of those that died at the hands of the hijackers.

And to the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, who won't allow the Police, Firefighters or prayer to be involved in the 10th anniversary, you will burn in Hell as one of the people who has forgotten the true meaning of 9/11. It was an attack on our way of life. It was an attack on America, and as an American, you should know that those brave firefighters and first responders gave their lives to protect those trapped inside those buildings. To not allow them a place at the anniversary event is a slap in the face of those brave men and women in the NYFD!

Bloomberg is a man who won't allow prayer at the event, but is all for building a mosque near Ground Zero! He may be a billionaire, but the man had no sense! To me, he's just one more loonfish swimming in the Sea of Stupidity!

From New York, to Shanksville, PA, to Washington DC, those that died on September 11th, 2001 should never be forgotten. They were innocent people, living their lives when a group of Radical Islamic loonfish decided to make a statement to America.

Well, I'm going to make a statement to the current and would-be terrorists that would try to do harm to America--- be they foreign-born or homegrown--- The religion you claim to follow is a cult. If killing innocent people is a part of your religious beliefs, then your religion was spawned from Satan himself.

Anyone who kills in the name of God or any god will burn in Hell; not collect 72 virgins in paradise. Only fools believe in that!

As an American, I will never forget what happened to my country on 9/11/2001. And I will never forgive those bastards that tried to destroy America in the name of their minor god!


But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 8/30/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Every once in awhile (and it happens all too often lately) I have a hard time deciding what to write here. Today isn’t one of those days.

Speculation as to when Sarah Palin will announce her intention to run for president has been bandied about for some time now. Even I have tried to second-guess her as to when she would make an announcement.

Now, I think I have the answer.
Labor Day is fast approaching, and that means the end of summer; and this year it means the true beginning of the presidential election season.

Factoring in Labor Day, the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks and the upcoming caucuses, I have devised a surefire timeline as to when she will announce to the world that she is indeed running for president...

Wait for it... Wait for it...

Whenever she damn well decides to announce it!

Whether Sarah Palin announces her candidacy September 3rd or anytime thereafter, just believe that when she does finally toss the proverbial hat in the ring, the political world will be turned on its ear.

Romney, Perry and the rest of the field will take a backseat to her when the time comes. Sarah Palin will rise in the polls (currently third behind Perry and Romney[Gallup Poll as of today]) when she finally becomes a candidate, and you'll see a dramatic shift in public opinion when she lays out her case to the American people why she should be elected.

Now, the naysayers will throw a hissy fit with what I’m about to say, but I'll say it anyway:

America needs Sarah Palin!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 7/17/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Bill Mahar... IDIOT!

That's right! That exactly what I think of him (well, that and a few other foul words I'll not post here).

Here's what he recently said about Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin:

Now I'm not saying that sexism doesn't exist and isn't real, but we can't throw around the word "sexist" just to stop people like me from pointing out that Michele Bachmann, now running second for the Republican presidential nomination, isn't [sic] a dangerous nincompoop. And when I point out that Sarah Palin is a vainglorious braggart, a liar, a whiner, a professional victim, a scold, a know-it-all, a chiseler, a bully who sells patriotism like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred weirdos straight out of The Hills Have Eyes, that's not sexist. I'm saying it because it's true, not because it's true of a woman.

Mr. Mahar, that may be your opinion, and the First Amendment says you have the right to express those opinions (no matter how wrong or ignorant they happen to be). But the real point here is, just because you have a TV show, you think you have the right to say the things you do, and fellow Liberals agree with that point. On the other hand, if Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or any other Conservative talk show host says something like that about a Liberal, they get crucified. The double standard is mind-boggling. It's okay for liberals to spew venom, but not okay for conservatives to do likewise?

Well, this is one conservative that's fed-up with the hypocrisy of the left.

Mr. Mahar, you have once again proven that you have venom flowing through your bloodstream. You are a supposed Libertarian, but your rants about any and all things Conservative are just plain wrong, and of course, ignorant! The only expertise you have, Mr. Mahar, is in being an ass!

Bill Mahar sits on his throne, holding court over a show called 'Real Time' on HBO (and I am thankful I do not waste good money on HBO), proves time and again why he's an ass... Everything the man thinks and believes about Conservatives is just wrong. He also has this belief that he's funny and wise. He trash-talks God, Christ and Conservatives like he's the final authority on all of them.

But what he is, IMHO, is a Liberal scumbucket!

And like others in the Liberal camp, they are judgemental of Conservatives, they hate all things Traditional American, and they hang out with like-minded liberals to make themselves feel intelligent and superior to the rest of America. They are filled with hatred, schooled in socialism, steeped with Nazi propaganda techniques, and practiced in the vile art of self-importance.

But how dare we have an opposing opinion of them. The world, according to Mahar and those Liberal asses like him is simply this: We're Liberals and everyone else is scum! Thus, Liberals like Mahar are prejudiced, ill-informed Nazi's that spew hatred, racism and sexism, calling it entertainment and opinion.

When a Conservative does something like that, they are labeled hate-mongers, racists, and homophobic Neanderthals. Funny how the First Amendment only works for them and the rest of us should STFU.

So, this message is to Bill Mahar: I am a Conservative, God-fearing, Sarah Palin supporter who happens to have also been, at one time in my life, exactly like you... A Liberal Scumbag! The difference is that I grew out of the liberal phase and became someone that respects Women, God and Country. I grew-up! I learned what being a patriot was all about. I learned what it means to be a REAL AMERICAN! Not some pompous ass that thinks calling Conservative women 'stupid' or 'inbreds' is funny. No, sir, it's not funny; it's a poor attempt at making yourself seem intelligent and better than the rest of us. In that attempt, you are sorely lacking!

