One Mans Opinion
Aug. 31, 2010
It's time to open the old mailbag. I have been getting emails where I have been asked some rather interesting questions in regards to my political or religious views. These are a sample of what I have been asked as of late.
Dear Dewaine,
When a persons body is "regular" with regard to bowel function people refer to it as a "daily constitutional". If people become irregular or have diarrhea they refer to it as having a "loss of constitution." Why hasn't anyone made that correlation to our nations current health status and progressing "loss of constitution?" S.B. KY.
Dear S.B. - I have said it before and I will say it yet again: Washington D.C. needs an enema! We need to vote the crap (progressives) out of our nations capital and replace them with people that understand the constitution, and who will abide by it; not ignore it!
You sure talk about Sarah Palin like she's some kind of saint. I think she's a terrible woman, and certainly not someone that can make a great president like Mr. Obama. Tell me, why do you like her so much? K.B. (state unknown)
Hi K.B. Obviously, your views are much different than mine, especially regarding the worst president in American History (so far). So, instead of just telling you why I like Sarah Palin, let me show you some stark contrasts between her and the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Sarah Palin loves this nation; Obama apologizes for it.
Sarah Palin has a son serving in the military; Obama never served, nor has he the sense to understand that the military is full of our finest Americans!
Sarah Palin was a governor of Alaska; Obama spent little time in the Ill. Senate (mainly voting present), and less time in the U.S. Senate (9 official days?) before running for president.
Sarah Palin was a mayor of Wasilla, AK; Obama was a community organizer in Chicago, IL.
Sarah Palin ran a state; Obama ran a presidential campaign.
Sarah Palin wears a American flag-pin with pride; Obama doesn't wear a flag-pin because he's ashamed of what it represents.
Sarah Palin surrounds herself with people that are good Americans; Obama surrounds himself with American terrorists (Weather Underground folks) and people who admire Mao and Hugo Chavez.
Sarah Palin believes in the Republic; Obama believes in Socialism.
Sarah Palin believes that people should keep what they earn; Obama believes in wealth redistribution. Sarah Palin believes that less government will allow America to prosper; Obama believes Big Government is the answer to everything.
And Sarah Palin is someone who believes that taxes should be lower on all Americans; Obama wants to tax the rich, create hidden taxes on everyone else, and spend money like there's no tomorrow!
These are just a few of the differences in Sarah Palin and President Obama. You can believe what you want, but I believe in Sarah Palin!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
One Mans Opinion
By Dewaine Shoulders
The Restoring Honor Rally on 8/28
Say what you will about Glenn Beck, but the man knows how to throw a party.
This weekend marks several milestones. It’s the 5th anniversary weekend of Hurricane Katrina, the 2nd anniversary of Sarah Palin getting the V.P. nod from John McCain, and the 47th anniversary of the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech by Dr. Martin Luther King.
And the dream on 8/28 was to restore honor in America. The Special Operations Warriors Foundation (SOWF) was the recipient of over $5 million dollars because of this rally. Glenn Beck wasn’t sure he’d be able to raise the $3.7 million he originally wished to raise because he had to spend so much money on extra security. But the money came, despite the fears that The New Black Panthers were promising to be there, and was promising trouble. I never heard of any trouble, nor any of the Black Panthers even showing up. Maybe their van broke down?
But all in all, it was a beautiful day, albeit hot. With temps in the upper 80’s to around 90, people sought shade under the many trees in the area surrounding the Reflecting Pool, obscuring them from aerial view. But the estimated 300,000 people that would be at the rally looked to be more like 500,000 or more. Some even estimated it closer to 750,000 people in attendance. And if you looked upon the lawn surrounding the Reflecting Pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, you’d be hard-pressed to find much in way of trash. Compare that to Obama’s Inauguration, where 100 tons of trash was scattered about.
So much for the eco-friendly left.
The theme of the rally was Faith, Hope and Charity. The Reverend C.L. Jackson won the medal for Faith; Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals took the Hope medal, and Jon Huntsman, Sr. received the Charity medal (although he wasn’t in attendance due to his granddaughter’s wedding in Utah). Each was chosen due to their commitment to those values.
Among the speakers was Sarah Palin, who spoke of three special veterans and of their service and sacrifice to the nation. And of her own son, Track, who has been deployed to Iraq himself. And Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, who spoke to the crowd of her uncle’s dream, and her own dream of America transcending politics and embracing one another, as we are all Americans!
And one of the things spoken of by Glenn Beck was of a slave ship captain named John Newton. He was a man of little character. He was not a pleasant man by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, while en route to America, with a ship filled with slaves, he came across a mighty storm. And during the course of the storm, Mr. Newton dropped to his knees and asked God to help him and his ship get through the it. And God answered his prayers… And apparently God touched his heart.
John Newton never continued to captain a slave ship from that point forward. Instead, he went onto write a wonderful song. It’s called Amazing Grace.
A wretch like John Newton was saved, and Glenn Beck basically was saying that if a man like that could be transformed, then surely all of can be. And America needs saving right now. With all that we face, God can uplift us and set us upon the right course, and give us shelter from the storm we are in the midst of. We were blind, but now we see!
Glenn Beck, who sounded more like a preacher than a political commentator on 8/28, was preaching about the salvation of the nation. And that salvation started on 8/28. If we wish to save this country from the evil that we face, we had better pray that more people awaken to the three virtues that built this nation: Faith, Hope and Charity. Otherwise, we are doomed to fail.
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
By Dewaine Shoulders
The Restoring Honor Rally on 8/28
Say what you will about Glenn Beck, but the man knows how to throw a party.
This weekend marks several milestones. It’s the 5th anniversary weekend of Hurricane Katrina, the 2nd anniversary of Sarah Palin getting the V.P. nod from John McCain, and the 47th anniversary of the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech by Dr. Martin Luther King.
And the dream on 8/28 was to restore honor in America. The Special Operations Warriors Foundation (SOWF) was the recipient of over $5 million dollars because of this rally. Glenn Beck wasn’t sure he’d be able to raise the $3.7 million he originally wished to raise because he had to spend so much money on extra security. But the money came, despite the fears that The New Black Panthers were promising to be there, and was promising trouble. I never heard of any trouble, nor any of the Black Panthers even showing up. Maybe their van broke down?
