Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One Mans Opinion  5/15/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

Fast & Furious, Benghazi, The IRS, The AP... Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Those of us that are old enough to have lived through the Nixon presidency remember that the Watergate break-in and the use of the IRS to target Nixon's liberal enemies was the big news on the Big Three Networks back in the day. I was in my early teens when this was taking place. I remember how the media treated Nixon. Woodward and Bernstein (All The President's Men) wrote about it. ABC, CBS, and NBC hammered home the fact that what Nixon did was unconstitutional, and that he needed to be impeached.

Nixon resigned before impeachment could commence, and Vice President Gerald R. Ford became president. When President Ford pardoned Nixon, do any of you remember how the left went ape crap crazy over that? Remember how the media treated Gerald Ford thereafter? Anyone remember how Chevy Chase and Saturday Night Live treated Ford as an inept, clumsy oaf? This was the beginnings of the pit bull media, at least toward Republicans. Ever since then, Republicans are crucified by the media, whereas Democrats pretty much get a pass (of course there are a few exceptions that the MSM had to go after a democrat, but barely).

My how times have changed.

Now, we have a Community Organizer in Chief, constantly on the campaign trail, never governing, taking multimillion dollar vacations every time you turn around, partying with celebrities like Beyonce and Jay-Z, and of course, blaming everyone else for his problems. And now, good old BHO is up to his ears in scandals, and the mainstream media has barely taken notice of it. But wait! It seems that there are some in the 4th rail of government that are beginning to pay attention to what's taking place. If the media wakes up from it's long, self-induced stupor, then perhaps we'll truly discover what all is taking place in DC. Anything is possible I suppose.

Benghazi, Libya is the true story to watch. Four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, died on Sept. 11th, 2012. Where was Obama and Clinton during the 7 hours that the embassy was under attack? Were they watching from the Situation Room in the White House? Were they asleep? Was Obama playing basketball while Hilary Clinton was slugging a few back in her room? Who ordered the stand down that kept our military from intervening? Who has lied to cover-up the inept leadership that was shown during the attack. Generals and Admirals have been relieved of duty, and Obama went to a fund raiser the very next day, acting as if nothing took place.

Of course, there are other scandals that are on the current roster of administration screw-ups besides Benghazi.

There's Fast and Furious, where guns were illegally funneled into the hands of Mexican drug lords. How many people have died due to this? We know one border agent was murdered, and countless others in Mexico were killed with those guns. Then there is the breaking AP phone tapping story. Citing leaks of information concerning national security, the Justice Dept. decided to wiretap at least 20 phone lines at the AP. The wide net that was cast garnered nothing as far as I have heard. This smells of Watergate 2.0 And then The IRS has been targeting conservative groups like the TEA Party, Jewish groups, the 912 project, the Koch Brothers, Billy Graham Ministries, and any groups that has the words Freedom, Constitution, or Liberty in their names since the mid-term elections in 2010.

These scandal are not the big story though; Benghazi is. And the others are distractions that are suddenly coming to light. All of them together spells trouble for the regime, if the media decides to get tough and do their jobs.

But alas, there are still those that are very much asleep, or in complete denial that there are serious problems currently taking place inside the beltway.

Least we forget all of the other wonderful things that Obama has helped to bring to pass since he became president: Over a million and a half fewer workers in the workforce; Obamacare, that has driven UP the cost of healthcare by at least 50% (higher in some cases); the drop in the median income of all Americans, the National Debt, that has increased over 50% under his reign; Gas and energy prices that have jumped over 100%, and more people on food stamps and welfare. Need I go on? 

There is one difference between Nixon and Obama: Nixon had the intelligence and dignity to resign before he hurt the presidency further. It seems that Obama could give a rat's patootie about that.

Yes, times have changed.

President Obama, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, and a host of other worthless politicians and elitists in DC need to be called to the carpet by the American people. They need to face the music, so to speak, just like Richard Nixon did. And there are a few politicians on the Republican side that I could name here that need the same done to them. I'm an equal opportunity finger-pointer. Much of Washington DC is corrupt and mad with power, and it's time to put on the breaks before the car called America plummets over that proverbial cliff. All of them have cast their pearls before swine, and they all need to face justice. Hopefully, there are still a few members of the House and Senate, that are of good conscious, who will pursue this and investigate it thoroughly. In the end, hopefully the truth will come out, and those who committed crimes, treason, and conspiracy will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

We just need for the media to wake up from their dream-like trance, and the American people to cry out "I'm as mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" And we truly need leadership from both parties to do the right thing and end this long American Nightmare.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

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