Thursday, September 29, 2011

One Mans Opinion  9/29/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Okay, normally I would be talking about Sarah Palin, or the upcoming presidential elections here, but this scares the hell out of me. First of all, let me preface this by saying that when I first saw this report, I was appalled. But then fear crept in, as this could very well be what happens before next November, if the left has their way.

Speaking to a Cary Rotary Club in North Carolina, Gov. Bev Perdue suggested that the next round Congressional elections should be postponed for two years, so that Congress can focus on the economic recovery and not the next election.

These are her own words:

"You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things. I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. The one good thing about Raleigh is that for so many years we worked across party lines. It's a little bit more contentious now but it's not impossible to try to do what's right in this state. You want people who don't worry about the next election."

Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the words of a liberal progressive; someone who would usurp the power from the people in order to save their own jobs and garner more power for themselves… To take away the rights of the people to vote in order to secure their positions of power over the people.

Does this scare you? It should, because I have said a time or two in the past to a few friends that our president could do this very thing to secure his own position as he slips further down in the polls. What better way is there to keep your job than by making sure that elections are suspended because of a national crisis? The thing is, I can't seem to recall a time that our voting rights were suspended because of anything... Be they World Wars, Great Depressions or any other crisis that stopped the people from voting.

Is it just me, or is this the plan being cast into motion by the left because they know that they are about to be swept out of office all over the country?

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but this sounds like someone who would call for the congressional elections, or, perhaps, even the presidential elections to be postponed indefinitely to make sure that the economy gets better. The only way the economy is going to get better is to oust the people that put us in this position in the first place; the elites in Congress... On both sides of the aisle! They are the very people who placed this nation in financial jeopardy, and they should be voted out of office; hopefully to be replaced with people with integrity, common sense, and some ability in mathematics!

It's the Spending, Stupid! This is not about taxing the rich, it's all about eradicating the Middle Class to make America into a Feudal Caste of the Elites and the Surfs! And they are doing it right before our eyes, and the useful idiots on the left seem to be okay with it so long as they get what's coming to them. Screw freedom, they say, we want what the rich guys have! They would give their freedom away for a few pieces of silver. Judas Priest, how stupid are they?

Okay, let's put this in a way that most everybody can understand: Anyone who has ever watched the Star Wars Saga knows that Senator Palpatine plotted a war, and then using it as a basis to get himself elected to the chancellor's office. Then, he kept himself in power far longer than he should have by using the lawmakers; playing them for fools--- preying on their fears. He used the corruption that many of them were involved in to keep his base unified. He went from Chancellor to Emperor Palpatine when he decided to eradicate the Jedi. And as silly as it sounds, a similar scenario is being played out in this country today.

You have union bosses telling their union members to protest state houses to disrupt laws being changed or passed. You have college professors telling their students to protest and get arrested, all in the hope of overthrowing the country (Does Socialist Professor Cornel West from Princeton ring any bells for you?). You also have a bunch of government-dependant people, who refuse to work to better themselves, who will vote for the democrats to keep getting their government checks and food stamps coming in.

They are called Useful Idiots by the Socialist. You can't have a revolution without them. But once the revolution has been won, the useful idiots are the first to die, thus striking fear into the hearts of everyone else. That is how Socialism leads to Communism, and China is drooling right now because we are but a few short steps away from being just like them! For anyone doubting this, take a look at how Cuba fell to Castro. It happened in our own back yard, so to speak. The youth, and the poor were used to overthrow the legitimate government and Castro took over. And what happened then is happening here... NOW! It's called Class Envy, or Class Warfare, but the results are the same --- The government takes the money from the people, who then will dribble it out to the masses. But, in return, you must earn it. There will be no lazy or sick people then, because those who refuse to work, and those that are too sick to work, are deemed inferior and disposed of. That will be the fruition of the revolution. That is what the useful idiots aren't told. If they were told the truth, no one would follow them!

Someone once called this the Perfect Storm, and I'm afraid that the storm clouds are now gathering, and soon, the storm will sweep across America... And take our precious liberties away. 

Again, maybe it's just me being paranoid, but somehow I sense the dark side is clouding everything, and soon, the Sith will rule the country. They damn near do now. All it will take is one crisis to make it so. 

May God help us!

Pray that America comes to her senses and votes out the progressives. Pray that America can ride this storm out and comes out of it a better place. Pray that we can elect leaders that will turn back the tide of leftist darkness that is overshadowing this nation. Pray that when it's all said and done, America will once again be that shining city on the hill, and not a smoldering pile of rubble at the hands the left, the anarchists, and the useful idiots they seem to attract. 

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!  


Saturday, September 10, 2011

One Mans Opinion - 9/10/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

They say you never forget where you were when something big, or terrible happens. There are many who are still among us that remember where they were when Pearl Harbor was attacked. There are many who remember where they were when JFK was assassinated in Dallas. And there are those of us that remember where we were when man first landed on the moon.

And like those people, I'll never forget where I was and what I was doing on that September morning in 2001.

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 - 7:45 a.m. (Central Time Zone)

The wife and I had recently moved from Dallas to Texarkana to care for her mother, who had just had quadruple bypass surgery and a leg amputated due to diabetes. I had found a part-time job, but was looking for something better.  We both were looking for full-time work, and the going was rough at that time in Texarkana.

