Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One Mans Opinion - 9/11/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Today is probably the last time I will speak with you.

As with all good things, they must come to an end. I started this little blog on June 27th, 2010. Anyone that has read these blogs already knows how I feel about thing. But today, I feel empty inside, as I know that my words cannot make a difference. So, let me speak to you one last time about a subject that will forever be in my heart. A subject that changed how I look at the world, and those in it---


Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, was the day that America began the moral and fiscal decline we now see today. It was also the day that America ceased to be immune to the world's problems. 9/11 is the date in which the world began to truly go to hell.

Eleven years have passed since the events of 9/11. In that span of time, all of our lives had changed. None of us were immune to the terrible attack on our soil by those Terrorist of Islam. Ever since that fateful day, we all have had to deal with the New Reality in America: namely the Office of Homeland Security, and the TSA.

Meanwhile, Islamic Extremist continue to murder innocent people all around the world. For the sake of safety here at home, we have had to change the way we conduct our daily lives because another attack could happen at any time. Sadly, here at home, there are people who are willing to trade their rights and liberties in order to feel safe and secure! They will have neither.

As Americans, we all should be fighting against those people that would take our rights and liberties away, but most do not see their rights and liberties being lessened. They are blinded by cults of personality, and their words. They also see the opportunity to protest against traditional American values, wanting something called Progress instead. Unfortunately, the progress they seek is anything but. Progress is a code word for enslavement, brought upon us by the elites that will own this country.

People may think I'm speaking nonsense, but I believe that the time is truly coming upon us when we will lose America to those that wish to change it into something it was never supposed to be. The people wishing a form of Socialism to be enacted here are products of the education system run by Socialists and Communists. Among those people affiliated with the communists and socialists are college professors, and supposed deep thinkers in the progressive wings of both parties. Those people have never run a business, nor worked a hard day in their lives. Those are the ones that are teaching our children. Soon, those children will become adults, willing to cast freedom away for slavery; trading the Constitutional Republic for the socialist brand of democracy. In the end, they will have nothing but tyranny!

America is a shining beacon of hope in the world, yet there are those that wish to turn off the lights, keeping us all in darkness. People come to America to better themselves, but since 9/11, I have my doubts when it comes to Muslims.

This is not a racist statement, it is a reality!

We are bombarded daily with postings on Facebook, and other social media, about all of the terrible things these Islamic Jihadist do to non-believers. Yet, we continue to allow the Muslims a larger foothold in our country. We see Muslims in Europe protesting, wanting Sharia Law. Soon, we will see those protests here in America. They want Sharia Law, that Islamic doctrine of submission to Allah, imposed here in America. They will want all women to be attired in Burqua's, and to be treated as cattle. Our children will be abused in the name of their lesser god, because Mohammad believed in child sex, as he took a 9 year-old as a wife. The Koran speaks of it, and it is still practiced today in the Middle East! How soon will the pedophiles want their rights to molest children, because their supposed god allows it? Because Sharia Law allows it!

The so-called Religion of Peace is neither a religion or peaceful! It is a doctrine of rules meant to subjugate everyone to live under a tyrannical dictatorship, controlled by Mullahs and religious zealots who wish total domination over every aspect of peoples lives!

It is slavery!

Moreover, they will eventually get what they want from our so-called leaders, because they are all spineless jellyfish! All the politicians want are votes and power! Eventually, the Islamic doctrine will be weaseled into all of our lives, and we will all become slaves because of it.

This is what I see for America... Unless we fight it right now!

I'm not calling for violence, but I am calling on each and every one of us to exercise our God given right to VOTE! Do not vote for those politicians who pander to special interests. Do not allow these politicians to continue to usurp the Constitution, and do not allow any other law but America's Law, The Constitution of The United States of America ,to be the law of the land!

Finally, since this is probably my last blog, I have one last thing to add... 

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Friday, September 7, 2012

One Mans Opinion 9/7/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Well, it's official. The 2012 Presidential campaign in in the final stretch. There are just 60 days left until election day. Both candidates now have had their respective conventions, made their acceptance speeches, and laid out their visions for America.

The contrasts between the two candidates are like night and day.

President Obama, in his acceptance speech last night said these words: "On every issue, the choice you face won't be just between two candidates or two parties. It will be a choice between two different paths for America. A choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future,"

He finally has spoken words that make good sense! Those different visions are what we truly face. Of course, Jimmy Carter spoke similar words back in 1980 before Ronald Reagan won the election. But let's not focus on the past, but the future. Here's what I see of their respective visions for America.

The Obama vision - Bigger government, more taxes, especially on small businesses, and the middle class (Who do you think own most small businesses?), and more rules and regulations that will further destroy the economy. Then there are higher fuel and energy prices, because this current president wants us to pay more so we can be more like Europe (Some places in Europe pay well over $5 a gallon for gas - And I have heard a couple of places are paying upwards of $9 a gallon).

Obama wants to shut down the oil and coal industries, replacing them with wind and solar power. But honestly, to shut down coal-powered utilities,  and not allowing any new domestic oil drilling (two things that can help to fuel our economy) will destroy our economy! Regardless of what the left says, oil drilling in this country is not at an all time high! Obama does not want drilling in the gulf, offshore, and on shore. Permits are not being handed out, and the only domestic drilling in the US is on privately-owned land, not government-owned. Obama has already said he would bankrupt coal generated power plants. His vision of America is a dark one apparently, especially when solar and wind cannot power the American dream.

Also, there's that pesky little thing called the National Debt, which has surpassed $16 TRILLION dollars this week. With all of that additional government spending Obama wants, he will add trillions more to that debt, reducing our economy to that of Sudan!

And don't get me started on Obamacare. That will further reduce health care in the US, making it harder for anyone (but the rich and the elite) to get it. Our seniors will suffer, and those who now have insurance will see their premiums rise to the point we all will have to go on the government plan, further costing the economy precious dollars. This will also implement further tax hikes to the point that we all work for the government, and not ourselves. Imagine sending everything you earn to Uncle Sam, and in return, you get food stamps and Section 8 housing. No thanks!

The Romney vision - Cutting spending, reducing the debt, lowering taxes on everyone, and growing the economy the old-fashioned way--- By creating JOBS! For instance, jobs in the oil industry, making our nation more energy independent from foreign oil. Romney also wants to create a climate where anyone who wishes to work can find a job. He says his plan will create 12 million new jobs in every sector of the economy.

That's Hope and Change I can believe in!

Under President Obama, government has create a net 300,000 jobs in nearly 4 years (although they claim over 4 million). The Bureau of Labor Statistics confirm these numbers. Look it up! Most of the jobs that they claim to have created were census jobs (temporary jobs), fast food, part time, and government jobs (most notably in the IRS). Those jobs will not afford anyone a chance at a decent living, except for those IRS jobs. As of today, supposedly 96,000 were created last month. The unemployment rate dropped to 8.1%, due to over 400,000 people losing unemployment insurance, and dropping out of the job market. These are staggering numbers.

This economy is on life support, and unless we stop spending like drunken sailors on a three-day shore leave (all apologies to drunken sailors everywhere), we are doomed to become so over our heads in debt that we'll never get out of the hole this administration has dug us into!

Now, here's an interesting aside: The GOP convention was filled with hope for America's future, whereas the DNC convention was filled with scare tactics and hate. They took God out of their platform, only to have to put it back in. From the sounds of the delegates, most did not want God back in the DNC platform. It took three votes (They denied God 3 times--- a coincidence? Did anyone hear a cock crowing thereafter?) in order to put God back in it, and I believe the vote was rigged. That tells me that the DNC love vote rigging! Then there are the Muslims in the DNC who didn't want Jerusalem noted as Israel's capital. Imagine that! Also, one woman, a delegate no less, made a threat on Mitt Romney's life. She said straight up that she wanted to kill him!