You seem to only respect your opinion and those that think like you. God, Women and Country doesn't matter to the likes of you, because you are ignorant! You despise everything that has made America great and think your vision of America should be thrust down everyone else's throats whether they like it or not. You are, in essence, a NAZI ASS! An ignorant Nazi ass at that!

So, take your self-righteous, pompous opinions and do what you want Conservatives to do... STFU! Mainstream America sees exactly what the Liberal/Progressive agenda is doing to America. Tearing it apart for their own amusement. If you don't like America, then go away... Far away. Go hang out with Hugo Chavez, Castro, or Imanutjob over in Iran. They seem to be more to your liking anyway.

There was a bumper sticker years ago that seems to be fitting in America today:

I love my country. So does Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. You, on the other hand, despise America because it's not the way you want it to be. Sucks being you, huh? Again, if you don't like it, pack your sorry liberal ass up and become an ex-citizen! Most of us would applaud your sacrifice... Hell, most of us would chip in bus fare to Europe. I know I'm in for a buck-fifty!

I certainly hope you do leave, and take the rest of your whiny Liberal (ass) friends with you. The property values in America would soar overnight, and the dead weight in our society would be gone. America would once again be FREE of you and your ilk. And that would truly be a blessing from God!

And as for your comments about Ms. Bachmann and Ms. Palin - When one of those ladies becomes president, I hope you'll show them the respect you want us to show the current Community Organizer in Chief. I truly doubt you would, because you cannot respect anything truly American! All you respect is the sound of your own voice (and that grates on the nerves of respectful Americans).

In the meantime, we Conservatives will continue to grow in numbers, and eventually we will chase you and your filthy liberal friends back into the dark ages... Where you belong.

So, finally, here's Mr. Mahar's own words again, only used against him:

When I point out that Bill Mahar is a vainglorious braggart, a liar, a whiner, a professional asshole, a scold, a know-it-all, a chiseler, a bully who sells liberalism like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred weirdo liberals straight out of The Hills Have Eyes, I'm not just saying it because I believe it... I'm saying it because it's true.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Monday, July 4, 2011

One Mans Opinion  July 4th, 2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Instead of posting a blog, I have decided to post the complete text of the Declaration of Independence.

The Unanimous Declaration
of the Thirteen United States of America

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.


He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.

He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.

He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature.

He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states:

For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing taxes on us without our consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury:

For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses:

For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these colonies:

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments:

For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.

We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

New Hampshire: Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton
Massachusetts: John Hancock, Samual Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island: Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery
Connecticut: Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott
New York: William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris
New Jersey: Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark
Pennsylvania: Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross
Delaware: Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean
Maryland: Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Virginia: George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton
North Carolina: William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn
South Carolina: Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton
Georgia: Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton
Source: The Pennsylvania Packet, July 8, 1776

Monday, June 27, 2011

One Mans Opinion  6/27/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Once again, I'll say it loud and proud... I hate polls! The numbers vary from poll to poll, and there isn't really one that I'd trust for an accurate picture of the 2012 elections at this point in the campaign. There is too much time and too much that can happen between now and then, but as of now (according to most polls), Mitt Romney is the Republican front runner. Surprised? I'm not. The GOP establishment (the elites) will push hard for Romney, thinking that a Moderate Republican is exactly what the party needs to win in 2012.


What the Republican Party needs is an unapologetic conservative winning the nomination, not some RINO who believes in man-made global warming and likes government-run healthcare. Everyone will say that I'm nuts. They’ll say that we need a Republican in the White House - no matter who that Republican happens to be.


Let Romney get in the White House and it will be Obama-Lite. Anyone remember RomneyCare? Well, consider that Mitt Romney brought that little healthcare component to Massachusetts. For the most part, it’s riddled with problems and not too many people are happy with the results of Romney's healthcare experiment.

Why would we want Romney in the White House? So he could do for America what he did for Massachusetts… No thank you.

Back to the poll numbers: According to the polls (as of 6/26/11) Romney is leading from anywhere between 23 and 33 points. However, in a head to head between Romney and Obama, Obama wins handily. That doesn’t sound good, huh?

Now, let’s look at some of the others currently in the polls.

According to National Polls, which takes an average of all the polling data from the various polling organizations, Romney leads by 30% while Sarah Palin has 14%.

Excuse me, but Sarah Palin hasn't even announced that she'll be running or not, yet she’s in second place? Just imagine if she was running. I believe that she'd beat RINO Romney. She’s a powerhouse in the party and she’s got a following of millions. If she were to announce, I believe that she would outperform Romney in the polls by 10 points consistently.

Now, according to the polls, Obama would beat Sarah Palin also.


Sarah Palin is an unapologetic conservative that would defeat Mr. Obama because she stands for the values and core beliefs that most ‘average Americans’ hold dear. Obama sure doesn’t hold those beliefs, and we see how wonderful a president he’s turned out to be.

Continuing with the poll averages - Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann are tied with 11%, Ron Paul - 9%, Newt Gingrich - 7%, Rick Perry (who has yet to decide if he’ll run or not) 6%, Tim Pawlenty- 5% and others >2%.

Are you noticing a trend?

Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann are also unapologetic conservatives. If you added the points between Cain, Bachmann and Palin, you'd have 37%, or 7 points more than Romney. That means that nearly 40% of the people would vote for an unapologetic conservative. Under a third would vote for Romney. With a margin of error of 4%, Palin, Bachmann or Cain could still defeat Romney head to head.