But all in all, it was a beautiful day, albeit hot. With temps in the upper 80’s to around 90, people sought shade under the many trees in the area surrounding the Reflecting Pool, obscuring them from aerial view. But the estimated 300,000 people that would be at the rally looked to be more like 500,000 or more. Some even estimated it closer to 750,000 people in attendance. And if you looked upon the lawn surrounding the Reflecting Pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, you’d be hard-pressed to find much in way of trash. Compare that to Obama’s Inauguration, where 100 tons of trash was scattered about.
So much for the eco-friendly left.
The theme of the rally was Faith, Hope and Charity. The Reverend C.L. Jackson won the medal for Faith; Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals took the Hope medal, and Jon Huntsman, Sr. received the Charity medal (although he wasn’t in attendance due to his granddaughter’s wedding in Utah). Each was chosen due to their commitment to those values.
Among the speakers was Sarah Palin, who spoke of three special veterans and of their service and sacrifice to the nation. And of her own son, Track, who has been deployed to Iraq himself. And Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, who spoke to the crowd of her uncle’s dream, and her own dream of America transcending politics and embracing one another, as we are all Americans!
And one of the things spoken of by Glenn Beck was of a slave ship captain named John Newton. He was a man of little character. He was not a pleasant man by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, while en route to America, with a ship filled with slaves, he came across a mighty storm. And during the course of the storm, Mr. Newton dropped to his knees and asked God to help him and his ship get through the it. And God answered his prayers… And apparently God touched his heart.
John Newton never continued to captain a slave ship from that point forward. Instead, he went onto write a wonderful song. It’s called Amazing Grace.
A wretch like John Newton was saved, and Glenn Beck basically was saying that if a man like that could be transformed, then surely all of can be. And America needs saving right now. With all that we face, God can uplift us and set us upon the right course, and give us shelter from the storm we are in the midst of. We were blind, but now we see!
Glenn Beck, who sounded more like a preacher than a political commentator on 8/28, was preaching about the salvation of the nation. And that salvation started on 8/28. If we wish to save this country from the evil that we face, we had better pray that more people awaken to the three virtues that built this nation: Faith, Hope and Charity. Otherwise, we are doomed to fail.
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
One Mans Opinion
By Dewaine Shoulders
It’s taken me a few days to digest this, but I think I finally have enough guts to take on this subject: Dr. Laura and the infamous N-word.
Let me begin by saying that I hate the word. The dreaded N-word is a word that I used a long time ago (back in my liberal days, mind you), and out of total ignorance. Without going into too much detail, I think that I was angry when I said the word, and my best friend (a black kid named Mike) was in the car with me at the time that I uttered it. And he understood exactly what I meant by it. It wasn’t directed to him, but to a group of blacks that were acting like fools. And the word slipped off of my tongue easily… Too easily, in fact. I apologized to my friend, and he grinned and said to me, “You’re right though… They are!”
It’s an easy word to use out of anger, or even mistrust. But that doesn’t make it right for people to use the vile word. And in all of my years since that time in my nubile youth, I have not uttered that vile word again. It’s even hard for me to talk about this subject; mainly out of fear that I’ll be labeled a racist just because I typed the word. But for this article, I must, because this subject is too important not to talk about. We are in a nation that race is often used to separate us, define us, and otherwise keep us from getting along with one another. We have become a hyphenated nation (African-Americans, Latino-Americans, etc.), and the race card is played all too often, and (I believe) used to further a cause that will keep the races separate and unequal so long as there is money to be made by those that point the racism finger at someone else. Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, and many others make a living off of the race card. They are as guilty of being racists as any white person in my opinion.
The other day, on a Discovery Channel blog thread, someone used the word ‘Hymie’ in reference to a Jewish man who posted something Pro-Palin. The anti-Palin responder called him Hymie (The guys name is Hyam). Hymie is a racial slur. It was pointed out to the (ahem) liberal gentleman that it was a slur, and there were those on the left that defended the guy, saying that it wasn't meant to be racist.
But if you defend someone that uses the N-word, then it automatically makes you a racist. Double standard?
But before I go on a tangent here, let’s look at where the word actually comes from. There may be an answer out there that I haven’t seen or heard of as to the origins of the word, but the two origins that I have heard of for the N-word are – A. a form of the word Niggard: (nigard) n. a stingy person (Webster’s Dictionary); or B. (and most likely true) - it could be derived from Nigeria, where many of the slaves came from back in the days of the slave trade.
The ignorant white plantation owners probably were too illiterate back in those days to even pronounce the word. I can imagine something like Niggeria or Niggerian coming from someone from the Deep South back then. Probably some fat white guy with a wad of tobacco in his mouth, trying to sound like he knew what he was talking about. And in the course of trying to explain to someone else where the slaves came from, the dreaded N-word came to be. “Them thar Niggerians are gonna pick that cotton and make me a bunch of money!” Not that I’m trying to make light of slavery, I’m trying to show how ignorant we were back in those days as humans. In the words of Steven King (from the book The Gunslinger) ‘The world had moved on.’
Now, to touch upon Dr. Laura Schlessinger and the supposed racial slur-filled rant she made on her radio show last week. The caller was in a mixed-race marriage and was asking Dr. Laura about some comments made by certain friends of theirs. In explaining some of the racial epithets she had heard, Dr. Laura said: (The following is an excerpt of the call)
SCHLESSINGER: No, no, no. I think that's -- well, listen, without giving much thought, a lot of blacks voted for Obama simply 'cause he was half-black. Didn't matter what he was gonna do in office, it was a black thing. You gotta know that. That's not a surprise. Not everything that somebody says -- we had friends over the other day; we got about 35 people here -- the guys who were gonna start playing basketball. I was going to go out and play basketball. My bodyguard and my dear friend is a black man. And I said, "White men can't jump; I want you on my team." That was racist? That was funny.
CALLER: How about the N-word? So, the N-word's been thrown around -
SCHLESSINGER: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger.
Is she right? Yes she is! Comedians, most notably black comedians like Richard Pryor, use (or used) the word early and often. If you have ever watch an episode of The Boondocks, you’d hear that word quite often, and from the mouth of a child no less (a cartoon child, but you get my point). Blacks can use the word as a term of endearment, but if someone like Michael Richards or Dr. Laura uses it, it’s called hate speech.
