Thursday, December 16, 2010

One Mans Opinion 12/16/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

The new Wall Street Journal/ NBC News poll shows that Sarah Palin is behind President Barack Obama in the race for 2012 by a whopping 22 points.

Obama currently leads over every other Republican candidate as well, including against Mitt Romney, where he holds a 7 point lead.

But the gap over Palin is what stands out here, with Obama holding a 55-33 lead.

Well, isn't that a surprise? NBC (The National Barack Channel) having anything to do with a poll on Sarah Palin would render the same results. They worship Obama at NBC. I bet there's an altar on the set of The Today Show where Obama's likeness is awash in candlelight with incense burning all around for the anointed one.

But here's where I find the polling quite insightful. Obama has a 55-33 point spread. Whereas Mitt Romney is down only 7 points. So, who did they ask? Liberal Democrats that work at NBC or the WSJ? Romney supporters? A group of winos down in the Bowery?

Anyway, here's the reason I find the poll numbers insightful... It's the comparison between pre-election Ronald Reagan and pre-election Sarah Palin.

Let's take a look back in time: The 1980 presidential campaign between President Jimmy Carter and Republican Ronald Reagan.

If any of you were alive back then, you may remember that Ronald Reagan was down in the polls by a considerable amount. Reagan, who was aided by the Iran Hostage Crisis and a dismal economy at home, ended up winning the election in a landslide.

Smilin' Jimmy Carter attacked Reagan as a dangerous right-wing radical. Ronald Reagan was repeatedly ridiculed Carter, and won a decisive victory. The election marked the beginning of what is popularly called the "Reagan Revolution."

Anyone who was alive back then knows that the 1970's was a bad time in our nations history, with low economic growth, high inflation and interest rates, and intermittent energy crises. Anyone remember gas lines and shortages?

Fast forward 31 years...

We have a well-intentioned man in the Oval Office today. We have an economy that is in the proverbial toilet, and we have Jimmy Carter's legacy attacking us all over the world. They're called Muslim extremists.

And we have a lamestream media that crucifies Sarah Palin at every turn, as well as liberals and RINO Republicans. We have economic problems, energy issues and the threat of Muslim extremists on a daily basis.

It took Ronald Reagan to come to the Oval Office to begin the Reagan Revolution. And that revolution renewed the American Spirit and created an environment for economic growth. It took a while, yes, but Reaganomics worked! And we enjoyed much of that economic growth until just prior to 2000, when Clinton's economy brought is a mild recession. That was what George W. Bush 'inherited' prior to 9/11.

To me, Sarah Palin is exactly like pre-election Ronald Reagan. The media back then were saying that he was a B-movie actor and wouldn't be a good president, and history shows otherwise.

It took Ronald Reagan to fix what a liberal (Jimmy Carter) had broken. And now we have a Community Organizer in Chief who has spent more money than Presidents Washington through Reagan combined and still has yet to fix the economy. If anything, he's made it far worse than ever before!

And I believe it will take Sarah Palin to become president to repair what the current liberal in the Oval Office has broken.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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