Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Mans Opinion 1/26/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

I hate polls. I absolutely despise them. First of all, none of them can be 100% accurate; and secondly, none of them are without their fair share of political leanings --- Democrat-run polls tend to lean left while conservative polls tend to lean right. If MSNBC does a poll, it leans so far to the left that it simply falls over.

So with that in mind, I want to talk about the latest poll on Fox News. Bret Baier, the host of Special Report, posed the question for his latest poll:
The 12 for 2012 -Which potential GOP presidential candidate do you prefer?

The choices were: Haley Barbour, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, Jim DeMint, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, John Thune and other.

Once I voted (and you know who I voted for... Her initials are SP [wink wink]), I got to see the breakdown on the voting. Again, this isn't a scientific poll. I'm sure many people voted more than once (kind of like a typical Chicago election). But here was the breakdown per candidate at the time of this writing:

Haley Barbour 0.23% (581 votes)
Chris Christie 3.25% (8,363 votes)
Mitch Daniels 0.64% (1,637 votes)
Jim DeMint 0.51% (1,308 votes)
Newt Gingrich 1.13% (2,893 votes)
Mike Huckabee 10.61% (27,270 votes)
Bobby Jindal 0.46% (1,195 votes)
Sarah Palin 44.09% (113,298 votes)
Tim Pawlenty 0.36% (938 votes)
Mike Pence 0.81% (2,073 votes)
Mitt Romney 29.52% (75,862 votes)
John Thune 0.98% (2,506 votes)
Other 7.42% (19,071 votes)

Now Other I will take as people like Ron Paul, Jeb Bush or Oscar the Wonder Chicken (potentially a dark horse candidate for the Free Range Movement). So, over nineteen thousand folks either like Ron Paul, or KFC is voting heavily on old Oscar.

But the vast amount of votes were for three contenders... Mike Huckabee 10.61% - 27,270 votes, Mitt Romney 29.52% - 75,862 votes and Sarah Palin 44.09% - 113,298 votes. So, if the GOP convention were held today, Sarah Palin would be leading the race with Mike Huckabee showing. That would leave Mitt Romney as the front-runner for Vice President... Right?


If Sarah Palin were to nominate someone for VP, I would say she would continue to buck the GOP and go for a Tea Party person. My money would be on Michelle Bachmann. Her popularity continues to grow, and a woman/woman ticket would make historic gains for women everywhere. I would even bet that the NOW gang would back them (NOT!).
Of course, all of the women on the left would probably vote for Oscar the Wonder Chicken... Especially the PETA crowd.

But the numbers tell a tale. Sarah Palin, for all of the debunking the left tries to do to her, is more popular than Mitt (Romneycare) Romney and Mike Huckabee combined. And if Sarah runs, I'll paraphrase the immortal words of Rush Limbaugh: She'll mop the floor with Obama, and any other GOP establishment darling; most of whom are RINO's and not worthy of the title of POTUS.

But President Sarah Palin does have a very nice ring to it!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crosshairs, Targets and Sarah Palin

One Mans Opinion 1/19/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

The usage of targets, or crosshairs has been used in everything from advertising to political campaigns for as long as I can remember, and now, lo and behold, crosshairs are to be considered politically incorrect.

Geez! Have we become so thin-skinned that a simple thing like the word crosshairs, or the actual symbol, can cause people to get their panties in a wad and act like it's the end of the world? Have 'some' people lost their ever-loving minds?

Now granted, Sarah Palin's Political Action Committee used crosshairs when targeting districts that they wanted to focus on during the midterm election, but was that the reason that someone decided to start shooting people? No!

The crosshairs are also an surveying symbol, if I'm not mistaken. So should we outlaw anyone in the surveying industry from using it too? For crying out loud, the politically correct leftists out there are grasping for straws by blaming Sarah Palin for the shooting by SarahPAC using the crosshairs on the website, but to say that crosshairs, ot the mere mention of the word should now be taboo is ridiculous.

Now here's something amazingly stoopid... CNN's John King had to apologize to his meager audience (probably a few dozen at best) by saying, "Before we go to break, I want to make a quick point. We were having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race. My friend Andy Shaw used the term 'in the crosshairs' in talking about the candidates. We're trying, we're trying to get away from that language. Andy is a good friend, he's covered politics for a long time, but we're trying to get away from that kind of language."

CNN has to apologize for someone uttering "crosshairs?" It's okay to call people nazi's, but crosshairs (both the symbol and word) should be verbotten?
Having mentioned the John King statement, let's take a look at this tidbit of information: From 1982 thru 2005, CNN aired a program called 'Crossfire.' And during the 23 years that it was on the air, approximately 1.3 billion people died. Is CNN guilty of hate speech and the deaths of all of these people from a show called Crossfire? No! But the real question is: Should they apologize to their braindead audience because they used some symbolic word that could cause nutjobs on the left to grab a gun and start popping off hip shots into crowds?  Well...

