Thursday, July 26, 2012

One Mans Opinion - 7/26/2012    
By Dewaine Shoulders

When I think about Political Correctness, I think about Chick-fil-A. Doesn’t everyone?

Let me be clear right off the bat here--- I am not anti-gay. I have friends and family members that are openly gay, and it doesn’t matter to me. It’s their life to live, and let them live it how they choose. I do the same, and it all seems to work out pretty well that way.

On the other hand, the militant gay activists, and others that pander to them, are giving the gay community a big black eye when they act as if they are the only ones that should have a voice or opinion about all matters of marriage.

Let me explain…

Recently, Dan Cathy--- the president of the Atlanta-based restaurant chain Chick-fil-A--- made a statement that he supported the traditional definition of marriage, and warned that redefining marriage might bring God’s judgment on the nation.

Now, in a blatant attack on Dan Cathy’s 1st Amendment rights, officials in at least three cities have vowed to block efforts to open new Chick-fil-A restaurants.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel said in a statement to the Chicago Tribune, “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values. They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents.” He went on to say, “If you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want you in the First Ward.”

Now, let’s face the fact that there are those on the left that suffer from the notion that they are the only people entitled to have an opinion, and that any opposing opinions should be stifled.

As far as I know, Chick-fil-A is a privately-owned company, owned by the Cathy family. It is NOT a publically traded company. This was Mr. Cathy’s personal view on marriage, not the entirety of the company view. As far as I know, the company does not discriminate when hiring based upon ones sexual predisposition. Dan Cathy, is entitled to his opinion under the 1st Amendment, just like those on the opposite side of the argument are entitled to theirs. Cathy told Baptist Press that the company was unapologetically in favor of traditional marriage. He said, “Guilty as charged. We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”

In another interview, Cathy suggested that the nation could face God’s wrath over the redefinition of marriage. “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’” He went on to say, “I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is all about.”

Alderman Moreno of Chicago has called Cathy’s comments “bigoted” and “homophobic.” “Because of this man’s ignorance, I will now be denying Chick-fil-A’s permit to open a restaurant in the First Ward,” he announced.

Isn’t that supposed to be against the law? Doesn’t the alderman understand the law?

Boston Mayor Tom Menino announced that the Atlanta-based company would not be welcomed in his city. “You can’t have a business in the City of Boston that discriminates against a population.” Adding, “We’re an open city. We’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion.” Talk about being Banned in Boston!

Chick-fil-A was pondering opening a new restaurant along Boston’s Freedom Trail. Mayor Menino said that he would block it from happening. So, The Freedom Trail isn’t that free?

A couple of newspapers have condemned the decision. The Los Angeles Times said, “Public officials have a responsibility to carry out their ministerial tasks fairly and evenhandedly – and to uphold the principle of free speech – whether or not they like a business executive’s social or political stances.” Even The Boston Globe pondered about “which part of the First Amendment Menino does not understand? A business owner’s political or religious beliefs should not be a test for the worthiness of his or her application for a business license.”


On the other side of this comes news that thousands of Christians are mobilizing efforts to support Chick-fil-A. Fox News Channel host and former Ark. Governor Mike Huckabee is leading this charge. Mr. Huckabee has declared August 1st as Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. “Let’s affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick-fil-A on Wednesday, August 1.”

Huckabee continued by saying, “The militant homosexual advocates have launched an all out assault on Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A. The attempts to hurt or destroy Chick-fil-A are nothing short of economic bullying.”

Again, I have to agree that the bully’s are trying to point an accusatory finger at others, claiming they are the bullies. The militant homosexual activists, along with leftist leaders, are trying to bully Dan Cathy, or anyone else for that matter, in expressing their opinions. This is a typical tactic used throughout communist/fascist regimes in order to silence the opposition. And this makes me think that the activists, and those that are allied with them, are communist/fascists, or at the very least sympathize with those beliefs.  

And now, fresh off of their whirlwind condemnation of everything moral and ethical, a group of so-called celebrities have begun their attacks on Chick-fil-A.

The host of “The Daily Show”--- Jon Stewart--- attacked Chick-fil-A. “Open your eyes owner of Chick-fil-A.” And “You’re being such an *sshole, not even Boston will tolerate you.” Stewart’s rant also including a vulgar parody of the popular Chick-fil-A cow – holding a sign that read “Eat More C**.”

Then there’s Rosanne Barr, the bastion of all things weird in Hollyweird. She said on her Twitter account, “Anyone who eats S**t fil A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4 Christ.”  Obviously unafraid for people to get cancer, Ms. Barr prefers that anyone opposed to her way of thinking simply dies and STFU.

GLEE star Grant Gustin wrote on Twitter that he was “done with Chick-fil-A.” And, “Your food is not good enough to take from a bunch of a**holes.”

Other pseudo-celebrities wanting to ban Chick-fil-A are Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Deepak Chopra, and the ever popular Kardashian sisters.  Really, who are these people? They think they speak for everyone? Not me, and not for most everyone I know. They speak for the lunatic fringe that is leftist Hollywood. But that’s okay, as they do have the right to say what they want under the First Amendment.

And so do I!

If they want to boycott Chick-fli-A, then, in turn, we should boycott their shows, movies, and music. Let’s show them that they do not speak for us, and that their opinions are just as unwanted as they say Dan Cathy’s comments were to them.

This is about freedom of speech and freedom of choice. They seem to think that they are the only ones free to speak out while the rest of us just have to sit back and STFU!  

