Friday, June 29, 2012

One Mans Opinion - 6/29/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Hello again. Sorry I haven't written anything for awhile, but that's because I really didn't have much to say about things... That is until yesterday.

Yesterday, the last fires of liberty were drowned out with water thrown on those glowing embers, all thanks to the 5-4 decision by the SCOTUS.

The New Reality of The Affordable Healthcare Act, a.k.a. as Obamacare, is that Congress now has the ability to tax all of us on anything at anytime they deem fit. Not only will we all be forced into government-run healthcare, but we'll be paying through the nose for it with a host of new taxes.

Already, commentators and pundits are arguing the pros and cons of Obamacare being upheld by the SCOTUS, but few have speculated the far-reaching effects of this bad law will impose upon all of us.

For instance, you walk into a grocery store, where government-approved cheese is on sale. You choose Velveeta instead. The congress can deem Velveeta as bad food, tax you for it, and tax you again for not buying the Government Cheese in the first place. Sounds crazy, I know, but that is exactly what can happen now!

Or, say you want to buy an SUV? Well, thanks to the new powers granted to congress by the SCOTUS, your vehicle choice will be taxed, and because you didn't choose the Chevy Volt, or the Toyota Prius, you are going to have to pay those taxes anyway.

This, in other words, is true taxation without representation!

Chief Justice Roberts, having the swing vote, created the environment that the progressives in both parties can now impose taxes at will, and at the same time remove the last shreds of individual freedoms we have. The court gave power to congress to enslave us all, via unlimited taxation.

All of this is enough to make me ill, thinking that the SCOTUS essentially rewrote the law, ignoring the Constitution completely, to make Obamacare a regressive tax, giving unconstitutional powers to the Executive and Legislative branches of government.

Thus, Chief Justice Roberts, and those that voted for this (excuse the pun) Obamanation, removed the final roadblocks to set up a dictatorship, with the Congress and the President given nearly unlimited powers to tax you at every turn.

Those 30 or so percent of Americans who are for Obamacare think that they won the day yesterday, but wait until they see the taxes they will be paying on everything. Maybe they will finally begin to see that the AHA (Affordable Healthcare Act) is not so affordable. Those folks with no healthcare probably think they will get it all for free. Nope, not likely, as they will be paying higher taxes on everything as well. This is a tax that will cripple the middle class and the poor.

And, let's not forget about those small businesses that will either have to drop insurance for their employees, forcing them into government-run healthcare, or have to let those employees go in order to survive. Unemployment will surly rise, thus more people on government assistance, thus the need for--- Dare I say it--- More Taxes!

Private insurance policies will be affordable only to the uber rich and the elites in Washington DC, and the rest of us will have to rely on Obamacare. The elderly will suffer, and the poor will find fewer healthcare choices available to them. Long lines and lack of doctors will become commonplace. America's healthcare system will mirror that of Great Britain, which sucks!

Finally, let's look at what was struck down yesterday... The Constitution of The United States--- The law that has governed this nation for so long is now just a piece of paper in a museum. It was the duty of the Supreme Court to uphold the rule of law, and they chose to ignore the law. This was not just an attack on the Constitution, but also an attack on America's free market, America's liberty, and the American people!

The sad thing is that those taxes will not kick-in until after the 2012 elections, probably 2014, then all taxation hell will break lose! Then people will finally see the result of their beloved Obamacare. The taxation of everything under the sun, and probably sunlight too, to keep those dictators in DC fat and happy, while we all tighten our belts until it cannot be tightened anymore. I wonder if there will be a Tightening Your Belt tax too.

Honestly, I'm not a Mitt Romney fan, but my vote is with him come November. If he wins, and God please let him win, I truly hope he repeals this bad piece of legislation, replacing it with some commonsense law that protects America's liberty. Otherwise, we truly have become a socialist nation, and freedom died yesterday with a whimper.

If that's the case, we have all become slaves to the system, and our masters in Washington DC will chain us all with taxation with no end!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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