Thursday, June 27, 2013

One Mans Opinion 6/27/2013

WARNING - RANT ALERT - The following my be offensive to those who allow it to be.

I am going to use certain words here that you may find utterly offensive. I apologize in advance for your 'thin skin' approach to life.

Let me preface this - I am not a fan of Paula Deen. I am not a fan of her cooking. I know people who love her, and her cooking (there's such balance in nature). However, I have to defend her here as I can see the hypocrisy of those that are calling for this woman's livelihood to be taken away from her. Many people are pointing accusatory fingers at her; accusing her of being a racist for something she supposedly said 30 years ago in a private conversation.

Many of these same people routinely call each other the "N" word.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names shall never hurt me. Yeah right!

Words only hurt if you allow them to hurt, so if someone calls you the N-word as a term of endearment, then everyone else should be allowed to do so as well. Fair is fair, right?
In Rap music (a oxymoron), the infamous N-word is bandied about early and often. If Kenye or Snoop Dogg can say the word in their so-called Rap music, then why can't anyone else use it in their daily conversation? Richard Pryor made a good living using it in his comedy routines, but Michael Richards tried to use it in one and look what happened to him.

Well, that's simple, Dewaine... It's offensive when someone else uses it.

Let's look at the word, and it's origins:

From Webster's Dictionary: 

Nigger - (niger) noun - (offensive term of contempt) a negro (older neger fr F. negre).

Niggard - (nigerd) - noun - a stingy person.

Niggardly - 1. adj. stingy  2. adv. in a stingy way.

then there's the infamous

Nigger in a woodpile - something in a situation that is concealed or not straightforward; a lurking difficulty.

Now, those words and terms are offensive (yet the last one is kinda funny in a way).



The word Nigger is derived from the Latin (and later French)... Negre is black.

Okay, so we have the etymology of the word behind us, now for the racist part of this blog:

When slave owners referred to the slaves as niggers, they were using the Latin, or even the French terminology for blacks (although most of the slave owners were not overly bright when trying to speak Latin of French), so negre became Nigger. If they had called them blacks instead, then black would by now be used as a slur instead of a primary color. We'd boycott Crayola and picket blacktop driveways. Yes, that's a ridiculous statement, but that's getting to my point.

When the blacks in America call each other nigger, or nigga, it's perfectly okay, as it is used as a term of endearment (Hey nigga, what up?) But if anyone else utters that word, it's immediately grounds to get you ass whooped. So, if the N-word is racist when used by one race, but not another, then isn't that the epitome of hypocrisy?  My answer would be a resounding YES!

I have heard white kids call each other nigga and I cringe because I know what the word means, and it isn't a term of endearment. It's a racial slur.When I hear blacks use it, I cringe because of the meaning behind the word, not the term of endearment, was one that blacks in this country fought against and marched against back during the civil rights struggle. Martin Luther King did not march against racism so that future black teens could use the N bomb as a term of endearment. Ask those older blacks how they feel about the kids using the word as that. I'm sure they will tell you that it's offensive. Let's face it, nigger, or nigga is not a nice word, no matter who uses it, and for whatever reason.

So, let's talk crackers for a moment.

When blacks call white people cracker, or cracka, is that considered a racial slur? Many blacks will tell you it's not. But it is used as such; so again, the hypocrisy is most evident.

I can eat a cracker, but being called a cracker, or cracka is a slur against MY race. I'm not a cracker, I'm a human being. But if you wish to continue to call me or other whites crackers, or honkys, then we should feel free to call you the N word.

We don't go around calling people Japs, krauts, hymies, wops, diegos, queers, fags, or any other term without being viewed as a racist, bigot, or homophobe, so cracker, cracka, honky, white bread, or any other term is just as derogatory as nigger is!

Again, I use these word here to emphasize how words are used to hurt us. 

Let me put it in another way so you can get my point: If I call someone a MFer, that doesn't necessarily mean that they F their own mother; but there again, maybe they do. I don't know, I just called them that. We throw around words to hurt one another, never thinking of how it makes us look. Mostly like idiots, or inbred cretins that think calling someone retarded is cool ("Hey, look at that retard!"). That is a medical term that hardly is ever used today, yet I see the word used on the internet like crazy (Libtards being one example). As funny as you might think the word is, to someone who has a family member that is mentally challenged, that word is a slur. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK PEOPLE! I'm sure that certain people will get headaches trying to think, but we all need to do so before we utter something that will offend someone else. Words that can hurt makes us all a little less human.

Now back to Paula Deen...
If what Paula Deen did or said 30 years ago is going to be used as a criteria, then anything you or I have may have said or done 30 years ago suddenly becomes suspect. Do you want YOUR past dredged up to be used against you? Think about the time you called someone a derogatory name, and then ask yourself if you would like to be called something equally as derogatory? Although I do not condone Ms. Deen's use of the word, it was 30 years ago, and we all were different people back then. And for you youngins out there, what you say today can and will be used against you 30 years from now,so again, think before you speak!