As for the rest of the field, Ron Paul is too libertarian for most people. He’s a smart man and has a lot of good ideas, but some of Ron Paul’s views are too far out for most folks. Newt Gingrich is also a smart man, and hopefully he'll smarten up and leave the race; most of his staff already has. Rick Perry would be a decent guy to run, but I have issues with him on illegal immigration. And the rest: Huntsman, Pawlenty and anyone else considering the run would be well advised to skip 2012. Huntsman worked for Obama as ambassador to China and I wouldn’t trust his judgment on anything!

Comparing the real conservatives with the RINO's of the party, look what happened when the last RINO ran... John McCain got spanked, and we got the current Community Organizer in Chief. Do we really want that to happen yet again?

The last time an unapologetic conservative ran and lost was back in the 1960's when Barry Goldwater was defeated. And ever since then, the GOP has tried to run safe, middle of the road candidates. When Jimmy Carter occupied the White House, we had much of what we have today. We had high unemployment, stagflation, high gas prices (if you could find any), and a foreign policy that made no sense whatsoever!

Of course, Ronald Reagan wasn't the GOP's chosen candidate, but he defeated the progressive Carter handily. Reagan won 2 terms (1980 and 84) as an unapologetic conservative. George H. W. Bush won in 1984 after Reagan, claiming he'd continue Reagan's policies, but lost after one term because of his "Read my lips... No new taxes!" gaffe, as well as being a RINO! Then we got Slick Willie and one scandal after another. Yet he won 2 terms because he was a likable bubba... Well, that and Bob Dole (a middle-of the road moderate Republican) lost big-time!

George W. Bush won 2 terms as an conservative (a compassionate conservative) after the Clinton years (He had 9/11 to thank for a second term). His popularity waned soon after 2006 when the economy turned south (thanks to Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the Democrat-controlled House and Senate as they destroyed the economy with the housing bubble bursting). And in 2008, the Democrats won the White House again, and we can see how badly the country has been screwed-up since then. The economy is in the toilet; foreign policy is a joke, and Obama wants four more years to make sure he can bankrupt America and redistribute its wealth to the rest of the world (most notably China)!

So, do you think we need a middle-of-the-road, safe RINO running and perhaps winning the White House? I say “Not only no but Hell No!” We had better hope for an unapologetic conservative running and winning the White House in 2012... Otherwise, we'll have 4 more long and disastrous years of Obamaville ahead of us.

Wastin’ away again in Obamaville,
Searching for a decent job.
Some people claim it’s his policies to blame,
Oh I know, it’s all George Bush’s fault!
(With all apologies to Jimmy Buffet).

That's just my opinion, I could be right!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 6/11/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Normally I would have waited till Monday to post a blog, but I just couldn't wait until then. I want to talk about Sarah Palin's e-mails for a moment... Those 24,000 plus emails that were released by Alaskan officials this week from former Governor Palin.

The media dug into those e-mails like they were pigs in slop!

I do have one small question to ask the media - Did you do all of this for Barrack Obama? Did you sift thru his e-mails when he decided to run for president? Nah, you media folks wouldn't do that to anyone you liked, huh?

You'd think that journalists would have so many more important stories to cover. Like our economy, that's on the brink of depression; three wars going on; terrorists vowing to destroy Israel and the United States.

But "noooooo," says the media.  "We need to sift thru 24,000 e-mails so we can dig up dirt on Sarah Palin." (Notice I'm putting words in their mouths like they always seem to do to her).

Here are just a few samples of her emails.

• Sarah Palin and family once hung out with an Elvis impersonator. God forbid!

• There were vicious rumors about whether Sarah Palin was actually the mother of her son, Trig, from the start. In April 2008—just days before she gave birth to Trig—Palin emailed her husband and senior staff to alert them that a political rival was spreading rumors that it was her daughter, Bristol, who was actually pregnant. "I wish I could shame people into ceasing such gossip about a teen, but can't figure out how to do that," Palin said. The rumor mill still runs amok.

•In September 2008, a Palin aide suggested the governor should appear opposite Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live. Of course, she later did. And she rocked the place!

• It was reported long ago that Palin installed a tanning bed in the governor's mansion. Wow! They now have the smoking gun that proves she indeed had a tanning bed installed. Woo hoo! Wow! This is really important stuff, people.

These vultures, seen in the picture below, tells the tale.

The reporters are acting like a bunch of looters in a Walmart after a riot. They look like extras on a Mission: Impossible set. Your mission, if you decide to accept it: Grab a box of Sarah Palin's emails and go dig for dirt.

How low the media has fallen. How low journalism has sunk into the mire. This isn't news... This is The Jerry Springer Show on steroids! When will the media and these so-called journalists actually report on the news from the Oval Office? How the current president is failing the nation! How he has crippled the economy (worse than Jimmy Carter did back in the late 70's)!

When, oh media elites, when will you actually do your jobs?

"No can do," says the media. "We have Sarah Palin to pick apart."

Sarah Palin is now the most reported-on woman in the world, thanks to Palin Derangement Syndrome that these 'Yellow Journalists' seem to be eat-up with.

I have but one word that described these so-called media professionals: LOSERS!

And I have one word to describe Sarah Palin: WINNING! (With all apologies to Charlie Sheen for borrowing his line).

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Monday, June 6, 2011

One Mans Opinion  6/6/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Okay, first of all, I had intended to talk about something else today as part of my OMO blog, but the Weinergate story changed this week's topic for me.

