Sunday, December 26, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
Goodbye 2010, and may you be remembered for what you were... A very bad year!
Now before you get your panties in a wad over that statement, let me explain why I believe that. Even though the Republicans came back in November and retook the House and narrowed the gap in the Senate, 2010 sucked like a Hoover Vacuum on a nappy rug.
Overall, 2010 was marred with an oil spill in the gulf, DADT, START, high unemployment and Obamacare. More states are on the verge of insolvency due to pension plans, with the Porkulus Bill as more socialistic policies reigned supreme while being touted by the POTUS as Stimulus.
And finally, 2010 was the year that we saw NASA lose the Moon and Mars postponed again in favor of reaching out to Muslims for their contributions to the space program? I wasn't sure how making rockets and launching them into Israel made the Muslims a space pioneering religion, but what do I know?
The good things in 2010, aside for the aforementioned November elections, was Sarah Palin becoming a Fox News contributor and having her own show on TLC called Sarah Palin's Alaska. And the further influence of the TEA Party on our broken political system. Those things were important milestones indeed.
Well, that sums up the good things I can recall.
So, in essence, 2010 was a bad year, but 2011 is showing some promise. With the 112th Congress convening in January, perhaps the socialistic tendencies of the POTUS and his administration can be offset, if not out and out reversed. And maybe this time next year, we can fondly look back on 2011 and say it was a better year.
But there again, there are a few 'in the know' people who are already predicting a double-dip in the housing market and the recession; $4 a gallon gas by spring/summer, and even higher unemployment. It makes me wonder if 2011 will be as bad, if not worse than 2010. I, for one, hope the 'in the know' people are totally wrong!
As for 2010, I will not miss you. I'll be glad you have passed into history.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
Here we are nearing Christmas 2010, and already people are talking about the presidential race in 2012. With just under two years until the November elections, a great deal of attention is being focused upon Sarah Palin as a potential candidate. And with that, the obvious match-up between her and President Obama is already making news.
While poll after poll tell the ominous tale of a clean sweep for the president against Sarah Palin, what a difference two years could make. Honestly, it's a bit premature to say who will be the front runner in the 2012 elections at the end of 2010. After all, the polls have constantly gotten it wrong time and again.
Anyone remember how the polls said that Ronald Reagan would lose to Jimmy Carter? Or perhaps a more recent example... How Hilary Clinton would win the Democratic primaries and the presidential election against any Republican. Even America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, was supposed to be the Republican nominee according to all of the polls back in 2008. None of the early polls gave John McCain much of a chance. We see how that worked out.
So even if the polls are somewhat close to correct now, they will be outdated next week, next month and certainly by next year.
Sarah Palin's poll numbers are high with conservative women, low with independent women, and all over the board with men. Chris Christie's numbers are high at the moment, but all it takes is one gaffe to change that. Mike Huckabee's numbers are up and down, and even Mitt Romney, if he went head to head with Obama, would lose to him today, according to a recent poll.
But again, what a difference two years will make.
So for those of us who like Sarah Palin chances and want her to run, we can count on those out there that will say 'no' to her today. But this time next year, who knows where she will be in the polls? The pollsters surely don't know, and neither does anyone else.
But I would be willing to bet if Sarah Palin and Obama did go head to head in the presidential race in 2012 - particularly with his radical leftist agenda - you had better believe that Sarah Palin could hold her own, and perhaps win the race. After all, those with buyers remorse today will be more than likely ready to vote him out by then.
And Sarah Palin has yet to even announce her intentions for the presidential race; although she is positioning herself already, I do believe.
If I had to take a guess right now as to the make-up of the 2012 primary field, I would say that Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin will end up being the front runners for the Republican Party. Between the two of them, Romney-care will be like a millstone around his neck as he is trying to tread water during the campaign. With the health care issue in America that will cost us trillions of dollars, reduce services and hurt the elderly, Romney will have a hard time defending his health care policy in Massachusetts.
And Sarah Palin common sense approach to fix the problems in America will show the voters who is the more conservative between the two; and that will be a plus for her!
Like I said before, no one thought Ronald Reagan had a chance to become president... And he went on to serve two terms, becoming one of the greatest presidents in American history. And I truly believe that Sarah Palin is this generations Ronald Reagan. And as time goes on, I bet the polls will reflect a change in attitudes toward her.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
The new Wall Street Journal/ NBC News poll shows that Sarah Palin is behind President Barack Obama in the race for 2012 by a whopping 22 points.
Obama currently leads over every other Republican candidate as well, including against Mitt Romney, where he holds a 7 point lead.
But the gap over Palin is what stands out here, with Obama holding a 55-33 lead.
Well, isn't that a surprise? NBC (The National Barack Channel) having anything to do with a poll on Sarah Palin would render the same results. They worship Obama at NBC. I bet there's an altar on the set of The Today Show where Obama's likeness is awash in candlelight with incense burning all around for the anointed one.
But here's where I find the polling quite insightful. Obama has a 55-33 point spread. Whereas Mitt Romney is down only 7 points. So, who did they ask? Liberal Democrats that work at NBC or the WSJ? Romney supporters? A group of winos down in the Bowery?
Anyway, here's the reason I find the poll numbers insightful... It's the comparison between pre-election Ronald Reagan and pre-election Sarah Palin.
Let's take a look back in time: The 1980 presidential campaign between President Jimmy Carter and Republican Ronald Reagan.
If any of you were alive back then, you may remember that Ronald Reagan was down in the polls by a considerable amount. Reagan, who was aided by the Iran Hostage Crisis and a dismal economy at home, ended up winning the election in a landslide.
Smilin' Jimmy Carter attacked Reagan as a dangerous right-wing radical. Ronald Reagan was repeatedly ridiculed Carter, and won a decisive victory. The election marked the beginning of what is popularly called the "Reagan Revolution."
Anyone who was alive back then knows that the 1970's was a bad time in our nations history, with low economic growth, high inflation and interest rates, and intermittent energy crises. Anyone remember gas lines and shortages?
