Sunday, December 26, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/29/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

Goodbye 2010, and may you be remembered for what you were... A very bad year!

Now before you get your panties in a wad over that statement, let me explain why I believe that. Even though the Republicans came back in November and retook the House and narrowed the gap in the Senate, 2010 sucked like a Hoover Vacuum on a nappy rug.

Overall, 2010 was marred with an oil spill in the gulf, DADT, START, high unemployment and Obamacare. More states are on the verge of insolvency due to pension plans, with the Porkulus Bill as more socialistic policies reigned supreme while being touted by the POTUS as Stimulus.

And finally, 2010 was the year that we saw NASA lose the Moon and Mars postponed again in favor of reaching out to Muslims for their contributions to the space program? I wasn't sure how making rockets and launching them into Israel made the Muslims a space pioneering religion, but what do I know?

The good things in 2010, aside for the aforementioned November elections, was Sarah Palin becoming a Fox News contributor and having her own show on TLC called Sarah Palin's Alaska. And the further influence of the TEA Party on our broken political system. Those things were important milestones indeed.

Well, that sums up the good things I can recall.

So, in essence, 2010 was a bad year, but 2011 is showing some promise. With the 112th Congress convening in January, perhaps the socialistic tendencies of the POTUS and his administration can be offset, if not out and out reversed. And maybe this time next year, we can fondly look back on 2011 and say it was a better year.

But there again, there are a few 'in the know' people who are already predicting a double-dip in the housing market and the recession; $4 a gallon gas by spring/summer, and even higher unemployment. It makes me wonder if 2011 will be as bad, if not worse than 2010. I, for one, hope the 'in the know' people are totally wrong!

As for 2010, I will not miss you. I'll be glad you have passed into history.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/22/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

Here we are nearing Christmas 2010, and already people are talking about the presidential race in 2012. With just under two years until the November elections, a great deal of attention is being focused upon Sarah Palin as a potential candidate. And with that, the obvious match-up between her and President Obama is already making news.

While poll after poll tell the ominous tale of a clean sweep for the president against Sarah Palin, what a difference two years could make. Honestly, it's a bit premature to say who will be the front runner in the 2012 elections at the end of 2010. After all, the polls have constantly gotten it wrong time and again.

Anyone remember how the polls said that Ronald Reagan would lose to Jimmy Carter? Or perhaps a more recent example... How Hilary Clinton would win the Democratic primaries and the presidential election against any Republican. Even America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, was supposed to be the Republican nominee according to all of the polls back in 2008. None of the early polls gave John McCain much of a chance. We see how that worked out.

So even if the polls are somewhat close to correct now, they will be outdated next week, next month and certainly by next year.

Sarah Palin's poll numbers are high with conservative women, low with independent women, and all over the board with men. Chris Christie's numbers are high at the moment, but all it takes is one gaffe to change that. Mike Huckabee's numbers are up and down, and even Mitt Romney, if he went head to head with Obama, would lose to him today, according to a recent poll.

But again, what a difference two years will make.

So for those of us who like Sarah Palin chances and want her to run, we can count on those out there that will say 'no' to her today. But this time next year, who knows where she will be in the polls? The pollsters surely don't know, and neither does anyone else.

But I would be willing to bet if Sarah Palin and Obama did go head to head in the presidential race in 2012 - particularly with his radical leftist agenda - you had better believe that Sarah Palin could hold her own, and perhaps win the race. After all, those with buyers remorse today will be more than likely ready to vote him out by then.

And Sarah Palin has yet to even announce her intentions for the presidential race; although she is positioning herself already, I do believe.

If I had to take a guess right now as to the make-up of the 2012 primary field, I would say that Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin will end up being the front runners for the Republican Party. Between the two of them, Romney-care will be like a millstone around his neck as he is trying to tread water during the campaign. With the health care issue in America that will cost us trillions of dollars, reduce services and hurt the elderly, Romney will have a hard time defending his health care policy in Massachusetts.

And Sarah Palin common sense approach to fix the problems in America will show the voters who is the more conservative between the two; and that will be a plus for her!

Like I said before, no one thought Ronald Reagan had a chance to become president... And he went on to serve two terms, becoming one of the greatest presidents in American history. And I truly believe that Sarah Palin is this generations Ronald Reagan. And as time goes on, I bet the polls will reflect a change in attitudes toward her.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/16/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

The new Wall Street Journal/ NBC News poll shows that Sarah Palin is behind President Barack Obama in the race for 2012 by a whopping 22 points.