Clearly the word is hate speech, but Dr. Laura was trying to make a point to the caller. And the point is that there is a double standard at work here. And if the word offends me, then it should offend everyone! If someone says the N-word then they are racists, unless if they are black, then it’s okay. Hypocrisy at its finest!
I know there are white kids (out of ignorance) that use the word, or the variation ‘Nigga’ all of the time, and to other white kids. They used it as a term of endearment, too. That doesn’t make it right! But if blacks can use the word, then everybody else should be able to use it too, and without being labeled racists. The word is in the dictionary, and words are just words. Only the meaning behind the word is harmful. So, if blacks don’t want anyone else using the N-word, then they should step-up to the plate and stop using it themselves. As Mr. Spock (Star Trek) would say, “It’s logical!”
Now, there are people that have labeled Dr. Laura a racist because of her using the word (albeit a total of 11 times during the conversation). Dr. Schlessinger has since decided to stop doing her radio show because of her rant, and apologized profusely for it. And then there are those that have labeled Sarah Palin a racist for defending Dr. Laura.
On Twitter, Sarah Palin urged Dr. Laura ‘not to retreat, but to reload!’ I think Sarah Palin saw what the good doctor was trying to say as educational. If there is a double standard, then it must be pointed out and stopped! And speaking of the double standard, it also means that it’s okay to use the word ‘Faggot’ - but only if you’re gay; ‘Retarded’ - but only if you’re mentally challenged, or ‘Honky’ - but only if you are a horn!
Please! The double standards that we are all expected to live with and abide by are totally ridiculous. If a certain group of people have privileged use of a certain word, or certain rights that no one else has, then you are taking away the rights of everyone else in order to make sure that these other groups have those special rights! There is nothing in the constitution that gives anyone special rights. There should be only ONE STANDARD for all to live by.
So, I am calling for the removal of the N-word from the lexicon of society! That way, nobody uses that hateful word ever again.
A person that uses the words (and I hate to even type them) Nigger, or Nigga in their daily speech is a racist. Those who point it out and call for its removal from the vocabulary are not. Thus, Dr. Laura Schlessinger is not a racist. Nor is Sarah Palin for defending her. They are simply pointing out the hypocrisy of those that do use the hateful words.
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
By Dewaine Shoulders
It’s taken me a few days to digest this, but I think I finally have enough guts to take on this subject: Dr. Laura and the infamous N-word.
Let me begin by saying that I hate the word. The dreaded N-word is a word that I used a long time ago (back in my liberal days, mind you), and out of total ignorance. Without going into too much detail, I think that I was angry when I said the word, and my best friend (a black kid named Mike) was in the car with me at the time that I uttered it. And he understood exactly what I meant by it. It wasn’t directed to him, but to a group of blacks that were acting like fools. And the word slipped off of my tongue easily… Too easily, in fact. I apologized to my friend, and he grinned and said to me, “You’re right though… They are!”
It’s an easy word to use out of anger, or even mistrust. But that doesn’t make it right for people to use the vile word. And in all of my years since that time in my nubile youth, I have not uttered that vile word again. It’s even hard for me to talk about this subject; mainly out of fear that I’ll be labeled a racist just because I typed the word. But for this article, I must, because this subject is too important not to talk about. We are in a nation that race is often used to separate us, define us, and otherwise keep us from getting along with one another. We have become a hyphenated nation (African-Americans, Latino-Americans, etc.), and the race card is played all too often, and (I believe) used to further a cause that will keep the races separate and unequal so long as there is money to be made by those that point the racism finger at someone else. Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, and many others make a living off of the race card. They are as guilty of being racists as any white person in my opinion.
The other day, on a Discovery Channel blog thread, someone used the word ‘Hymie’ in reference to a Jewish man who posted something Pro-Palin. The anti-Palin responder called him Hymie (The guys name is Hyam). Hymie is a racial slur. It was pointed out to the (ahem) liberal gentleman that it was a slur, and there were those on the left that defended the guy, saying that it wasn't meant to be racist.
But if you defend someone that uses the N-word, then it automatically makes you a racist. Double standard?
But before I go on a tangent here, let’s look at where the word actually comes from. There may be an answer out there that I haven’t seen or heard of as to the origins of the word, but the two origins that I have heard of for the N-word are – A. a form of the word Niggard: (nigard) n. a stingy person (Webster’s Dictionary); or B. (and most likely true) - it could be derived from Nigeria, where many of the slaves came from back in the days of the slave trade.
The ignorant white plantation owners probably were too illiterate back in those days to even pronounce the word. I can imagine something like Niggeria or Niggerian coming from someone from the Deep South back then. Probably some fat white guy with a wad of tobacco in his mouth, trying to sound like he knew what he was talking about. And in the course of trying to explain to someone else where the slaves came from, the dreaded N-word came to be. “Them thar Niggerians are gonna pick that cotton and make me a bunch of money!” Not that I’m trying to make light of slavery, I’m trying to show how ignorant we were back in those days as humans. In the words of Steven King (from the book The Gunslinger) ‘The world had moved on.’
Now, to touch upon Dr. Laura Schlessinger and the supposed racial slur-filled rant she made on her radio show last week. The caller was in a mixed-race marriage and was asking Dr. Laura about some comments made by certain friends of theirs. In explaining some of the racial epithets she had heard, Dr. Laura said: (The following is an excerpt of the call)
SCHLESSINGER: No, no, no. I think that's -- well, listen, without giving much thought, a lot of blacks voted for Obama simply 'cause he was half-black. Didn't matter what he was gonna do in office, it was a black thing. You gotta know that. That's not a surprise. Not everything that somebody says -- we had friends over the other day; we got about 35 people here -- the guys who were gonna start playing basketball. I was going to go out and play basketball. My bodyguard and my dear friend is a black man. And I said, "White men can't jump; I want you on my team." That was racist? That was funny.
CALLER: How about the N-word? So, the N-word's been thrown around -
SCHLESSINGER: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger.
Is she right? Yes she is! Comedians, most notably black comedians like Richard Pryor, use (or used) the word early and often. If you have ever watch an episode of The Boondocks, you’d hear that word quite often, and from the mouth of a child no less (a cartoon child, but you get my point). Blacks can use the word as a term of endearment, but if someone like Michael Richards or Dr. Laura uses it, it’s called hate speech.
