Monday, May 20, 2013

One Mans Opinion 5/20/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

I have a really dumb question to ask... When is a president not a president?

Okay, like I said, it's a dumb question. But as it happened, we have a president that is not acting presidential. Case in point: BHO, the Community Organizer in Chief, seems to have no idea what's happening in his administration. Apparently does not want to be president. He's more like the Campaigner in Chief. Obama's constantly on the campaign trail, telling everyone how he's going to fix things when he gets to Washington. So far, he has yet to fix anything. It seems the more he tries, the more things get screwed-up. The media would have crucified Bush over one tenth of what's happened under the Obama regime.

Let's put it another way: If a ship's captain is responsible for the activities aboard his/her ship, then shouldn't a president be responsible for the activity in his/her administration? Whether they knew about it or not, they are the responsible party. If a ship's captain is asleep in their quarters, and lo and behold, the ship strikes a bridge, runs aground, or whatever, that captain is held responsible.

But in politics, the president is immune from such scrutiny.
1. Some underling in Cincinnati is blamed for the IRS scandal, even though the orders had to come from higher up.
2. Benghazi --- who ordered the stand down, and why? That had to come from higher up the food chain, so to speak.
3. The current AP phone tapping story. The DoJ decided to seek permission to tap the AP phones looking for a supposed security leak.  And now, one of the FOX News reporters has had his emails, business and personal, read thru by the DoJ.

 All of these things were done without the president being made aware of it... Hmm?

I though BHO and Eric Holder were tight? 

Obama, the captain of the ship called America, has been asleep at the wheel if he didn't know about these and a host of other things going on under his watch. Are the many vacations, fund raisers, or White House parties distracting him from his job? Apparently so. Regardless, he is the captain of the ship, and he should be held responsible for what his underlings did; with or without his knowledge. But since BHO is a Democrat, and a Socialist/Progressive, he gets a pass from the majority of the media, and the low to no-information voters.

By now, a ships captain would be charged for any crimes committed by his crew while under his/her command. Shouldn't a president be similarly held responsible? That's another dumb question, huh?

Bottom line: the current occupier of the Oval Office either is completely clueless when it comes to governing, or he is fully aware of what he's doing... Either way, we all should be frightened as hell as to what comes next. What new scandal will come out, and how long will it take before the media will quit covering his ineptness, or his serious lack or respect for the rule of law and the Constitution?

In the meantime, batten down the hatches and pray for your country, as I'm afraid we've not scratched the surface of what's about to befall this nation.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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