Obama currently leads over every other Republican candidate as well, including against Mitt Romney, where he holds a 7 point lead.

But the gap over Palin is what stands out here, with Obama holding a 55-33 lead.

Well, isn't that a surprise? NBC (The National Barack Channel) having anything to do with a poll on Sarah Palin would render the same results. They worship Obama at NBC. I bet there's an altar on the set of The Today Show where Obama's likeness is awash in candlelight with incense burning all around for the anointed one.

But here's where I find the polling quite insightful. Obama has a 55-33 point spread. Whereas Mitt Romney is down only 7 points. So, who did they ask? Liberal Democrats that work at NBC or the WSJ? Romney supporters? A group of winos down in the Bowery?

Anyway, here's the reason I find the poll numbers insightful... It's the comparison between pre-election Ronald Reagan and pre-election Sarah Palin.

Let's take a look back in time: The 1980 presidential campaign between President Jimmy Carter and Republican Ronald Reagan.

If any of you were alive back then, you may remember that Ronald Reagan was down in the polls by a considerable amount. Reagan, who was aided by the Iran Hostage Crisis and a dismal economy at home, ended up winning the election in a landslide.

Smilin' Jimmy Carter attacked Reagan as a dangerous right-wing radical. Ronald Reagan was repeatedly ridiculed Carter, and won a decisive victory. The election marked the beginning of what is popularly called the "Reagan Revolution."

Anyone who was alive back then knows that the 1970's was a bad time in our nations history, with low economic growth, high inflation and interest rates, and intermittent energy crises. Anyone remember gas lines and shortages?

Fast forward 31 years...

We have a well-intentioned man in the Oval Office today. We have an economy that is in the proverbial toilet, and we have Jimmy Carter's legacy attacking us all over the world. They're called Muslim extremists.

And we have a lamestream media that crucifies Sarah Palin at every turn, as well as liberals and RINO Republicans. We have economic problems, energy issues and the threat of Muslim extremists on a daily basis.

It took Ronald Reagan to come to the Oval Office to begin the Reagan Revolution. And that revolution renewed the American Spirit and created an environment for economic growth. It took a while, yes, but Reaganomics worked! And we enjoyed much of that economic growth until just prior to 2000, when Clinton's economy brought is a mild recession. That was what George W. Bush 'inherited' prior to 9/11.

To me, Sarah Palin is exactly like pre-election Ronald Reagan. The media back then were saying that he was a B-movie actor and wouldn't be a good president, and history shows otherwise.

It took Ronald Reagan to fix what a liberal (Jimmy Carter) had broken. And now we have a Community Organizer in Chief who has spent more money than Presidents Washington through Reagan combined and still has yet to fix the economy. If anything, he's made it far worse than ever before!

And I believe it will take Sarah Palin to become president to repair what the current liberal in the Oval Office has broken.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/11/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders


I was going to post the entire list of sites I gathered information from for the New World Order Shows (pt. 1&2) but I decided that if you wish to check the facts out, what better way than to Google the information yourself. Don't take my word for it. Discover it for yourself! I will give you the keywords I used to do my search, and then you can do exactly like I did. See just how much information is out there regarding the New World Order.

Here are the keywords:

Civil War, Eugenics, New World Order, NWO, Slavery in America, Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger Quotes, NWO Quotes, Progressives agenda, and New World Order News.

These were the keywords I used to search for information for the shows. I hope you can see what I had to pour through in order to fill 2 one hour shows.

Also, you may want to remember that knowledge is power, and that's why the government wants the FCC to regulate the Internet. That way they can censor what you see on the Internet; and that gives them the power!

It's time to empower yourselves with the knowledge before it's no longer available.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

email address:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/7/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

WikiLeaks, Sarah Palin, Freedom of Speech and Espionage?

Let's start with something that Sarah Palin tweeted:"Someone making things up again? Keep seeing this quote attributed to me. Huh?"

Okay, now here's what prompted that ---

In an op-ed, Jullian Assange defended the WikiLeaks publication of the secret documents, but he also writes, "Sarah Palin says I should be 'hunted down like Osama bin Laden."

It's a quote attributed to Palin, but was taken way out of context that apparently has her up in arms.