As of last week, Anthony Weiner said point blank that he did not send any pictures to anyone. I watched the interview he did on Fox and he categorically denied sending any pictures to anyone. Of course, he couldn't deny it might be him in the picture, and that his Twitter account had been hacked, but he definitely did not send the picture in question.

Well, today he's confirmed that he's a liar of the highest order. Yep, he sent the picture, and more besides. Wow, I think Bill Clinton must have coached him on how to lie, then act humble and contradict yourself later. It worked for Slick Willie, so maybe it can work for the Weiner-man too!

Okay, so now, the little weasel has finally come clean (well, as well as you can clean up feces) and put on his little poor pitiful me routine before the press. What is he sorry for? That he did it, or that he got caught? I'd say the latter of the two.

But that's not the truly funny part of this twisted tale.

As some of you know, and probably most of you don't, I write a weekly blog called The Curious Urinal (I know, stupid name - I get that all of the time). Last Friday, I ran a story about Anthony Weiner and Weinergate. In it, he's being interviewed and snapping multiple pics of himself during the interview.

See it here at:

Little did I know that in a few short days, his arrogance and stupidity would be his undoing. And that I'd foreseen the multiple pics aspect of this story before the rest of the media did... Man, I'm on the cutting edge. LOL

But seriously, here's a man that said Glenn Beck was unethical, and his own lack of ethics pales anything that Beck could have dreamt of doing. The old adage certainly rings true here: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Anthony Weiner is a corrupt and morally bankrupt man, in my humble opinion. He has let down his party, the people he supposedly represents, and most of all, his wife. I mean, they haven't been married all that long and he's sending out lewd pics, tweets and emails to different women he met on the Internet? And there may have been phone sex too? Ohhhhhhh la la!

And he says he won't resign.

Imagine that. Here's a man who would attack Glenn Beck - for telling the truth about the left and the power brokers in Washington - as unethical, and thinks what he did doesn't warrant resignation. Typical liberal logic.

In the immortal words of Mr. T, "I pity the fool!"

Sarah Palin’s been called everything under the sun by the left; blamed for numerous things that she had nothing to do with, and ridiculed for making stupid statements (which later prove to be true). To the left, she's a vile woman not worthy of breathing the same air as the rest of us. So, now I'm wondering if the leftist bloggers and media will call for Mr. Weiner to resign for his unethical behavior? Will they call Weiner out for his lies and misrepresentations? Will they say, "Vamoose, Weiner-man. Hit the road, bottom-feeder. Resign and take full responsibility, you loser! Go away and STFU!"? I doubt it.

I doubt that he'll resign, but stranger things in life have happened.

I've just heard that Nancy Pelosi may be calling for a committee to look into Mr. Weiner's activities to see if he's broken any congressional rules. If he doesn't resign, maybe the democrats could force him to do so... No wait, they let Barney Frank off, and countless others for reasons that are beyond me.

Now, if a republican had done this, you could hear the shouts from the left that they needed to go. We can't have that kind of behavior in Washington, etc. But when it comes to someone on the left doing something unethical, well, that's different! They are special!

Here's something to think about: If the republicans go after the Weiner-man, then he'll get support from the left as being a target of a right-wing witch hunt. That will garner sympathy for Weiner and this entire episode will be swept under the rug as a bad day at the office. That hypocrisy is what the left thrives on. If the republicans don't go after him, they look weak, and make the left more determined to ramrod anything they desire down America's throats and make us like it.

At least Richard Nixon had the common decency to resign for the Watergate scandal. The cover-up was worse than the crime itself, and Nixon took responsibility and resigned. Gerald Ford, upon being sworn in as president, pardoned Nixon and caused a stink throughout America and the media.

My how times have changed.

If Anthony Weiner has any morality about him, he'd do the right thing and resign. But when has anyone on the left ever really done the right thing?

That's just my opinion, I could be right!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

One Mans Opinion 5/29/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

It's Memorial Day weekend, and we should all remember those that have sacrificed so much for this nation. From our troops currently serving across this planet, to the ones that have long since faded into history. We also should remember the police officers and fire fighters that do their jobs to keep us safe here at home on a daily basis. They work thankless jobs, but they are also warriors in the cause of freedom.

Now, having said that, I have a personal story to share. It happened last night and I'm still trying to process what happened.

Those people who know me know that I'm someone who cares about people, animals, and lost causes. I have banged my head against a brick wall on more than one occasion, trying to save something, or make a difference when I can. But what happened last night was a bit strange. I'll explain...

Saturday night, date night. My lady friend and I, along with her two sons, went out for a quasi-family night of dinner and Putt Putt. We all had fun, and then I decided that ice cream was in store. We drove to the Dairy Queen and loaded up on shakes and malts, having a great time.

An All-American night of fun.

Okay, it was time to take the kiddies home and here we are in the car, heading back to the lady friends house when we came to a red light. Now, not being familiar with where I'm talking about, I'll try to explain it the best I can. There is a Kroger in a strip mall on the right side of the road where we were sitting at the light, and then a bit further ahead on the right side of the road is a Walmart. We were at the light in front of the Walmart, already having passed the entrance to the Kroger.

While sitting at the light. I heard a voice in my head saying, "Turn around, go back and have money ready." Without thinking twice, I glanced back to see if anything was coming from behind me and quickly got into the turning lane to Walmart. From there, I turned right and then another right onto a side street that leads back to the Kroger parking lot. I reached around and took my wallet from my pocket and pulled a five dollar bill out (all I had left in cash). My lady friend and her kids are looking at me and wondering what the hell I was doing. I tried to explain it quickly and came to the entrance to Kroger. As I turned right once again, thanks to the headlights of the car, I saw a man standing there. A hood was drawn over his head, in a pair of raggedy shorts. He held a sign that looked like it was drawn in pencil.