Clearly the word is hate speech, but Dr. Laura was trying to make a point to the caller. And the point is that there is a double standard at work here. And if the word offends me, then it should offend everyone! If someone says the N-word then they are racists, unless if they are black, then it’s okay. Hypocrisy at its finest!
I know there are white kids (out of ignorance) that use the word, or the variation ‘Nigga’ all of the time, and to other white kids. They used it as a term of endearment, too. That doesn’t make it right! But if blacks can use the word, then everybody else should be able to use it too, and without being labeled racists. The word is in the dictionary, and words are just words. Only the meaning behind the word is harmful. So, if blacks don’t want anyone else using the N-word, then they should step-up to the plate and stop using it themselves. As Mr. Spock (Star Trek) would say, “It’s logical!”
Now, there are people that have labeled Dr. Laura a racist because of her using the word (albeit a total of 11 times during the conversation). Dr. Schlessinger has since decided to stop doing her radio show because of her rant, and apologized profusely for it. And then there are those that have labeled Sarah Palin a racist for defending Dr. Laura.
On Twitter, Sarah Palin urged Dr. Laura ‘not to retreat, but to reload!’ I think Sarah Palin saw what the good doctor was trying to say as educational. If there is a double standard, then it must be pointed out and stopped! And speaking of the double standard, it also means that it’s okay to use the word ‘Faggot’ - but only if you’re gay; ‘Retarded’ - but only if you’re mentally challenged, or ‘Honky’ - but only if you are a horn!
Please! The double standards that we are all expected to live with and abide by are totally ridiculous. If a certain group of people have privileged use of a certain word, or certain rights that no one else has, then you are taking away the rights of everyone else in order to make sure that these other groups have those special rights! There is nothing in the constitution that gives anyone special rights. There should be only ONE STANDARD for all to live by.
So, I am calling for the removal of the N-word from the lexicon of society! That way, nobody uses that hateful word ever again.
A person that uses the words (and I hate to even type them) Nigger, or Nigga in their daily speech is a racist. Those who point it out and call for its removal from the vocabulary are not. Thus, Dr. Laura Schlessinger is not a racist. Nor is Sarah Palin for defending her. They are simply pointing out the hypocrisy of those that do use the hateful words.
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Now that I have your attention, let me take a moment to talk about one of my least favorite subjects: Politics. I hate politics actually. Call it a slight loathing; perhaps a small abhorrence, or even a wee bit of a detestation of biblical proportions… I simply dislike the entirety of the political game. Yet, as of late, I have found myself digging through the news for all things political.
Why? I dunno?
I have been thinking about, looking at, reading about and absorbing the entire political spectrum like a sponge as of late. Call it an illness; call it a concern for the country, or you might even call it a sign from above, telling me I had best get my act together. To get out there and do something to insure the posterity of the United States won’t hold me personally responsible for being a slacker… For not doing what I can do to help break the endless cycle of ‘Cram it down their throats’ politics.
Case in point:
I have been writing about Sarah Palin for a little while now. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my hat-holder (my head/mind) I have heard a voice. Actually, I have been hearing an entire chorus of voices! At first I thought that the voices were a sign that I needed mental help, and fast! Then I realized that the voices I was hearing were those of our forefathers. You know the ones, don’t you? Washington, Hamilton, Hancock, Franklin, et al. Somehow I must have tuned into the wrong radio frequency, as they have been broadcasting in my head 24/7 (in hi-def digital sound), saying things like, “Now is the time to take a stand!” or “Ask not what your country can do to you; ask what you can do to keep it from happening again!”
I have been writing about Sarah Palin for a little while now. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my hat-holder (my head/mind) I have heard a voice. Actually, I have been hearing an entire chorus of voices! At first I thought that the voices were a sign that I needed mental help, and fast! Then I realized that the voices I was hearing were those of our forefathers. You know the ones, don’t you? Washington, Hamilton, Hancock, Franklin, et al. Somehow I must have tuned into the wrong radio frequency, as they have been broadcasting in my head 24/7 (in hi-def digital sound), saying things like, “Now is the time to take a stand!” or “Ask not what your country can do to you; ask what you can do to keep it from happening again!”
So there I was… Last night while in my bed, all comfy under the covers, when WHAMMO!
I heard a new voice; one that I haven’t heard in a very long time. It was Ronald Reagan. I heard “She’s the one!”
I awoke with a start. I looked around the room (in total darkness) and all I could see was nothing but the dark; all I could hear was my own heavy breathing. Yet the echo of the voice lingered in my head like some song that you can’t quite remember the lyrics of, but the tune you know well. And that tune played over and over in my head.
“She’s the one!” So, either I was dreaming that I was awake, or still somehow synced into the voice after waking up.
Now before I go on let me explain - I normally talk to myself when writing dialogue for one of my stories, but I seldom talk to myself otherwise, unless it’s to run down the shopping list or something mundane like that. But here I was, talking to some echo; some vocal manifestation; some phantasm of President Reagan, asking him, “Who’s the one?”
At first there was silence. Then I heard “Sarah.”
“Palin?” I asked again.
“She ‘s the one!” And with that, stone cold silence filled my head. The steady staccato (I know, an oxymoron) of background noise stopped. It was silent finally. And by that time it was after 6 this morning.
I managed to sleep a little bit before dragging my lazy arse out of the sack and facing the day. And for the life of me, I heard one other voice in my head when I put my feet on the floor. It was Roy Halee.
I managed to sleep a little bit before dragging my lazy arse out of the sack and facing the day. And for the life of me, I heard one other voice in my head when I put my feet on the floor. It was Roy Halee.
Now before you ask “WHO?” I’ll tell you. He was the man who sang a little theme song. Does “Here I come to save the day!” ring any bells? Yes, Mighty Mouse’s theme song was playing in my head. I know, I am totally weird, but I could hear the song in my head and somehow I equated it to Sarah Palin.
So, is the correlation between Mighty Mouse and Sarah Palin a stretch? Maybe? But here’s how I made the connection.
Mighty Mouse rushes in to save the day all of the time.
Sarah Palin could rush in to save the country by running, and hopefully winning, the presidential election in 2012.
Mighty Mouse had a girlfriend named Pearl Pureheart.
Sarah Palin’s heart is pure American!
