Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One Mans Opinion 10/26/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

Another wild day on The View (or how liberals get away with saying anything).

Warning: foul language is involved... Read at your own risk!!!

Well, on the ABC daytime gabfest called The View, Joy (Joyless) Behar has done it again! She has taken another conservative and called them something that would make big news if it were a conservative were saying the same things about a liberal. It would be labeled hate speech, bigotry, some kind of phobia (probably progressivephobia) and would be blasted across every TV screen in the lamestream media's collective propaganda machine.

But when a liberal says it about a conservative, it's called Freedom of Speech and expressing an opinion.

Here's the set-up: The ladies (and I use that term loosely, as I see only one lady on the show, and her name is Elisabeth Hasselbeck) of The View were discussing Sharron Angle and Harry Reid's tight race in Nevada.

The following was a part of the conversation (last warning - the views expressed here are salty at best).

JOY BEHAR: You know what I'd like to see her do? I'd like to see her do this ad in the south Bronx. Come here, bitch! Come to New York and do it.

SHERRI SHEPHERD: And we're praying for you. We're praying for you.

ELISABETH HASSELBECK: Even Joy is praying for her.

BEHAR: I am not praying for her. I'm telling you right now. She's going to Hell.

SHEPHERD: I'm praying for everybody. No, I'm praying that her heart gets changed.

BEHAR: She's going to Hell, this bitch.

SHEPHERD: I'm praying that Sharron Angle's heart gets changed. She's not going to Hell!

Barbara Walters just sat there and grinned. Like she's surprised at what came out of Joyless Behar's hateful mouth.

Had Elisabeth Hasselbeck said this about a democrat/liberal... Let's say Nancy Pelosi, Behar and company would have demanded an apology immediately and the liberals would be calling for Hasselbeck to be fired, drawn and quartered and forced to have her lips stitched shut so she'd never utter another foul thing against anyone ever again.

But when the likes of unfunny comedian/talk show clown Joyless Behar says something like that about a republican/conservative, you can hear the crickets chirping.

This is the reason Political Correctness is a one way street. The liberals can say anything they want without fear of reprisal, but God forbid a conservative utter the slightest inkling of something like what Behar said toward someone on the left. Congressional committees would be formed to look into the matter. ABC would lose their broadcasting license if Hasselbeck wasn't immediately let go. Boycotts and riots in the street... You get my point.

First of all, Joyless Behar is a complete whacko. She is a nobody trying to make a name for herself, and doing it the old fashioned way... Spitting in the eye of conservatives and most of America. And if I were Sharron Angle, I'd just smile and say, "Well, you must consider the source. The woman has no shame, nor any brains!"

Then, of course, Sharron Angle would then be labeled a hatemonger, and Nevada would sink into the bowels of hell.

See how that works?

Sharron Angle should issue a statement calling out Ms. Behar's comments and call for an immediate apology. And if she doesn't get it, then we the people should do what many on the left already do... Call for a boycott! Yes, an old-fashioned boycott of The View, ABC, Walt Disney (the parent company of ABC) and any sponsors that continue to air ads on the network.

Too extreme? Maybe?

But since the left seems to do it, why can't we turn the tables and show them how stupid their little boycotts are. But I believe that most thinking people don't watch The View, and if they do, it's for Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and not Whoopi, Sherry, Barbara and especially Joyless!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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