'Homeless - Please help.'

Now, it's dark out. This is 10:30 at night, away from the parking lot lights and I can read the sign as plain as if it were day. Don't ask me how, because I have no idea. My glasses aren't that good, and the headlights could not have illuminated the sign that well.

I stopped in front of the man and rolled down the window. The man continued to lean against a concrete embankment. He had no clue I was there. I called out, "Are you hungry?"

He slowly raised his head. He had been asleep. He looked exhausted, malnourished and from what my lady friend told me later, dehydrated. She's in the medical field, and I'll take her at her word. He wobbled slightly. His legs were mere bones covered in skin. His red hoodie was filthy. I could tell that this man had been sleeping outdoors. And he seemed truly embarrassed. This isn't a man that normally begs for money. This man looked to be totally down on his luck and barely alive.

He said, "I'm sorry to be begging." He explained that he'd lost his job, his home, his wife and children all within a few months and had nowhere to go and no money to do anything with. He looked as weak as anyone I had ever seen and needed to be fed desperately. I reached across the car and handed him a $5 bill and said, "Go get something to eat."

Again, he looked embarrassed. He again apologized and said, "God bless you!" upon seeing the money wasn't a dollar bill. I said "God bless you and good luck" and drove away. I saw him slowly walking toward the Burger King across the parking lot as I looked in the rear view mirror.

I drove away... And then it hit me.

I hadn't seen this man standing there as I passed moments before. In fact, he was in a place where I wouldn't have seen him in broad daylight. How the heck did I know he was there? He was standing in the dark, away from the lights of the parking lot. How could I have known that man even existed?

The voice in my head had told me to, "Turn around, go back and have money ready."

Was it God that told me? I don't know, but whatever happened, I may have saved that man's life last night. I don't know if he had eaten in days. From the looks of him, he hadn't. But if he was going to die that night, at least he'd have a full belly and the knowledge that someone out there gave a damn about him.

Whether his story was true or not really doesn't matter. What mattered to me was that I did something I wouldn't have done under normal circumstances. Driving in the dark, hunting down someone I didn't know that could have killed all of us. You think about it after the fact and it's scary. He could have had a gun, or been some nutcase that could have tried to yank one of the kids from the car. But none of that happened. Here was a man that needed help, and I did what I could at that moment. Again, in other circumstances, I would have never seen him. But that voice in my head had led me to him.

"Turn around, go back and have money ready."

Whatever the reason I felt compelled to show this one human being any compassion is still a mystery. I have asked myself several times since then if maybe I spotted him out of the corner of my eye and felt sorry for him, or if God truly spoke to my heart and led me there. I believe that it was God that spoke to my heart and allowed me to show this man some small bit of kindness. Again, I don't think my eyes are that good to have spotted him in the darkness otherwise.

"Turn around, go back and have money ready."

The lesson learned here was that both of the kids thought what I had done was noble and pretty cool. My lady friend did so as well. As for me, I tend to think God knows my heart, and how I root for the underdogs and can't turn away someone in need.

Well, there's the story. In processing it in my head and now with writing the words down, I think God speaks to all of us from time to time - those of us who truly believe in Him. And I hope that next time He chooses to speak to me, I can help someone else out. Not because I think I have to do it, but because I want to do it.

God only knows that we all need help from time to time.

And Memorial Day will not only be a day that I remember all of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, and those that serve and protect us daily - the cops and the firefighters - because they care enough to give of themselves to keep us safe and free, but a day that I'll think of one homeless man.

That one homeless man, wherever he is today, is in my prayers too, along with the troops, past and present, that are out there doing what's necessary. Each of us are called upon to do what's necessary occasionally. Whether it's buying a soldier a meal in a restaurant, or helping some homeless person eat when they haven't got two nickels to rub together.

I just hope God will speak to someone else to make sure that the homeless man I helped is fed again and can make it back to life like he knew it before the hard times fell upon him.

Times are tough in the world today, and sometimes a little compassion can go a long way. Make a difference if you can. It's not the liberal thing or the conservative thing to do... It's the American thing to do.

May God bless us all.

Dewaine Shoulders - 5/29/2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

One Mans Opinion 5/27/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Well, it's Memorial Day weekend, and summer is upon us. Besides looking forward to high gas prices and a stagnant economy, there's not a lot to celebrate out there... Unless you see this bus.

If you happen to see this bus rolling down a highway near you, follow it. Inside, a leader is preparing to make history.

Sarah Palin's One Nation Bus Tour will be hitting many American cities and towns all across the Fruited Plain in hopes to reach out to everyday Americans. Her message will be a simple one: It's time to restore America, not fundamentally change it. It's time to go back to Constitutional Law, not Case Law as is currently the case. It's time to restore, preserve and celebrate America's Greatness and Uniqueness, not blend in with the rest of the world as the current POTUS desires. And it's time to unleash the American Industrial Machine, creating jobs and bringing everyone's standard of living up. And it's time to rely on American Oil to run that machine, not foreign oil.  

This is the tour that will launch Sarah Palin's run for the White House. This is the tour that will allow Sarah Palin to show the nation that she is the real deal. This tour will establish the groundwork for what she envisions for this nation and its people. A restoration of all that's good in America. This tour will also warn the Progressives in both parties that their day in the sun is at an end, because We the People want our country back!

