Monday, June 27, 2011

One Mans Opinion  6/27/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Once again, I'll say it loud and proud... I hate polls! The numbers vary from poll to poll, and there isn't really one that I'd trust for an accurate picture of the 2012 elections at this point in the campaign. There is too much time and too much that can happen between now and then, but as of now (according to most polls), Mitt Romney is the Republican front runner. Surprised? I'm not. The GOP establishment (the elites) will push hard for Romney, thinking that a Moderate Republican is exactly what the party needs to win in 2012.


What the Republican Party needs is an unapologetic conservative winning the nomination, not some RINO who believes in man-made global warming and likes government-run healthcare. Everyone will say that I'm nuts. They’ll say that we need a Republican in the White House - no matter who that Republican happens to be.


Let Romney get in the White House and it will be Obama-Lite. Anyone remember RomneyCare? Well, consider that Mitt Romney brought that little healthcare component to Massachusetts. For the most part, it’s riddled with problems and not too many people are happy with the results of Romney's healthcare experiment.

Why would we want Romney in the White House? So he could do for America what he did for Massachusetts… No thank you.

Back to the poll numbers: According to the polls (as of 6/26/11) Romney is leading from anywhere between 23 and 33 points. However, in a head to head between Romney and Obama, Obama wins handily. That doesn’t sound good, huh?

Now, let’s look at some of the others currently in the polls.

According to National Polls, which takes an average of all the polling data from the various polling organizations, Romney leads by 30% while Sarah Palin has 14%.

Excuse me, but Sarah Palin hasn't even announced that she'll be running or not, yet she’s in second place? Just imagine if she was running. I believe that she'd beat RINO Romney. She’s a powerhouse in the party and she’s got a following of millions. If she were to announce, I believe that she would outperform Romney in the polls by 10 points consistently.

Now, according to the polls, Obama would beat Sarah Palin also.


Sarah Palin is an unapologetic conservative that would defeat Mr. Obama because she stands for the values and core beliefs that most ‘average Americans’ hold dear. Obama sure doesn’t hold those beliefs, and we see how wonderful a president he’s turned out to be.

Continuing with the poll averages - Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann are tied with 11%, Ron Paul - 9%, Newt Gingrich - 7%, Rick Perry (who has yet to decide if he’ll run or not) 6%, Tim Pawlenty- 5% and others >2%.

Are you noticing a trend?

Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann are also unapologetic conservatives. If you added the points between Cain, Bachmann and Palin, you'd have 37%, or 7 points more than Romney. That means that nearly 40% of the people would vote for an unapologetic conservative. Under a third would vote for Romney. With a margin of error of 4%, Palin, Bachmann or Cain could still defeat Romney head to head.

As for the rest of the field, Ron Paul is too libertarian for most people. He’s a smart man and has a lot of good ideas, but some of Ron Paul’s views are too far out for most folks. Newt Gingrich is also a smart man, and hopefully he'll smarten up and leave the race; most of his staff already has. Rick Perry would be a decent guy to run, but I have issues with him on illegal immigration. And the rest: Huntsman, Pawlenty and anyone else considering the run would be well advised to skip 2012. Huntsman worked for Obama as ambassador to China and I wouldn’t trust his judgment on anything!

Comparing the real conservatives with the RINO's of the party, look what happened when the last RINO ran... John McCain got spanked, and we got the current Community Organizer in Chief. Do we really want that to happen yet again?

The last time an unapologetic conservative ran and lost was back in the 1960's when Barry Goldwater was defeated. And ever since then, the GOP has tried to run safe, middle of the road candidates. When Jimmy Carter occupied the White House, we had much of what we have today. We had high unemployment, stagflation, high gas prices (if you could find any), and a foreign policy that made no sense whatsoever!