One of the Mighty Mouse villains was named ‘Julius Pinhead Schlabotka.’ Sarah Palin battles pinheads on the left everyday!
Sarah Palin could rush in to save the country by running, and hopefully winning, the presidential election in 2012.
Mighty Mouse had a girlfriend named Pearl Pureheart.
Sarah Palin’s heart is pure American!
One of the Mighty Mouse villains was named ‘Julius Pinhead Schlabotka.’ Sarah Palin battles pinheads on the left everyday!
Hmm? Coincidence?
Okay, all humor aside, I think that the voices in my head were telling me that Sarah Palin WILL run in 2012 for the presidency. In fact, I think she’s already running. I think she has taken a page out the Obama Candidate Handbook (available wherever The Communist Manifesto is sold) and is in perpetual campaign mode. I think it’s not only very media savvy, but very intelligent to do so. She somehow manages to keep her name in the news, whether she tries to or not.
She is already a household name. Whether people like her or not, you have to admit that the world is revolving around Sarah Palin these days. She is fodder for the Lamestream Media; the butt of jokes by all of the late night comedians, and the talk of blog sites everywhere. When she Twitters something, it is like the shot heard ‘round the world! When she makes a Facebook post, it is front page news.
When politics enters the conversations around the water coolers of America, Sarah Palin’s name is mentioned. Some roll their eyes, while others open them wider. Some people can’t stand her while others, like myself, tend to grasp onto every word like it was manna from Heaven.
So, in conclusion, I will reiterate that I hate politics! But when it comes to Sarah Palin, I find it hard not to like politics. After all, she very well could ‘Be the One!’
So, in conclusion, I will reiterate that I hate politics! But when it comes to Sarah Palin, I find it hard not to like politics. After all, she very well could ‘Be the One!’
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is a terroist with a gun...

This is a barracuda with a gun!
Who would you rather see running the country?
I need to preface this article: I am in no way condemning the entirity of the religion of Islam with the following pictures and statements. I am simply posting a few pictutes that tells how Radical Islam is dangerous, and how we must continue the fight against it.
Warning: Some of these pictures are graphic.






These are just a few of the Faces of Islam. I think they speak for themselves, but I will add one thing... If this is the Religion of Peace, then I do not want any part of it!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Photos courtasy of C. Hall
Warning: Some of these pictures are graphic.






These are just a few of the Faces of Islam. I think they speak for themselves, but I will add one thing... If this is the Religion of Peace, then I do not want any part of it!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Photos courtasy of C. Hall
Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.
'Paul Revere's Ride' by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I recently returned from vacation. My lady friend and I traveled to Boston, MA. where we went to see Aerosmith in concert at Fenway Park. But while we were there, we decided to walk the Freedom Trail. We wanted to walk in the footsteps of our forefathers; to learn more about the history that our children and grandchildren are no longer taught in school.
For anyone who has never heard of it, the Freedom Trail is a two and a half hour walk (with a tour guide) beginning at Boston Commons and ending at the USS Constitution. In between, you walk along the streets of Old Boston, seeing where history was made. It took us four hours, as we stopped several times to tour the cemeteries. We wanted to pay our respect to those that came before us; those people that fought for our independence.
Along the path, you see some of the sights that led to the Tea Party and the American Revolution. You walk up upon Bunker Hill and see the Monument (all 221 feet of it), and can step out upon the deck of the USS Constitution. But one of the stops along the Freedom Trail is The Old North Church. That was where Paul Revere told two gentlemen of the church to take a lantern or two up the steeple (the tallest point in Boston at that time). You know how it goes: 'One if by land; two if by sea.'
Here's a little history lesson for those of you who may not know the entire story.
A plan was made because they (the Sons of Liberty) knew that the British were planning to come ashore to take ammunition and guns away from the rebels in Boston and the surrounding area. The people had been storing those items in preparation for defending themselves against the British troops.
Now, the Royal Government (which was the British Government in Massachusetts) had wanted to make sure that the British troops could secure the colony in case there was a rebellion. And the orders went out to confiscate those weapons and ammunition. British troops were sent up the coast to confiscate ammunition in Salem and also parts of what is now New Hampshire. In both cases, Paul Revere and other riders (members of the Sons of Liberty) alerted the townspeople of the British troops movements well before the troops could reach their destinations. The weapons and ammunition were hidden from the British troops, who were humiliated because they did not get their prize.
General Gage, the Commander of British forces in North America and a parishioner at the Old North Church, decided to seize the weapons and ammunition at Lexington and Concord. He didn't want to risk another failure, so he devised a secret plan. On the evening of April 18th, 1775, Gage ordered his British soldiers to cross the Charles River and march the remaining 15 miles to Lexington under the cover of darkness, arrive at sunrise to collect the armaments and return to Boston before the townspeople could organize any resistance... A well thought-out plan.
But, as luck would have it, someone found out about this secret plan. There are those that believe it was General Gage's maid who foiled the plan and others believe that Gage's American-born wife, Margaret Gage, was the one who did. Either way, someone informed the leaders of the Sons of Liberty about the secret British plan.
Paul Revere, along with the Sons of Liberty, prepared for this secret plan. Their plan was to alert their countrymen that the Redcoats (the British soldiers) were heading their way. Sending a lone rider into the countryside was far too dangerous. So Paul Revere asked Robert Newman, the church sexton (caretaker) if he would send a back-up signal to warn the patriots in Charlestown, just in case Revere himself was captured on his ride before he could spread the alarm that the British were coming. Paul Revere knew that lanterns shining from the steeple of the tallest building in Boston could clearly be seen on the other side of the harbor. Mr. Newman agreed to help.
April 18th, 1775: It was around 10:00 pm that evening when Robert Newman and another member of the church ( I cannot seem to find his name in my research) entered through the front doors of the Old North Church. The British had a curfew in place, so they had to be careful not to be spotted (and extra careful about having a light on inside of the church). In pitch darkness, the two men climbed the 14-story steeple in complete darkness. Upon reached the top, they lit and held up two lanterns in the steeple window for around a minute.
And that was long enough to be seen not only by the patriots, but also by the British troops. As Newman and the other man began coming down the stairs, British soldiers were already at the front doors, trying to break in to catch whoever it was that was breaking curfew. To escape arrest, Newman and the other man came down the center aisle, and escaped through the window at the right of the altar. It's now called the 'Newman' window.
