Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One Mans Opinion 4/17/2013
By Dewaine Shoulders

An addendum to  the post on 4/15/13...
On Monday, The Boston Marathon Bombing was the big news. I said some things in that post that I'd like to point out:

This has all the earmarks of terrorism, as the bombs contained pellets like buckshot or ball bearings. Whoever built this set of bombs meant to take out as many people as they could. These were IED's,  roadside bombs, being used in America! Some may think that this does not happen in America! Well, it has, and I'm afraid that this is the first of many such attacks that will cross the nation. The terrorists are emboldened and are well-funded by oil money, heroin money, and much of it is American Dollars.

Make no mistake, there are people that hate America, and many actually live inside the US as citizens, or visitors with legal visa's to be here. Some are students from Middle Eastern nations, workers... And yes, some that cross the borders illegally! There are people of certain religions, and those that are just anarchists, that wish America to disappear. Both groups are terrorists! They are evil, and both groups, foreign and domestic, want America to fail, to fall, and to submit to their will.

These terrorists, whether they be a lone wolf, or the full-fledged terrorist group, do not know just how badly we fought for our freedom 200 plus years ago. They have no idea of the blood, sweat and tears that were shed by our Founding Fathers (and Mothers). All the modern terrorists do know is that inflicting terror can gain them much. There are many in this country that would appease the terrorists. They would give their freedom away for security. These people deserve neither freedom or security. And the terrorists deserve to die like the maggots they truly are! 

Meanwhile, there are already those that are pointing fingers of accusation to the right, to conservatives, blaming the terrorist act on people like the TEA Party. Those people are speculating--- like they did with the Gabby Gifford's shooting, and other mass shootings--- that some right-wing person or group did this. Of course, those on the left will point those accusatory fingers to keep the spotlight off of those that are truly guilty of the crime. This was not a crime though. This was an act of terror! When the facts come out, I'm sure the signature of some Middle Eastern terrorist group will be on these bombs. I would bet that there will be those that will brag that they took down America today. The videos will be on YouTube where you will see dancing in the streets in Dearbornistan, or the Middle East.

Early reports, not substantiated of course, say that a person of interest--- a Saudi man with severe burns--- is being guarded in one Boston Hospital. Of course, if this proves to be true, then we will again have a Saudi connection to a terrorist attack on America. This, if proven true, will show us all that Saudi Arabia IS NOT OUR FRIEND! They fund terrorism with our dollars that we send to them! Of course, we send aid to many countries that hate us. Why? Is our leadership, on both sides of the aisle, so stupid that we continue to send aid to those that wish us dead? I think it's time to cut ALL foreign aid, except to Israel, as they are our only TRUE ALLY in the Middle East!

As it turns out, the man in the hospital may or may not be associated with the bombing (I really have yet to hear for sure), but these two men don't look like white Anglo-Saxon Tea Party types. They look Middle Eastern. And they are carrying backpacks, except in one picture. Also note the one with the backpack off, squatting in the shadows. These two men are probably the ones responsible (I say probably as they are innocent until proven guilty). They are probably a part of Al Queda, and are probably students here in America who want to punish the Great Satan America for whatever they think we have done to them. If these two prove to be the ones guilty of the crime, the massacre in Boston, then I hope whatever puny god they worship has mercy on their pitiful souls, because God has already sealed their fates and they have reservations in Hell!

If you have any doubts about our Middle Eastern friends being loyal to us, remember they are told by their religion that it's okay to lie to infidels, and we are infidels to them. We keep sending tax dollars over to them, and they keep sending terrorists to America. It's time our so-called leaders in DC shut the bank, bring the troops out of the Middle East, and send them a message... We don't need you or your terrorists friends here! We already have liberals that want to destroy America. They do not need your help!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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