Of course, Ronald Reagan wasn't the GOP's chosen candidate, but he defeated the progressive Carter handily. Reagan won 2 terms (1980 and 84) as an unapologetic conservative. George H. W. Bush won in 1984 after Reagan, claiming he'd continue Reagan's policies, but lost after one term because of his "Read my lips... No new taxes!" gaffe, as well as being a RINO! Then we got Slick Willie and one scandal after another. Yet he won 2 terms because he was a likable bubba... Well, that and Bob Dole (a middle-of the road moderate Republican) lost big-time!

George W. Bush won 2 terms as an conservative (a compassionate conservative) after the Clinton years (He had 9/11 to thank for a second term). His popularity waned soon after 2006 when the economy turned south (thanks to Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the Democrat-controlled House and Senate as they destroyed the economy with the housing bubble bursting). And in 2008, the Democrats won the White House again, and we can see how badly the country has been screwed-up since then. The economy is in the toilet; foreign policy is a joke, and Obama wants four more years to make sure he can bankrupt America and redistribute its wealth to the rest of the world (most notably China)!

So, do you think we need a middle-of-the-road, safe RINO running and perhaps winning the White House? I say “Not only no but Hell No!” We had better hope for an unapologetic conservative running and winning the White House in 2012... Otherwise, we'll have 4 more long and disastrous years of Obamaville ahead of us.

Wastin’ away again in Obamaville,
Searching for a decent job.
Some people claim it’s his policies to blame,
Oh I know, it’s all George Bush’s fault!
(With all apologies to Jimmy Buffet).

That's just my opinion, I could be right!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 6/11/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Normally I would have waited till Monday to post a blog, but I just couldn't wait until then. I want to talk about Sarah Palin's e-mails for a moment... Those 24,000 plus emails that were released by Alaskan officials this week from former Governor Palin.

The media dug into those e-mails like they were pigs in slop!

I do have one small question to ask the media - Did you do all of this for Barrack Obama? Did you sift thru his e-mails when he decided to run for president? Nah, you media folks wouldn't do that to anyone you liked, huh?

You'd think that journalists would have so many more important stories to cover. Like our economy, that's on the brink of depression; three wars going on; terrorists vowing to destroy Israel and the United States.

But "noooooo," says the media.  "We need to sift thru 24,000 e-mails so we can dig up dirt on Sarah Palin." (Notice I'm putting words in their mouths like they always seem to do to her).

Here are just a few samples of her emails.

• Sarah Palin and family once hung out with an Elvis impersonator. God forbid!

• There were vicious rumors about whether Sarah Palin was actually the mother of her son, Trig, from the start. In April 2008—just days before she gave birth to Trig—Palin emailed her husband and senior staff to alert them that a political rival was spreading rumors that it was her daughter, Bristol, who was actually pregnant. "I wish I could shame people into ceasing such gossip about a teen, but can't figure out how to do that," Palin said. The rumor mill still runs amok.

•In September 2008, a Palin aide suggested the governor should appear opposite Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live. Of course, she later did. And she rocked the place!

• It was reported long ago that Palin installed a tanning bed in the governor's mansion. Wow! They now have the smoking gun that proves she indeed had a tanning bed installed. Woo hoo! Wow! This is really important stuff, people.

These vultures, seen in the picture below, tells the tale.

The reporters are acting like a bunch of looters in a Walmart after a riot. They look like extras on a Mission: Impossible set. Your mission, if you decide to accept it: Grab a box of Sarah Palin's emails and go dig for dirt.

How low the media has fallen. How low journalism has sunk into the mire. This isn't news... This is The Jerry Springer Show on steroids! When will the media and these so-called journalists actually report on the news from the Oval Office? How the current president is failing the nation! How he has crippled the economy (worse than Jimmy Carter did back in the late 70's)!

When, oh media elites, when will you actually do your jobs?

"No can do," says the media. "We have Sarah Palin to pick apart."

Sarah Palin is now the most reported-on woman in the world, thanks to Palin Derangement Syndrome that these 'Yellow Journalists' seem to be eat-up with.

I have but one word that described these so-called media professionals: LOSERS!

And I have one word to describe Sarah Palin: WINNING! (With all apologies to Charlie Sheen for borrowing his line).