And that was the beginning of the American Revolution.
It's now 2010, and we are at the brink of a second American Revolution. Instead of Redcoats and British occupation, we have Socialists trying to dismantle the very fabric of our society. They look at what our founding fathers stood for with disdain. They see themselves as better than the rest of us commoners, as they seem to think they know what's best for us. They force through legislation that no one bothers to read; they force upon us healthcare that the vast majority of Americans did not want. They are taking over businesses and brainwashing the youth to believe that our way of life is bad and needs to be changed. The Socialists are worse than any king an ocean away. They are here, and currently in power in Washington D.C.
And Americans are tired of being dictated to by these elitists. The American people are forming Tea Parties and gathering strength from one another to face the upcoming battle for the very soul of this nation.
Standing in the way are members of the media, who will lie and manipulate the news so that the Socialists and their agenda gets pushed through without the American peoples knowledge and against the peoples will. They have conspired to overthrow the Constitution and usurp power for themselves. And they are trying to destroy patriots at every turn. They lie about people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and others that are leading the march against the Socialists; who wants to run the lives of every American from cradle to the grave. They try to destroy their good names - and there are those on the left that are gullible enough to believe every word that they, the mainstream media, tells them. They are the conspirators who wish to defeat our freedoms, our liberties, capitalism and our way of life. These are the Redcoats we face today.
But people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Tammy Bruce and a host of other conservative commentators and leaders are sounding the alarm. They are our lantern bearers; our Sons and Daughters of Liberty. We need only to hear their words and take heed; otherwise, we will lose the New American Revolution before it gets started in earnest.
Walking through Boston made me take a cold, hard look at this country. What we are facing with the Socialist/Liberal/Progressives in both parties. This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue - This is an American issue! And We the People need to come together and defeat this threat to America!
The questions you have to ask yourselves are: What kind of America do I want to live in and pass onto our posterity? Do I want to live under the rule of an oppressive government, or do I choose liberty and freedom?
November, 2010 – When it's time to go vote, do so. Don't say that your vote doesn't count. Don't be complacent and think that the problem will solve itself. Fire the first shots of this New American Revolution and VOTE! That is our weapon and ammunition. The Liberal/Progressives know we are coming, and they and their media accomplices will do whatever it takes to keep our voices from being heard. So we must be of one voice; one cause. We the People of the United States of America declare war on the Socialists that occupy this nation. And we will win the battle - so long as we all do our part and vote them out.
Otherwise, we lose the war and will live under the thumb of an emperor, not a president. We will suffer at the hands of Big Government and Social Justice. We will continue to endure Political Correctness and graft and corruption in government till we die. And with the healthcare system about to befall this nation, that could be sooner than we think.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
'Paul Revere's Ride' by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I recently returned from vacation. My lady friend and I traveled to Boston, MA. where we went to see Aerosmith in concert at Fenway Park. But while we were there, we decided to walk the Freedom Trail. We wanted to walk in the footsteps of our forefathers; to learn more about the history that our children and grandchildren are no longer taught in school.
For anyone who has never heard of it, the Freedom Trail is a two and a half hour walk (with a tour guide) beginning at Boston Commons and ending at the USS Constitution. In between, you walk along the streets of Old Boston, seeing where history was made. It took us four hours, as we stopped several times to tour the cemeteries. We wanted to pay our respect to those that came before us; those people that fought for our independence.
Along the path, you see some of the sights that led to the Tea Party and the American Revolution. You walk up upon Bunker Hill and see the Monument (all 221 feet of it), and can step out upon the deck of the USS Constitution. But one of the stops along the Freedom Trail is The Old North Church. That was where Paul Revere told two gentlemen of the church to take a lantern or two up the steeple (the tallest point in Boston at that time). You know how it goes: 'One if by land; two if by sea.'
Here's a little history lesson for those of you who may not know the entire story.
A plan was made because they (the Sons of Liberty) knew that the British were planning to come ashore to take ammunition and guns away from the rebels in Boston and the surrounding area. The people had been storing those items in preparation for defending themselves against the British troops.
Now, the Royal Government (which was the British Government in Massachusetts) had wanted to make sure that the British troops could secure the colony in case there was a rebellion. And the orders went out to confiscate those weapons and ammunition. British troops were sent up the coast to confiscate ammunition in Salem and also parts of what is now New Hampshire. In both cases, Paul Revere and other riders (members of the Sons of Liberty) alerted the townspeople of the British troops movements well before the troops could reach their destinations. The weapons and ammunition were hidden from the British troops, who were humiliated because they did not get their prize.
General Gage, the Commander of British forces in North America and a parishioner at the Old North Church, decided to seize the weapons and ammunition at Lexington and Concord. He didn't want to risk another failure, so he devised a secret plan. On the evening of April 18th, 1775, Gage ordered his British soldiers to cross the Charles River and march the remaining 15 miles to Lexington under the cover of darkness, arrive at sunrise to collect the armaments and return to Boston before the townspeople could organize any resistance... A well thought-out plan.
But, as luck would have it, someone found out about this secret plan. There are those that believe it was General Gage's maid who foiled the plan and others believe that Gage's American-born wife, Margaret Gage, was the one who did. Either way, someone informed the leaders of the Sons of Liberty about the secret British plan.
Paul Revere, along with the Sons of Liberty, prepared for this secret plan. Their plan was to alert their countrymen that the Redcoats (the British soldiers) were heading their way. Sending a lone rider into the countryside was far too dangerous. So Paul Revere asked Robert Newman, the church sexton (caretaker) if he would send a back-up signal to warn the patriots in Charlestown, just in case Revere himself was captured on his ride before he could spread the alarm that the British were coming. Paul Revere knew that lanterns shining from the steeple of the tallest building in Boston could clearly be seen on the other side of the harbor. Mr. Newman agreed to help.
April 18th, 1775: It was around 10:00 pm that evening when Robert Newman and another member of the church ( I cannot seem to find his name in my research) entered through the front doors of the Old North Church. The British had a curfew in place, so they had to be careful not to be spotted (and extra careful about having a light on inside of the church). In pitch darkness, the two men climbed the 14-story steeple in complete darkness. Upon reached the top, they lit and held up two lanterns in the steeple window for around a minute.