Fast forward 31 years...
We have a well-intentioned man in the Oval Office today. We have an economy that is in the proverbial toilet, and we have Jimmy Carter's legacy attacking us all over the world. They're called Muslim extremists.
And we have a lamestream media that crucifies Sarah Palin at every turn, as well as liberals and RINO Republicans. We have economic problems, energy issues and the threat of Muslim extremists on a daily basis.
It took Ronald Reagan to come to the Oval Office to begin the Reagan Revolution. And that revolution renewed the American Spirit and created an environment for economic growth. It took a while, yes, but Reaganomics worked! And we enjoyed much of that economic growth until just prior to 2000, when Clinton's economy brought is a mild recession. That was what George W. Bush 'inherited' prior to 9/11.
To me, Sarah Palin is exactly like pre-election Ronald Reagan. The media back then were saying that he was a B-movie actor and wouldn't be a good president, and history shows otherwise.
It took Ronald Reagan to fix what a liberal (Jimmy Carter) had broken. And now we have a Community Organizer in Chief who has spent more money than Presidents Washington through Reagan combined and still has yet to fix the economy. If anything, he's made it far worse than ever before!
And I believe it will take Sarah Palin to become president to repair what the current liberal in the Oval Office has broken.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
I was going to post the entire list of sites I gathered information from for the New World Order Shows (pt. 1&2) but I decided that if you wish to check the facts out, what better way than to Google the information yourself. Don't take my word for it. Discover it for yourself! I will give you the keywords I used to do my search, and then you can do exactly like I did. See just how much information is out there regarding the New World Order.
Here are the keywords:
Civil War, Eugenics, New World Order, NWO, Slavery in America, Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger Quotes, NWO Quotes, Progressives agenda, and New World Order News.
These were the keywords I used to search for information for the shows. I hope you can see what I had to pour through in order to fill 2 one hour shows.
Also, you may want to remember that knowledge is power, and that's why the government wants the FCC to regulate the Internet. That way they can censor what you see on the Internet; and that gives them the power!
It's time to empower yourselves with the knowledge before it's no longer available.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
email address:
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
WikiLeaks, Sarah Palin, Freedom of Speech and Espionage?
Let's start with something that Sarah Palin tweeted:"Someone making things up again? Keep seeing this quote attributed to me. Huh?"
Okay, now here's what prompted that ---
In an op-ed, Jullian Assange defended the WikiLeaks publication of the secret documents, but he also writes, "Sarah Palin says I should be 'hunted down like Osama bin Laden."
It's a quote attributed to Palin, but was taken way out of context that apparently has her up in arms.
In a November 29 Facebook posting, Sarah Palin blasted the Obama administration's handling of the matter. She also wrote, "Assange is not a 'journalist,' any more than the 'editor' of al Qaeda's new English-language magazine Inspire is a 'journalist.' He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?"
The quote: "Sarah Palin says I should be 'hunted down like Osama bin Laden" is a little over the top, but that's par for the course when it comes to all things Sarah Palin. Even Jullian Assange seems to have has Palin Derangement Syndrome.
Now onto the meat of the story.
Julian Assange was arrested in arrested in London today on sexual assault charges. He will likely be deported to Sweden and then from there he may be sent to Virgina. Espionage charges could be filed against him there.
Clearly Jullian Assange posted classified documents, and while that in itself is bad for our foreign policy, it does show that our government is totally whacked and needs a complete and thorough enema.
The real question I have is this: How did a PFC in the military gather all of those hundreds of thousands of documents without someone knowing about it and then passing them on to Assange and WikiLeaks? How could something like that happen?
The short answer: I bet it wasn't really like that.
Here's the way I see it - PFC Bradley Manning could not have stolen all of those secret cables and documents without inside help! Plain, simple and to the point! Someone had to have aided him... Or set him up to take the fall. No Private in any branch of the military has the Top Secret Clearance to so much as be near such documents, much less see them. Unless he can walk through walls and turn himself invisible, he could not have done these things unless someone, with the proper clearance, gathered the information and passed them onto him.
Conspiracy Theory? You betcha!
Unless someone inside the administration gathered those documents and then went to Manning to act as a go-between to get the information to Wikileaks, Manning would have to be a computer hacker extraordinaire
to pull this off.
The following was gathered from
The WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, today hailed the person responsible for leaking the diplomatic cables as "an unparalleled hero" and suggested that his organisation had deliberately used servers in certain jurisdictions, such as Amazon's in the US, to test their commitment to freedom of speech.
In a live Q&A on, the Australian journalist highlighted the role alleged to have been played in the leaks by the soldier Bradley Manning.
"For the past four years one of our goals has been to lionise the source who take the real risks in nearly every journalistic disclosure and without whose efforts, journalists would be nothing," said Assange. "If indeed it is the case, as alleged by the Pentagon, that the young soldier – Bradley Manning – is behind some of our recent disclosures, then he is without doubt an unparalleled hero."
Hero or villain, Bradley Manning is a scapegoat. Someone else is responsible for the actual theft of the government documents, of that I have no doubt. The question is: Who?
Actually, there is another question: Why?
Honestly, with such an "OPEN" government as ours is supposed to be, I wouldn't put it past the government to do this and then use it for some political advantage... Like censorship of the Internet, talk radio, Fox News, and even people like myself, who use their First Amendment right to free speech for more than praising the government.
This smells like a set-up to me. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are just pawns in this game of Chess. The players are somewhere in this administration, posturing things to their advantage, so when the time is right, they can shut down the Internet because it spreads anti-government rhetoric.
And just as the Reverend Al Sharpton is going before the FCC to try to shut-down Rush Limbaugh, someone is setting up the Internet to be taken over by the FCC, so that they can determine what can and can't be placed there.
We live in dangerous times, and I fear that sooner than we think, our rights will be taken from us in some "Emergency" and that once those rights are gone, they will never return.