That particular morning, I got up early and went to apply at one of the two hospitals in Texarkana. I garnered an application and took it out to my Ford Explorer to fill it out. It was a beautiful morning, and damned if I wanted to sit inside a musty old hospital, filling out an application. So, while filling out the application, I turned on the radio, listening to a Shreveport, Louisiana radio station that carried The Bob and Tom Show, which originates from Indianapolis. I think I was a tad bit homesick for Kentucky that morning. Back home, I used to listen to Bob and Tom daily.

Now, if you've have ever listened to The Bob and Tom Show, you know these people rarely get serious. Kristie Lee, the woman that does the news on the show, interrupted the shows humor with a serious story. A plane had just crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. Instantly, my attention was taken from the application and was placed on the radio. I remember staring at the radio, asking myself, "How could that be? How could some pilot not see two towers that reach so far up in the New York skyline?" It was then nearly ten minutes after the first plane had hit the first tower when the news was announced.

Within minutes, still filling out the application, Kristie Lee interrupted the show again, reporting that a second plane had hit the other tower. It was 8:05 in the morning (local time).

At that exact moment, I knew that this was no accident. We had just been attacked! I tossed the employment application in the back seat of my Explorer and took off out of the parking lot and made a beeline home. Ten minutes later, I was screeching the tires as I turned onto the driveway.

My wife had decided to sleep-in that morning before she was to go out looking for a job. So, she was just getting out of bed when I came rushing into the house we were renting at the time, immediately turning on Fox News. There, I witnessed the replay of the first plane crashing into the first tower.

My wife asked what was going on, and I tried to relay what precious little I knew from listening to the radio on the way home. She joined me on the couch, where we witnessed the buildings collapse, one--- and soon after--- the other. The carnage was awful. Then we learned about Flight 93 crashing in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and another plane slamming into the Pentagon in DC.

I felt my gut tighten. War had been declared on America!

For the next three days, we slept little; constantly watching what was going on in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.

At this point, we knew that Flight 93 had gone down in Pennsylvania, as passengers had overtaken the hijackers, in a plane that was presumably destined to crash into the White House.

As for the plane that hit the side of the Pentagon, my wife's nephew was among the first responders that were digging out burnt corpses and verified the horrific scene weeks later (after being debriefed) to us. And yes, it was a plane that hit the Pentagon (not some missile as conspiracy theorists have claimed). He saw the parts of the plane and the pieces of the engines.

Needless to say, around 3,000 souls were lost that fateful day. As December 7th, 1941 had been a day that would live in infamy, so would September 11th, 2001.

We watched the TV for three days straight, nodding off occasionally on the couch, but unable to peel ourselves away from the TV for longer that quick bathroom breaks and grabbing something to eat in front of the TV.

After three days of constant replaying of the horrific scenes of death and devastation, I finally turned the TV off. I told my wife that we would be at war soon, and that life was about to get interesting.

I was then reminded of the old Chinese proverb: "May you live in interesting times."

And life in America has become interesting indeed! And a lot has changed in America since 9/11/200... A day that will live in infamy.

Ten years after, I'm divorced, having moved back to Kentucky, and still in shock that someone dared do this to America. I have never hated people so much in my life like I have those that flew those planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and almost into The White House. I bless those brave souls that stopped the hijackers and crashed the plane in Shanksville, PA. They were truly heroes all!

I also have no respect for anyone that tries to condone the acts of a bunch of religious kooks. Anyone that dares claim that these idiots were martyrs to some lunatic cause are foolish. They were murderers!

And I'm aware that not all Muslims are guilty of the 9/11 attacks, but to any Muslim that condones what happened, or can justify it because of their religion, I can't even have pity for them, as they will burn in Hell, along with those mass-murdering hijackers.

To the politicians that now try to sugarcoat the attacks and politicize it, you will burn in Hell for forgetting the true nature of Radical Islam, and forgetting the faces and names of those that died at the hands of the hijackers.

And to the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, who won't allow the Police, Firefighters or prayer to be involved in the 10th anniversary, you will burn in Hell as one of the people who has forgotten the true meaning of 9/11. It was an attack on our way of life. It was an attack on America, and as an American, you should know that those brave firefighters and first responders gave their lives to protect those trapped inside those buildings. To not allow them a place at the anniversary event is a slap in the face of those brave men and women in the NYFD!

Bloomberg is a man who won't allow prayer at the event, but is all for building a mosque near Ground Zero! He may be a billionaire, but the man had no sense! To me, he's just one more loonfish swimming in the Sea of Stupidity!

From New York, to Shanksville, PA, to Washington DC, those that died on September 11th, 2001 should never be forgotten. They were innocent people, living their lives when a group of Radical Islamic loonfish decided to make a statement to America.

Well, I'm going to make a statement to the current and would-be terrorists that would try to do harm to America--- be they foreign-born or homegrown--- The religion you claim to follow is a cult. If killing innocent people is a part of your religious beliefs, then your religion was spawned from Satan himself.

Anyone who kills in the name of God or any god will burn in Hell; not collect 72 virgins in paradise. Only fools believe in that!

As an American, I will never forget what happened to my country on 9/11/2001. And I will never forgive those bastards that tried to destroy America in the name of their minor god!


But that's just my opinion, I could be right!