Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One Mans Opinion 5/7/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

When you think about it, Benghazi is a prime example of the proverbial governmental cluster-f**k. September 11, 2012, just before the presidential election, Libya reared its ugly head and decided to create havoc. It's not the first time Libya has been a thorn in the side of a president.

Okay, let's hop in the Way Back Time Machine for a moment... Anyone remember Lockerbie?  Istanbul?  The Berlin Disco? Anyone? President Ronald Reagan, back in the '80's, tried to take out Muammar Qaddafi and failed. Why?  Because of Italy's ambassador to Libya called el Kabong, I mean Qaddafi, and forewarned the dictator of what was about to happen. Qaddafi escaped, but Tripoli and Benghazi were bombed. Reagan wasn't afraid to take on the dictator. Time doesn't permit me to tell everything here, but needless to say, old Col. Qaddafi had been a very bad little dictator. Reagan had hoped to end his reign. At least old Mo settled down quite a bit thereafter. Funny how strength and resolve can make even the toughest dictator want to sit down and shut up.

Anyway, fast forward now to our current Community Organizer in Chief, and the all-but-worthless Secretary of State (at the time) Hillary Clinton. They sat and watched the events taking place in Benghazi and did nothing while the consulate was attacked. Four Americans died that night:  Ambassador Christopher Stevens - supposedly a good friend of Mrs.Clinton (and we all know how some of their friends ended up during the Clinton years in DC); Sean Smith, the US Foreign Services Information Manager; Glen Doherty, Retired Navy - who was contracted by the State Department as a part of the security detail; and Tyrone Woods, Retired Navy - Also a State Department Security Member.

Now remember, this was September 11, 2012. September 11th is a date in which the Islamic fascists like to blow stuff up, knock down buildings, kill people...You know, be terrorists. In the days before the attack, extra security was requested for the embassy, and denied by someone in DC. Now, the question is: Who denied the request for the extra security? Another question: Who denied the requests for help during the attack? Was it Mrs. Clinton? BHO? Some underling who will be thrown under the bus later to protect their higher-ups? Some on the left claim it's the Republicans fault (of course) because they wouldn't vote for a pork-filled bill that included extra money for security for the embassies. But there was still money there that could have went to pay for the extra security. If BHO can give military jets to Egypt, they could have boosted the security. Give one less plane away, problem solved. Hell, take one less vacation a month, Mr. O, and you could pay for the security in every embassy all over the world. But there again, how could he have played golf with Tiger, or partied with Jay-Z if he had done that? Silly me.

But again, who denied the request(s)?

Ambassador Stevens asked for extra security before, and military assistance during the attack, and no one in DC (watching the events taking place, mind you) did anything to help. No one in DC gave a damn that four Americans were murdered by Islam-o-fascists, and no one wants to take any responsibility for it now. I'm surprised BHO hasn't blamed Bush for the attack yet.

The aftermath of the attack was a farce. Hillary Clinton tried to shift the blame away from the State Department. Already, the overture is being offered that she cut off the counter-terrorism bureau from acting that night. If this is true, she's guilty as sin!  Obama tried to shift the blame away from Muslim terrorists. He's guilty of total incompetence (even before this event took place). Lies were told, and more lies were piled on to cover the previous lies. Jay Carney, the little White House Press Secretary, lied to the press on a daily basis. He still does. Apparently that's his job. He's damned good at it too. It's easy to lie; and if you repeat the same crapola often enough, the people will believe it as the truth.

The entire thing was homogenized and packaged for a complicit media, and a population with the attention span of... Squirrel!  

Case in point: Our esteemed (ahem) Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, was paraded on 5 different Sunday morning news shows after the attack, claiming that it was the result of a protest run amok... All due to an anti-Islamic video clip on YouTube. Again with the lies!

Many weeks ago, in her testimony before the Benghazi hearings, Madam Clinton asked, "What difference does it make?" in response to the question of who was to blame for the attack; Muslim terrorists or that lame video. Honestly, it makes a hell of a lot of difference, lady! You and your ilk are responsible for the deaths of four Americans! That's what difference it makes!