Does that sound like the Hope and Change you want?

Yes, come November, we face two choices: Either we continue on the current path, leading us into full-blown socialism--- or worse--- or the other path that will restore liberty and justice for all, and create jobs for those that need them badly.

It's your decision. Make it one that you will be proud to tell your grandchildren about. As for myself, I will choose freedom over big government any day!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Friday, August 31, 2012

One Mans Opinion 8/31/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

The 2012 GOP Convention is history (and a great one it was), and the DNC Convention is coming up next week. But, I'll not be talking about them. I'll leave that to the commentators and pundits out there. Instead, I'll be discussing the new words that are now being deemed racist, or otherwise unsavory by the left. And forgive me if I leave some out. I don't wish to write a six page article here.

MSNBC (Mainly Snooty Nonsensical Bitchy Communists), is the home of that great journalist (ahem), Chris Matthews, who deemed Golf and Chicago as code words for racism the other day. Really? So someone going to Chicago to play golf is a racist now? Imagine that! I dare say that Mr. Matthews is every bit the racists that he pretends NOT to be. But that's just me. I know he meant that those words, used against his man-love, Obama, are racists, but I bet the tingle he feels down his leg is just a deep like for BHO. Yeah, that's it!

But now, fresh on the heels of the GOP convention, the State Department (Hillary Clinton's Special Education Crew) has come out with more words and phrases that are deemed unsavory in today's PC world. Remember. these are the same people that changed "war on terror" to "overseas contingency operation." How politically correct! What if we called it Killing the Bad Guys? Nope, too politically incorrect. Killing is such a bad word. How about aborting the bad guys? Would that be a better term to use? The left simply love abortions, so I would assume that one would pass muster with them... Maybe?

According to the State Department, "Hold Down the Fort" is un-PC. I'll let you laugh at that for a moment before I continue. Done? Okay, as I was saying, according to the State Department, "Hold Down the Fort" could be potentially insulting to American Indians, er, Native Americans. Being part Cherokee myself, I find it appalling that someone would take an arcane term (that means something totally different today than it did back in the old west days) and make it (potentially) hate speech. Only some communistic A-hole would even think in those terms.

Then, of course, there's "Going Dutch." According to the State Department, it is deemed stereotypical now. It makes the Dutch look cheap. Hey, I have some Dutch blood in me too, and I am cheap. I see no problem there, but I'm not Mr. Sensitivity like those wonderful folks on the left, otherwise known as Communist PC Police.

"Rule of Thumb" is now on the list because of some arcane law from the past that states "the width of a husband's thumb was the legal size of a switch or rod allowed to beat his wife." Honestly guys, how many of you even knew that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Other arcane laws exist in every State Constitution out there. For instance, we have a law here in Kentucky that states a woman has to walk several feet in front of a wagon, holding a lantern, at night. I don't think 99% of the people in Kentucky even know that law exists. Sure, it was from an era that women could not vote, and were deemed property to most men, but those days are long gone, and thank God for it.

I had always heard the "Rule of Thumb" was an electricians term. Something about the flow of electricity through a wire, depended on where you placed your thumb, or some nonsense like that (an electrician I'm not). Does this mean that all electricians are racists or gender-phobic now?

Then there's the word handicap. Most everyone knows that disabled people were, and in some cases, still referred to by this word. But handicap is something odds-makers in Vegas, and horse racing tracks all over the country do in setting the odds for the races. So now, according to the State Department, and those enlightened folks on the left, all of those odds makers are racists, or at the very least insensitive to the needs of the disabled?

Isn't it wonderful how our language is being used to attack us? The PC Police are hard at work to make sure we speak in terms that they alone deem fit; all other speech is divisive and hurtful. Before long, our free speech rights will be gone, thanks to the PC Police, and those communist bastards (oops, that would mean someone born out of wedlock - a no no in today's welfare world) who have been butchering (I know, a very hateful word) the language to suit their political agenda.

I'm 50% Dutch, 50% Cherokee, 50% Irish and 100% American (you'll have to dig back a long way to remember where that line came from), and to think I have been saying things that might hurt some communist/PC freak. What else will they deem unfit to say next? We can't even begin to scratch the surface of what the PC crowd will deem racist/homophobic/etc. next.

Does anyone remember the Seven Deadly Words George Carlin used that could not be said on TV? I sure do, and would type them now, but it might offend someone, so I won't. Now, there are more words being added to that original 7, and in many cases, those 7 Deadly Words are more acceptable to the left than anything else. Even old Joe Biden said "This is a big f**king deal!" in regards to Obamacare... Oops, Obamacare is considered hate speech too.

Of course, it's okay for Obama said  that he preferred to call Romneycare as "Romney Don't Care." And, of course, his toadies on the left loved that.

Words are all we have to communicate with, and our lexicon is being dwindled daily by the left. Pretty soon, all we'll have are grunts, and I bet certain grunts will be deemed hate grunts from the left too.

So, we had better choose our words wisely, otherwise the PC police, and those who love them, will be knocking on our door, duct tape in hand, to seal our mouths from uttering anything ever again! Before that happens, let's take America back from the loonfish on the left, and tape their mouths shut.

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012, and piss-off (uh urinate) a liberal! That sounds like fun to me. 

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One Mans Opinion 8/14/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders


When you read those words, does it make you cringe, or celebrate? I guess it all depends on if you're a liberal or a conservative.

When Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan, a TEA Party favorite, as his running mate for the November presidential election, I said "Thank God!"  We now have two people running in this campaign that can count (I'm talking better than basic math), and have an idea how to run a business, and a country (and not into the ground as the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has done).

Now, the Democratic Machine has a new target to smear. Already, folks like Debbie Wasserman Schultz have been out there spouting really bad things about Paul Ryan. For example, he's an out of touch, right wing extremist, who will push little old ladies in wheelchairs over the edge of a cliff, and anything else their little minds can come up with. Really?

The left bemoans the Paul Ryan Budget. Now, the left says it would gut Medicare. In all actuality, it keeps Medicare alive longer than what's currently projected (since BHO gutted $716 BILLION dollars out of it to get Obamacare). What the left-leaning Mainstream media isn't saying is that if nothing is done to fix Medicare, it will go belly-up in 12 years! FLOP!

Here's some facts to ponder:

If you are 65-years-old, or older, and currently receiving Medicare benefits, Paul Ryan’s proposed budget would not affect you. So no pushing grandma over the cliff like the democrats want you to believe. All of you seniors out there can take a deep breath, knowing you're gonna be okay!

Ryan's  proposal will gradually increase Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 67 years of age. And that won’t start until 2023, 11 years from now. People like myself (I'm 52) would be a part of that crowd, and that's okay with me, considering I'd probably see nothing otherwise if Medicare isn't fixed.

For of us folks that will be turning 65 after 2023--- The low-income folks would receive higher payments from the federal government to help them purchase private insurance.  Those in the higher-income bracket would receive lower payments.

Also, people who are ill (or at least sicker than others) would receive higher payments while those healthier folks would receive lower payments.

So, that isn't Draconian by any means. The real problem is that if Medicare isn't fixed soon, it is projected to go bankrupt in 2024 (especially under Obama's plan... If he actually has a plan, other than spending us all into oblivion). SPLAT!

So why isn't the mainstream media going after Obama for his lack of a plan to save Medicare? Hmm? The mainstream media, and the Progressive Communist Caucus (a.k.a. the DNC) can't, or won't go after BHO because that just wouldn't be proper. I mean really... Going after a sitting president (Like they did with GWB... But that was different; he was a Republican!). It seems to me that the liberal/ progressives in the media, and in Washington, want to make Ryan a pariah; the head of an evil organization (the RNC) that's dead set in destroying America. Instead, I think the vast majority of intelligent, thinking Americans will see that Ryan is probably one of a handful of people who can make sense of the complex budgetary problems... And might be just the guy to fix it. BOFFO!

Unlike Harry Reid, the so-called leader of the senate, who has not passed a budget in over 1,200 days. Reid, like Obama, isn't someone that I would consider serious about the budget. If anyone is guilty of trying to destroy America, I'd say that those on the left are not only doing it, but succeeding thus far. So, we need a hero, or heroes, to step-in and stop those dastardly despots trying to destroy America from within! And the Dynamic Duo of Romney and Ryan are coming! KERPOW!

Okay, I watched too much Batman as a kid.

At least Paul Ryan is trying to bring some budgetary sanity back to Washington, and that is going to be one major job with all of the free-spenders there!

Back to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan--- These two are powerful together, and this probably scares the H E double hockey sticks out of those whiny, spineless jellyfish in DC (on both sides of the aisle). Together, the Dynamic Duo of Romney and Ryan are probably more adept to repair the mess that BHO and company have gotten us into for the past 3 and a half years. We already know BHO, and the liberal plan is to spend, spend, spend, tax, tax, and tax some more!

Those folks cheering on BHO will use lies and fuzzy math to promote their guy. They honestly think we'll be skeered of Romney and Ryan. What scares me is four more years of Obama, and his attempt to turn America into Europe Jr.

They will lie to us (both the DNC crowd and the mainstream media) to keep their guy in office to finish the job of transforming America into something the Founding Fathers tried to keep us from becoming... Just another tyrannical country, run by elitists dictators in fancy suits and no love for freedom.
As for the debates, the lies and half-truths that BHO and Biden will tell--- twisted up and made to sound reasonable--- will come back to haunt them in November. And we all know that only the most liberal moderators will be chosen to head the debates, because that's just what the mainstream media does. And they don't seem ashamed for their lack of being fair and balanced. 

Personally, I can't wait until the vice-presidential debate, because I want to see Paul Ryan school Joe "the gaffer" Biden on all things budgetary, and socially. Biden will look as inept as he always looks, and Ryan will look... Well, Vice Presidential! And Romney will show Obama what being presidential is all about. As for Obama, well I don't think his teleprompter can save him in the three debates set to happen between now and the election.

In closing, at least Romney and Ryan have a plan to save America! All the left can do is wish for its downfall. We've seen what Hope and Change has done to America. 8.3% unemployment for 42 months; with nearly half of all Americans now drawing a check from the government, and the promise of increased taxes on small businesses and those making over $250,000. Let's just Hope that the ticket of Romney and Ryan can win... And Change what had been done to cripple America! BAM!

Will the Dynamic Duo save the day? Or will the evil-doers already in office finish America off. Stay tuned... Same bat-time, same bat-channel!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Friday, August 3, 2012

One Mans Opinion 8/3/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Of Chickens and Men

This has been a week full of distractions. From Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, to Harry Reid doubling-down on his assertion that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years.

Now, according to Mr. Reid (I'd call him Senator Reid, but that would be an insult to senators everywhere), someone from Bain Capitol called him up and stated that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes for ten years. The caller gave no proof, and didn't even mention his own name. So, Mr. Reid basically called out Mitt Romney to prove that he has paid his taxes based upon the anonymous call. 

Is Harry Reid calling Mitt Romney a tax cheat? Well, if that's the case, then there should be no problem with Romney as a president. According to the leftie loonfish, Timothy Geithner is a great Secretary of the Treasury. The sad fact is that he is also a tax cheat. Based on the lefts own criteria, that would make Mitt Romney an excellent president. Liberal Logic 101.

So now, Mitt Romney has to prove he has paid his taxes. He's supposed to release the last ten years worth of tax filings in order to prove this. Well, based upon the criteria, then Obama should hand over is school records, his birth certificate, and anything else to prove he's an actual citizen of this country. I mean, fair is fair, right? Or is it only fair when the left has to prove nothing and the right has to prove everything? I get confused there.

If Romney cheated on his taxes for 10 years, or not paid them at all, then wouldn't the IRS have gone after him? I mean, the IRS goes after everyone... With exception of leftist loonfish tax cheats like Geithner, and political donors to the DNC.

So, this is yet another distraction from the loonfish lefties trying to throw everyone off the scent that this economy is in a nuclear meltdown because of people like Reid, Obama, Pelosi, and the rest of God's Special Education Crew ruining--- I mean running the country right now.

Now, I have seen postings on Facebook that Harry Reid is a pedophile. Of course I don't believe that to be true, but now the burden of proof (according to Harry Reid's own standards) is to prove his innocence. I mean, come on, right is right, Mr. Reid. How can we know it not to be the truth unless you prove it to be false. I have also heard that he abuses puppies and kittens too. Prove that wrong, Harry. Prove that wrong.

And then there's the whole Chick-fil-A debacle.

Dan Cathy, the 91 year old CEO and founder of Chick-fil-A is pro-traditional marriage (the Biblical definition is between one man and one woman), and someone who donates money to pro-traditional marriage groups. Because of that, the militant leftie loonfish says that he is a hate monger... That he's spouting hate speech. Why? Because he spoke his mind in an interview? I don't believe he ever said anything that was demeaning or hateful against homosexuals during the interview; nor did he go out of his way to suggest that his company discriminates against gay people.

Essentially just having a pro-straight agenda makes him a racist, a homophobe, and someone not worthy to have an opinion... At least according to those wonderfully tolerant folks on the left, who wanted to boycott Chick-fil-A. Or those nice mayors that suggested that the restaurants were not welcomed in their towns; or that they didn't have the same values as the people of those cities.

Maybe that's why Chick-fil-A ran out of food in many locations this past Wednesday. Maybe that's why there were long lines and traffic jams around every Chick-fil-A in the country. The overwhelming show of support that people gave Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that We The People don't give a rats patootie about the leftist militant hate mongers that wished death upon those of us that ate at Chick-fil-A. Even Roseanne Barr, that bastion of all things upstanding, (GAG ME!) tweeted that she hoped people that ate at "Sh*t-fil-A (her words) got cancer and died."

Don't you just love the tolerance the left has? They are tolerant so long as we agree with them, otherwise they want us to STFU!

But again, these are distractions to the real story... That being the economy.

The Obama camp has to distract people from the truth. The truth that they've screwed this economy up so badly that it will take years to dig ourselves out of the gigantic hole they have dug us into. Here, look at this shiny object while we do something else to screw the economy up, and blame Bush because of it.

George Bush was a far better president, and human being, than the current Community Organizer in Chief could ever hope to be. But that's yet another distraction, isn't it?

So let's look back to the last Democrat that occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. --- William Jefferson Clinton.

The Clinton presidency was won on the motto of It's The Economy, Stupid!

Perhaps the Romney campaign should borrow a page out of history and point out that It's the economy, Obama! Maybe if the real reason for the  distractions were pointed out, then maybe more people would get excited and get behind Romney. While I'm not a fan of Romney, he'd be 100% better as president because he knows how to run a business. All BHO has ever run is his mouth; and only with the restraint of his trusty teleprompter... Otherwise his mouth gets him in trouble.

According to the polls, Romney and Obama are in a statistical dead heat, and in a couple of the polls, it shows that Romney is lagging behind. Of course, the polls are never right. Does anyone remember that Reagan was well behind in the polls leading up to a landslide defeat for Smilin' Jimmy Carter? Reagan was behind in the polls, lambasted by the left, and the mainstream media way back then. Reagan somehow managed to soundly defeat the worst president in modern history back in 1980. Well, now Carter is the 2nd worst president in modern history. Obama now has the distinction of being #1, and still he is leading in the polls. How could that be? Unless, of course, the polling data is skewed in such a way that more liberals are polled than conservatives. It could happen!  But again, polling data is never accurate, otherwise Carter would have won back in '80, and the Reagan revolution would have never taken place.

So, will that mean a sure-fire victory for Romney in November?

I certainly hope so, because if history repeats itself, and it often does, We The People will be celebrating a Romney victory in November, and the leftist will have to regroup yet again... Hoping that next time they can get it right, and destroy everything good and decent about America. And if we ever let our guard down again, they will succeed!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

One Mans Opinion - 7/26/2012    
By Dewaine Shoulders

When I think about Political Correctness, I think about Chick-fil-A. Doesn’t everyone?

Let me be clear right off the bat here--- I am not anti-gay. I have friends and family members that are openly gay, and it doesn’t matter to me. It’s their life to live, and let them live it how they choose. I do the same, and it all seems to work out pretty well that way.

On the other hand, the militant gay activists, and others that pander to them, are giving the gay community a big black eye when they act as if they are the only ones that should have a voice or opinion about all matters of marriage.

Let me explain…

Recently, Dan Cathy--- the president of the Atlanta-based restaurant chain Chick-fil-A--- made a statement that he supported the traditional definition of marriage, and warned that redefining marriage might bring God’s judgment on the nation.

Now, in a blatant attack on Dan Cathy’s 1st Amendment rights, officials in at least three cities have vowed to block efforts to open new Chick-fil-A restaurants.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel said in a statement to the Chicago Tribune, “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values. They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents.” He went on to say, “If you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want you in the First Ward.”

Now, let’s face the fact that there are those on the left that suffer from the notion that they are the only people entitled to have an opinion, and that any opposing opinions should be stifled.

As far as I know, Chick-fil-A is a privately-owned company, owned by the Cathy family. It is NOT a publically traded company. This was Mr. Cathy’s personal view on marriage, not the entirety of the company view. As far as I know, the company does not discriminate when hiring based upon ones sexual predisposition. Dan Cathy, is entitled to his opinion under the 1st Amendment, just like those on the opposite side of the argument are entitled to theirs. Cathy told Baptist Press that the company was unapologetically in favor of traditional marriage. He said, “Guilty as charged. We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”

In another interview, Cathy suggested that the nation could face God’s wrath over the redefinition of marriage. “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’” He went on to say, “I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is all about.”

Alderman Moreno of Chicago has called Cathy’s comments “bigoted” and “homophobic.” “Because of this man’s ignorance, I will now be denying Chick-fil-A’s permit to open a restaurant in the First Ward,” he announced.

Isn’t that supposed to be against the law? Doesn’t the alderman understand the law?

Boston Mayor Tom Menino announced that the Atlanta-based company would not be welcomed in his city. “You can’t have a business in the City of Boston that discriminates against a population.” Adding, “We’re an open city. We’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion.” Talk about being Banned in Boston!

Chick-fil-A was pondering opening a new restaurant along Boston’s Freedom Trail. Mayor Menino said that he would block it from happening. So, The Freedom Trail isn’t that free?

A couple of newspapers have condemned the decision. The Los Angeles Times said, “Public officials have a responsibility to carry out their ministerial tasks fairly and evenhandedly – and to uphold the principle of free speech – whether or not they like a business executive’s social or political stances.” Even The Boston Globe pondered about “which part of the First Amendment Menino does not understand? A business owner’s political or religious beliefs should not be a test for the worthiness of his or her application for a business license.”


On the other side of this comes news that thousands of Christians are mobilizing efforts to support Chick-fil-A. Fox News Channel host and former Ark. Governor Mike Huckabee is leading this charge. Mr. Huckabee has declared August 1st as Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. “Let’s affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick-fil-A on Wednesday, August 1.”

Huckabee continued by saying, “The militant homosexual advocates have launched an all out assault on Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A. The attempts to hurt or destroy Chick-fil-A are nothing short of economic bullying.”

Again, I have to agree that the bully’s are trying to point an accusatory finger at others, claiming they are the bullies. The militant homosexual activists, along with leftist leaders, are trying to bully Dan Cathy, or anyone else for that matter, in expressing their opinions. This is a typical tactic used throughout communist/fascist regimes in order to silence the opposition. And this makes me think that the activists, and those that are allied with them, are communist/fascists, or at the very least sympathize with those beliefs.  

And now, fresh off of their whirlwind condemnation of everything moral and ethical, a group of so-called celebrities have begun their attacks on Chick-fil-A.

The host of “The Daily Show”--- Jon Stewart--- attacked Chick-fil-A. “Open your eyes owner of Chick-fil-A.” And “You’re being such an *sshole, not even Boston will tolerate you.” Stewart’s rant also including a vulgar parody of the popular Chick-fil-A cow – holding a sign that read “Eat More C**.”

Then there’s Rosanne Barr, the bastion of all things weird in Hollyweird. She said on her Twitter account, “Anyone who eats S**t fil A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4 Christ.”  Obviously unafraid for people to get cancer, Ms. Barr prefers that anyone opposed to her way of thinking simply dies and STFU.

GLEE star Grant Gustin wrote on Twitter that he was “done with Chick-fil-A.” And, “Your food is not good enough to take from a bunch of a**holes.”

Other pseudo-celebrities wanting to ban Chick-fil-A are Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Deepak Chopra, and the ever popular Kardashian sisters.  Really, who are these people? They think they speak for everyone? Not me, and not for most everyone I know. They speak for the lunatic fringe that is leftist Hollywood. But that’s okay, as they do have the right to say what they want under the First Amendment.

And so do I!

If they want to boycott Chick-fli-A, then, in turn, we should boycott their shows, movies, and music. Let’s show them that they do not speak for us, and that their opinions are just as unwanted as they say Dan Cathy’s comments were to them.

This is about freedom of speech and freedom of choice. They seem to think that they are the only ones free to speak out while the rest of us just have to sit back and STFU!  

Well, I’m not sitting on my thumbs; I’m not going to sit down and shut up. I’m going to be as vocal as I can. While I do not believe in Gay Marriage, I do believe that Gay-Americans deserve the same rights as everyone else. Accept Civil Unions, and if you wish to call it a marriage behind closed doors, then fine. But to redefine what has been traditional in America to fit your militant views only prove how intolerant you are of other points of view.

What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business, and that’s how it should be. Judge not, least ye be judged! I do not judge anyone for their sexual choices, nor do I wish to be judged about mine. What you call a marriage behind closed doors is up to you, but do not force the rest of us to accept what many cannot accept. This is still a Christian Nation, and the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. And there are those that truly believe that.

I’m not a religious person, but I accept that there are those that have those beliefs, and I respect them. If you cannot, then go live your lives as you wish, and stop trying to shove your beliefs down other people’s throats. Live and let live, and maybe somewhere down the road, we can all get along and prosper. Otherwise, we waste valuable time and effort on something that does not matter in the grand scheme of things.