And that was long enough to be seen not only by the patriots, but also by the British troops. As Newman and the other man began coming down the stairs, British soldiers were already at the front doors, trying to break in to catch whoever it was that was breaking curfew. To escape arrest, Newman and the other man came down the center aisle, and escaped through the window at the right of the altar. It's now called the 'Newman' window.
And that was the beginning of the American Revolution.
It's now 2010, and we are at the brink of a second American Revolution. Instead of Redcoats and British occupation, we have Socialists trying to dismantle the very fabric of our society. They look at what our founding fathers stood for with disdain. They see themselves as better than the rest of us commoners, as they seem to think they know what's best for us. They force through legislation that no one bothers to read; they force upon us healthcare that the vast majority of Americans did not want. They are taking over businesses and brainwashing the youth to believe that our way of life is bad and needs to be changed. The Socialists are worse than any king an ocean away. They are here, and currently in power in Washington D.C.
And Americans are tired of being dictated to by these elitists. The American people are forming Tea Parties and gathering strength from one another to face the upcoming battle for the very soul of this nation.
Standing in the way are members of the media, who will lie and manipulate the news so that the Socialists and their agenda gets pushed through without the American peoples knowledge and against the peoples will. They have conspired to overthrow the Constitution and usurp power for themselves. And they are trying to destroy patriots at every turn. They lie about people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and others that are leading the march against the Socialists; who wants to run the lives of every American from cradle to the grave. They try to destroy their good names - and there are those on the left that are gullible enough to believe every word that they, the mainstream media, tells them. They are the conspirators who wish to defeat our freedoms, our liberties, capitalism and our way of life. These are the Redcoats we face today.
But people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Tammy Bruce and a host of other conservative commentators and leaders are sounding the alarm. They are our lantern bearers; our Sons and Daughters of Liberty. We need only to hear their words and take heed; otherwise, we will lose the New American Revolution before it gets started in earnest.
Walking through Boston made me take a cold, hard look at this country. What we are facing with the Socialist/Liberal/Progressives in both parties. This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue - This is an American issue! And We the People need to come together and defeat this threat to America!
The questions you have to ask yourselves are: What kind of America do I want to live in and pass onto our posterity? Do I want to live under the rule of an oppressive government, or do I choose liberty and freedom?
November, 2010 – When it's time to go vote, do so. Don't say that your vote doesn't count. Don't be complacent and think that the problem will solve itself. Fire the first shots of this New American Revolution and VOTE! That is our weapon and ammunition. The Liberal/Progressives know we are coming, and they and their media accomplices will do whatever it takes to keep our voices from being heard. So we must be of one voice; one cause. We the People of the United States of America declare war on the Socialists that occupy this nation. And we will win the battle - so long as we all do our part and vote them out.
Otherwise, we lose the war and will live under the thumb of an emperor, not a president. We will suffer at the hands of Big Government and Social Justice. We will continue to endure Political Correctness and graft and corruption in government till we die. And with the healthcare system about to befall this nation, that could be sooner than we think.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
By Dewaine Shoulders on Friday, August 20, 2010 at 2:00am.
Cordoba House: Islamic Center or Victory Mosque?
The mosque organizer, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is supposedly a moderate Muslim. course he said this a few days after 9/11: "The United States is responsible, indirectly, for the attack on the World Trade Center!" This is due, according to him, to our foreign policies. He also said that Osama bin Laden was made in the USA!
Okay, let's take a look at that -
The US did support bin Laden for a time during the 1980's. Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden (his full name), is the son of a wealthy Saudi businessman. He first achieved prominence in Afghanistan during an Islamic insurgency against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. He is said to have received a considerable amount of money during that 10-year battle from the CIA, which covertly helped finance the insurrection during the Cold War.
Now, in 1989, (after the fighting ended [as Russia retreated]), bin Laden returned home to Saudi Arabia. There, he began to confront the Saudi monarchy over their decision to allow U.S. troops into Saudi Arabia. There, you will find two of Islam's holiest places - Mecca and Medina. Devout Muslims believe that the land of Saudi Arabia is sacred and should be off-limits to nonbelievers. This is where the prophet Mohammed lived and died.
Then, in 1990, the United States deployed its troops to Saudi Arabia in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait... The Persian Gulf War.
That was when bin Laden began rallying disgruntled Saudi veterans of the Afghan insurgency and accused King Fahd of Saudi Arabia of selling the holy sites of Islam to the United States.
So, in a way, The US did have a small part to play in Bin Laden's creation... Very small.
Osama bin Laden is a believer in the twisted version of Islam that feels it necessary to kill all infidels and also Muslims that are not a part of bin Laden's particular brand of Islam. This is his OWN choice. The US did not play a part in his butchering the Koran; to use it as a weapon against the West. The Koran states that if you travel or live in another country, you live under the rules of that country. Did you ever hear this from the MSM?
So now we come back to Feisal Abdul Rauf.
He may be a moderate Muslim, but he is also twisting history to suit his purpose. And by building this Cordoba House Mosque and Islamic Community Outreach Center just 2 blocks from Ground Zero, he is continuing the tradition of building victory mosques on the sites of great Muslim victories... One of which is sitting atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.
When Islam gets a foothold anywhere, it spreads like a cancer. Take a look at Europe and you will see that in a matter of a few short years, France, Great Britain and other countries will be mostly Muslim. And they are already demanding Sharia Law in these countries. In fact, Great Britain began adopting Islamic Law back in 2008. How long will it be before they begin demanding it here?
Will some liberal judge say it's unconstitutional not to allow Sharia Law to be a part of American Law? Will the liberals on the Supreme Court rule in favor of Sharia Law and allow the fundamental transformation of America to truly begin?
So, don't kid yourselves in believing that this Cordoba House will be some kind of outreach to the New York City Area. There are already twelve mosques in New York City, and 2 withing blocks of the proposed new mosque. They will use it like they do in other mosques in other countries... To convert as many people to Islam as they can, and plan attacks inside America and elsewhere.
Many people have suggested that this mosque would not be good for New York City. In fact, many have already spoken out against the planned Cordoba House. Newt Gingrich is one of those voices; Sarah Palin is another. And of course, the media jumped on her for the use of the word 'refutiate.' And I have now seen the media using that word several times since. Even on CNN! Go figure!