Finally, as for those companies that have decided to drop their affiliation with Ms. Deen because of her past usage of the N word, I can assure you that your business will be adversely affected, as those people that are standing behind Paula Deen will figure out ways to not do business with you and your companies; be it by boycotts, or simply finding other places to purchase their goods. 

In the end, the old adage rings true:  Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

One Mans Opinion 6/8/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine a little while ago. He was telling that he feels like the government is totally out of control, but his wife thinks that the government is doing the right thing by stepping up their surveillance of people that they deem potential terrorists. I asked him if he was planning on getting a divorce soon. He laughed, but understood what I was implying.

That is just one family feeling differently about what's taking place in DC.

When nearly half the country feels that the government is overstepping their authority, and nearly the other half thinks its perfectly alright for the government to spy on us, it tells me that America is as divided as it was back in the pre-Civil War days.

Take a look around; what do you see going on in our nation's capital? The IRS debacle; The NSA phone data-mining; The DoJ wiretapping the AP and Fox News reporters phones, email (even those of Rosen's parents). Least we forget Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and the utter disregard for the rule of law when it comes to a host of other things that has happened in the last 10 years. Spending is out of control, and we keep borrowing money from China to pay for stuff for other countries. And then there's The Patriot Act, meant to protect us from terrorist. It has now been turned into a weapon of mass destruction, destroying or liberties one step at a time.

Now I know that there will be those that say that the government isn't encroaching on our liberties, and that they are doing everything above board, getting warrants to do the wiretapping, data-mining, etc.

You're missing the point.

The point is that the 4th Amendment is being sidestepped here. You have the right to privacy, and even candidate Obama said that this should not be happening back when he was running for president the first time around. You are missing the point that if the Justice Department, or the IRS, or the EPA, or any other government agency wants to, they can place you under surveillance, tap your phones, go through your email accounts, or where you choose to spend you free time on the Internet. Then they begin looking into your friends, and their friends, and so on and so on.

This has nothing to do with protecting us from terrorists, nor does it have anything to do with conspiracy theories. This has to do with the fundamental rights we enjoy as Americans to live our lives without being watched as if we are terrorists.

There is a clear pattern emerging here: out of control government taking liberties with our liberties. I assume that I have the right to express myself here, but what if the DoJ, the FBI, the CIA, or NSA decides to tap into my phone, computer, email, or place me under surveillance because they deem my words a threat to national security? They can get the proper warrants to do most anything to turn me into a criminal for expressing an opinion. And if you never hear from me again, they you know that what I have said here made me a target of their surveillance. Hell, you might see my picture on the wall at the Post Office one day.

Ask yourself one question: If George Bush was in office and all of this was going on, would you be feeling the same way you do now? If you can answer honestly, without politicizing it, they you should see what I see happening... The beginning of a police state.

But seriously, this is scary. No matter how you wish to spin it, our government now deems all of us potential terrorists. Is this the country you want? Not I. To me, it's looking more like the beginnings of Nazi Germany than the America I know and love.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

Monday, May 20, 2013

One Mans Opinion 5/20/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

I have a really dumb question to ask... When is a president not a president?

Okay, like I said, it's a dumb question. But as it happened, we have a president that is not acting presidential. Case in point: BHO, the Community Organizer in Chief, seems to have no idea what's happening in his administration. Apparently does not want to be president. He's more like the Campaigner in Chief. Obama's constantly on the campaign trail, telling everyone how he's going to fix things when he gets to Washington. So far, he has yet to fix anything. It seems the more he tries, the more things get screwed-up. The media would have crucified Bush over one tenth of what's happened under the Obama regime.

Let's put it another way: If a ship's captain is responsible for the activities aboard his/her ship, then shouldn't a president be responsible for the activity in his/her administration? Whether they knew about it or not, they are the responsible party. If a ship's captain is asleep in their quarters, and lo and behold, the ship strikes a bridge, runs aground, or whatever, that captain is held responsible.

But in politics, the president is immune from such scrutiny.
1. Some underling in Cincinnati is blamed for the IRS scandal, even though the orders had to come from higher up.
2. Benghazi --- who ordered the stand down, and why? That had to come from higher up the food chain, so to speak.
3. The current AP phone tapping story. The DoJ decided to seek permission to tap the AP phones looking for a supposed security leak.  And now, one of the FOX News reporters has had his emails, business and personal, read thru by the DoJ.

 All of these things were done without the president being made aware of it... Hmm?

I though BHO and Eric Holder were tight? 

Obama, the captain of the ship called America, has been asleep at the wheel if he didn't know about these and a host of other things going on under his watch. Are the many vacations, fund raisers, or White House parties distracting him from his job? Apparently so. Regardless, he is the captain of the ship, and he should be held responsible for what his underlings did; with or without his knowledge. But since BHO is a Democrat, and a Socialist/Progressive, he gets a pass from the majority of the media, and the low to no-information voters.

By now, a ships captain would be charged for any crimes committed by his crew while under his/her command. Shouldn't a president be similarly held responsible? That's another dumb question, huh?

Bottom line: the current occupier of the Oval Office either is completely clueless when it comes to governing, or he is fully aware of what he's doing... Either way, we all should be frightened as hell as to what comes next. What new scandal will come out, and how long will it take before the media will quit covering his ineptness, or his serious lack or respect for the rule of law and the Constitution?

In the meantime, batten down the hatches and pray for your country, as I'm afraid we've not scratched the surface of what's about to befall this nation.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One Mans Opinion  5/15/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

Fast & Furious, Benghazi, The IRS, The AP... Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Those of us that are old enough to have lived through the Nixon presidency remember that the Watergate break-in and the use of the IRS to target Nixon's liberal enemies was the big news on the Big Three Networks back in the day. I was in my early teens when this was taking place. I remember how the media treated Nixon. Woodward and Bernstein (All The President's Men) wrote about it. ABC, CBS, and NBC hammered home the fact that what Nixon did was unconstitutional, and that he needed to be impeached.

Nixon resigned before impeachment could commence, and Vice President Gerald R. Ford became president. When President Ford pardoned Nixon, do any of you remember how the left went ape crap crazy over that? Remember how the media treated Gerald Ford thereafter? Anyone remember how Chevy Chase and Saturday Night Live treated Ford as an inept, clumsy oaf? This was the beginnings of the pit bull media, at least toward Republicans. Ever since then, Republicans are crucified by the media, whereas Democrats pretty much get a pass (of course there are a few exceptions that the MSM had to go after a democrat, but barely).

My how times have changed.

Now, we have a Community Organizer in Chief, constantly on the campaign trail, never governing, taking multimillion dollar vacations every time you turn around, partying with celebrities like Beyonce and Jay-Z, and of course, blaming everyone else for his problems. And now, good old BHO is up to his ears in scandals, and the mainstream media has barely taken notice of it. But wait! It seems that there are some in the 4th rail of government that are beginning to pay attention to what's taking place. If the media wakes up from it's long, self-induced stupor, then perhaps we'll truly discover what all is taking place in DC. Anything is possible I suppose.

Benghazi, Libya is the true story to watch. Four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, died on Sept. 11th, 2012. Where was Obama and Clinton during the 7 hours that the embassy was under attack? Were they watching from the Situation Room in the White House? Were they asleep? Was Obama playing basketball while Hilary Clinton was slugging a few back in her room? Who ordered the stand down that kept our military from intervening? Who has lied to cover-up the inept leadership that was shown during the attack. Generals and Admirals have been relieved of duty, and Obama went to a fund raiser the very next day, acting as if nothing took place.

Of course, there are other scandals that are on the current roster of administration screw-ups besides Benghazi.

There's Fast and Furious, where guns were illegally funneled into the hands of Mexican drug lords. How many people have died due to this? We know one border agent was murdered, and countless others in Mexico were killed with those guns. Then there is the breaking AP phone tapping story. Citing leaks of information concerning national security, the Justice Dept. decided to wiretap at least 20 phone lines at the AP. The wide net that was cast garnered nothing as far as I have heard. This smells of Watergate 2.0 And then The IRS has been targeting conservative groups like the TEA Party, Jewish groups, the 912 project, the Koch Brothers, Billy Graham Ministries, and any groups that has the words Freedom, Constitution, or Liberty in their names since the mid-term elections in 2010.

These scandal are not the big story though; Benghazi is. And the others are distractions that are suddenly coming to light. All of them together spells trouble for the regime, if the media decides to get tough and do their jobs.

But alas, there are still those that are very much asleep, or in complete denial that there are serious problems currently taking place inside the beltway.

Least we forget all of the other wonderful things that Obama has helped to bring to pass since he became president: Over a million and a half fewer workers in the workforce; Obamacare, that has driven UP the cost of healthcare by at least 50% (higher in some cases); the drop in the median income of all Americans, the National Debt, that has increased over 50% under his reign; Gas and energy prices that have jumped over 100%, and more people on food stamps and welfare. Need I go on? 

There is one difference between Nixon and Obama: Nixon had the intelligence and dignity to resign before he hurt the presidency further. It seems that Obama could give a rat's patootie about that.

Yes, times have changed.

President Obama, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, and a host of other worthless politicians and elitists in DC need to be called to the carpet by the American people. They need to face the music, so to speak, just like Richard Nixon did. And there are a few politicians on the Republican side that I could name here that need the same done to them. I'm an equal opportunity finger-pointer. Much of Washington DC is corrupt and mad with power, and it's time to put on the breaks before the car called America plummets over that proverbial cliff. All of them have cast their pearls before swine, and they all need to face justice. Hopefully, there are still a few members of the House and Senate, that are of good conscious, who will pursue this and investigate it thoroughly. In the end, hopefully the truth will come out, and those who committed crimes, treason, and conspiracy will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

We just need for the media to wake up from their dream-like trance, and the American people to cry out "I'm as mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" And we truly need leadership from both parties to do the right thing and end this long American Nightmare.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One Mans Opinion 5/7/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

When you think about it, Benghazi is a prime example of the proverbial governmental cluster-f**k. September 11, 2012, just before the presidential election, Libya reared its ugly head and decided to create havoc. It's not the first time Libya has been a thorn in the side of a president.