Call me paranoid, call me totally delusional, but tell me that I'm not right when I question the people in charge in Washington! After nearly two years of the most open and honest administration in American History, I can say without a doubt, I don't believe anything these people tell me. They lie, and then lie to cover their lies.
That's the problem with power, once you have it, it's hard to let it go. And they have it, and something tells me that sooner or later, we'll be one emergency away from seeing them never letting it go
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
I am going to give myself a shameless plug here.
Sunday night (12/5) at 7 pm EST/ 6 Central and 4 Pacific time, I will begin a two-part special about the New World Order.
Part 2 will air 12/12 at the same time.
Some might think it an urban myth, but after hearing the evidence, even the most sceptical amoung you will be wondering why you didn't know these things already.
Warning: These shows are not going to be easy to listen to, as the evidence is so overwhelming, so damning, that I fear that the government might shut the internet down... Wait, the FCC wants to do that anyway!
So tell you friends and tune-in Sunday night. I promise you that your eyeballs might actually bleed, your blood pressure will be so high!
But that's my opinion, I could be right!
This is the link to listen to the show:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
I don't like having to say these things, but I will anyway... Simply because they need to be said.
Our nation is being attacked from all fronts, and we are doing little to nothing to defend it. I say 'we' in referring to the current administration. After all, we the people are supposed to be in charge, right?
But seeing how we are facing terrorists, both foreign and domestic, trying to destroy our way of life, shouldn't this administration be doing more to secure it than pat-downs and x-ray scans in airports. Shouldn't they be paying more attention to our borders and less attention to suing states trying to uphold federal law inforcing immigration policy? Shouldn't the media be paying less attention to Sarah Palin's gaffes and more attention to Obama's conversion of America from a Republic to a dictatorship.
Yes, I said it: A dictatorship!
The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is trying to convert America into a European-style Socialist nation with every policy he makes... With every word he reads from his teleprompter. Obama Care is less about health care and more about redistribution of wealth. Cap and Trade was never about CO2 emissions and more about jacking energy rates so high that the average American couldn't afford it. Take a look at what he'd doing to help the unions and you'll see that he's paying back his political allies and damning everyone else in the process.
Barack Obama is not a president, he's a dictator-in-training.
And all it will take is one emergency and we'll see the dictator reveal himself. He'll call out the National Guard - or his own Civilian Police Force - and declare martial law. And then he'll suspend the Constitution and from there, well... Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.
As for now, I foresee things happening in this nation that are unlike any other time in our history. And at the same time, we have seen this many times before. In other cultures and other civilizations over the millennia.
The fall of one civilization gives rise to yet another. And I fear that our civilization, our way of life with the liberties we have known and taken for granted, will soon be a thing of the past.
And what will replace it?
The New World Order, of course. The Progressives pet project that tears the world down to rebuild it in their own image. The Progressives are playing God!
Until the New World Order truly begins, the Progressives will continue to take away the freedoms and liberties our forefathers gave their lives for; that our soldiers have fought and died for from the beginning of this nation. And in the end, the Progressives elites will have everything they want and the rest of us will be force to live under the thumb of a world dictator. Of course, that's not how it will start, but it's how it will end up.It always does.
Because as we all know, Absolute Power corrupts absolutely!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right.
On my next One Mans Opinion blogtalk radio show, I am going to look at the Progressive Movement and how everything they have done up until now has led us down the path to the New World Order.
The show will air Sunday night, Dec. 5th, at 7 pm/ 6 Central and 4 Pacific times.
Monday, November 29, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
I don't like having to say these things, but I will anyway... Simply because they need to be said.
Our nation is being attacked from all fronts, and we are doing little to nothing to defend it. I say 'we' in referring to the current administration. After all, we the people are supposed to be in charge, right?
But seeing how we are facing terrorists, both foreign and domestic, trying to destroy our way of life, shouldn't this administration be doing more to secure it than pat-downs and x-ray scans in airports. Shouldn't they be paying more attention to our borders and less attention to suing states trying to uphold federal law inforcing immigration policy? Shouldn't the media be paying less attention to Sarah Palin's gaffes and more attention to Obama's conversion of America from a Republic to a dictatorship.
Yes, I said it: A dictatorship!
The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is trying to convert America into a European-style Socialist nation with every policy he makes... With every word he reads from his teleprompter. Obama Care is less about health care and more about redistribution of wealth. Cap and Trade was never about CO2 emissions and more about jacking energy rates so high that the average American couldn't afford it. Take a look at what he'd doing to help the unions and you'll see that he's paying back his political allies and damning everyone else in the process.
Barack Obama is not a president, he's a dictator-in-training.
And all it will take is one emergency and we'll see the dictator reveal himself. He'll call out the National Guard - or his own Civilian Police Force - and declare martial law. And then he'll suspend the Constitution and from there, well... Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.
As for now, I foresee things happening in this nation that are unlike any other time in our history. And at the same time, we have seen this many times before. In other cultures and other civilizations over the millennia.
The fall of one civilization gives rise to yet another. And I fear that our civilization, our way of life with the liberties we have known and taken for granted, will soon be a thing of the past.
And what will replace it?
The New World Order, of course. The Progressives pet project that tears the world down to rebuild it in their own image. The Progressives are playing God!
Until the New World Order truly begins, the Progressives will continue to take away the freedoms and liberties our forefathers gave their lives for; that our soldiers have fought and died for from the beginning of this nation. And in the end, the Progressives elites will have everything they want and the rest of us will be force to live under the thumb of a world dictator. Of course, that's not how it will start, but it's how it will end up.It always does.
Because as we all know, Absolute Power corrupts absolutely!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right.
On my next One Mans Opinion blogtalk radio show, I am going to look at the Progressive Movement and how everything they have done up until now has led us down the path to the New World Order.
The show will air Sunday night, Dec. 5th, at 7 pm/ 6 Central and 4 Pacific times.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
It's Thanksgiving Day, and it's time to reflect on all of the blessings we - as Americans - enjoy.
We have the freedom of religion - To worship God, or not to worship at all.
