Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/22/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

Here we are nearing Christmas 2010, and already people are talking about the presidential race in 2012. With just under two years until the November elections, a great deal of attention is being focused upon Sarah Palin as a potential candidate. And with that, the obvious match-up between her and President Obama is already making news.

While poll after poll tell the ominous tale of a clean sweep for the president against Sarah Palin, what a difference two years could make. Honestly, it's a bit premature to say who will be the front runner in the 2012 elections at the end of 2010. After all, the polls have constantly gotten it wrong time and again.

Anyone remember how the polls said that Ronald Reagan would lose to Jimmy Carter? Or perhaps a more recent example... How Hilary Clinton would win the Democratic primaries and the presidential election against any Republican. Even America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, was supposed to be the Republican nominee according to all of the polls back in 2008. None of the early polls gave John McCain much of a chance. We see how that worked out.

So even if the polls are somewhat close to correct now, they will be outdated next week, next month and certainly by next year.

Sarah Palin's poll numbers are high with conservative women, low with independent women, and all over the board with men. Chris Christie's numbers are high at the moment, but all it takes is one gaffe to change that. Mike Huckabee's numbers are up and down, and even Mitt Romney, if he went head to head with Obama, would lose to him today, according to a recent poll.

But again, what a difference two years will make.

So for those of us who like Sarah Palin chances and want her to run, we can count on those out there that will say 'no' to her today. But this time next year, who knows where she will be in the polls? The pollsters surely don't know, and neither does anyone else.

But I would be willing to bet if Sarah Palin and Obama did go head to head in the presidential race in 2012 - particularly with his radical leftist agenda - you had better believe that Sarah Palin could hold her own, and perhaps win the race. After all, those with buyers remorse today will be more than likely ready to vote him out by then.

And Sarah Palin has yet to even announce her intentions for the presidential race; although she is positioning herself already, I do believe.

If I had to take a guess right now as to the make-up of the 2012 primary field, I would say that Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin will end up being the front runners for the Republican Party. Between the two of them, Romney-care will be like a millstone around his neck as he is trying to tread water during the campaign. With the health care issue in America that will cost us trillions of dollars, reduce services and hurt the elderly, Romney will have a hard time defending his health care policy in Massachusetts.

And Sarah Palin common sense approach to fix the problems in America will show the voters who is the more conservative between the two; and that will be a plus for her!

Like I said before, no one thought Ronald Reagan had a chance to become president... And he went on to serve two terms, becoming one of the greatest presidents in American history. And I truly believe that Sarah Palin is this generations Ronald Reagan. And as time goes on, I bet the polls will reflect a change in attitudes toward her.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

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