Yes, America is about to see a leader emerge. A leader with a simple message... One Nation, under God, with common sense leadership and prosperity for all.

That leader is Sarah Palin!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Monday, May 23, 2011

One Mans Opinion 5/23/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

History is repeating itself yet again... The leftist mythmakers are once again spreading dirt on Sarah Palin. The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast are trying to stir up their base with another fact-less piece from another liberal rag and running with it as if it were the gospel (oh, don’t get em started on religion LOL). It amazes me how low that these sites will go for reporting (or making-up) the news. Worse than the tabloids (which have better reporters and actually do some research on their stories), these Internet sites of choice for liberal loonfish are incapable of getting it right.

The HuffyPo, and the aforementioned Daily Beast, are spreading gossip concerning a story in New York Magazine. According to the article, Roger Ailes thinks Sarah Palin is stupid. Really? Roger Ailes, the man who also got Chris Matthews his start in TV, thinks Sarah Palin is stupid? What about Chris 'I get a tingle up my leg' Matthews? Anytime he speaks, dogs howl for miles around! Does Ailes think Matthews is stupid too? Hmm? I truly think it was Mr. Matthews that Mr. Ailes was referring to, but the liberals can't seem to get the facts straight. Go figure!

“He (Roger Ailes) thinks she’s (Sarah Palin) stupid,” a source told New York magazine. “He helped boost her up. People like Sarah Palin haven’t elevated the Conservative movement.” The article alleges that Ailes wants to put a Republican in the White House, but he is unimpressed with the current crop of candidates. “Roger is worried about the future of our country,” the source said. (From New York Magazine).

First of all... Who is this anonymous source their quoting? We want names, not sources! Give us facts, not fairy tales! Wait, that’s all the liberals can believe in are fairy tales. Reality doesn’t exist to them. Remember, they believed in Hope and Change. LOL

Anyway, why is it always that the left uses an anonymous source to leak a story for these trash sites to run with? Only loonfish liberals would believe anonymous sources. We conservatives need proof. When Roger Ailes goes on Fox News and says what the story supposedly says, then I'll believe the story. Until then, take that trash and shove it!

Honestly, I'm not impressed with the current slate of candidates in the GOP either. But the difference is that I'm not Roger Ailes, and I don't have anonymous sources leaking things to the New York Maggotzine either! Odds are that he never said these things and some liberal buffoon with a keyboard and a vivid imagination is stirring a steaming pot of rabid dog crap for the loonfish to devour. It wouldn't be the first time, and most certainly won't be the last time that this will happen.

Liberals are so easily led astray.

Aside for thinking about a run, Sarah Palin has yet to announce her intentions, thus isn't one of the current candidates. So, Ailes wasn't referring to Sarah Palin in the alleged statement from the 'source' in regards to the current candidates in question. There’s a fine line between exploring the possibility and actually running… But that’s all but a blur to the Libs.

Let's face it, this is yet another half-baked hit-piece from the left to make Sarah Palin look bad. You'd think by now they'd give it up already, but they can't let it go. Like so many things about the left, they cannot learn from their own mistakes. They keep making the same mistakes over and over again, hoping for a different outcome. It's the typical liberal tomfoolery.

Nuff said about that!

Also in the Sarah Palin Rumor Mill is that she may be about to (or has already) purchased a home in Scottsdale, Arizona. So what? Would it matter if she bought a home in, say, Newark? How about Chicago? Or perhaps Boise?

Of course, the speculation is that she'll be using the Scottsdale home as a base during a presidential run - if she elects to jump into the race. Again, so what?

Here's the bottom line, Sarah Palin, whether she decides to run for president or not, has made the money to buy a home wherever she wishes to buy one. She may have bought (or planning to buy) the home to be close to Bristol, who bought a home in Tucson. Who really knows for sure, and who really needs to make it their business? Once again, the dinosaur media, and the liberal internet blog jockeys are all gaga over anything Sarah Palin does.

She could write her laundry list on Facebook or Twitter and make national news. What does that say about the state of modern journalism in America today? Not too much… In my humble opinion.

As far as I'm concerned, she is free to live wherever she chooses in America, and do what she pleases as a free citizen of this country. Sarah Palin has rights too, ya know! Only the pundits, the busybodies in the media and the liberal bloggers seem to be nosing into her business. Maybe we should be sticking our noses into their business... But where is the sport in that, right?

Or, we can let Sarah Palin do what she feels she must for her and her family. If she decides to run for president, then all of the speculation surrounding her every move becomes justified. Until then, she's a regular American citizen, and for Pete’s sake, let her have some private time and space to live like the rest of us! How would the MSM like to have their every move critiqued in the HuffyPo or the rest of the MSM every single day. But, of course, that would only happen if the MSM folks in question were conservatives... How silly of me to think otherwise!

When Sarah Palin does make her decision, then she sets herself up for the constant scrutiny that she seems to be getting anyway. In that case, with what the MSM and the leftist bloggers and those wonderful folks over at the HuffyPo and the Daily Beast have been doing to her for over two years already, she'll be immune to it completely. The truth be known, I think the MSM have pretty much fired everything they have at her already. All they’ll be doing is rehashing everything they have tried and failed at before, and will get the same results yet again. By the time they get done with their assaults, Teflon Sarah will still be standing there and all the lamestreamer loonfish will be able to at that point will be to hurl spit wads at her. Gross!

Once again, the likes of the Huffy Post or the Daily Beast and the left-leaning media and bloggers have been sticking their collective noses into Sarah Palin's business. For someone they consider irrelevant, the sure seems to be showing their total fixation on Sarah Palin.