Okay, let's hop in the Way Back Time Machine for a moment... Anyone remember Lockerbie?  Istanbul?  The Berlin Disco? Anyone? President Ronald Reagan, back in the '80's, tried to take out Muammar Qaddafi and failed. Why?  Because of Italy's ambassador to Libya called el Kabong, I mean Qaddafi, and forewarned the dictator of what was about to happen. Qaddafi escaped, but Tripoli and Benghazi were bombed. Reagan wasn't afraid to take on the dictator. Time doesn't permit me to tell everything here, but needless to say, old Col. Qaddafi had been a very bad little dictator. Reagan had hoped to end his reign. At least old Mo settled down quite a bit thereafter. Funny how strength and resolve can make even the toughest dictator want to sit down and shut up.

Anyway, fast forward now to our current Community Organizer in Chief, and the all-but-worthless Secretary of State (at the time) Hillary Clinton. They sat and watched the events taking place in Benghazi and did nothing while the consulate was attacked. Four Americans died that night:  Ambassador Christopher Stevens - supposedly a good friend of Mrs.Clinton (and we all know how some of their friends ended up during the Clinton years in DC); Sean Smith, the US Foreign Services Information Manager; Glen Doherty, Retired Navy - who was contracted by the State Department as a part of the security detail; and Tyrone Woods, Retired Navy - Also a State Department Security Member.

Now remember, this was September 11, 2012. September 11th is a date in which the Islamic fascists like to blow stuff up, knock down buildings, kill people...You know, be terrorists. In the days before the attack, extra security was requested for the embassy, and denied by someone in DC. Now, the question is: Who denied the request for the extra security? Another question: Who denied the requests for help during the attack? Was it Mrs. Clinton? BHO? Some underling who will be thrown under the bus later to protect their higher-ups? Some on the left claim it's the Republicans fault (of course) because they wouldn't vote for a pork-filled bill that included extra money for security for the embassies. But there was still money there that could have went to pay for the extra security. If BHO can give military jets to Egypt, they could have boosted the security. Give one less plane away, problem solved. Hell, take one less vacation a month, Mr. O, and you could pay for the security in every embassy all over the world. But there again, how could he have played golf with Tiger, or partied with Jay-Z if he had done that? Silly me.

But again, who denied the request(s)?

Ambassador Stevens asked for extra security before, and military assistance during the attack, and no one in DC (watching the events taking place, mind you) did anything to help. No one in DC gave a damn that four Americans were murdered by Islam-o-fascists, and no one wants to take any responsibility for it now. I'm surprised BHO hasn't blamed Bush for the attack yet.

The aftermath of the attack was a farce. Hillary Clinton tried to shift the blame away from the State Department. Already, the overture is being offered that she cut off the counter-terrorism bureau from acting that night. If this is true, she's guilty as sin!  Obama tried to shift the blame away from Muslim terrorists. He's guilty of total incompetence (even before this event took place). Lies were told, and more lies were piled on to cover the previous lies. Jay Carney, the little White House Press Secretary, lied to the press on a daily basis. He still does. Apparently that's his job. He's damned good at it too. It's easy to lie; and if you repeat the same crapola often enough, the people will believe it as the truth.

The entire thing was homogenized and packaged for a complicit media, and a population with the attention span of... Squirrel!  

Case in point: Our esteemed (ahem) Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, was paraded on 5 different Sunday morning news shows after the attack, claiming that it was the result of a protest run amok... All due to an anti-Islamic video clip on YouTube. Again with the lies!

Many weeks ago, in her testimony before the Benghazi hearings, Madam Clinton asked, "What difference does it make?" in response to the question of who was to blame for the attack; Muslim terrorists or that lame video. Honestly, it makes a hell of a lot of difference, lady! You and your ilk are responsible for the deaths of four Americans! That's what difference it makes!

I saw the video. Trust me, it was stupid. But in the White House, that pesky little thing called the Constitution keeps getting in their way. Regardless of the 1st Amendment, their attitude has been Freedom of Speech be damned, we have excuses to make. The White House is still holding the filmmaker responsible for a non-existent riot that supposedly caused the attack. There was NO PROTEST over that idiotic video! It was because the terrorists saw an opportunity and attacked. That's their job; that's what they do. Again, it was September 11th! And those terrorists, those animals, killed four Americans and destroyed the embassy.

So, Susan Rice lied; Jay Carney lied, Hillary and BHO lied, and God only knows who else has lied in the aftermath. Lies were told to cover the attack, and the collective asses of those that sat watching it live streaming (via drone) in the White House! And more lies, half-truths and faux facts have been spewed by this regime, uh, I mean administration, in the days, weeks, and months since the attack in Benghazi! 