Well, I’m not sitting on my thumbs; I’m not going to sit down and shut up. I’m going to be as vocal as I can. While I do not believe in Gay Marriage, I do believe that Gay-Americans deserve the same rights as everyone else. Accept Civil Unions, and if you wish to call it a marriage behind closed doors, then fine. But to redefine what has been traditional in America to fit your militant views only prove how intolerant you are of other points of view.

What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business, and that’s how it should be. Judge not, least ye be judged! I do not judge anyone for their sexual choices, nor do I wish to be judged about mine. What you call a marriage behind closed doors is up to you, but do not force the rest of us to accept what many cannot accept. This is still a Christian Nation, and the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. And there are those that truly believe that.

I’m not a religious person, but I accept that there are those that have those beliefs, and I respect them. If you cannot, then go live your lives as you wish, and stop trying to shove your beliefs down other people’s throats. Live and let live, and maybe somewhere down the road, we can all get along and prosper. Otherwise, we waste valuable time and effort on something that does not matter in the grand scheme of things.

I also believe that the gay community is hurting itself by continuing to beat the drum of intolerance, when it is as equally intolerant about opposing views. Live your lives, pay your taxes, and let’s move on!

Threatening to boycott businesses because of their views shows how intolerant we all are. If you choose to not eat somewhere, then make the choice and move on. I, for one, intend to eat more chicken, and Chick-fil-A sounds awfully good right about now!

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One Mans Opinion 7/24/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

I was in the hospital when the shooting in Aurora, Colorado took place. While my recent illness took precedent, I kept a close watch on what was called by some The Movie Massacre.

When we look at Hollywood, we see many things. We see very talented men and women creating wonderful movies and TV shows for our entertainment, or we see mediocre talents making a living, passing themselves off as big-named celebrities. We see writers, producers, and directors either putting out Oscar-worthy films, or movie-of-the-week crapola that ends up in the 50 cent bin at Atrocious Movies R Us.

Which leads me to the third installment of the updated Batman franchise called The Dark Knight Rises. While I have yet to see the movie, already it’s created a buzz because of the mass murder in Aurora, Colorado. This Joker wannabee, James Holmes, went into a movie theater to kill as many people as he could, probably wanting to commit suicide by police, making himself infamous along the way.

Instead, the dyed orange-haired nimrod was captured, thankfully, and now may be facing the death penalty for the 12 deaths, not to mention the 59 others he injured. If anything, this moron should be lined up--- dressed as the Joker--- and shot to death by those who lost loved ones during his killing spree.

Although I do not blame Hollywood for this outrageous crime against humanity, you have to admit that Hollywood glorifies violence to the Nth degree, all the while saying that they are being artistic. Yeah, kind of like Madonna flashing her breast, assault weapons, and swastikas during her concerts is artistic expression too. What the artist is saying is that it’s okay for them to do these things, to promote these violent images because they are liberal, and liberals can do no wrong. They have the First Amendment to back them up.

But if you are a conservative, and you put a target on someone’s district map, then suddenly you’re worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Satan all rolled into one. The First Amendment does not apply to conservatives, according to many on the left, thus we need to be silenced! The hypocrisy amazes me.

But there again, the liberal logic that guns are dangerous and need to be abolished is idiotic too. A gun is an inanimate object. Guns cannot kill people because guns cannot operate independently of a human (of great or simian intelligence), thus guns are not killers. People using guns to commit crimes are the real villains, whether in the movies or real life.

James Holmes is a killer. He obtained guns legally; he set booby traps in his apartment, meant to create more deaths. He went to the movies with one purpose in mind, and that was to kill as many people as he could, and become famous. He truly wanted to be like the Joker, which makes him a moron. But, is he insane? No, he may be criminally insane, but not mentally insane, thus I hope the bastard fries and burns for eternity in Hell!

As for the victims, and the family and friends of those lost due to this red-headed freakazoid with a penchant for acting like a movie villain, I pray for them. And I pray for Hollywood too. Maybe someone will have the courage to finally make movies that do not glorify violence, but makes you think for a change.

Until then, I can see myself avoiding most of what Hollywood puts out, just because it’s just plain liberalism, wrapped in a shiny package, with a big red bow on top.

Put a bow on James Holmes dyed red hair and call him Pippy 'The Joker' Longstockings. Place him in the general population with the killers and rapists, and let them deal with Mr. Jokerette. That would save the taxpayers millions of dollars in housing and hospital bills, while Mr. Holmes is on death row for the next 60 years.

Last item: For the media - I know that the news is ratings driven, and they want to rush to judgement. Some said that James Holmes was a Tea Party member, a Rush Limbaugh listener, and that made him dangerous. But when the truth came out that he was a part of the 99%, OWS crowd, and a liberal, the left-leaning media didn't care for that, and quickly changed the subject.

So, to the left-leaning media: How about practicing real journalism and keeping your personal opinions out of the news? Is that too much to ask? You changed the subject when it came out that James Holmes was one of your peeps. You made the story about gun control, and its need. Yet your mouths are just as bad as any gun is... They are locked and loaded, and misfiring daily!

The left wants gun control, yet it's the loonfish on the left that keep killing people. Instead of Gun Control, how about some Liberal Loonfish Control?

It’s time to License Liberals!

Turn the tables on the libs, and call for Liberal Control, not gun control. We need the guns to protect ourselves from the liberal loonfish that are out there, breeding, polluting the air with their so-called views, and wasting valuable space on Planet Earth.

The old saying was: When guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns. Well, the new saying should be: If Liberals are outlawed, then we shall have peace!

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!