One Mans Opinion 8/3/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders
Of Chickens and Men
This has been a week full of distractions. From Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, to Harry Reid doubling-down on his assertion that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years.
Now, according to Mr. Reid (I'd call him Senator Reid, but that would be an insult to senators everywhere), someone from Bain Capitol called him up and stated that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes for ten years. The caller gave no proof, and didn't even mention his own name. So, Mr. Reid basically called out Mitt Romney to prove that he has paid his taxes based upon the anonymous call.
Is Harry Reid calling Mitt Romney a tax cheat? Well, if that's the case, then there should be no problem with Romney as a president. According to the leftie loonfish, Timothy Geithner is a great Secretary of the Treasury. The sad fact is that he is also a tax cheat. Based on the lefts own criteria, that would make Mitt Romney an excellent president. Liberal Logic 101.
So now, Mitt Romney has to prove he has paid his taxes. He's supposed to release the last ten years worth of tax filings in order to prove this. Well, based upon the criteria, then Obama should hand over is school records, his birth certificate, and anything else to prove he's an actual citizen of this country. I mean, fair is fair, right? Or is it only fair when the left has to prove nothing and the right has to prove everything? I get confused there.
If Romney cheated on his taxes for 10 years, or not paid them at all, then wouldn't the IRS have gone after him? I mean, the IRS goes after everyone... With exception of leftist loonfish tax cheats like Geithner, and political donors to the DNC.
So, this is yet another distraction from the loonfish lefties trying to throw everyone off the scent that this economy is in a nuclear meltdown because of people like Reid, Obama, Pelosi, and the rest of God's Special Education Crew ruining--- I mean running the country right now.
Now, I have seen postings on Facebook that Harry Reid is a pedophile. Of course I don't believe that to be true, but now the burden of proof (according to Harry Reid's own standards) is to prove his innocence. I mean, come on, right is right, Mr. Reid. How can we know it not to be the truth unless you prove it to be false. I have also heard that he abuses puppies and kittens too. Prove that wrong, Harry. Prove that wrong.
And then there's the whole Chick-fil-A debacle.
Dan Cathy, the 91 year old CEO and founder of Chick-fil-A is pro-traditional marriage (the Biblical definition is between one man and one woman), and someone who donates money to pro-traditional marriage groups. Because of that, the militant leftie loonfish says that he is a hate monger... That he's spouting hate speech. Why? Because he spoke his mind in an interview? I don't believe he ever said anything that was demeaning or hateful against homosexuals during the interview; nor did he go out of his way to suggest that his company discriminates against gay people.
Essentially just having a pro-straight agenda makes him a racist, a homophobe, and someone not worthy to have an opinion... At least according to those wonderfully tolerant folks on the left, who wanted to boycott Chick-fil-A. Or those nice mayors that suggested that the restaurants were not welcomed in their towns; or that they didn't have the same values as the people of those cities.
Maybe that's why Chick-fil-A ran out of food in many locations this past Wednesday. Maybe that's why there were long lines and traffic jams around every Chick-fil-A in the country. The overwhelming show of support that people gave Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that We The People don't give a rats patootie about the leftist militant hate mongers that wished death upon those of us that ate at Chick-fil-A. Even Roseanne Barr, that bastion of all things upstanding, (GAG ME!) tweeted that she hoped people that ate at "Sh*t-fil-A (her words) got cancer and died."
Don't you just love the tolerance the left has? They are tolerant so long as we agree with them, otherwise they want us to STFU!
But again, these are distractions to the real story... That being the economy.
The Obama camp has to distract people from the truth. The truth that they've screwed this economy up so badly that it will take years to dig ourselves out of the gigantic hole they have dug us into. Here, look at this shiny object while we do something else to screw the economy up, and blame Bush because of it.
George Bush was a far better president, and human being, than the current Community Organizer in Chief could ever hope to be. But that's yet another distraction, isn't it?
So let's look back to the last Democrat that occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. --- William Jefferson Clinton.
The Clinton presidency was won on the motto of It's The Economy, Stupid!
Perhaps the Romney campaign should borrow a page out of history and point out that It's the economy, Obama! Maybe if the real reason for the distractions were pointed out, then maybe more people would get excited and get behind Romney. While I'm not a fan of Romney, he'd be 100% better as president because he knows how to run a business. All BHO has ever run is his mouth; and only with the restraint of his trusty teleprompter... Otherwise his mouth gets him in trouble.
According to the polls, Romney and Obama are in a statistical dead heat, and in a couple of the polls, it shows that Romney is lagging behind. Of course, the polls are never right. Does anyone remember that Reagan was well behind in the polls leading up to a landslide defeat for Smilin' Jimmy Carter? Reagan was behind in the polls, lambasted by the left, and the mainstream media way back then. Reagan somehow managed to soundly defeat the worst president in modern history back in 1980. Well, now Carter is the 2nd worst president in modern history. Obama now has the distinction of being #1, and still he is leading in the polls. How could that be? Unless, of course, the polling data is skewed in such a way that more liberals are polled than conservatives. It could happen! But again, polling data is never accurate, otherwise Carter would have won back in '80, and the Reagan revolution would have never taken place.
So, will that mean a sure-fire victory for Romney in November?
I certainly hope so, because if history repeats itself, and it often does, We The People will be celebrating a Romney victory in November, and the leftist will have to regroup yet again... Hoping that next time they can get it right, and destroy everything good and decent about America. And if we ever let our guard down again, they will succeed!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
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