Saturday, October 2, 2010

One Mans Opinion -10/3/10
By Dewaine Shoulders

The 10/2 Rally (or - How to Throw a Communist Party)

Well, the proof is in the pictures. If the low turnout for the Democrats/Socialists/Communists answer to the 8/28 rally is any indication, we are winning!

Comparing pictures of each rally proved that the 8/28 event was by far the bigger draw. The loony left affair was touted to be a bigger event, yet it drew maybe one-tenth of the 8/28 crowd. Maybe? Even the offer of free (Union-paid for) box lunches couldn't entice the teeming masses of commie-libs to turn out for such an event.

Of the 400 different far-left groups that sponsored the 10/2 Rally, they couldn't muster enough participation to even justify holding the event. Groups like Code Pink, American Socialists Party, American Communist Party, The Unions, Gay Rights, Immigration Rights and a plethora of anti-American groups filled the National Mall... Okay, maybe they didn't exactly fill the mall with people, but they did fill it with their trash.

Let's face the facts: These loony lefties are the fringe of American society. They are the ones with their hands outstretched, asking for their 'guvment' checks. They want their free healthcare and their cradle to the grave entitlements that only slaves would request. And that's exactly what they are... They are slaves to the government.

These people dream of some sort of social-engineered life; one of no responsibilities and an endless supply of free stuff. They want the government to tax the rich and the rest of us, so they can continue to freeload off of Uncle Sam... Or in this case, 'Robin Hood' Obama and his merry band of thieves in Washington. They want the government to rob from the rich and middle class, then redistribute the money to the unions, welfare loafers and anti-Americans all over the world.

These are the reasons we need new leadership in Washington! We need to get rid of those Progressive politicians (a.k.a. Communists, Socialists, etc.) that currently have a stranglehold on America. Otherwise, we will continue down the dark path to one day awaken to the sound of chains shackled around our ankles and the lash of a whip from our taskmasters in Washington. We are already on that dark path. It won't take long for them to turn the U.S.A. into the U.S.S.A if 'We the People' don't fight back!

And November 2nd, the fight for America truly begins!

If the 10/2/10 rally, featuring Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz - as well as the anti-American groups that sponsored it - was any indication of where this country is heading, then look to your local landfill. That will be where this country will end up... In the trash heap of history.

If the 8/28/10 rally, featuring Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin - as well as real Americans who want to save this country from the Loony Lefts socialist agenda - was any indication, then we can say that there is hope for the future of this nation!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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