Sunday, October 17, 2010

One Mans Opinion 10/17/2010
By Dewaine Shoulders

Somewhere in Heaven, Ronald Reagan is smiling. Sarah Palin was speaking before the crowd at the Republican National Committee event in California today. And she spoke of Reagan's common sense and how America needs it today. She spoke the truth!

Since the time Reagan left office, this nation has been on the slow escalator to the basement. But in the past 18 months, the slow ride has become a hellish one. The economy is in the proverbial toilet, unemployment still hovers at 9.6% and our foreign policy has been just to apologize to everyone for our supposed arrogance. And in the meantime, the nation is more prone to experience another attack from Muslim extremists and probably other rouge nations (i.e. Iran) that smell fresh blood.

Our current Community Organizer in Chief has no idea how America should be run. He and his Marxist/ Maoist/ Communist/ Socialist buddies are all for the demise of America, so they can recreate it in their own image. And that would have Ronald Reagan turning over in his grave.

But Sarah Palin is again proving (at least to me) that she has what this country needs... Common Sense! And by evoking the 'Common Sense of Reagan,' she has the common sense to know that his ideas from back in the 80's would work today: Smaller, more responsible government; lower taxes and reduced federal spending; putting people back to work and growing the economy, and of course, holding our head high and being unashamed that we are Americans!

And that would also work in the foreign policy realm. Instead of apologizing to the world, how about showing the world what we are made of? Instead of this Urban Warfare we currently employ in the Middle East, how about going in there and taking out the Taliban and all of the other terrorists by carpet bombing the areas where they are at? Being afraid of collateral damage will get more of our troops killed, and just embolden the terrorists. We're fighting a war we cannot win if we aren't prepared to KILL THE ENEMY!

War isn't pretty, and surely isn't for the faint of heart. The purpose of war is to kill people and break things. That is the ONLY way to win the War on Terror, (or whatever politically correct term this bunch of idiots in Washington are using now).

Maybe it's just me, but I think Sarah Palin would evoke the Reagan strategies in warfare just as she would in domestic matters... Get in there and get the job done!

And that's exactly what we need to be doing. Let the military do their jobs and defeat the enemy; not allow themselves to be human targets to the terrorists! The current Community Organizer in Chief doesn't know his way around the Oval Office, much less a military campaign. He is the reason we need to vote out the spineless, anti-American, anti-military folks currently in office. We need strong leadership in both houses of Congress, and in the Oval Office!

Starting November 2nd, and on through into November of 2014, we need to rid Washington D.C. (and many of the state houses and local governments across the nation) of progressive/liberal types that would rather see us lose a war than make the president look bad in the eyes of his zombie-like worshipers.

And I do believe that by 2012, Sarah Palin will be the candidate that could change this country back into what it was when Reagan was president... Strong, proud and unapologetic!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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