I also believe that the gay community is hurting itself by continuing to beat the drum of intolerance, when it is as equally intolerant about opposing views. Live your lives, pay your taxes, and let’s move on!

Threatening to boycott businesses because of their views shows how intolerant we all are. If you choose to not eat somewhere, then make the choice and move on. I, for one, intend to eat more chicken, and Chick-fil-A sounds awfully good right about now!

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One Mans Opinion 7/24/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

I was in the hospital when the shooting in Aurora, Colorado took place. While my recent illness took precedent, I kept a close watch on what was called by some The Movie Massacre.

When we look at Hollywood, we see many things. We see very talented men and women creating wonderful movies and TV shows for our entertainment, or we see mediocre talents making a living, passing themselves off as big-named celebrities. We see writers, producers, and directors either putting out Oscar-worthy films, or movie-of-the-week crapola that ends up in the 50 cent bin at Atrocious Movies R Us.

Which leads me to the third installment of the updated Batman franchise called The Dark Knight Rises. While I have yet to see the movie, already it’s created a buzz because of the mass murder in Aurora, Colorado. This Joker wannabee, James Holmes, went into a movie theater to kill as many people as he could, probably wanting to commit suicide by police, making himself infamous along the way.

Instead, the dyed orange-haired nimrod was captured, thankfully, and now may be facing the death penalty for the 12 deaths, not to mention the 59 others he injured. If anything, this moron should be lined up--- dressed as the Joker--- and shot to death by those who lost loved ones during his killing spree.

Although I do not blame Hollywood for this outrageous crime against humanity, you have to admit that Hollywood glorifies violence to the Nth degree, all the while saying that they are being artistic. Yeah, kind of like Madonna flashing her breast, assault weapons, and swastikas during her concerts is artistic expression too. What the artist is saying is that it’s okay for them to do these things, to promote these violent images because they are liberal, and liberals can do no wrong. They have the First Amendment to back them up.

But if you are a conservative, and you put a target on someone’s district map, then suddenly you’re worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Satan all rolled into one. The First Amendment does not apply to conservatives, according to many on the left, thus we need to be silenced! The hypocrisy amazes me.

But there again, the liberal logic that guns are dangerous and need to be abolished is idiotic too. A gun is an inanimate object. Guns cannot kill people because guns cannot operate independently of a human (of great or simian intelligence), thus guns are not killers. People using guns to commit crimes are the real villains, whether in the movies or real life.

James Holmes is a killer. He obtained guns legally; he set booby traps in his apartment, meant to create more deaths. He went to the movies with one purpose in mind, and that was to kill as many people as he could, and become famous. He truly wanted to be like the Joker, which makes him a moron. But, is he insane? No, he may be criminally insane, but not mentally insane, thus I hope the bastard fries and burns for eternity in Hell!

As for the victims, and the family and friends of those lost due to this red-headed freakazoid with a penchant for acting like a movie villain, I pray for them. And I pray for Hollywood too. Maybe someone will have the courage to finally make movies that do not glorify violence, but makes you think for a change.

Until then, I can see myself avoiding most of what Hollywood puts out, just because it’s just plain liberalism, wrapped in a shiny package, with a big red bow on top.

Put a bow on James Holmes dyed red hair and call him Pippy 'The Joker' Longstockings. Place him in the general population with the killers and rapists, and let them deal with Mr. Jokerette. That would save the taxpayers millions of dollars in housing and hospital bills, while Mr. Holmes is on death row for the next 60 years.

Last item: For the media - I know that the news is ratings driven, and they want to rush to judgement. Some said that James Holmes was a Tea Party member, a Rush Limbaugh listener, and that made him dangerous. But when the truth came out that he was a part of the 99%, OWS crowd, and a liberal, the left-leaning media didn't care for that, and quickly changed the subject.

So, to the left-leaning media: How about practicing real journalism and keeping your personal opinions out of the news? Is that too much to ask? You changed the subject when it came out that James Holmes was one of your peeps. You made the story about gun control, and its need. Yet your mouths are just as bad as any gun is... They are locked and loaded, and misfiring daily!

The left wants gun control, yet it's the loonfish on the left that keep killing people. Instead of Gun Control, how about some Liberal Loonfish Control?

It’s time to License Liberals!

Turn the tables on the libs, and call for Liberal Control, not gun control. We need the guns to protect ourselves from the liberal loonfish that are out there, breeding, polluting the air with their so-called views, and wasting valuable space on Planet Earth.

The old saying was: When guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns. Well, the new saying should be: If Liberals are outlawed, then we shall have peace!

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

Friday, June 29, 2012

One Mans Opinion - 6/29/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Hello again. Sorry I haven't written anything for awhile, but that's because I really didn't have much to say about things... That is until yesterday.

Yesterday, the last fires of liberty were drowned out with water thrown on those glowing embers, all thanks to the 5-4 decision by the SCOTUS.

The New Reality of The Affordable Healthcare Act, a.k.a. as Obamacare, is that Congress now has the ability to tax all of us on anything at anytime they deem fit. Not only will we all be forced into government-run healthcare, but we'll be paying through the nose for it with a host of new taxes.

Already, commentators and pundits are arguing the pros and cons of Obamacare being upheld by the SCOTUS, but few have speculated the far-reaching effects of this bad law will impose upon all of us.

For instance, you walk into a grocery store, where government-approved cheese is on sale. You choose Velveeta instead. The congress can deem Velveeta as bad food, tax you for it, and tax you again for not buying the Government Cheese in the first place. Sounds crazy, I know, but that is exactly what can happen now!

Or, say you want to buy an SUV? Well, thanks to the new powers granted to congress by the SCOTUS, your vehicle choice will be taxed, and because you didn't choose the Chevy Volt, or the Toyota Prius, you are going to have to pay those taxes anyway.

This, in other words, is true taxation without representation!

Chief Justice Roberts, having the swing vote, created the environment that the progressives in both parties can now impose taxes at will, and at the same time remove the last shreds of individual freedoms we have. The court gave power to congress to enslave us all, via unlimited taxation.

All of this is enough to make me ill, thinking that the SCOTUS essentially rewrote the law, ignoring the Constitution completely, to make Obamacare a regressive tax, giving unconstitutional powers to the Executive and Legislative branches of government.

Thus, Chief Justice Roberts, and those that voted for this (excuse the pun) Obamanation, removed the final roadblocks to set up a dictatorship, with the Congress and the President given nearly unlimited powers to tax you at every turn.

Those 30 or so percent of Americans who are for Obamacare think that they won the day yesterday, but wait until they see the taxes they will be paying on everything. Maybe they will finally begin to see that the AHA (Affordable Healthcare Act) is not so affordable. Those folks with no healthcare probably think they will get it all for free. Nope, not likely, as they will be paying higher taxes on everything as well. This is a tax that will cripple the middle class and the poor.

And, let's not forget about those small businesses that will either have to drop insurance for their employees, forcing them into government-run healthcare, or have to let those employees go in order to survive. Unemployment will surly rise, thus more people on government assistance, thus the need for--- Dare I say it--- More Taxes!

Private insurance policies will be affordable only to the uber rich and the elites in Washington DC, and the rest of us will have to rely on Obamacare. The elderly will suffer, and the poor will find fewer healthcare choices available to them. Long lines and lack of doctors will become commonplace. America's healthcare system will mirror that of Great Britain, which sucks!

Finally, let's look at what was struck down yesterday... The Constitution of The United States--- The law that has governed this nation for so long is now just a piece of paper in a museum. It was the duty of the Supreme Court to uphold the rule of law, and they chose to ignore the law. This was not just an attack on the Constitution, but also an attack on America's free market, America's liberty, and the American people!