If Obama were a Republican, he would be facing impeachment, prison, and a firing squad by now. The left-leaning media would be crying out for it. There would be protests in the streets. They would be burning effigies of BHO, calling him a monster, a Nazi, or worse, But since Obama is a Democrat... Nothing to see here, move along... Hey, is that J-Lo?

And sadly, the liberal-leaning media gobbled up the lies like the good little socialists they are. They reported the official White House version of the story, and then let the story die. Gay athletes coming out are more important than people dying. Where's that cute kitten story we've run half a billion times? We need to show that one again. I would bet that their marching orders came directly from the White House and the DNC. 

Only FOX News has followed this story full bore since the night of the attack. They have shown what true journalism is supposed to be like; not the kind that passes as such nightly on all of the other news outlets. CBS, once the bastion of true TV journalism, is finally beginning to cover the story, somewhat. Could it be that they are finally seeing the true nature of the beast... Maybe? It's no wonder why the left hates FOX News. Their heroes are being exposed! Truth is kryptonite to the left. Stuporman and his Injustice League are failing America, and the left-leaning media would rather go after Tim Tebow for being a Christian than tell you about the failings of your government. When the pundits on the left are hoping and praying that the Boston Bombers were White, Tea Party folks rather than Muslim extremists, you know who's side they are on. But I digress.

Now, there are some whistle blowers who have come forward. They apparently have first-hand knowledge of the events of that fateful night. They want to set the record straight. The White House claims that no one is stopping them. The whistle blowers claim otherwise. Who's lying now? I know who I'd bet on; they have such a grand track record after all. But apparently the hearings will commence maybe today or sometime this week. Will Congress listen to them? Will our elected representatives act upon the information and impeach the president, or go after Hilary Clinton and those that tried to cover this up? Or will they sweep it under the rug even more? Hopefully the truth will come out. But will the lamestream media actually report it, or do another report on Global Warming? Yet another lie!

My hopes are that the whistle blowers that wish to address the congressional committee on Benghazi will tell everything they know. And hopefully there will be jail cells awaiting those who tried to bury this sorted tale of incompetence that is the current regime in Washington. No wonder Obama wants to close Gitmo. He could end up there!

Also included in those that should see the inside of a prison up-close and personal are the so-called journalists that failed to do their jobs. They are accessories to the cover-up as far as I'm concerned. This would also include those who sent the directives to sweep the Benghazi story in favor of some other frivolous story to distract America from the truth--- Including the editors of the leading newspapers, TV networks, and the cable news outlets that failed to do what was right, and did what they were told. They all should face jail time.

Silence, in this case, is not golden; it is traitorous!  

The media used to be the fourth rail of government, back when they kept our leaders on their toes. They took Nixon down over the Watergate break-in. The biggest difference between then and now is that no one died during Watergate. The journalists are complicit, many of our leaders are complicit, and there are too many in America that either have not heard of what took place that night, or simply could care less; another anti-Palin movie is coming out. That's more important to them.

Meanwhile, four Americans are crying out from their graves for justice. I do hope justice is finally served.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One Mans Opinion 4/17/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

An addendum to  the post on 4/15/13...
On Monday, The Boston Marathon Bombing was the big news. I said some things in that post that I'd like to point out:

This has all the earmarks of terrorism, as the bombs contained pellets like buckshot or ball bearings. Whoever built this set of bombs meant to take out as many people as they could. These were IED's,  roadside bombs, being used in America! Some may think that this does not happen in America! Well, it has, and I'm afraid that this is the first of many such attacks that will cross the nation. The terrorists are emboldened and are well-funded by oil money, heroin money, and much of it is American Dollars.

Make no mistake, there are people that hate America, and many actually live inside the US as citizens, or visitors with legal visa's to be here. Some are students from Middle Eastern nations, workers... And yes, some that cross the borders illegally! There are people of certain religions, and those that are just anarchists, that wish America to disappear. Both groups are terrorists! They are evil, and both groups, foreign and domestic, want America to fail, to fall, and to submit to their will.

These terrorists, whether they be a lone wolf, or the full-fledged terrorist group, do not know just how badly we fought for our freedom 200 plus years ago. They have no idea of the blood, sweat and tears that were shed by our Founding Fathers (and Mothers). All the modern terrorists do know is that inflicting terror can gain them much. There are many in this country that would appease the terrorists. They would give their freedom away for security. These people deserve neither freedom or security. And the terrorists deserve to die like the maggots they truly are! 

Meanwhile, there are already those that are pointing fingers of accusation to the right, to conservatives, blaming the terrorist act on people like the TEA Party. Those people are speculating--- like they did with the Gabby Gifford's shooting, and other mass shootings--- that some right-wing person or group did this. Of course, those on the left will point those accusatory fingers to keep the spotlight off of those that are truly guilty of the crime. This was not a crime though. This was an act of terror! When the facts come out, I'm sure the signature of some Middle Eastern terrorist group will be on these bombs. I would bet that there will be those that will brag that they took down America today. The videos will be on YouTube where you will see dancing in the streets in Dearbornistan, or the Middle East.