We have freedom of speech - To be able to say the things that we hold dear in our hearts and minds.
We have the freedom to own a firearm - To hunt or simply to protect ourselves.
We have the freedom of choice - To choose our own destinies and not have out lives dictated to us from birth.
And we have the freedom to vote - And that is a precious freedom indeed.
But every single day, some of those freedoms and liberties are being taken from us. And we are allowing it because we the people are free to choose... And most of us have chosen to accept those things as a given in our lives. But we the people also can choose another path. And that is to stand up and say in a resounding voice, "I want my freedoms, and you cannot take them away from me!"
We started that process in November with the mid-term election, but the battle continues.
And just like the Pilgrims of old, we should give thanks to our Creator for the blessings bestowed upon us and the continued nourishment of our souls.
So today, when you are sitting around the turkey and dressing and preparing to watch a football game with the family and friends that are gathered around, say a prayer to whatever God you believe in and give thanks for all that you have. You may not have everything you want, but sometimes that's a blessing in itself. It makes you appreciate the things that you do have and gives you the desire to keep them in your lives.
And those precious freedoms we have are worth praying for.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Dewaine Shoulders
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
Will the left stoop any lower?
Willow Palin, along with Bristol, were recently on their Facebook page when an exchange between Bristol and someone that sparked a verbal battle, using crude language and what some might consider a homophobic slur.
During the premiere of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" Sunday night -- a boy named Tre who went to school with the Palin kids wrote a status update that read, "Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing so hard right now."
The comment was countered by Willow, who replied on Tre’s wall: "Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I've seen pictures of, your disgusting ... My sister had a kid and is still hot."
Willow followed up that comment with another that read, "Tre stfu. Your such a f**got."
From there, the verbal battle continued. Below is the actual wall. The names have been blocked for privacy reasons.

Since the picture isn't the greatest, I'll transcribe the actual postings.
Warning: the crude language used on the wall is pretty raw. Viewers discretion is advised.
Tre: Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing soo hard right now.
Bristol: you're running your mouth just to talk shit . .
Tre: hahahaha, the show fails I think, just opinion, but so do other people.
Brsitol: No you just run your mouth just so you'll get a reaction.You're a typical shit talker. Talking shit cause you have nothing else going for you. Just like you pretended you didn't know what Dancing with the Stars was.
Shaq: What channel?
Willow: don't watch it dumb shit.
Willow: And Matt, your effin fat as hell. stfu
Matt: man these Palin's don't like it when you don't admire them fully, well I'm sorry that people don't like some programming. P.S. your lucky your show goes by votes, not talent.
Bridgette: I'm excited to watch it, they are a really cute family!
Jeremiah: haha what channel is that shit on?
Matt: not as fat as Bristol, and not dating a dumbass little prick like Almond, the only program I enjoy from your family is nailin'Palin
Matt: Its on TLC. The last channel I'd ever fucking watchin my life
Tre:Willow, don't make me count to three hahahaha
Clearly these boys are taunting Bristol and Willow, like boys tend to do, and I don't blame either of the Palin girls for being defensive about their mother. They do use crude language, but most teens today use language like that, The 'Faggot' remark and 'you're so gay' is standard fare when you dislike someone or disagree with them. It doesn't make it right, but there was no homophobia intended there. Having been around my step son and his friends, I heard that kind of language on a daily basis.
It's called talking smack.
TMZ ran with this story in hopes to discredit Sarah Palin, and by extension, the girls for being classless. But it was TMZ and the boys that are classless. It's one thing to be critical, and another to be cruel. And the boys were clearly trying to hurt Bristol and Willow.
This is the soap opera that Sarah Pslin and her family live with from the loony left and the lunatic fringe on a daily basis.
And hopefully, if Sarah Palin runs for president, and hopefully wins, then anyone making comments like that to her children will be facing Secret Service agents in their future. And hopefully these boys will learn some respect in the interim.
It's doubtful, but anything is possible.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
Sarah Palin's Alaska:
The review of the first episode.
Okay, even though I have a biased opinion of Sarah Palin and what an extraordinary woman she is, I will try to be unbiased in my opinion of her show.
I found it to be funny, insightful and most of all, more like a travelogue of her home state; not some pseudo-political infomercial that many on the left have said it would be. In fact, the pristine nature of Alaska was captured in such a way as to overshadow the Palin family.
Although being a ardent fan and supporter of Sarah Palin's future political interests (if any), I think she showed America that enjoying life and nature is more important than being wrapped-up in some political circus that has become her public persona. The left and the media has created a character out of Sarah Palin, and tonight, we finally got to see the real woman. This is a woman who loves her family, her home and nature. She relishes the moments that make her life in Alaska so interesting, and also relishes the mundane aspects as well.
My favorite part of the first show was when the bears came so close to their fishing boat. Bears are not the most docile of creatures. If I had been in that boat when the two bears were fighting, I'd have throw such a wake to get away from them!
And when Sarah and Todd are climbing the mountain base at Mt. McKinley, I empathize with her because I'm afraid of heights too. I would never had worked up the courage to make that climb, but she did. Good for her!
All in all, each part of the show showed us the Alaskan wilderness and wildness, and at the same time, gave us glimpses into the real life of one of the most polarizing figures in America today.
And for what it's worth, this will probably not change any minds about Sarah Palin, pro or con. But what it may do is begin to show those on the fence, those people unsure about how they feel about the woman, that she is the real deal. And there is nothing wrong with her, unlike what most of the MSM had tried to portray. She's not the anti-environmental monster that the leftist bloggers have been droning on about, nor is she the stupid bimbo that many on the left have trumpeted time and again.
Sarah Palin is a woman who loves her family, her state, her country, and her life. And in the end, there isn't anything wrong with that.
Those credentials prove that she is America... Just like the rest of us!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Email me at:
Monday, November 8, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
The GOP vs. Sarah Palin?