The sad thing is that those taxes will not kick-in until after the 2012 elections, probably 2014, then all taxation hell will break lose! Then people will finally see the result of their beloved Obamacare. The taxation of everything under the sun, and probably sunlight too, to keep those dictators in DC fat and happy, while we all tighten our belts until it cannot be tightened anymore. I wonder if there will be a Tightening Your Belt tax too.

Honestly, I'm not a Mitt Romney fan, but my vote is with him come November. If he wins, and God please let him win, I truly hope he repeals this bad piece of legislation, replacing it with some commonsense law that protects America's liberty. Otherwise, we truly have become a socialist nation, and freedom died yesterday with a whimper.

If that's the case, we have all become slaves to the system, and our masters in Washington DC will chain us all with taxation with no end!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Friday, April 27, 2012

One Mans Opinion 4/27/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Sometimes it's hard to decide what to write about. With the news rushing by at speeds close to Warp 2, I have found it harder and harder to keep up with the daily events that are forever shaping our world. But I have also found that at least half of the news that's being reported is barely newsworthy. The stuff that we should know--- and need to know--- is compressed into 15 second soundbites, and the fluff stories ends up being the news de jour.

To give you an example, the Secret Service Sex Scandal is big new, just like Angie and Brad getting engaged after six (I think) kids. Which story do you think most people cared about? With the attention span that most people have today, I'd say Bradgelina won the ratings.

Another example: The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman story is a tragedy! But what about the white man down in Mobile, Alabama that was attacked in his own front yard, and beaten by a bunch of black folks (upwards to 20 with baseball bats, paint cans, and God knows what else)?
I saw a small story on Fox.com, but I haven't heard nary a peep from the rest of the mainstream media about that one. The Trayvon Martin case is being treated as a hate crime, whereas this Alabama case is not. A black on white crime isn't considered a hate crime, I suppose, but if a white on black crime occurs, you damn well better believe it will be treated as a hate crime. Why the double standard?

Another point: Let's say that Sarah Palin says something pro-American. It's looked down upon by the lamestream media as hokum. But, if you pick any leftist comedian who says something anti-American, anti-woman, or anti right-wing, the press will hail them as prolific!

Meanwhile, the Pick and Choose media will overwhelm us with news and entertainment, disguised as news, but the big stories hardly get the coverage they deserve. Is it all about ratings, or is there something else behind their choices in what is reported? Hmm?

For example: Mitt Romney, the all but anointed nominee for the GOP, is being vetted daily by the media. They have dug up stories from his days as the Gov. of Mass, and how his dog rode on the top of the family truckster to Canada once upon a time. But have they talked about Obama eating a dog while a child in Indonesia? Well, some mention of it has been heard, but the left attacked anyone who spread that tale because "he was a child." Boo freakin' hoo! He's an adult now, and he wrote it in that laugh out loud book, Dreams of my Father. It's fair game, if you ask me. But to the media, or a leftist, it's verbotten!

Look, I'm sure that it's okay over in some Middle Eastern/Asian countries to eat dogs (or rats, snakes, and the occasional elephant steak), but over here, that's a terrible thing to do to a dog. So is strapping a dog kennel (with a dog inside of it) to the top of a vehicle and driving several hundred miles. But at least the Romney dog lived to see another day. Whereas the Obama dog was digested. Who do you think the media will talk about more, and who do you think PETA will protest?

Here's another example of lamestream media bias:

Back in the debates, Newt Gingrich was panned for wanting to establish a lunar base by 2020. But just this week, a couple of billionaires and a big-time Hollywood director decided they are going to mine asteroids, and they are lauded by the press. Why the double standard? Well, let's see, a conservative has a bold idea and it's seen as a waste of money. Some loonfish on the left can have a similar idea and they become darlings for the liberal news machine. Is the 99%, Occupy Your Street protesters upset with the billionaires? Nope, because they're good liberals!

So, Dewaine, what's your point?

Well, my point is that the left is willing to overlook small, insignificant details in order to propagate their agenda. For instance, the media will overlook things about the Community Organizer in Chief--- like his birth certificate, his school records, and most every other detail of BO's life--- but they will attack Romney, or just about anyone else on the right, early and often, and call it fair and balanced. If Mitt Romney, or any other GOP, right-wing, Tea Party person sneezed and used a paper towel to wipe their nose, the left will come unglued because they wasted precious paper!

The media will go after RomneyCare, but not so much as whisper anything bad about ObamaCare. I have said it before and I'll reiterate it yet again, the double standard for the left and the right amazes me. Let's say someone on the right and left says Booger in a speech. The media will go after on the person on the right, blasting them over the airwaves, and in the newspapers, for their stupid statement. If the leftist says Booger in a speech, well that's just fine; and all you get is a knowing wink and a nod. They were being funny, that's all!

The right gets crucified, and the left... Oh well! And this is SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) for the left-leaning media, militant leftist bloggers, and other ne'er-do-wells in the Democratic Party.

So, friends and neighbors, let us prepare for the summer of attacks now that Romney is the presumed GOP nominee. If you think you've seen mud slinging and left-leaning reporting at its best before, then you need to remember the immortal words of Bachman Turner Overdrive:
B-b-baby, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

One Mans Opinion 4/7/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Happy Easter to all.

Okay, there has been a lot going on lately, so I'm going to try to get through this as quickly as I can.

Since we last met, gas prices are up; unemployment is still too high; the Supreme Court is weighing whether to uphold or reject Obamacare; race baiting has become the soup de jour; contraception is suddenly big news; the Republican Race looks to be going to be a brokered convention... And Sarah Palin guest-hosted NBC's Today Show on April 3rd!

Are these signs of the coming apocalypse?

Okay, let's get started here --- Gas prices are hovering around the $4 mark here around Buzzardbait (my hometown). But there have been some places around the country that gas as high as $5 a gallon. So much for the Community Organizer in Chief's wonderful stimulus and rebuilding the economy. Sounds to me like his Everything But Oil plan isn't working out too well! If gas goes much higher, his only chance of winning a second term will be if every dead voter in Chicago turns out on November 6th to cast their ballot. Honestly, Obama has so little chance of being re-elected at this point that he and the Democratic Party would literately have to dig up every dead voter and import 12 million more illegal aliens to get half the votes he garnered in 2008. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they try.

With unemployment supposedly at around 8% (16-20% if you factor in those that have simply given up looking and those jobs that have disappeared since Obama was elected), even die hard democrats will have a hard time holding their noses to vote for him a second time around. I look for many of the democratic voters to either vote Republican, or simple stay home and watch reruns of Gilligan's Island. It's gonna be a good episode too, because Gilligan will do something stupid and the Skipper will blame George Bush!

Now, let's touch upon the Supreme Courts hearing the arguments, pro and con, on Obamacare. Since its inception, Obamacare, otherwise known as the Affordable Healthcare Act, has been a scam to redistribute the wealth in America from the Middle Class to the poor. The rich folks will still have their health insurance, or at least have the option of paying for whatever they need out of their pockets. And, of course, the political elites will have their own health care (paid for by all of us taxpayers), leaving the rest of us to wallow in the mire of European-style Socialist Health Care. In other words, we'll wait in line until the government deems it's okay for us to see a doctor, or have needed surgeries... But only if we're good liberal voters, otherwise we're screwed!

Hopefully the SCOTUS will rule Obamacare, or at least the Individual Mandate, unconstitutional, thus ending a nightmare before it can get started good. Because if not, we're stuck with it until the US goes bankrupt, and only the rich and political elites will have health care. The rest of us will have to do without.