Isn't Palin Derangement Syndrome a wonderful thing?

The funny thing is, if she does run for president, they'll not be able to do anything else to her that they haven't already done, and that will make Sarah Palin the strongest candidate out there. She's been vetted more as a Governor and as a private citizen than they ever did to the Community Organizer in Chief by a factor of 10,000! And if the MSM continues to try to go after her and not the male candidates in the running on the GOP side, then they'll prove themselves totally biased and chauvinistic, thus further damaging their non-existent credentials for being unbiased. Of course, the liberal media and unbiased reporting is truly an oxymoron!

So, here's a big Thank You to all of you wonderful HuffyPo-ers and Daily Beasters out there. And a big shout-out to those leftist loonfish bloggers and LSM folks, who have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sarah Palin is the candidate to beat in 2012 by your continued attempts to destroy her. Well done, guys and gals on the left, well done. And thanks for all of your hard work! Keep it up and President Palin can personally thank you after her election.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Mans Opinion 5/18/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

I don't know if anyone noticed, but I took a month off. I was working on another book and otherwise taking in the political landscape with one eye while keeping the other on the road-of-life that's ahead of me. Also, I had to take some time off in order to maintain my sanity - with all of the pre-election predictions and the calls for this person or that person to toss their hat into the proverbial ring.

Plus, it's a crazy time in America, and there's too many loons to deal with. It makes it harder to focus on the big picture. Speaking of the Big Picture, let's see what's been happening since we last talked.

Here's a good one - Birthergate (ala Donald Trump) and the now infamous Obama Record of Live Birth/ possibly forged (possibly, probably, whatever?) Birth Certificate/ Photoshopped copy of a possible faux copy of a possible faux Live Birth Record from someone that... Oh, you get the point.

Then there's the Osama/Usama (I say Osama, you say Usama...) bin Laden ordeal - as in bin Laden getting whacked Soprano-style by SEAL Team 6 (copyright - The Walt Disney Company?).

And then, there’s the $4 plus a gallon "Let's Take America to the Cleaners" campaign run by The Anointed One and his Socialist Green Friends (Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Injustice...). Obama says he wants to drill domestically for oil, just not anyplace where there might actually be any.

Now, This Week in Politics…

Donald Trump teased us all this past month or so, whether he'd run for President. That speculation ended Monday when NBC dangled the $60 million carrot in front of him for another season of The Apprentice. He says his passion is his business, and running for president would be a cut in pay for The Donald. I can't say that I blame him for garnering the publicity, but now - back to reality already in progress.

And least we forget the lackluster statement last Saturday on his Fox TV show, Huckabee, where Smilin' Mike said he'd not be in the running for the president's job. Did I hear a collective Awwww? Wait, that was my next-door neighbor about to sneeze. Never mind.

Then there is good old Newt Gingrich, who not only said he was running, but has already given most of us in the GOP reason to ask him to step aside already. This past Sunday, he blasted fellow GOP member, Paul Ryan, for trying to do a 'Right-wing social-engineering job' on America. Newt, one piece of advice, shaddup already! You may have a chance at getting a few votes if you do, otherwise you'll be giving more credence to Ron Paul.

Speaking of Ron Paul, he's announced his intentions to take the youth vote away from the GOP and hand another victory to Obama Bin Laden... I mean, the Community Organizer in Chief.

Let's face the facts folks... The election is a year and a half away and many big and not so big names will be entering the race between now and this fall. Nevertheless, the only one that people are still talking and wondering about is Sarah Palin. Will she run? Well, will she?

Now, here’s where I part company with conventional wisdom or plain old Vulcan logic. My basic questions are: Is she being shrewd and hanging back to see whose running? Or is she doing a Donald Trump and teasing us? I tend to believe in the former and not the latter of the two. She is looking at all of the potential candidates and doing what all potential candidates normally do (or should do anyway) - look for their weaknesses and use them to her advantage. She is a politician after all… But, before I urinate anyone (my PC term for not POing anyone), she's so much more. Sarah Palin is using the common sense approach to running for president.

If someone is going to run on a platform that is close to hers, she'll not run and back them, ensuring that person will get far more exposure than what might be otherwise expected.

But, if no one out there in GOPland has the cajones to run on what this nation truly needs to do in order to save itself from bankruptcy, rebellion, anarchy, etc., then look for Sarah Palin to come into the race (probably in the mid-summer/early fall - if I were a betting man).

Now, just as I took a month off to get my head together and do some other important work, I suspect that Sarah Palin is doing that very same thing. She's not the stupid bimbo, airhead that the lamestream media and the leftist bloggers would have everyone believing. She is a thoughtful, calculating woman who knows when the time will be right for choosing (strike while the iron is hot, Old Ben Franklin said).

I just hope that when the time comes, Ms. Palin will do what's right for America and run. I think after seeing the early contenders already in the running, and those that will run (Romney, et al), Sarah Palin could win the GOP nomination hands down, and take on that corrupt, anti-American bunch of nincompoops already running the nation.

 But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

Monday, April 18, 2011

One Mans Opinion 4/18/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Who is John Galt?

Well, if you have ever read Ayn Rand's 1957 novel 'Atlas Shrugged' then you'd know. And if you have yet to see the new movie, then I suggest you do so.

I went to see the film on Sunday afternoon. There were only a few people in the theater but they, like I, were ready to see the movie.