Does it seem like the good old boys in the Republican Party have a grudge against Sarah Palin? Karl Rove had assailed her. Many members of the Republican Party have supposedly talked bad about her. Most remain safely anonymous, of course. But the bad blood from many Republican "insiders" and "those in the know" have berated Sarah Palin from the first time John McCain introduced her as his vice-presidential nominee back in 2008.
And supposedly former President George W. Bush weighed in on Sarah Palin.
In a recent article, Tom DeFrank of the 'New York Daily News' writes:
The former president, like his former strategist Karl Rove, has told friends that he doesn't think Palin is qualified to be president and blames McCain for giving her a national platform. "Naming Palin makes Bush think less of McCain as a man," a Republican official familiar with Bush's thinking said.
This doesn't make it into Bush's book "Decision Points" mind you, but this is the kind of crapola that the so-called 'journalists' are putting out there, based upon what 'anonymous sources' from the Republican Party are saying.
Well, today on The Rush Limbaugh Show, George W. Bush called into the show to talk about his new book. And during the course of the interview, Rush asked the former president if he had said these things about Sarah Palin or John McCain. Bush replied, "No, he hadn't!"
So, what Tom DeFrank has done is write another hit piece against Sarah Palin. And just like the Vanity Fair hit piece not too long ago...
The hits just keep on coming.
The real question is: 'Why?'
Why continue quoting anonymous sources when you know that you'll be discovered spreading a lie? Why continue trying to destroy Sarah Palin if she's such a non issue? The left keeps stating that Community Organizer in Chief Obama could defeat her easily in the 2012 presidential election. I would think that the left would be singing her praises in order for her to be the front runner for the Republican Party, to insure that the defeat would take place.
In these hit pieces, they quote people like Glenn Beck, Mark Levin and now even George W. Bush, making these outragious claims of people being against Sarah Palin. And they have all be shot down! So, again, the question remains: 'Why are the leftist writers and bloggers continuing to publish these lies?'
The truth be told, the left is quite afraid that she will be the nominee. And that's because they know that she could destroy any chance of a re-election bid by Obama, or any other Democrat that happened to be running.
The left is afraid that she would turn back any progress they have made and set their agenda back for at least a generation. So that's why they continue to try to destroy her. Sarah Palin is the Republicans best hope to change the course we are on. Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and others would not turn back the course, only prolong the ride.
Sarah Palin would do exactly what Ronald Reagan would be doing if he were alive today; turning liberalism on its ear. Sarah Palin would reduce spending, make the government smaller and more accountable and spread freedom, not taking it away in bits and pieces (like the current administration is doing).
Somewhere between now and 2012, the newly elected Republican Party members of the House and Senate, helped into office by the Tea Party, will have to change the good old boys club in the Republican Party to accept Sarah Palin as a viable candidate for the Oval Office. Otherwise the GOP will risk becoming extinct like the Whig Party of old.
And so long as Sarah Palin is attacked from left-leaning journalists and bloggers, and the cowards in the Republican Party that spread the rumors and innuendos to the reporters (wishing to remain anonymous), the stronger Sarah Palin's resolve will be.
And more and more people will support her!
Soon, I believe that mainstream Americans will see these hit pieces from the loony left for what they truly are - Acts of desperation!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Email me at:
Friday, November 5, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
It's taken me a couple of days to digest what happened this past Tuesday, but I think I now understand its implications.
The mid-term election was but a warm-up to the big production that is to come, and that’s the 2012 presidential election. With the gains the GOP made this election cycle, they had better do something with the new power… Namely, shut down Obama’s plans to redistribute the wealth and stick it to the American people with Obamacare and Cap and Tax! They need to focus on shutting down the democratic machine and clean their own act up in the process.
The Republican Party needs to rebrand itself once again. This time, they need to remember who brung ‘em to the dance. We the people did, and if they want to continue to hold office they had better do what we want them to do. Otherwise, next time, they will be finding out how the democrats feel to lose big!
The Tea Party has brought new blood into the tired old body of lawyers and career politicians. And those new members should take heed of what we want as well, otherwise they will be returning to civilian life just as quickly as they were elected.
We the people want jobs, economic growth and lower taxes. We want smaller and more responsive government, and we want immigration laws enforced and our military strengthened, not weakened.
We want to end political correctness and bring in commonsense solutions that will repair the system that's currently broken. We want a balanced budget, and term limits too!
But what we really want is for our representatives to hear us and do what "we the people" sent them to Washington D.C. to do… To represent US; not the lobbyists and special interest that currently hold the ears of those elected few. Is it too much to ask or elected officials to listen to the voice of everyday people and do what’s right for the majority of Americans… And not bend over and take it from the fringe groups that have high-priced lobbyists representing them?
The Tea Party and Sarah Palin represent what’s best in America.
The liberals represent what’s wrong with America. They tax and spend and tax some more, and the cycle has to end now!
Otherwise we the people will be watching our country end up in bankruptcy. And then, America will be nothing more than a third-world nation, and that cannot happen!
In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan, “The problem is not that government spends too little. The problem is Americans are taxed too much.”
The Tea Party is just the beginning of what needs to happen in America --- To fix the problems that have been passed on by previous administrations and congresses. The end result will bring us back from the brink of financial collapse, and hopefully make America a stronger nation, and a freer one too.
And if Sarah Palin becomes president in 2012, then maybe that will happen a little faster.
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
It's down to the wire.
Tuesday, November 2nd is the true beginning of the New American Revolution. And we the people need to remember that just like the patriots of old, we are fighting for our freedom from tyranny. This time it's not fighting a king and some Redcoats from across the pond, but a would be king that sits in judgment over all of us. He and his cronies pass legislation without reading the bills, and force higher taxes upon us all.
The Tea Party began as a small group of people who came together to say we're 'Taxed Enough Already!' But now, millions of our fellow Americans are coming together to tell Washington D.C. to stop the madness!
Are you one of those Tea Party People? Are you ready to do your part in waging this new war against socialism and higher taxes?
If not, you still have time to join!