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Monday, June 6, 2011

One Mans Opinion  6/6/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Okay, first of all, I had intended to talk about something else today as part of my OMO blog, but the Weinergate story changed this week's topic for me.

As of last week, Anthony Weiner said point blank that he did not send any pictures to anyone. I watched the interview he did on Fox and he categorically denied sending any pictures to anyone. Of course, he couldn't deny it might be him in the picture, and that his Twitter account had been hacked, but he definitely did not send the picture in question.

Well, today he's confirmed that he's a liar of the highest order. Yep, he sent the picture, and more besides. Wow, I think Bill Clinton must have coached him on how to lie, then act humble and contradict yourself later. It worked for Slick Willie, so maybe it can work for the Weiner-man too!

Okay, so now, the little weasel has finally come clean (well, as well as you can clean up feces) and put on his little poor pitiful me routine before the press. What is he sorry for? That he did it, or that he got caught? I'd say the latter of the two.

But that's not the truly funny part of this twisted tale.

As some of you know, and probably most of you don't, I write a weekly blog called The Curious Urinal (I know, stupid name - I get that all of the time). Last Friday, I ran a story about Anthony Weiner and Weinergate. In it, he's being interviewed and snapping multiple pics of himself during the interview.

See it here at:

Little did I know that in a few short days, his arrogance and stupidity would be his undoing. And that I'd foreseen the multiple pics aspect of this story before the rest of the media did... Man, I'm on the cutting edge. LOL

But seriously, here's a man that said Glenn Beck was unethical, and his own lack of ethics pales anything that Beck could have dreamt of doing. The old adage certainly rings true here: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Anthony Weiner is a corrupt and morally bankrupt man, in my humble opinion. He has let down his party, the people he supposedly represents, and most of all, his wife. I mean, they haven't been married all that long and he's sending out lewd pics, tweets and emails to different women he met on the Internet? And there may have been phone sex too? Ohhhhhhh la la!

And he says he won't resign.

Imagine that. Here's a man who would attack Glenn Beck - for telling the truth about the left and the power brokers in Washington - as unethical, and thinks what he did doesn't warrant resignation. Typical liberal logic.

In the immortal words of Mr. T, "I pity the fool!"

Sarah Palin’s been called everything under the sun by the left; blamed for numerous things that she had nothing to do with, and ridiculed for making stupid statements (which later prove to be true). To the left, she's a vile woman not worthy of breathing the same air as the rest of us. So, now I'm wondering if the leftist bloggers and media will call for Mr. Weiner to resign for his unethical behavior? Will they call Weiner out for his lies and misrepresentations? Will they say, "Vamoose, Weiner-man. Hit the road, bottom-feeder. Resign and take full responsibility, you loser! Go away and STFU!"? I doubt it.

I doubt that he'll resign, but stranger things in life have happened.

I've just heard that Nancy Pelosi may be calling for a committee to look into Mr. Weiner's activities to see if he's broken any congressional rules. If he doesn't resign, maybe the democrats could force him to do so... No wait, they let Barney Frank off, and countless others for reasons that are beyond me.

Now, if a republican had done this, you could hear the shouts from the left that they needed to go. We can't have that kind of behavior in Washington, etc. But when it comes to someone on the left doing something unethical, well, that's different! They are special!

Here's something to think about: If the republicans go after the Weiner-man, then he'll get support from the left as being a target of a right-wing witch hunt. That will garner sympathy for Weiner and this entire episode will be swept under the rug as a bad day at the office. That hypocrisy is what the left thrives on. If the republicans don't go after him, they look weak, and make the left more determined to ramrod anything they desire down America's throats and make us like it.

At least Richard Nixon had the common decency to resign for the Watergate scandal. The cover-up was worse than the crime itself, and Nixon took responsibility and resigned. Gerald Ford, upon being sworn in as president, pardoned Nixon and caused a stink throughout America and the media.

My how times have changed.

If Anthony Weiner has any morality about him, he'd do the right thing and resign. But when has anyone on the left ever really done the right thing?

That's just my opinion, I could be right!