Early reports, not substantiated of course, say that a person of interest--- a Saudi man with severe burns--- is being guarded in one Boston Hospital. Of course, if this proves to be true, then we will again have a Saudi connection to a terrorist attack on America. This, if proven true, will show us all that Saudi Arabia IS NOT OUR FRIEND! They fund terrorism with our dollars that we send to them! Of course, we send aid to many countries that hate us. Why? Is our leadership, on both sides of the aisle, so stupid that we continue to send aid to those that wish us dead? I think it's time to cut ALL foreign aid, except to Israel, as they are our only TRUE ALLY in the Middle East!

As it turns out, the man in the hospital may or may not be associated with the bombing (I really have yet to hear for sure), but these two men don't look like white Anglo-Saxon Tea Party types. They look Middle Eastern. And they are carrying backpacks, except in one picture. Also note the one with the backpack off, squatting in the shadows. These two men are probably the ones responsible (I say probably as they are innocent until proven guilty). They are probably a part of Al Queda, and are probably students here in America who want to punish the Great Satan America for whatever they think we have done to them. If these two prove to be the ones guilty of the crime, the massacre in Boston, then I hope whatever puny god they worship has mercy on their pitiful souls, because God has already sealed their fates and they have reservations in Hell!

If you have any doubts about our Middle Eastern friends being loyal to us, remember they are told by their religion that it's okay to lie to infidels, and we are infidels to them. We keep sending tax dollars over to them, and they keep sending terrorists to America. It's time our so-called leaders in DC shut the bank, bring the troops out of the Middle East, and send them a message... We don't need you or your terrorists friends here! We already have liberals that want to destroy America. They do not need your help!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Monday, April 15, 2013

One Mans Opinion  4/15/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

The Boston Terrorist Attack.

It's April 15th... Tax Day. But it's also Patriot's Day in Boston.

Unfortunately 'The Boston Marathon,' where people from all over the world come to run a race that has been run for as long as I can remember, was attacked by cowardly terrorists today. So far, from the news reports I've seen, there are at least 2 dead and multiple injuries reported; many of them are children. One of the dead is an 8 year old child. At least one report says that someone said they saw a leg rushing by their head as they were trying to get away from the blasts.Blood on the sidewalks and the streets. This is the stuff that happens in Beirut, not Boston!

The natural question now is this: Is this another 9/11? Could this be the first salvo in a multifaceted assault on America? That remains to be seen. Regardless, whoever did this--- whether a lone wolf, or a group of terrorists--- are cowards! To kill innocent people is not the mark of an intelligent person, or group. Terrorists are not intelligent... They are mindless monsters!

Here's what I know so far (at the time of this writing): Roughly 25,000 runners were competing in the marathon, and a few had already crossed the finish line when the blasts occurred. One went off near the finish line, and a few seconds later another blast occurred around 100 yards further down the street.

This has all the earmarks of terrorism, as the bombs contained pellets like buckshot or ball bearings. Whoever built this set of bombs meant to take out as many people as they could. These were IED's,  roadside bombs, being used in America! Some may think that this does not happen in America! Well, it has, and I'm afraid that this is the first of many such attacks that will cross the nation. The terrorists are emboldened and are well-funded by oil money, heroin money, and much of it is American Dollars.

Make no mistake, there are people that hate America, and many actually live inside the US as citizens, or visitors with legal visa's to be here. Some are students from Middle Eastern nations, workers... And yes, some that cross the borders illegally! There are people of certain religions, and those that are just anarchists, that wish America to disappear. Both groups are terrorists! They are evil, and both groups, foreign and domestic, want America to fail, to fall, and to submit to their will.

One word: NEVER!

Boston is a great American City. I have walked the Freedom Trail, and I have seen the places where the first salvos of the American Revolution began. I have walked the cemeteries where many of the famous, and not so famous fighters of the revolution were buried. And I have seen the inside of the Old North Church, where "one if by land, two if by sea" actually began Paul Revere's ride. Boston was the birthplace of the American Revolution. But the freedom fighters of old are now labeled terrorist by many on the left today. They call our Founding Father's terrorists, slave owing drunks, and all sort of things to discount what they did to free this nation. These leftists (aka communists/socialists/fascists) see the modern day terrorists as freedom fighters. Alas, those that kill innocent men, women and children are not freedom fighters. They are TERRORISTS!

These terrorists, whether they be a lone wolf, or the full-fledged terrorist group, do not know just how badly we fought for our freedom 200 plus years ago. They have no idea of the blood, sweat and tears that were shed by our Founding Fathers (and Mothers). All the modern terrorists do know is that inflicting terror can gain them much. There are many in this country that would appease the terrorists. They would give their freedom away for security. These people deserve neither freedom or security. And the terrorists deserve to die like the maggots they truly are! 