But regardless of whether you are a Tea Party supporter or not, you still have the civic duty to attend to on Tuesday. Exercise your right to vote!
Otherwise, the socialist machine in Washington will continue to tax us and spend money that this nation does not have... And slowly crippling the economy of not only America, but the entire world.
We don't want to see another Great Depression come around. And we sure don't want people like Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and the other thieves in our nations capital to continue spending us into oblivion.
So, do the right thing... VOTE!
Before it's too late to change the course this nation is on.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
by Dewaine Shoulders
Usually I don't like to do this, but this one made me laugh. This email was sent to me by a friend, and I'm glad she sent it. Considering that Tuesday is mid-term election day, this should give you a moment of pause.
These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place...
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
______________________________ ______________
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget.
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
______________________________ _____________
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, "isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he
doesn't know about it until the next morning?"
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
______________________________ ______
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's twenty, much like your IQ.
______________________________ _____________
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you sh---ing me?
______________________________ ___________
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid
______________________________ ______________
ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney.
Can I get a new attorney?
______________________________ ______________
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.
______________________________ ______________
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about 20, medium height, and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.
______________________________ _______
ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
______________________________ ___________
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK?
What school did you go to?
______________________________ ___________
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
ATTORNEY: And, Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
______________________________ ______________
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?
______________________________ ________
And the best for last:
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
And that my friends is a good example why, most politicians in our government and courts are lawyers and our nation is so screwed up.
I couldn't have said it better myself!
Be sure to tune in to the show on Sunday.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
Another wild day on The View (or how liberals get away with saying anything).
Warning: foul language is involved... Read at your own risk!!!
Well, on the ABC daytime gabfest called The View, Joy (Joyless) Behar has done it again! She has taken another conservative and called them something that would make big news if it were a conservative were saying the same things about a liberal. It would be labeled hate speech, bigotry, some kind of phobia (probably progressivephobia) and would be blasted across every TV screen in the lamestream media's collective propaganda machine.
But when a liberal says it about a conservative, it's called Freedom of Speech and expressing an opinion.
Here's the set-up: The ladies (and I use that term loosely, as I see only one lady on the show, and her name is Elisabeth Hasselbeck) of The View were discussing Sharron Angle and Harry Reid's tight race in Nevada.
The following was a part of the conversation (last warning - the views expressed here are salty at best).
JOY BEHAR: You know what I'd like to see her do? I'd like to see her do this ad in the south Bronx. Come here, bitch! Come to New York and do it.
SHERRI SHEPHERD: And we're praying for you. We're praying for you.
ELISABETH HASSELBECK: Even Joy is praying for her.
BEHAR: I am not praying for her. I'm telling you right now. She's going to Hell.
SHEPHERD: I'm praying for everybody. No, I'm praying that her heart gets changed.
BEHAR: She's going to Hell, this bitch.
SHEPHERD: I'm praying that Sharron Angle's heart gets changed. She's not going to Hell!
Barbara Walters just sat there and grinned. Like she's surprised at what came out of Joyless Behar's hateful mouth.
Had Elisabeth Hasselbeck said this about a democrat/liberal... Let's say Nancy Pelosi, Behar and company would have demanded an apology immediately and the liberals would be calling for Hasselbeck to be fired, drawn and quartered and forced to have her lips stitched shut so she'd never utter another foul thing against anyone ever again.
But when the likes of unfunny comedian/talk show clown Joyless Behar says something like that about a republican/conservative, you can hear the crickets chirping.
This is the reason Political Correctness is a one way street. The liberals can say anything they want without fear of reprisal, but God forbid a conservative utter the slightest inkling of something like what Behar said toward someone on the left. Congressional committees would be formed to look into the matter. ABC would lose their broadcasting license if Hasselbeck wasn't immediately let go. Boycotts and riots in the street... You get my point.
First of all, Joyless Behar is a complete whacko. She is a nobody trying to make a name for herself, and doing it the old fashioned way... Spitting in the eye of conservatives and most of America. And if I were Sharron Angle, I'd just smile and say, "Well, you must consider the source. The woman has no shame, nor any brains!"
Then, of course, Sharron Angle would then be labeled a hatemonger, and Nevada would sink into the bowels of hell.
See how that works?
Sharron Angle should issue a statement calling out Ms. Behar's comments and call for an immediate apology. And if she doesn't get it, then we the people should do what many on the left already do... Call for a boycott! Yes, an old-fashioned boycott of The View, ABC, Walt Disney (the parent company of ABC) and any sponsors that continue to air ads on the network.
Too extreme? Maybe?
But since the left seems to do it, why can't we turn the tables and show them how stupid their little boycotts are. But I believe that most thinking people don't watch The View, and if they do, it's for Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and not Whoopi, Sherry, Barbara and especially Joyless!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
The Day After
Yesterday, in what created a firestorm at NPR, Juan Williams was summarily fired after saying that Muslims, dressed in Muslim attire getting on a plane with him, makes him nervous. He was being honest in his assessment. It wasn't a bigoted statement... It is the new normal. I honestly can say that if I were sitting on a plane and a group of Muslims, dressed in their Muslim attire, boarded the plane, I would be getting off of it in a hurry! It's not a bigoted statement I'm making; it's reality!
Considering the amount of terrorists acts committed by Muslim extremists in the past 20 years or so, it would be rather stupid of me to want to continue sitting on a plane with potential terrorists. Political Correctness be damned! I'm looking out for my life.
So, when NPR decided to sever ties with Juan Williams, it got me to thinking that NPR is a liberal radio network, and they threw a fellow liberal under the bus in the name of Political Correctness. I believe his First Amendment rights were violated by NPR, and they should be investigated for discrimination and a violation of his right to free speech.
And I think it's time that NPR and PBS were cut off from the public funds they get from Washington D.C. Why is our tax dollars being spent on their liberal agenda anyway? It's time for the government to cut them loose and let them compete in the marketplace of ideas. But since NPR is a liberal/progressive broadcasting network, I fear that they are anti-capitalism as well, thus they couldn't make it in the real world without help from Uncle Sam. They would go down in flames just like Air America did; only faster.