I saw the video. Trust me, it was stupid. But in the White House, that pesky little thing called the Constitution keeps getting in their way. Regardless of the 1st Amendment, their attitude has been Freedom of Speech be damned, we have excuses to make. The White House is still holding the filmmaker responsible for a non-existent riot that supposedly caused the attack. There was NO PROTEST over that idiotic video! It was because the terrorists saw an opportunity and attacked. That's their job; that's what they do. Again, it was September 11th! And those terrorists, those animals, killed four Americans and destroyed the embassy.

So, Susan Rice lied; Jay Carney lied, Hillary and BHO lied, and God only knows who else has lied in the aftermath. Lies were told to cover the attack, and the collective asses of those that sat watching it live streaming (via drone) in the White House! And more lies, half-truths and faux facts have been spewed by this regime, uh, I mean administration, in the days, weeks, and months since the attack in Benghazi! 

If Obama were a Republican, he would be facing impeachment, prison, and a firing squad by now. The left-leaning media would be crying out for it. There would be protests in the streets. They would be burning effigies of BHO, calling him a monster, a Nazi, or worse, But since Obama is a Democrat... Nothing to see here, move along... Hey, is that J-Lo?

And sadly, the liberal-leaning media gobbled up the lies like the good little socialists they are. They reported the official White House version of the story, and then let the story die. Gay athletes coming out are more important than people dying. Where's that cute kitten story we've run half a billion times? We need to show that one again. I would bet that their marching orders came directly from the White House and the DNC. 

Only FOX News has followed this story full bore since the night of the attack. They have shown what true journalism is supposed to be like; not the kind that passes as such nightly on all of the other news outlets. CBS, once the bastion of true TV journalism, is finally beginning to cover the story, somewhat. Could it be that they are finally seeing the true nature of the beast... Maybe? It's no wonder why the left hates FOX News. Their heroes are being exposed! Truth is kryptonite to the left. Stuporman and his Injustice League are failing America, and the left-leaning media would rather go after Tim Tebow for being a Christian than tell you about the failings of your government. When the pundits on the left are hoping and praying that the Boston Bombers were White, Tea Party folks rather than Muslim extremists, you know who's side they are on. But I digress.

Now, there are some whistle blowers who have come forward. They apparently have first-hand knowledge of the events of that fateful night. They want to set the record straight. The White House claims that no one is stopping them. The whistle blowers claim otherwise. Who's lying now? I know who I'd bet on; they have such a grand track record after all. But apparently the hearings will commence maybe today or sometime this week. Will Congress listen to them? Will our elected representatives act upon the information and impeach the president, or go after Hilary Clinton and those that tried to cover this up? Or will they sweep it under the rug even more? Hopefully the truth will come out. But will the lamestream media actually report it, or do another report on Global Warming? Yet another lie!

My hopes are that the whistle blowers that wish to address the congressional committee on Benghazi will tell everything they know. And hopefully there will be jail cells awaiting those who tried to bury this sorted tale of incompetence that is the current regime in Washington. No wonder Obama wants to close Gitmo. He could end up there!

Also included in those that should see the inside of a prison up-close and personal are the so-called journalists that failed to do their jobs. They are accessories to the cover-up as far as I'm concerned. This would also include those who sent the directives to sweep the Benghazi story in favor of some other frivolous story to distract America from the truth--- Including the editors of the leading newspapers, TV networks, and the cable news outlets that failed to do what was right, and did what they were told. They all should face jail time.

Silence, in this case, is not golden; it is traitorous!  

The media used to be the fourth rail of government, back when they kept our leaders on their toes. They took Nixon down over the Watergate break-in. The biggest difference between then and now is that no one died during Watergate. The journalists are complicit, many of our leaders are complicit, and there are too many in America that either have not heard of what took place that night, or simply could care less; another anti-Palin movie is coming out. That's more important to them.

Meanwhile, four Americans are crying out from their graves for justice. I do hope justice is finally served.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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