Speaking of scams, The contraception crisis may be abating somewhat (for now), but keep in mind that all good liberals want government out of their womb, but want government to now pay for their contraception. So, now, it seems that they want the government, ala taxpayers money, to keep them up in condoms, birth control pills, and any array of contraception, so that the government can stay out of their wombs... Hmm? Could this be considered an oxymoron of sorts?

Again, the liberal Smoke and Mirrors Dept. have created a would be crisis to deflect from the failed leadership of the Community Organizer in Chief. Blame the mean old Republicans of wanting to take away women's reproductive rights so to gloss over the fact that BHO's record is so abysmal that he can't run on it!

Then there's the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman shooting. This is another created crisis, pitting the black community against everyone else. The usual assortment of race-baiters (Sharpton, Jackson, Calypso Louie) have turned an otherwise un-newsworthy story into a big freakin' deal. Here you have a case of a self-defense shooting, clearly being tampered with by the news media, and the injection of racial bigotry against white folks because this poor, innocent kid gets shot and killed by some mean old conservative (who happens to be a registered democrat).

What I feel happened is that George Zimmerman, the self-appointed Neighborhood Watch zealot, did not do what he should have and let the police handle things. He ends up in a confrontation with a 17 year old black kid with a chip on his shoulder, and the kid attacked the older, fatter "white-Hispanic" thinking he could take out his rage. It wouldn't be the first time some kid acted with his testosterone and not his head. Unfortunately for the kid, Zimmerman was armed and acted in self-defense, killing Martin.

But the media edited the 911 calls, blurred our wounds on Zimmerman's head, and caused the black community to go all wonky and created a racial story out of an otherwise sad tale. The media, as always, rushed to create the news, not report it, and now it will be a problem for some time to come. And now the New Black Panthers have placed a bounty on George Zimmerman's head. And to add insult to injury, Spike Lee (Isn't his 15 minutes of fame over with yet?) tweeted the wrong address for George Zimmerman, and now some old couple are in fear for their lives because of it. Of course, Lee finally apologized for his error, but the damage had already been done. 

Spike Lee, as well as the New Black Panther Party, Al Sharpton, and the lamestream media have perpetuated this sad event into a major ordeal. To me, they are as guilty as they claim Zimmerman to be. 

I want to see the DOJ to go after the Black Panthers, the media, Spike Lee, and Al Sharpton for perpetuating this mess! Unfortunately, the DOJ probably won't do a thing but try to use the liberal Smoke and Mirrors Dept. to create yet another crisis. Sad but true.

What's sadder is that this incident is all going to be used by the left to target gun ownership in America, and after all, that is bad according to those wonderful liberal minds that think guns kill people. If no one had a gun, then we'd all just get along marvelously! Right. Guns don't kill people. People kill people... With guns, cars, baseball bats, knives, and anything else they can get their hands on. Instead of going after guns, how about the left go after the criminals and execute them for their crimes?

I can hear some well-intentioned liberal now, saying: "Now Dewaine, that would be a bad thing. Those poor victims of society couldn't help themselves, so we need to spend billions of dollars to keep them all fed, housed, healthy, and happy in prison. But we need to kill millions of unborn babies to make sure that society is safe from them!"

I'll get off my soapbox now.

And finally, Sarah Palin co-hosted NBC's Today Show on April 3rd. And from what I gathered, the ratings were great. Meanwhile, over at ABC's Good Morning America, perky lib, Katie Couric, was co-hosting. From what I gathered there, the ratings are abysmal! She should have stayed at NBC on the Today Show instead of heading over to CBS to become just another political hack for the Communist Broadcasting System. At least on the Today Show, she was cute and had some personality. Now, she's just another windbag for the liberal elites. Kind of like Helen Thomas with a pixie haircut.

As co-host on Tuesday morning's Today Show, Sarah Palin showed class and great savvy dealing with Matt 'I'm a liberal loser' Lauer. In fact, I think he could do nothing but tell her that she did a "good job."  We all know that he was really wanting to say, "Get off my set, you conservative winch!" But he did show some grace; a rarity with liberals today.

So, since we last met, a lot of things have happened,

But what about the Republican Race ending in a brokered convention, you ask? Well, we'll talk again soon. I'll have plenty to say about that next time. But I will say this:
Something verrrrrry interesting is gonna happen at the convention!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One Mans Opinion - 3/6/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders


Okay, I have been silent for far too long on this issue, and it's time to voice my opinion on the Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke controversy.

Before I get into it, keep in mind that Rush Limbaugh often uses absurdity to point out the absurd. With that now in mind, here we go:

Last week, Rush made the off-handed remark about 'supposed college student' Sandra Fluke. Ms. Fluke appeared before Nancy Pelosi and some Senate sub-committee, where Ms. Fluke admitted that she, and many of her fellow students, are "having so much sex that they can't afford contraception!"

Bragging are we, Ms. Fluke?

So now, enter Rush Limbaugh--- using the absurd to point out the absurd--- pointing out how she, Ms. Fluke, was having so much sex that she could not afford contraception. Now, this 30 year old law student (with an agenda, mind you) can afford to go to Georgetown University ($45,000 a year tuition), and can afford to have unlimited sex with who knows who, yet finds that she can't afford contraception. Talk about absurd!

Isn't there a Planned Parenthood near the university? They give out free contraceptives. Or, what about the Health Department near Georgetown University? I assume they also give out free contraceptives. Hell, pay a kid in middle or high school $5 and you can get all the contraceptives you can get, as they get them for free too! How about Walmart? With a prescription, you can get birth control pills for $5.00. Surely she can afford five bucks? Hell, go into any truck stop anywhere in North America and you can buy a condom for twenty-five to fifty cents! Dirt cheap!

This story was convoluted from the get go. Ms. Fluke went to Georgetown University, a Catholic-run school, because she wanted (by her own admission) to change its policy on contraceptives for the students. If she wanted contraception for free, there are many other universities she could have gone to. But she, being someone with an agenda, decided to go to Georgetown.

Folks, let’s face it… This was never about free contraceptives for the students, nor was it ever about women’s health issues. This was all about Obamacare mandating that Insurance Companies, and any other employer, offer free contraceptives or abortions to their employees, regardless of whether it went against their religious or personal beliefs. Ms. Fluke then went on to ask for free sex changes for those that are gender-confused. Why? To force the insurance companies to drop health coverage, or make it so expensive that Obamacare became the only game in town, that's why! And do you think Obamacare will cover gender reassignment surgery? Sure it will, and you and I will be paying for it too! If Harry wants to become Sally, then let him/her pay for it themselves. None of us need to pay for them to become someone else! It’s their choice, so let them foot the bill. If I want to have promiscuous sex, then I can pay for my own contraceptives. I don’t want someone else to pay for it.

But the times have changed, and the people running the show in Washington think they know better how to run our lives.

Now, my saintly mother, at 70 years old mind you, pointed out that Obamacare doesn’t want to cover breast exams for women under a certain age, nor does it want to care for elderly patients because of the costs, but it wants to pay for free contraceptives, and now maybe even sex changes… “Well,” she said, “then they should pay for me to have a face and body lift, and anything else I can think of!”

My mother, using absurdity to point out the absurd, hit the nail on the head!

This woman, Ms. Fluke, and those folks in the Occupy Your Street movement want the government to pay for everything for them; by taxing the rest of us to pay for it. This is the whole point of their argument: We want it, so give it to us now! We don’t want to work for it like everybody else does. We want it free, so make someone else foot the bill! 