Then there's the chain of department stores named Target. Should they have to change their name and logo because it conjures up feelings of anger and promotes hatred against anyone? Again, I would have to say no!

So, is Sarah Palin guilty of using a crosshair target on the SarahPAC website in hopes to stir some liberal loonfish to take up arms and shoot people? NO!

The left is simply trying to deflect the focus away from the fact that their Community Organizer in Chief is an utter failure. The economy he's in charge of is teetering on the brink, so they are taking advantage of a bad situation (the Tragedy in Tucson) as to change the national subject from the economy and lack of jobs to 'Lets all hate Sarah Palin for the umpteenth time since 2008 because she's an easy target' (oops, politically incorrect usage of the word, I know).

Also, the dolts on the left have been trying to limit the first amendment by this nonsensical censorship of a word here or there for some time now. After all, that's what political correctness is really all about... Censorship!

They claim that the right is full of hate because of this symbol:

I say the left is guilty of hate because of these images:

You tell me which is worse... A simple crosshair, or the hateful images from the left?

Perhaps a nice dose of Obamacare will make all you leftist loonfish feel better... If you can actually see a Doctor for what ails you. And what ails you is stupidity!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Friday, January 14, 2011

One Mans Opinion 1/14/11
By Dewaine Shoulders.

Well, the One Mans Opinion Blogtalk show is over, but a new show rises from the ashes.
Dewaine & Susie Live takes to the air 1/16/2011. That's this Sunday. It airs at 7 pm EST/ 6 pm Central and 4 pm Pacific time, the same time as One Mans Opinion show did.
Dewaine & Susie Live will be far more entertaining, informative and enlightening. Come give it a listen this Sunday.

Monday, January 10, 2011

One Mans Opinion 1/11/11
By Dewaine Shoulders

The Tragedy in Tucson.

Before you read this blog, watch this You Tube video.

Okay, if you've watched the video, you know where I'm going with this.

Since Saturday, almost immediately after the deranged young man named Jared Laughner began shooting innocent people - killing several, including a nine year old girl, Federal Judge John Roll and shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head - the lunatic leftist media have been pointing accusatory fingers at the right. They claimed that the right wing media was to blame for inciting Mr. Laughner to go out and kill people.

I say that it's time that we all understand that the rhetoric from the right had nothing to do with the shooting. It was the rhetoric from the left that inspired this sick man to carry out his heinous attack.

Nearly every left-leaning journalist and commentator began pointing the fickle finger of blame toward the right minutes after the shooting; taking for granted that the shooter must be some right-wing whack job with a vendetta against a Democrat. And nearly every loonfish blogger with a penchant for typing inflammatory words began spouting out hatred and called for violence against the right almost immediately thereafter. So are they the ones to blame for the incident in Tucson?

Where is the fair and balanced reporting in the MSM? Of course the MSM had no reason to be fair and balanced. The MSM has a distaste for all things conservative!

Instead of pointing the finger of guilt where it should be pointed, the MSM and leftist bloggers pointed their fingers at people like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity for inciting violence on their respective shows or on their websites (the SarahPAC site used cross hairs targeting specific races during the midterm election). They failed to mention that the Democrats also used cross hairs on many of their web pages; but have you heard anything about them from the MSM? Probably not.

Clearly grasping for straws, the mainstream media attempted to link Mr. Laughner to the right almost immediately. The left-friendly media and its many contemptuous commentators and supposed journalists jumped to conclusions and firmly inserted foot into gaping mouth. They blamed the wrong commentators and websites for the shooting.

The Daily Kos had targeted Rep. Giffords in 2008. So, are they guilty? I haven't heard one mention of that in the MSM. There have been liberal commentators like Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Ed (Sgt.) Schultz uttering hate-filled diatribes on their shows; calling for violence, revolutions and civil war! Are they guilty? Again, the MSM has not uttered so much as a peep as to their involvement.

And I've had the displeasure to read a couple of really interesting blogs calling for civil war and saying that Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Tea Party members should be killed! Any news of that in the MSM? I haven't seen anything about that from them.

And in the above video, these people are clearly calling for Sarah Palin's death or torture. So why isn't the MSM or the FBI looking into those threats? These are clearly threats and they should be considered domestic terrorists! Hey, Homeland Security, where do you stand on that?

I believe the reason that the MSM (or Homeland Security) aren't doing their jobs is that it's just so much easier to assign the blame to the right; as we're all supposed to be hate-mongers and blood-thirsty bigots that preach violence in the streets... Right?

Okay, having said that, we all know that there are those useful idiots on the left just waiting for an excuse to become some socialist hero; taking down conservatives and anyone else that doesn't believe in what they believe in. These people are easily led astray because they have no real sense of morality. To those folks, life is cheap and too many of them would martyr themselves for the cause. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and most of their minds are devoid of humanity, much less common sense!