Juan Williams is yet another victim of Political Correctness run amok.
A couple of weeks ago, Rick Sanchez was fired from CNN after calling Jon Stewart a bigot. Now, considering that Rick Sanchez had been Jew-bashing, and actually accusing CNN of being owned and operated by Jews, CNN officially fired him for calling John Stewart a bigot? It seems the bigot there was Mr. Sanchez. Was CNN justified for firing Rick Sanchez? Maybe? After all, he was openly being a bigot and demeaning people of the Jewish faith.
But I don't believe that Juan Williams deserved to be terminated by NPR for speaking the truth. We live in a very unsafe world, and Mr. Williams spoke aloud what many of us think. Was he wrong for saying it? In my opinion, no!
And so you know, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin came to his defense. Considering what Juan Williams has said about conservatives and Sarah Palin in the past, they were gracious and defended his right to free speech. Apparently NPR doesn't afford their employees the same right.
So, later Wednesday afternoon, Roger Ailes of Fox News, extended and expanded Juan Williams contract with Fox News. He will be on the air a great deal more, and will be doing a column for the Fox News website. And he'll be making $2 million dollars a year doing so. Much more than he made at NPR.
In closing, I believe that NPR violated Juan Willimas right to free speech and discriminated against him accordingly. NPR should be investigated by Congress, and the FCC as well. They should lose more than listeners because of what they did...They should lose their funding and their broadcast license as well!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
By Dewaine Shoulders
Okay, let me preface this blog. A good friend of mine wrote a blog after he was accused of being an Islamaphobe. The following is his response to that charge. This is perhaps the best researched piece on Radical Islam I have ever seen.
And how Islamaphobia is an incorrect term.
Bryon Jordan wrote this and it is represented here with his permission.
The original article can be seen on his blog
Why I wrote this
I was called an Islamaphobe by a good friend on a social network because I do not buy into the media's portrayal of Muslims. I really have given this a lot of thought.
My background
Firstly, I am against all organized religion. I am a Catholic by birth and have never been to church voluntarily. I believe all religion serves three purposes:
1. To control people. Behave or you will go to Hell! You must give money to the church!
2. To give comfort to people when things cannot be explained, such as when a baby dies. Everyone says, he is in a better place because there has to be a reason for when something this tragic happens.
3. To explain things we cannot explain. When the sun rose in Egypt, they had a sun god responsible for that. When the moon rose, they had a moon god for that. When it rained, guess what, it's another god.
It's not like I am singling them out as a religion because I hold a bias against all religions.
I don't know that I hate them as a group, but I do not support or defend them and their beliefs any more. I did defend them for a while until the final straw of RevolutionMuslim.Com making overt threats to Matt Stone and Trey Parker after episodes of South Park that never showed a character of Mohammed, but only insinuated that he was in a bear suit.
On the post was the following quote:
"We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them."
I can only guess that this example was similar to the warning of a horse's head in the bed in the movie "The Godfather." It was simply a message. What a peaceful message to send.
Hate versus Fear
I am not scared of Islam as phobe might indicate. Phobia is from the Greek and means fear. Liberals like to paint someone like myself as basing my stance against anything I am not open to as fear and ignorance and thus they slap the predicate phobe onto a word and this simply wrong.
Liberals like to equate hate to fear, but this is not necessarily a true statement.
I hate smokers. I hate being around smokers. I hate my clothes stinking from their smoke. Does this make me scared of smoke as a "phobia" would lead me to believe.
"Who's there?"
"A smoker."
"AAHHHHHH!!!!!! Run for your life! Oh my God! Oh my God! I am so scared!"
You may think I am being silly, but watch how people react to snakes, spiders, clowns, heights, etc. That's true fear. It's not always rational.
Technically, looking at the definition, today's liberal would say “yes” because someone has changed the definition of phobia to mean a fear or intense hatred.
It's the stupidest bleeping thing I have ever read when I looked up the word capnophobia. The definition is inclusive with "hatred" despite the Greek root only meaning fear. That's what the Greek prefix mis means in a word such as misanthrope.
I am not a capnaphobic, I am a miscapnic.
And unlike someone who has an irrational fear, I can rationalize with valid data why why I consider Islam dangerous.
Islam by the numbers
For my numbers, I do make one basic assumption. Anyone who supports violent Jihad is not a fan of America. If you can prove otherwise, then do so.
I found a website that estimates 1.57 Billion Muslims in the world. It is the second largest religion in the world and growing.
According to a Reuters article in 2006, the population of Indonesia is 220 million people.
85% of the people are Muslim. 10% of the Muslims back violent Jihad. That means in Indonesia alone, 18.7 Million people agree with violent Jihad. (220 Million x 85% x 10%)
Does that number sound like a small, fringe element to you in regular numbers?
This one country has as many Muslims believing in violent jihad as the entire population of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and Columbus Ohio. I found the data chart for city populations here.
It would be statistically invalid because of the sampling to use the 10.0% in Indonesia supporting Jihad towards the 1.57 Billion Muslims in the world. It's simply not a valid sample, however, let's look at other regions and see if we can extrapolate some numbers that disprove Indonesia as being an extreme number.
This website estimates the Muslim population across regions.
| Muslim population (Millions) |
North America | 7.26 |
South America | 2.41 |
Asia | 1100.00 |
Europe | 51.46 |
Africa | 462.00 |
The following information was pulled from and it is used to calculate the number of Muslims in Europe that support suicide bombings in a Jihad. The sample is asked only of Muslims. The percentage reflects the percentage of Muslims who feel suicide bombings are either often or sometimes justified to defend Islam.