Meanwhile, there are already those that are pointing fingers of accusation to the right, to conservatives, blaming the terrorist act on people like the TEA Party. Those people are speculating--- like they did with the Gabby Gifford's shooting, and other mass shootings--- that some right-wing person or group did this. Of course, those on the left will point those accusatory fingers to keep the spotlight off of those that are truly guilty of the crime. This was not a crime though. This was an act of terror! When the facts come out, I'm sure the signature of some Middle Eastern terrorist group will be on these bombs. I would bet that there will be those that will brag that they took down America today. The videos will be on YouTube where you will see dancing in the streets in Dearbornistan, or the Middle East.

Early reports, not substantiated of course, say that a person of interest--- a Saudi man with severe burns--- is being guarded in one Boston Hospital. Of course, if this proves to be true, then we will again have a Saudi connection to a terrorist attack on America. This, if proven true, will show us all that Saudi Arabia IS NOT OUR FRIEND! They fund terrorism with our dollars that we send to them! Of course, we send aid to many countries that hate us. Why? Is our leadership, on both sides of the aisle, so stupid that we continue to send aid to those that wish us dead? I think it's time to cut ALL foreign aid, except to Israel, as they are our only TRUE ALLY in the Middle East!

Regardless of what the mainstream media says, or what those on the left will say in the coming days, if somewhere across the ocean there are people that celebrate this attack, just as they did on 9/11/2001, or those places in America where many of those that hate America live, then we will know who we can trust and whom we cannot. Those are the ones that should be cast out of America! Those are the ones that should lose everything they have and be shipped back to where they came from. Internment camps like those that we used on the Japanese during WWII could be set up as a temporary base in which to deport all those that wish America harm. Be they foreign or domestic, they are un-American and not worthy to live in the greatest nation on Earth!

I'm really trying not to mention who I think is behind this attack, as I am honestly trying to reserve judgement, but considering past history, I think it's a good possibility we all know who or whom is behind this attack on Boston, and America!

I hope when the smoke clears we find that one of these cowardly terrorist groups claims responsibility. If they do, our president should call for the military to retaliate with all due force, otherwise, there will be many in America that will call for his ouster. We need leaders in times of crisis, not wimpy politicians. This is not the time to be a spineless jellyfish! This is the time to man-up and do the hard things! This may be Obama's moment to prove he's a leader... Otherwise, he will only affirm what many of us already believe. Only time will tell whether he leads, or he fails.

Either way, America, it's time to wake up that fighting spirit once again and prepare for the coming war on America. They have drawn first blood, and very precious blood indeed. When we discover who was behind this attack, they had better pray they die before America gets to them. Viva Boston... Viva America!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Mans Opinion - 2/6/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders
Let me begin this by saying that I am very aware that there have been mass shootings all across these United States over the course of several years now. So before you call me a gun-loving POS, I believe that it's not the fault of the gun that children and adults have died in these shootings, but the fault of the lunatics that got their hands on the weapons. 
Remember: A gun cannot fire itself, thus guns cannot kill unless someone pulls the trigger. Hence, the shooter is the killer, not the gun!

The anti-gun left in our government are going after what they refer to as Assault Rifles. Technically, all guns can fall into that classification if used in an assault. If you follow the logic employed by the left, then automobiles, baseball bats, crow bars, pencils, paper clips, and other inanimate objects can also be referred to as assault weapons if used in an assault. There is no classification that I am aware of that states a rifle is an ASSAULT WEAPON just because of its looks. According to the logic many on the left use, a butane lighter could be classified an Assault Lighter because it can light more times than a single match.
But this isn't about assault weapons, this about the right to own them that I speak. 

A quick show of hands: How many of you have ever heard of The Dick Act?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

A brief history lesson is in order - Anyone who has served in the National Guard may already know this law already.

Senator Charles W. F. Dick, who was a Major General in the Ohio National Guard, was the chair of the Committee on the Militia. He sponsored legislation (back in the 57th Congress) on June 28th, 1902, which was passed in January of 1903. Under the legislation, the organized militia of the States gave federal status to the militia, and required it to conform to Regular Army organization within five years. The act also required National Guard units to attend 24 drills and five days annual training a year. Also, for the first time, it provided for pay for annual training. In return for the increased federal funding which the legislation made available, militia units were subject to inspection by Regular Army officers, and had to meet certain standards. The Dick Act, aka the Efficiency of Militia Bill - HR 11654, was initiated by then Secretary of War, Elihu Root, just after the Spanish-American War (1898). To explain it, after the war demonstrated weaknesses in the militia, and the entirety of the U.S. Military, the formation of the National Guard began with this act. It also keeps state governors from using National Guard forces as their own private armies.

Here's some of the highlights:
The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard. Attorney General Wickersham advised President Taft, “the Organized Militia (the National Guard) cannot be employed for offensive warfare outside the limits of the United States.” (That was changed in 1908).
Further, The Militia Act of 1903 was used by the Executive Branch during the civil rights demonstrations during the 1960s. George Wallace, among other southern Democrat governors, tried to use National Guard to block civil rights and desegregation initiatives. In these particular cases, whenever a governor called up the National Guard for use in blocking federal directives, the President promptly mobilized the Guard into the Army Reserve, placing the Guard commanders under federal authority, and subject to court martial should they not carry out executive directives. (Anyone remember those days?).

