Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One Mans Opinion 2/2/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

Palin vs. Obama: The truth behind the mainstream media’s drooling over the POTUS and their vendetta against Sarah Palin.

(Jan. 27, 2011)
Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama experienced a rare speaking stumble Thursday, mixing up Iraq and Afghanistan when responding in a YouTube interview to questions challenging the wars in those countries.
The president twice referred to Afghanistan when clearly talking about the situation in Iraq.
By: CNN's Tom Cohen

There are two things that come to mind when I think about this – The first being that our current Community Organizer in Chief has made more and bigger blunders than Sarah Palin, but only Mrs. Palin get’s called out for them by the MSM.

Supposedly, Mr. Obama is a far more educated man than Mrs. Palin… So what’s his excuse?

Mr. Obama. the Harvard-educated citizen of the world that he is, who is hailed by many as the “smartest president ever,” has made many mistakes - but hardly a mention of it comes from the MSM. And if they do, they apologize for him--- He was tired from saving the world, etc.

But when Sarah Palin makes the occasional gaffe (as all of us do from time to time by the way), the meme from the left-leaning media pundits and talking heads resounds loud and clear --- She’s stupid, she should STFU, etc.

Case in point is the aforementioned CNN story; Barely a paragraph was written concerning Obama’s gaffe. But if Sarah Palin made a similar gaffe, there would be volumes written about it, and in the most hateful of terms.
The second thing: the Left tries so very hard to make Sarah Palin irrelevant. Well, that’s funny. For someone so irrelevant, the Left has spent more time and money going after her than defending their own positions. Funny how their own positions don’t matter, because Sarah Palin is the cause of all of their problems! They call her names; they cast suspicions on her family life and even some call for her death.

For someone so irrelevant, this is much ado about nothing…Right?
I love it when they call her foolish and uneducated. Apparently, the very ones that attempt to pin those titles on her are the same simpleton leftist tools that lavish accolades on the Community Organizer in Chief, who still has yet to travel to all 57 states and can’t form two sentences without the aid of a teleprompter. Have you heard him talking off the cuff? Er’s and Uh’s take up most of the time he attempts to speak. He clearly can’t think on his feet.
Sarah Palin can think on her feet... But she didn’t go to Harvard, so she’s stupid. WTF?

It’s ironic that the Left is so obsessed with someone like Sarah Palin. When she Tweets or posts something on Facebook it becomes International news! Palin Derangement Syndrome has become a national pastime for these folks. I’m surprised that Vegas odds makers haven’t jumped in on this action yet. Give ‘em time, and I bet they will!

The lamestream media and leftist loonfish bloggers have labeled her an idiot, and not worthy of media attention. Why then do they spend millions of dollars on ads, blogs, news articles and reports on her?

I have even read bloggers lamenting the fact that she makes millions off of stupid people. Funny, Al Gore does it and he gets Nobel Prizes and Oscars, not to mention millions of dollars from his speaking engagements and all you hear are crickets chirping from the left when it comes to that subject.
Some even say Sarah Palin has no job, yet she makes millions of dollars. Hmm?

As far as I know, she does have a job --- a couple of them in fact. She’s a mother, and that constitutes a job. She is a business owner with her husband, Todd, so that could be considered a job. In addition, of course, she works for Fox News as a contributor (another annoyance of the left). To me, that means she’s employed and earning an honest living.

Also, she makes money speaking all around the country, from people who want to hear what she has to say. That seems to be a job for everyone on the left who does it… But just not for Sarah Palin.

It’s actually hilarious if you stop to think about it. The left has a new psychological-disorder to contend with ---

It’s called Sarah Palin Envy!

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

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