Saturday, April 7, 2012

One Mans Opinion 4/7/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Happy Easter to all.

Okay, there has been a lot going on lately, so I'm going to try to get through this as quickly as I can.

Since we last met, gas prices are up; unemployment is still too high; the Supreme Court is weighing whether to uphold or reject Obamacare; race baiting has become the soup de jour; contraception is suddenly big news; the Republican Race looks to be going to be a brokered convention... And Sarah Palin guest-hosted NBC's Today Show on April 3rd!

Are these signs of the coming apocalypse?

Okay, let's get started here --- Gas prices are hovering around the $4 mark here around Buzzardbait (my hometown). But there have been some places around the country that gas as high as $5 a gallon. So much for the Community Organizer in Chief's wonderful stimulus and rebuilding the economy. Sounds to me like his Everything But Oil plan isn't working out too well! If gas goes much higher, his only chance of winning a second term will be if every dead voter in Chicago turns out on November 6th to cast their ballot. Honestly, Obama has so little chance of being re-elected at this point that he and the Democratic Party would literately have to dig up every dead voter and import 12 million more illegal aliens to get half the votes he garnered in 2008. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they try.

With unemployment supposedly at around 8% (16-20% if you factor in those that have simply given up looking and those jobs that have disappeared since Obama was elected), even die hard democrats will have a hard time holding their noses to vote for him a second time around. I look for many of the democratic voters to either vote Republican, or simple stay home and watch reruns of Gilligan's Island. It's gonna be a good episode too, because Gilligan will do something stupid and the Skipper will blame George Bush!

Now, let's touch upon the Supreme Courts hearing the arguments, pro and con, on Obamacare. Since its inception, Obamacare, otherwise known as the Affordable Healthcare Act, has been a scam to redistribute the wealth in America from the Middle Class to the poor. The rich folks will still have their health insurance, or at least have the option of paying for whatever they need out of their pockets. And, of course, the political elites will have their own health care (paid for by all of us taxpayers), leaving the rest of us to wallow in the mire of European-style Socialist Health Care. In other words, we'll wait in line until the government deems it's okay for us to see a doctor, or have needed surgeries... But only if we're good liberal voters, otherwise we're screwed!

Hopefully the SCOTUS will rule Obamacare, or at least the Individual Mandate, unconstitutional, thus ending a nightmare before it can get started good. Because if not, we're stuck with it until the US goes bankrupt, and only the rich and political elites will have health care. The rest of us will have to do without.

Speaking of scams, The contraception crisis may be abating somewhat (for now), but keep in mind that all good liberals want government out of their womb, but want government to now pay for their contraception. So, now, it seems that they want the government, ala taxpayers money, to keep them up in condoms, birth control pills, and any array of contraception, so that the government can stay out of their wombs... Hmm? Could this be considered an oxymoron of sorts?

Again, the liberal Smoke and Mirrors Dept. have created a would be crisis to deflect from the failed leadership of the Community Organizer in Chief. Blame the mean old Republicans of wanting to take away women's reproductive rights so to gloss over the fact that BHO's record is so abysmal that he can't run on it!

Then there's the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman shooting. This is another created crisis, pitting the black community against everyone else. The usual assortment of race-baiters (Sharpton, Jackson, Calypso Louie) have turned an otherwise un-newsworthy story into a big freakin' deal. Here you have a case of a self-defense shooting, clearly being tampered with by the news media, and the injection of racial bigotry against white folks because this poor, innocent kid gets shot and killed by some mean old conservative (who happens to be a registered democrat).

What I feel happened is that George Zimmerman, the self-appointed Neighborhood Watch zealot, did not do what he should have and let the police handle things. He ends up in a confrontation with a 17 year old black kid with a chip on his shoulder, and the kid attacked the older, fatter "white-Hispanic" thinking he could take out his rage. It wouldn't be the first time some kid acted with his testosterone and not his head. Unfortunately for the kid, Zimmerman was armed and acted in self-defense, killing Martin.

But the media edited the 911 calls, blurred our wounds on Zimmerman's head, and caused the black community to go all wonky and created a racial story out of an otherwise sad tale. The media, as always, rushed to create the news, not report it, and now it will be a problem for some time to come. And now the New Black Panthers have placed a bounty on George Zimmerman's head. And to add insult to injury, Spike Lee (Isn't his 15 minutes of fame over with yet?) tweeted the wrong address for George Zimmerman, and now some old couple are in fear for their lives because of it. Of course, Lee finally apologized for his error, but the damage had already been done. 

Spike Lee, as well as the New Black Panther Party, Al Sharpton, and the lamestream media have perpetuated this sad event into a major ordeal. To me, they are as guilty as they claim Zimmerman to be. 

I want to see the DOJ to go after the Black Panthers, the media, Spike Lee, and Al Sharpton for perpetuating this mess! Unfortunately, the DOJ probably won't do a thing but try to use the liberal Smoke and Mirrors Dept. to create yet another crisis. Sad but true.

What's sadder is that this incident is all going to be used by the left to target gun ownership in America, and after all, that is bad according to those wonderful liberal minds that think guns kill people. If no one had a gun, then we'd all just get along marvelously! Right. Guns don't kill people. People kill people... With guns, cars, baseball bats, knives, and anything else they can get their hands on. Instead of going after guns, how about the left go after the criminals and execute them for their crimes?

I can hear some well-intentioned liberal now, saying: "Now Dewaine, that would be a bad thing. Those poor victims of society couldn't help themselves, so we need to spend billions of dollars to keep them all fed, housed, healthy, and happy in prison. But we need to kill millions of unborn babies to make sure that society is safe from them!"

I'll get off my soapbox now.

And finally, Sarah Palin co-hosted NBC's Today Show on April 3rd. And from what I gathered, the ratings were great. Meanwhile, over at ABC's Good Morning America, perky lib, Katie Couric, was co-hosting. From what I gathered there, the ratings are abysmal! She should have stayed at NBC on the Today Show instead of heading over to CBS to become just another political hack for the Communist Broadcasting System. At least on the Today Show, she was cute and had some personality. Now, she's just another windbag for the liberal elites. Kind of like Helen Thomas with a pixie haircut.

As co-host on Tuesday morning's Today Show, Sarah Palin showed class and great savvy dealing with Matt 'I'm a liberal loser' Lauer. In fact, I think he could do nothing but tell her that she did a "good job."  We all know that he was really wanting to say, "Get off my set, you conservative winch!" But he did show some grace; a rarity with liberals today.

So, since we last met, a lot of things have happened,

But what about the Republican Race ending in a brokered convention, you ask? Well, we'll talk again soon. I'll have plenty to say about that next time. But I will say this:
Something verrrrrry interesting is gonna happen at the convention!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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