Atlas Shrugged, starring Taylor Schilling as Dagny Taggart and Grant Bowler as Henry Rearden, was made for around $10 million dollars. Even though that's a small amount of money compared to other Hollywood mega-budget movies, Atlas Shrugged is actually visually stylish, and the cast is a perfect blend of capable actors that brings the story to life. There was no need to throw millions into special effects. It's a very interesting story of business economics and political backdoor wheeling and dealing, with a dose of philosophical debate thrown in for good measure. The pace of the movie is fast enough to keep you interested and at the same time it moves slow enough to keep you up with the changes going on.

I'll not give too much away, but Part 1 of the Trilogy (Atlas Shrugged is an 1,183 page book, thus it's being told in three parts) centers around 2016 America. The nation is having an economic crisis (sound familiar?) with the Dow around 4,000 points and gas around $37.50 a gallon.

Enter plotting and planning by politicians, union thugs and other self-centered businessmen, creating an environment in which doing normal business is next to impossible, then you throw in some interesting notions of metaphysics, sex and  the mystery of John Galt, and you have the perfect storm in which Taggart and Rearden must travel through in order to achieve the impossible.

Now, since most of the critics (all liberals mind you) have panned this movie, that means it hits the mark dead-on! The liberals and the elites will call this movie anything but good, but I can tell you that it is. Watching this movie, I could see stark contrasts to today's American business climate and political theater, and the real-world events that are currently taking place. I could imagine this movie actually taking place in the not-so-distant future. And I believe you would see it as well.

I am encouraging everyone who has yet to see it to do so. It will make you think and it will make you understand what uncontrolled big-government can and will do if left unchecked. And what we are currently seeing from our government, this movie is not that far from being truth instead of fiction.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

One Mans Opinion can be heard Monday thru Thursday nights at 9:30 p.m. / 8:30 p.m. Central on TalkShoe.

Monday, April 4, 2011

One Mans Opinion 4/4/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

I didn't post a blog last week. I don't think anyone noticed, but that's okay.

Life sometimes is about choices, and I chose to skip posting a blog last week because I was in a funk. Sometimes it's easier to sit back and wait for inspiration to hit you than to try to force that inspiration to just show up.

Between working on a new book and doing two blogs (not to mention a four night a week, half hour Internet radio show), my life has been somewhat rushed. Finding the time to do everything and working a regular job in the process has also been daunting (to say the very least), so I choose to take a week off and look for inspiration. It was a good choice to make.

Choices are sometimes difficult to make, especially when you have to consider all of the things that could happen if you make a certain choice.

Or, in the immortal words of Rush (the Band, not the Commentator):
'If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.'

So, I think I understand what Sarah Palin must be going through right now.

To run for President of the United States is a daunting choice to make. How it will affect your family is something to consider, as you will be putting your life in the spotlight for all to see. Any skeletons that happen to be in your closet will be brought out and displayed, and the pundits will pick your choices in life apart.

So, having considered what choices Sarah Palin must be making gives me hope that she will choose to run for president. Having been vetted as much as she has been already, I doubt that there is much left the lamestream media's talking heads could come up, but I'm sure they will continue to try.

Compared to Sarah Palin, the choices I have to make in my life seem small in comparison. The big question is: Will she choose to make a run for the presidency? I think we'll know before too long. Until then, I'll choose to wait patiently and continue writing.

Choices are sometimes difficult to make, but when you do make them, you must live with those choices. We're already living with a bad choice that was made by many Americans back in 2008... Let's hope sanity returns to America in 2012 and a better choice is made.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

One Mans Opinion can be heard Monday through Thursday nights at 9:30 p.m. EST / 8:30 p.m. Central on TalkShoe Internet Radio.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 3/23/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Warning: The following contains semi-graphic terminology and insults to stupid men who insult women.
Bill Mahar has once again inserted foot into gaping mouth by calling Sarah Palin a derogatory term referring to female genitalia. On his wildly unfunny HBO program, Mahar was talking about Sarah Palin and then, in his utter lack of brilliance, said, "And speaking of dumb tw*ts..."

How low will this man stoop for a laugh? Obviously, he'd stoop so low as to insult all women by using such vile names.

Oh, and now for my little insult to Bill Mahar: Just because you have an a**hole doesn’t mean you have to act like one!

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are!

Meanwhile, back at their secret hideout, NOW (National Organization for Liberal Women) finally decided to weigh-in on the growing TW*T controversy.

The National Organization for Women's communications director, Lisa Bennett, wrote on a NOW blog yesterday: “Listen, supposedly progressive men (ok, and women, too): Cut the crap! Stop degrading women with whom you disagree and/or don’t like by using female body terms or other gender-associated slurs."

She then went on to chastise the press (most notably Fox News) for bothering NOW with questions about derogatory language toward women.

“You’re trying to take up our time getting us to defend your friend, Sarah Palin. If you keep us busy defending her, we have less time to defend women’s bodies from the onslaught of reproductive rights attacks and other threats to our freedom, safety, livelihood, etc.” 

And, “Sorry, but we can’t defend Palin or even Hillary Clinton from every sexist insult hurled at them in the media. That task would be impossible, and it would consume us. You know this would not be a productive way to fight for women’s equal rights, which is why you want us stuck in this morass.”

Alrighty then! Let’s hear it for the NOW Gang! Woo hoo. They really told us, huh?

But seriously folks, I have one more insult for Bill Mahar: You, sir, are a 'richard.' That's the proper name for a di*k!

Actually, as far as I’m concerned, a di*k has a head on it, and clearly Bill Mahar does not.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

One Mans Opinion is back on Internet Radio for a half-hour of news and opinion. Tune-in Monday thru Thursday nights at 9:30 p.m. / 8:30 p.m. Central on TalkShoe.