Now, can you tell me how many times have you seen the Constitution overlooked lately? How many times has it been flat-out ignored? Therefore, the Dick Act can be overturned, or simply ignored by Congress; just like any other law they choose to ignore. Slavery was abolished, yet we still have it today, it's just called Welfare or Entitlement Programs now.

To give you some idea of what it is that I'm going on about, here's some of the stuff I have read on social media about the Dick Act:  
The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities. The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.
The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.
The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard.
Attorney General Wickersham advised President Taft, "the Organized Militia (the National Guard) cannot be employed for offensive warfare outside the limits of the United States." The Honorable William Gordon, in a speech to the House on Thursday, October 4, 1917, proved that the action of President Wilson in ordering the Organized Militia (the National Guard) to fight a war in Europe was so blatantly unconstitutional that he felt Wilson ought to have been impeached.

This was posted on social media, and contains at least one error that is obvious...The October 4. 1917 part. The bill was changed in 1908, so Woodrow Wilson did have the means to make the National Guard go to war outside the US. George Bush and BHO both have sent the National Guard overseas during the War on Terror, or whatever the politically Correct terminology is now. They cannot be impeached for that. So, I'm sorry for being a downer here, but from what I have seen, the Dick Act--- other than the catchy name for a bunch of the politicians in DC--- doesn't mean Dick!

Now, honestly, when you have as many Marxists, pseudo-fascists, Maoist, and Socialist running things in Washington, do you really believe that they can't or won't go around federal laws, or the Constitution, to do as they please?

Now, concerning ex post facto law stated above: An "ex post facto" law retroactively criminalizes conduct which was not criminal when done.

I'll explain it this way: Let's say you bought a gun last year, last week, or even yesterday. Tomorrow, the slimy politicians in DC decide to abolish the 2nd Amendment. That ex post facto law now means you are a criminal for buying that gun, even though it was legally purchased. The government can do this legally, and we all know that the Democrats, and RINO Republicans will somehow manage to make it a criminal offense to own a gun if and when they decide to overturn the 2nd Amendment. How many of those politicians have you voted for? How many of them deserve your vote again? You and I know that many of them talk about being pro 2nd Amendment, and NRA friendly, but let's see how many of them cave to political pressure from the Community Organizer-in-Chief or the anti-gun left.

When the politicians do abolish the 2nd Amendment, or the UN mandates it, (and our spineless jellyfish leaders say, "well gosh darn it, we have to follow UN law,") only the military, the police (maybe), and the criminals will own guns. And we all know that criminals WILL NOT turn their guns in, because they are CRIMINALS!

Remember the old bumper sticker? "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!" 

Someone asked me the other day, "Dewaine, do you see the day coming that guns will be outlawed?" I replied, "You damned skippy I do, and sooner than anyone thinks!"

All it will take is a bunch of Twitter-obsessed celebrities and leftist loonfish to make the anti-gun socialists in DC do the "right thing to protect our children" and it will be done. And the Dick Act, nor anything else will stop that wheel from rolling.

There are those people on both sides of the political aisle that say people do not need assault rifles. Well, using that logic, do we need cars, big screen TV's, laptop computers, cell phones, or a subscription to the Desert of the Month Club? Just because we don't need something isn't a valid case for not wanting to own something. Myself, I'd love a tractor-trailer load of gold bars. Do I need it? Sure I do, but that need is negated by the fact that I cannot afford to buy it. But, legally, I can buy what they refer to as an assault weapon. If I could afford one, then hell yes, I'd own it! Do I need it? Probably not, but it's my right to be able to own it, or any other weapon to protect myself and my family. For that alone, I should have the right and opportunity to purchase it if I can afford it. Since I can't, the point is moot.

Further, if the left says I don't need to own an assault rifle, then some woman doesn't need an abortion, or free contraceptives paid for by our tax dollars. Show me in the Constitution where my tax dollars are supposed to go to someone who wants to have sex and kill unborn babies! I'll wait if you need to check.

But I digress, it's not up to the government to decide whether I need something, it's the governments place to insure I can own that weapon if I so desire. If they decide otherwise, then they are not following the Constitution. The first Amendment allows for free speech, but it says nothing about the Internet, TV, Radio, or Twitter. So, does that make those things unconstitutional? NO! So, just because our forefathers did not have AK-47's doesn't mean that we cannot have them. In fact, I bet they would have loved the opportunity to use them against the British back in the Revolutionary War. That war would have been short and decisive if they did have them!

So, until the socialists running the show in DC decide to overturn the 2nd Amendment, you can still buy guns and ammo--- and I suggest you do so early and often. Also, you need to keep your eyes and ears open, and your powder dry. And please, stop believing everything you read on Facebook, or any other social media. There is fear-mongering and false hope abounding, but unless you happen to know the Constitution, you don't know Dick!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!