One Mans Opinion 8/31/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders
The 2012 GOP Convention is history (and a great one it was), and the DNC Convention is coming up next week. But, I'll not be talking about them. I'll leave that to the commentators and pundits out there. Instead, I'll be discussing the new words that are now being deemed racist, or otherwise unsavory by the left. And forgive me if I leave some out. I don't wish to write a six page article here.
MSNBC (Mainly Snooty Nonsensical Bitchy Communists), is the home of that great journalist (ahem), Chris Matthews, who deemed Golf and Chicago as code words for racism the other day. Really? So someone going to Chicago to play golf is a racist now? Imagine that! I dare say that Mr. Matthews is every bit the racists that he pretends NOT to be. But that's just me. I know he meant that those words, used against his man-love, Obama, are racists, but I bet the tingle he feels down his leg is just a deep like for BHO. Yeah, that's it!
But now, fresh on the heels of the GOP convention, the State Department (Hillary Clinton's Special Education Crew) has come out with more words and phrases that are deemed unsavory in today's PC world. Remember. these are the same people that changed "war on terror" to "overseas contingency operation." How politically correct! What if we called it Killing the Bad Guys? Nope, too politically incorrect. Killing is such a bad word. How about aborting the bad guys? Would that be a better term to use? The left simply love abortions, so I would assume that one would pass muster with them... Maybe?
According to the State Department, "Hold Down the Fort" is un-PC. I'll let you laugh at that for a moment before I continue. Done? Okay, as I was saying, according to the State Department, "Hold Down the Fort" could be potentially insulting to American Indians, er, Native Americans. Being part Cherokee myself, I find it appalling that someone would take an arcane term (that means something totally different today than it did back in the old west days) and make it (potentially) hate speech. Only some communistic A-hole would even think in those terms.
Then, of course, there's "Going Dutch." According to the State Department, it is deemed stereotypical now. It makes the Dutch look cheap. Hey, I have some Dutch blood in me too, and I am cheap. I see no problem there, but I'm not Mr. Sensitivity like those wonderful folks on the left, otherwise known as Communist PC Police.
"Rule of Thumb" is now on the list because of some arcane law from the past that states "the width of a husband's thumb was the legal size of a switch or rod allowed to beat his wife." Honestly guys, how many of you even knew that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Other arcane laws exist in every State Constitution out there. For instance, we have a law here in Kentucky that states a woman has to walk several feet in front of a wagon, holding a lantern, at night. I don't think 99% of the people in Kentucky even know that law exists. Sure, it was from an era that women could not vote, and were deemed property to most men, but those days are long gone, and thank God for it.
I had always heard the "Rule of Thumb" was an electricians term. Something about the flow of electricity through a wire, depended on where you placed your thumb, or some nonsense like that (an electrician I'm not). Does this mean that all electricians are racists or gender-phobic now?
Then there's the word handicap. Most everyone knows that disabled people were, and in some cases, still referred to by this word. But handicap is something odds-makers in Vegas, and horse racing tracks all over the country do in setting the odds for the races. So now, according to the State Department, and those enlightened folks on the left, all of those odds makers are racists, or at the very least insensitive to the needs of the disabled?
Isn't it wonderful how our language is being used to attack us? The PC Police are hard at work to make sure we speak in terms that they alone deem fit; all other speech is divisive and hurtful. Before long, our free speech rights will be gone, thanks to the PC Police, and those communist bastards (oops, that would mean someone born out of wedlock - a no no in today's welfare world) who have been butchering (I know, a very hateful word) the language to suit their political agenda.
I'm 50% Dutch, 50% Cherokee, 50% Irish and 100% American (you'll have to dig back a long way to remember where that line came from), and to think I have been saying things that might hurt some communist/PC freak. What else will they deem unfit to say next? We can't even begin to scratch the surface of what the PC crowd will deem racist/homophobic/etc. next.
Does anyone remember the Seven Deadly Words George Carlin used that could not be said on TV? I sure do, and would type them now, but it might offend someone, so I won't. Now, there are more words being added to that original 7, and in many cases, those 7 Deadly Words are more acceptable to the left than anything else. Even old Joe Biden said "This is a big f**king deal!" in regards to Obamacare... Oops, Obamacare is considered hate speech too.
Of course, it's okay for Obama said that he preferred to call Romneycare as "Romney Don't Care." And, of course, his toadies on the left loved that.
Words are all we have to communicate with, and our lexicon is being dwindled daily by the left. Pretty soon, all we'll have are grunts, and I bet certain grunts will be deemed hate grunts from the left too.
So, we had better choose our words wisely, otherwise the PC police, and those who love them, will be knocking on our door, duct tape in hand, to seal our mouths from uttering anything ever again! Before that happens, let's take America back from the loonfish on the left, and tape their mouths shut.
Vote Romney/Ryan 2012, and piss-off (uh urinate) a liberal! That sounds like fun to me.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
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