Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One Mans Opinion - 9/11/2012
By Dewaine Shoulders

Today is probably the last time I will speak with you.

As with all good things, they must come to an end. I started this little blog on June 27th, 2010. Anyone that has read these blogs already knows how I feel about thing. But today, I feel empty inside, as I know that my words cannot make a difference. So, let me speak to you one last time about a subject that will forever be in my heart. A subject that changed how I look at the world, and those in it---


Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, was the day that America began the moral and fiscal decline we now see today. It was also the day that America ceased to be immune to the world's problems. 9/11 is the date in which the world began to truly go to hell.

Eleven years have passed since the events of 9/11. In that span of time, all of our lives had changed. None of us were immune to the terrible attack on our soil by those Terrorist of Islam. Ever since that fateful day, we all have had to deal with the New Reality in America: namely the Office of Homeland Security, and the TSA.

Meanwhile, Islamic Extremist continue to murder innocent people all around the world. For the sake of safety here at home, we have had to change the way we conduct our daily lives because another attack could happen at any time. Sadly, here at home, there are people who are willing to trade their rights and liberties in order to feel safe and secure! They will have neither.

As Americans, we all should be fighting against those people that would take our rights and liberties away, but most do not see their rights and liberties being lessened. They are blinded by cults of personality, and their words. They also see the opportunity to protest against traditional American values, wanting something called Progress instead. Unfortunately, the progress they seek is anything but. Progress is a code word for enslavement, brought upon us by the elites that will own this country.

People may think I'm speaking nonsense, but I believe that the time is truly coming upon us when we will lose America to those that wish to change it into something it was never supposed to be. The people wishing a form of Socialism to be enacted here are products of the education system run by Socialists and Communists. Among those people affiliated with the communists and socialists are college professors, and supposed deep thinkers in the progressive wings of both parties. Those people have never run a business, nor worked a hard day in their lives. Those are the ones that are teaching our children. Soon, those children will become adults, willing to cast freedom away for slavery; trading the Constitutional Republic for the socialist brand of democracy. In the end, they will have nothing but tyranny!

America is a shining beacon of hope in the world, yet there are those that wish to turn off the lights, keeping us all in darkness. People come to America to better themselves, but since 9/11, I have my doubts when it comes to Muslims.

This is not a racist statement, it is a reality!

We are bombarded daily with postings on Facebook, and other social media, about all of the terrible things these Islamic Jihadist do to non-believers. Yet, we continue to allow the Muslims a larger foothold in our country. We see Muslims in Europe protesting, wanting Sharia Law. Soon, we will see those protests here in America. They want Sharia Law, that Islamic doctrine of submission to Allah, imposed here in America. They will want all women to be attired in Burqua's, and to be treated as cattle. Our children will be abused in the name of their lesser god, because Mohammad believed in child sex, as he took a 9 year-old as a wife. The Koran speaks of it, and it is still practiced today in the Middle East! How soon will the pedophiles want their rights to molest children, because their supposed god allows it? Because Sharia Law allows it!

The so-called Religion of Peace is neither a religion or peaceful! It is a doctrine of rules meant to subjugate everyone to live under a tyrannical dictatorship, controlled by Mullahs and religious zealots who wish total domination over every aspect of peoples lives!

It is slavery!

Moreover, they will eventually get what they want from our so-called leaders, because they are all spineless jellyfish! All the politicians want are votes and power! Eventually, the Islamic doctrine will be weaseled into all of our lives, and we will all become slaves because of it.

This is what I see for America... Unless we fight it right now!

I'm not calling for violence, but I am calling on each and every one of us to exercise our God given right to VOTE! Do not vote for those politicians who pander to special interests. Do not allow these politicians to continue to usurp the Constitution, and do not allow any other law but America's Law, The Constitution of The United States of America ,to be the law of the land!

Finally, since this is probably my last blog, I have one last thing to add... 

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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