In a November 29 Facebook posting, Sarah Palin blasted the Obama administration's handling of the matter. She also wrote, "Assange is not a 'journalist,' any more than the 'editor' of al Qaeda's new English-language magazine Inspire is a 'journalist.' He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?"

The quote: "Sarah Palin says I should be 'hunted down like Osama bin Laden" is a little over the top, but that's par for the course when it comes to all things Sarah Palin. Even Jullian Assange seems to have has Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Now onto the meat of the story.

Julian Assange was arrested in arrested in London today on sexual assault charges. He will likely be deported to Sweden and then from there he may be sent to Virgina. Espionage charges could be filed against him there.

Clearly Jullian Assange posted classified documents, and while that in itself is bad for our foreign policy, it does show that our government is totally whacked and needs a complete and thorough enema.

The real question I have is this: How did a PFC in the military gather all of those hundreds of thousands of documents without someone knowing about it and then passing them on to Assange and WikiLeaks? How could something like that happen?

The short answer: I bet it wasn't really like that.

Here's the way I see it - PFC Bradley Manning could not have stolen all of those secret cables and documents without inside help! Plain, simple and to the point! Someone had to have aided him... Or set him up to take the fall. No Private in any branch of the military has the Top Secret Clearance to so much as be near such documents, much less see them. Unless he can walk through walls and turn himself invisible, he could not have done these things unless someone, with the proper clearance, gathered the information and passed them onto him.

Conspiracy Theory? You betcha!

Unless someone inside the administration gathered those documents and then went to Manning to act as a go-between to get the information to Wikileaks, Manning would have to be a computer hacker extraordinaire
to pull this off.

The following was gathered from

The WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, today hailed the person responsible for leaking the diplomatic cables as "an unparalleled hero" and suggested that his organisation had deliberately used servers in certain jurisdictions, such as Amazon's in the US, to test their commitment to freedom of speech.

In a live Q&A on, the Australian journalist highlighted the role alleged to have been played in the leaks by the soldier Bradley Manning.

"For the past four years one of our goals has been to lionise the source who take the real risks in nearly every journalistic disclosure and without whose efforts, journalists would be nothing," said Assange. "If indeed it is the case, as alleged by the Pentagon, that the young soldier – Bradley Manning – is behind some of our recent disclosures, then he is without doubt an unparalleled hero."

Hero or villain, Bradley Manning is a scapegoat. Someone else is responsible for the actual theft of the government documents, of that I have no doubt. The question is: Who?

Actually, there is another question: Why?

Honestly, with such an "OPEN" government as ours is supposed to be, I wouldn't put it past the government to do this and then use it for some political advantage... Like censorship of the Internet, talk radio, Fox News, and even people like myself, who use their First Amendment right to free speech for more than praising the government.

This smells like a set-up to me. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are just pawns in this game of Chess. The players are somewhere in this administration, posturing things to their advantage, so when the time is right, they can shut down the Internet because it spreads anti-government rhetoric.

And just as the Reverend Al Sharpton is going before the FCC to try to shut-down Rush Limbaugh, someone is setting up the Internet to be taken over by the FCC, so that they can determine what can and can't be placed there.

We live in dangerous times, and I fear that sooner than we think, our rights will be taken from us in some "Emergency" and that once those rights are gone, they will never return.

Call me paranoid, call me totally delusional, but tell me that I'm not right when I question the people in charge in Washington! After nearly two years of the most open and honest administration in American History, I can say without a doubt, I don't believe anything these people tell me. They lie, and then lie to cover their lies.

That's the problem with power, once you have it, it's hard to let it go. And they have it, and something tells me that sooner or later, we'll be one emergency away from seeing them never letting it go

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/4/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

I am going to give myself a shameless plug here.

Sunday night (12/5) at 7 pm EST/ 6 Central and 4 Pacific time, I will begin a two-part special about the New World Order.

Part 2 will air 12/12 at the same time.

Some might think it an urban myth, but after hearing the evidence, even the most sceptical amoung you will be wondering why you didn't know these things already.

Warning: These shows are not going to be easy to listen to, as the evidence is so overwhelming, so damning, that I fear that the government might shut the internet down... Wait, the FCC wants to do that anyway!

So tell you friends and tune-in Sunday night. I promise you that your eyeballs might actually bleed, your blood pressure will be so high!

But that's my opinion, I could be right!

This is the link to listen to the show: