Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Mans Opinion  2/23/2011
By Dewaine Shoulders

The world is coming apart piece by piece.

The Middle East is in turmoil. Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Iran, and other nations are calling for democracy. Egypt ousted its president/dictator after a 30-year reign. Egypt was an American-friendly nation that also had a long peace with Israel. Now, the Muslim Brotherhood may take the nation over and the peace between Egypt and Israel may come to an abrupt end.

Our illustrious leader, our beloved (gag me) Community Organizer in Chief, who sang the praises of the Egyptian coup, has said squat about the rest of the Middle East wanting democracy over thugocracy... I mean theocracy. For example, there is Libya: Obama has said nothing. He has relied on his press secretary and Hilary Clinton to offer cautious appraisals and condemnation of the Libya thugocracy. Where is Obama? Would speaking to the American people or sending hopes of a peaceful transition to freedom to the people of Libya be too much for him to express? Or would it interfere with a golf game or a vacation?

It looks like gas prices might spike because of the Libya ordeal. But not to worry, Obama will remind everyone we need Green Energy and then go play some Basketball.

On another note, Christchurch, New Zealand had a major earthquake yesterday, and all I have heard from the White House was that Obama had been advised about it. He hasn't said anything (as of the time of this writing) about the devastation, or America's offer of assistance.

Normally, any other president would have issued a statement regarding the catastrophe by now, but not this one. Nope, our wonderful Community Organizer in Chief has said zilch so far. What a guy!

Here at home, this administration is suing Arizona for trying to secure its borders; something that the federal government is supposed to be doing in the first place. Now we have the debacle in Wisconsin and now in Ohio and Indiana where Democrats are leaving the states or just not showing up to vote on their state budgets and Right to Work laws. Is Obama telling his fellow Democrats to get back to work, or is he behind the scenes, directing the demonstrations by teachers and professional protestors? I would say the latter of the two would be correct.

Ladies and gentlemen, we no longer have leaders running our country. We have a bunch of idiots dressed in suits doing whatever they can to bankrupt the nation, the states... And from the looks of it, the entire world!

And here we are in 2011- We have Muslim extremists acting like barbarians from the Middle Ages; wanting to take the entire world back to those thrilling days of yesteryear under Sharia Law. As of yesterday, Somalia pirates have killed four Americans, and Somali's (Muslims) in Minnesota are calling for Sharia Law to be implemented there.

And Obama has said what about these things? Is that crickets I hear chirping?

Is it me or has the world gone completely bonkers?

I may not be able to fix what’s broken elsewhere in the world, but I do have an idea how to repair the damage that has been done here at home.

What this nation needs is a real leader! One who can pull this nation back from the brink and place us back on the path that will lead us to opportunities for growth and prosperity. The Community Organizer in Chief we have now wants to take America and turn it into Cuba. 

We need a leader that can do the hard things - making swift decisions in an ever-changing world - and be unafraid of public opinion.

Our Community Organizer in Chief took 90 days to decide to accept help in the Gulf of Mexico during the oil spill last year. He had to consult the unions first, it seemed.

We need a leader that can and will do what is constitutionally sound, not circumvent the constitution at every turn, like the current Community Organizer in Chief does on a daily basis.

Moreover, we need a leader that can show the rest of the world that America is back and stronger than ever. Not a Community Organizer in Chief that shows the world that America should apologize to the world for being arrogant.

Hey Obama, if had not been for America, the rest of the world would have been overrun by Nazis and living in fear right now! Or didn't your socialist friends and professors tell you that?

What America needs is a true leader, not the Manchurian Candidate we have now in the White House.

So who could be that leader?

I have said in the past that I hoped for a Palin/Bachmann ticket for the GOP in 2012. But with the state of the world being as it is now, I think I need to look for a stronger ticket. I like Michelle Bachmann, but I think we need an Allen West for the VP role. Allen West is by far the strongest choice to be on a Sarah Palin ticket. And I do believe that only Sarah Palin has the strength of character and the wisdom to do what wonder boy Obama has yet to do… Be a president!

Therefore, as of today, I am hoping and praying for a Palin/West ticket in 2012. Those two are America's last best hope.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

Check out Dewaine & Susie Live on UStream every Sunday night at 7 pm EST/ 6 Central.

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