Now, there is one other mention of a supposed commentator/journalistic hypocrisy to mention: Keith Olbermann was trying to wax intelligent about what happened, but steadily pointed the finger of blame at everyone on the right for talking about violence, especially from people like Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and other right-wing talk show hosts. Being a listener of both Limbaugh and Beck, I can honestly say that neither one of them has ever once suggested that we on the right should take up arms and go marching off to kill anyone. They might mention the notion that the left is willing to do so, but never in the years that I have listened to Rush or Glenn Beck has either one so much as hinted at violence from the conservatives.

Even our esteemed Community Organizer in Chief has uttered calls for violence many times. Here are a few of his statements/comments that clearly are violent in nature. "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun!” “Argue with neighbors, Get in their face!” “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard!” “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry!” “Punish your enemies!” “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick!“ “I’m itching for a fight!” “Hand-to-hand combat!” Is President Barack Obama to blame? Not according to the MSM.

So, let's all understand this: If a liberal does something stupid and gets caught, they blame the right. If the left calls for violence against everyone that doesn’t believe in their Socialist gobbledygook, they blame the right for inciting it. And the lollipops and rainbows MSM reports it as the truth because they are useful idiots to the left as well!

And finally, this brings me to the shooter... Jared Laughner. This young man was a leftist anarchist who knew exactly what he was going to do. He said “goodbye friends” on his Myspace page, which was quickly taken down after the shooting, by the way. He clearly premeditated this act of violence! And he probably expected to die during the course of committing the act… Most likely thinking he’d go out in a blaze of glory and be a martyr to the cause. Of course, his lawyers will try for an insanity plea, and he'll probably be Henkleyed - That is he'll be put in a mental institution instead of Death Row.

I expect that the left-leaning MSM will continue to point the finger of blame at the right, regardless of the evidence, because that's far easier than theelling the truth and pointing the finger of blame where it should be pointed... Squarly at themselves! They are unable to tell the truth because that would mean that they are wrong, and liberals can never admit to that fact! It's never their fault!

And also remember that liberalism is a mental disorder… And conservatism is the cure!

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Mans Opinion 1/5/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Kathy Griffin… Comedian?

Kathy Griffin announced her New Year’s resolution to continue a verbal assault on the Palin family. Only in 2011, the comedian said she intends to target Sarah Palin’s 16-year-old daughter, Willow.

She also added, "I've already gone for Sarah, Todd and Bristol obviously, but I think it's Willow's year to go down. In 2011, I want to offend a new Palin.” Griffin told The Hollywood Reporter.

Kathy Griffin (50) the humorless comedian, wants to ridicule a 16 year old minor publicly. Well, if that’s okay, then I says if Ms. Griffin has any children – if anyone would want to breed with her – then they have now become fair game too.

This is America 2011 – Where no talent people like Kathy Griffin are targeting children as topics of their wrath. How low this society has fallen, thanks to Progressive policies and the liberal mindset of a bunch of Hollyweird leftist and no-talent people like Griffin.

This irks me more than I can say here politely. I’d love to be able to say the nasty things I feel about people like Kathy Griffin, but decorum prevents me from truly expressing those thoughts.

Just when I think this society, the so-called enlightened (PC for liberal) America has reached the lowest point it can, someone comes along and turns over another rock layer and the digging begins anew.

With all of the issues that the country faces, and the lack of leadership that we currently have in Washington, you would think that the comedians would have much fodder for their acts. But it seems that hardly any of them wish to offend their glorious leader; instead the likes of Kathy Griffin targets a child, who happens to be the daughter of a national celebrity, to have an act. Attacking Sarah Palin is one thing, but attacking her minor children is yet another.

If this is all this supposed comedian can offer, then maybe her act isn’t good enough to be out there in the limelight anymore. Perhaps she should quietly fade into history and go work in a Walmart as a store greeter. Yes, I can see Kathy Griffin fired on her first day on that job for being a Bit… I almost called her a derogatory name!

As for Sarah Palin and her family, they are the targets of ever-increasing hostility by the left because the left is afraid of her becoming their president. Now, I’m sure if Sarah Palin ran for the presidency and won, the list of so-called entertainers that would say they would leave America would grow daily; and good riddance to them. Maybe these so-called entertainers and comedians could find work in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela… Maybe?

Most of these entertainers that blast Sarah Palin and her family are in careers that earn them a good living. Perhaps the best thing any of us can do is not spend our hard-earned money on their comedy, music or movies. If they have a TV show, do not watch it. The ratings would have their shows cancelled pretty quick. This is how America should deal with the supposed entertainment industry when the entertainers are quick to ridicule a patriot, or her family.

It’s called hitting them in their pocketbooks! It may not shut them up, but it will help to shut them down!

And finally, here’s a personal message to Kathy Griffin: Perhaps you need to pick on someone besides a child, otherwise you’re children or family members could become fair game for others to berate and belittle.

And I’m sure the joke would be lost on you.

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!