This has nothing to do with women's health and/or reproductive choices, nor does it have anything to do with the freedom to choose. This is the backdoor approach to force all of us onto the Obamacare train.

There’s nothing more simple than the truth!

Now, let’s get back to Rush Limbaugh. He did call her a slut and a prostitute, and he has since apologized for it. These are his own words:

"Against my own instincts, against my own knowledge, against everything I know to be right and wrong I descended to their level when I used those two words to describe Sandra Fluke. That was my error. I became like them, and I feel very badly about that," he said on his show.

"I do not think she is either of those two words. I did not think last week that she is either of those two words. The apology to her over the weekend was sincere. It was simply for using inappropriate words in a way I never do, and in so doing, I became like the people we oppose. ... The old saw, you never descend to the level of your opponent or they win. That was my error last week."

Again, I will point out, if you have ever listened to Rush, you know that he uses absurdity to point out the absurd. His humor--- often caustic to those ears on the left, and some on the right--- can be misinterpreted as personal attacks. I heard the show the day he called her a slut and prostitute. What he was trying to point out was that we used to call people like Sandra Fluke (who seemed to be bragging about her and her fellow law students sex lives) sluts and prostitutes because they were promiscuous. With Political Correctness, we can no longer assume such things about people. The thought police say it’s a bad thing. We should be sensitive to their needs, blah blah blah!

Whether those words are offensive to you and I is not the issue. The issue is that as a society, we have been told that we can no longer call people who brag about having promiscuous sex sluts and prostitutes. Our First Amendment rights of free speech are being trampled upon due to political correctness. They may be ugly words, but to me, at least, they are the truth, and the truth does hurt!

And Rush, by using those words, has not only been brought into the firing line by the left, but turned what should have been a non-issue into a major issue to be used by the left against the rest of us.

Should Rush have chosen a better way of proving his point... Maybe? But he spoke the truth, and the truth hurts those folks on the left, as they lie at every turn about what Obamacare is supposed to be. What it is --- and we all know what it is--- is the attempt to control us from cradle to the grave with Big Government dictating what we can and cannot do. Our rights are being taken away from us right before our eyes, and we're seeing what power the left really wants to have, and what rights they do not want the rest of us to have. That’s why the left can’t stand the truth. They have to lie to us; otherwise, most of us would run away from their ideology. Only fools and young skulls full of mush (to borrow one of Rush Limbaugh’s lines) flock to socialism. Let someone else pay for the thing I want.

To me, it is un-American and against everything sacred about this country! Thus the left wants to circumvent the Constitution at every turn, and even our beloved Community Organizer-in-Chief  has said that the Bill of Right was a collection of negative right. He would want a Bill of Rights that allows the government to rule all of us with a heavy hand--- A government of the government, by the government, and for the government! To hell with individual rights!

Now, let’s talk hypocrisy, shall we?

Bill Mahar called Sarah Palin a ‘Cunt' and it's okay. He’s an open-minded liberal. But Rush calls someone a 'Slut' and it's all out war against the right. Don’t you think that to be a tad bit hypocritical?  The left can get away with anything, but holds the right to a different standard. For that, there is no way to defend ourselves against this onslaught on our freedoms. We are doomed to become slaves to the government due to the double standard! Now that’s absurd!

Finally, nine different advertisers (at the time of this writing) have decided to no longer advertise on Rush's show, and at least one radio station in Hawaii has dropped his show altogether.    That's another indication as to how bad this has gotten. Free speech is truly under attack, and the left is winning. We may not always agree with one another, but we can all agree about one thing: Free Speech is what sets America apart from the rest of the world. And if we lose that, we have lost everything!

As for me, I will continue to listen to Rush Limbaugh because what he says speaks for what I, and many of us, already think and believe.

And to those fair-weather advertisers out there that are running from a controversy, be mindful that some of us buy your products, and we can quickly change that fact as well.

As for Ms. Fluke, you are a useful idiot for the left and to me that truly makes you a prostitute, as the left is using you to further their agenda. And if they are paying you to do it, then the prostitute label is truly fitting!
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

Friday, January 20, 2012

One Mans Opinion  12/20/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Well, it's been awhile. How've you been? Seen any good debates lately?

I had to come out of semi-retirement to say something, and I hope you'll understand why.

After last night's debate in South Carolina, I was impressed by two people: Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Now, they are polar opposites as far as their ideas on government is concerned--- Newt is a progressive Republican, Santorum is a Conservative Republican---  and they both have great ideas on how to kick-start the economy and bring fiscal sanity back to Washington.

Don't get me wrong, I like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul too, but to a lesser extent. All of them have solid ideas that would be good for America, and there again, all of them scare the hell out of me at the same time. None of them are perfect, and God knows that we can't expect perfection in a president. If so, no one would ever be president.

As for domestic policy, all of them have great ideas, and probably a mix of all of them would save America from bankruptcy.

As for foreign policy, I like Newt Gingrich and Santorum. Romney and Paul both have some good ideas, and some really bad ideas. Ron Paul has a lot of great ideas on domestic policy, but some of his foreign policy would not be good for America. Libertarians like his idea, and I do have SOME libertarian leanings, but in the end, Paul would take us back to an isolationist policy that we were in pre World War II. Not a good idea.

And I do agree with him that we should not send money to every country in the world while we're borrowing money from China. That does not make sense. But saying Iran could have a nuke and we shouldn't worry about it doesn't make sense. We shouldn't be the world's police, but we cannot forget our obligations to the world at the same time. So Ron Paul isn't the guy for me.

Mitt Romney: Two words - Romney Care! Not someone I would trust to repeal Obamacare, regardless of what he says. Nuff said!

Santorum is young, or at least younger than the rest of the field, and would be maligned by the media as the next Dan Quayle. Even if he could turn the economy around and make America the shining city on the hill again, the media and the leftist in this country would taunt him and belittle him as a kid. I can see Saturday Night Live doing another Gerald Ford or depiction of Quayle as a little boy sitting on George H.W. Bush's lap. Anyone remember that?

Newt Gingrich: He has as many skeletons in the closet as Michael Moore has chins. But at least he knows how to deal with Washington, and can get things done. He may be twice divorced and thrice married, but is that really that strange anymore? Elizabeth Taylor was married and divorced so many time, yet she was an icon. Also, does having affairs keep you from becoming president?

If so, most of our modern presidents would have been disqualified for the job. The most recent Adulterer in Chief, Bill Clinton, had at least one while serving as president, with Monica Lewinsky. Of course, Newt Gingrich was one of the Republicans that wanted to impeach Clinton because of that, and he was having an affair at the time.

So, even if he's a hypocrite, does that disqualify him from becoming president? Maybe. But there again, considering the times we live in, I doubt that his morality will be that big of a deal. This country is hurting! We have high unemployment, a weak dollar, trillions of dollars in debt, tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities, and a generation that has come up believing they are entitled to everything everyone else has, but don't want to work in order to get it!

America is in a mess, and we truly need a leader. Someone that can relight the flame of liberty, rebuild the shining city on the hill, and return fiscal sanity to Washington D.C.

I was someone that believed Sarah Palin was the person to lead this nation back from the brink, but the pressure on her family, I believe, kept her from answering that calling. I backed Herman Cain, and then every bimbo in America suddenly claimed he was having an affair with them.

Needless to say, my track record picking winners isn't that great this election cycle.

So, having said that, I'm supporting Community Organizer in Chief Obama in 2012. That way, someone else will win, and America can climb back out of the whole he's dug us into!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!