These 4 countries represent over 20% of European Muslims.
| Percentage say often or sometimes is justified | Muslim Population of the country (Millions) | Product of the two columns (Millions) |
French Muslims | 16.00% | 6.12 | 0.98 |
Spanish Muslims | 16.00% | 0.55 | 0.09 |
British Muslims | 15.00% | 1.51 | 0.23 |
German Muslims | 7.00% | 3.05 | 0.21 |
| Total | 11.23 | 1.51 |
Total European Mulim Population |
| 51.46 |
European Muslim population in these four countries |
| 21.82% |
1.51 Million Muslims that support Jihad in these 4 countries.
11.23 Million Muslims in these 4 countries
This equals 13% of Muslims in these 4 countries that represent over 20% of the entire Muslim population in Europe that support suicide bombings. That's a higher percentage than in Indonesia!
For all of Europe I will extrapolate that 13% of European Muslims feel that suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified to defend Islam.
51.46 Million Muslims x 13% = 6.69 Million more Muslims that feel it is OK for attacks to occur in defense of Islam.
North America
7% of Muslims in America say violence is sometimes or often justified.
That's 1 out of 14. I don't know if I would consider that a small fringe group supporting bombings. That's 510,000 Muslims in America that feel violence is sometimes or often justified to defend Islam. That more than the entire population of Kansas City, MO, our 35th most populous city.
I came up with the percentage from the article as follows:
"While nearly 80 percent of U.S. Muslims say suicide bombings of civilians to defend Islam can not be justified, 13 percent say they can be, at least rarely."
80% + 13% = 93%.
The following chart was derived from here.
| Percentage say often or sometimes is justified | Muslim Population of the country (Millions) | Product of the two columns (Millions) |
Lebanon | 34.00% | 2.33 | 0.79 |
Palestine Terr. | 70.00% | 3.82 | 2.67 |
Malaysia | 26.00% | 15.40 | 4.00 |
Kuwait | 21.00% | 2.70 | 0.57 |
Bangladesh | 20.00% | 0.55 | 0.11 |
Pakistan | 9.00% | 1.51 | 0.14 |
Turkey | 16.00% | 73.55 | 11.77 |
Jordan | 23.00% | 5.26 | 1.21 |
| Total | 105.12 | 21.26 |
So out of 105 Million Muslims in these Asian countries, 21.26 Million feel suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.
That's a percentage of 20.24%. That seems larger than a fringe element supporting the actions of suicide bombers. Again, it makes the Indonesia percentage seem small.
For the sake of erring on the side of caution, should perhaps I should extrapolate the number of Asian Muslims from all the other countries at 10%?
Is it safe to just use 10% considering the size of Indonesia and the fact it is a very low percentage?
I will go one better and just use the 9 percent representing Pakistan knowing that it is shorting 800,000 known Indonesians that are Muslim and support violence to defend Islam.
Total Asian Muslim Population is 1.1 Billion.
1.1 Billion x 9% = 99 Million Muslims that sometimes or often feel suicide bombing to defend Islam are justified.
Africa data was pulled from the same source.
| Percentage say often or sometimes is justified | Muslim Population of the country (Millions) | Product of the two columns (Millions) |
Ethiopia | 18.00% | 37.40 | 6.73 |
Ghana | 30.00% | 6.78 | 2.03 |
Ivory Coast | 30.00% | 11.82 | 3.55 |
Mali | 39.00% | 12.51 | 4.88 |
Nigeria | 34.00% | 65.25 | 22.19 |
Senegal | 18.00% | 11.19 | 2.01 |
Tanzia | 12.00% | 18.95 | 2.27 |
Uganda | 30.00% | 4.43 | 1.33 |
| Total | 168.33 | 44.99 |
So 44.99 Million Muslims out of 168.33 Muslims in Africa think bombings are sometimes or often justified to defend Islam.
That is 26.7% for these 8 countries. I thought the 10% in Indonesia was high. Wow.
There are 462 Million Muslims in Africa.
462 Million x 26.7% = 123.35 Million Muslims.
| Muslim population (Millions) | Percentage that support suicide bombings | Total raw number (Millions) |
North America | 7.26 | 7.00% | 0.51 |
South America | 2.41 | Not significant | Not significant |
Asia | 1100.00 | 9.00% | 99.00 |
Europe | 51.46 | 13.00% | 6.69 |
Africa | 462.00 | 26.70% | 123.35 |
Totals | 1623.13 |
| 229.55 |
Total percentage | 14.14% |
We have calculated that 14.14% of Muslims in the world feel that bombings are sometimes or often justified in defense of Islam. We are talking over 229 million Muslims across the world that support this method of defense. This is the number of people who support bombings occasionally or often. This is not the number of terrorists in the world. It's akin to the 330 Million Americans that support our troops. We are not all killing for our country, but we are supporting our troops and their mission.
By comparison, the top 50 most populous states in America adds up to only 48.1 Million.
I did not collect data on South America. we were talking on 2.1 Million Muslims there and something tells me that small of a group out of 1.57 Billion would not significantly change any conclusions that can be made from the data.
My conclusion
Is 14.14% a "fringe element?" That's 1 in 7 Muslims that support these bombings across the world either occasionally or often. And it doesn't even include the Muslims who feel that violence is justified only on rare occasions.
I personally consider something much less than 1% a fringe element. I think the number contradicts that it's only a fringe element supporting the bombings. I think anyone who says Muslims are really peaceful and that only a fringe element is supporting terrorism has his/her head in the sand. The data does not support that position.
Does my distrust of them as a religion make me an Islamophobe? No. I distrust all religions, but I do not single out Islam and shudder in fear.
Is Islam a religion of peace? Not in my opinion. While that the data does show a majority of them are peaceful, it is most definitely not just a fringe element supporting the terrorists. My definition of fringe element is much smaller than 1 in 7.
Americans need to understand that the so-called fringe elements that the media keep going on about in Islam (the Radical Islamic Extremists) are more than simply a few whackos out there trying to blow things up. They are everywhere, and in far greater numbers than our government will confess to. They are out to change the world into an Islamic world, and to have you either bowing down to Mecca or losing your life.
If this was helpful in any way to you, or you know someone that needs to see this, then pass it on.