Among the proponents of the mosque, Mayor Bloomberg of New York City. Could the billionaire mayor possibly has money invested in it? And, of course, our esteemed president is all for it, too. There are many on the left that love the idea of the mosque being built there. They cite 'religious freedom' as their reasoning. These are the same people that chastize Christianity but cheer on Islam. This is typical of the looney-left hypocrites!
But - just to play their little game - let's take the 'religious freedom' idea a step further, shall we? How about we go to Saudi Arabia and ask the king if we could build a Catholic Church, or perhaps a Jewish Synagogue about 2 blocks away from Mecca? I mean, it's all about religious freedom, isn't it?
I think we all know what would happen there. The king would say "Hell No!"
So, until they allow the construction of Churches and Synagogues near their sacred sites, then we should say "Hell No!" to their building a mosque near the WTC! They already have 12 mosque in NYC. And like I said before, there are 2 withing blocks of this proposed site.
So why do they want to build this monstrosity?
It's because they are building a 'victory mosque!' And they will be allowed to do so by the liberals in office in NYC and Washington D.C. They are surrendering to the terrorists. They are either too stupid to know that, or too blind to see. Either way, the people that lost family members in the WTC attacks will be receiving a collective slap in their faces from the Muslim Community, our president, Mayor Bloomberg and Feisal Abdul Rauf ! Absolutely disgusting!
My last thoughts:
I am not a religious person. I belong to no organized religion, but I do believe in God and Jesus Christ. I believe in freedom of religion, and the right to worship as you wish (within reason, of course. No human or animal sacrifices please). And I also believe in good and evil. I believe that evil has taken control in Washington D.C. and NYC. And I believe that evil is spreading, just like Islam. The religion of peace is no longer peaceful, considering the body count in its wake.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right.
Cordoba House: Islamic Center or Victory Mosque?
The mosque organizer, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is supposedly a moderate Muslim. course he said this a few days after 9/11: "The United States is responsible, indirectly, for the attack on the World Trade Center!" This is due, according to him, to our foreign policies. He also said that Osama bin Laden was made in the USA!
Okay, let's take a look at that -
The US did support bin Laden for a time during the 1980's. Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden (his full name), is the son of a wealthy Saudi businessman. He first achieved prominence in Afghanistan during an Islamic insurgency against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. He is said to have received a considerable amount of money during that 10-year battle from the CIA, which covertly helped finance the insurrection during the Cold War.
Now, in 1989, (after the fighting ended [as Russia retreated]), bin Laden returned home to Saudi Arabia. There, he began to confront the Saudi monarchy over their decision to allow U.S. troops into Saudi Arabia. There, you will find two of Islam's holiest places - Mecca and Medina. Devout Muslims believe that the land of Saudi Arabia is sacred and should be off-limits to nonbelievers. This is where the prophet Mohammed lived and died.
Then, in 1990, the United States deployed its troops to Saudi Arabia in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait... The Persian Gulf War.
That was when bin Laden began rallying disgruntled Saudi veterans of the Afghan insurgency and accused King Fahd of Saudi Arabia of selling the holy sites of Islam to the United States.
So, in a way, The US did have a small part to play in Bin Laden's creation... Very small.
Osama bin Laden is a believer in the twisted version of Islam that feels it necessary to kill all infidels and also Muslims that are not a part of bin Laden's particular brand of Islam. This is his OWN choice. The US did not play a part in his butchering the Koran; to use it as a weapon against the West. The Koran states that if you travel or live in another country, you live under the rules of that country. Did you ever hear this from the MSM?
So now we come back to Feisal Abdul Rauf.
He may be a moderate Muslim, but he is also twisting history to suit his purpose. And by building this Cordoba House Mosque and Islamic Community Outreach Center just 2 blocks from Ground Zero, he is continuing the tradition of building victory mosques on the sites of great Muslim victories... One of which is sitting atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.
When Islam gets a foothold anywhere, it spreads like a cancer. Take a look at Europe and you will see that in a matter of a few short years, France, Great Britain and other countries will be mostly Muslim. And they are already demanding Sharia Law in these countries. In fact, Great Britain began adopting Islamic Law back in 2008. How long will it be before they begin demanding it here?
Will some liberal judge say it's unconstitutional not to allow Sharia Law to be a part of American Law? Will the liberals on the Supreme Court rule in favor of Sharia Law and allow the fundamental transformation of America to truly begin?
So, don't kid yourselves in believing that this Cordoba House will be some kind of outreach to the New York City Area. There are already twelve mosques in New York City, and 2 withing blocks of the proposed new mosque. They will use it like they do in other mosques in other countries... To convert as many people to Islam as they can, and plan attacks inside America and elsewhere.
Many people have suggested that this mosque would not be good for New York City. In fact, many have already spoken out against the planned Cordoba House. Newt Gingrich is one of those voices; Sarah Palin is another. And of course, the media jumped on her for the use of the word 'refutiate.' And I have now seen the media using that word several times since. Even on CNN! Go figure!
Among the proponents of the mosque, Mayor Bloomberg of New York City. Could the billionaire mayor possibly has money invested in it? And, of course, our esteemed president is all for it, too. There are many on the left that love the idea of the mosque being built there. They cite 'religious freedom' as their reasoning. These are the same people that chastize Christianity but cheer on Islam. This is typical of the looney-left hypocrites!
But - just to play their little game - let's take the 'religious freedom' idea a step further, shall we? How about we go to Saudi Arabia and ask the king if we could build a Catholic Church, or perhaps a Jewish Synagogue about 2 blocks away from Mecca? I mean, it's all about religious freedom, isn't it?
I think we all know what would happen there. The king would say "Hell No!"
So, until they allow the construction of Churches and Synagogues near their sacred sites, then we should say "Hell No!" to their building a mosque near the WTC! They already have 12 mosque in NYC. And like I said before, there are 2 withing blocks of this proposed site.
So why do they want to build this monstrosity?
It's because they are building a 'victory mosque!' And they will be allowed to do so by the liberals in office in NYC and Washington D.C. They are surrendering to the terrorists. They are either too stupid to know that, or too blind to see. Either way, the people that lost family members in the WTC attacks will be receiving a collective slap in their faces from the Muslim Community, our president, Mayor Bloomberg and Feisal Abdul Rauf ! Absolutely disgusting!
My last thoughts:
I am not a religious person. I belong to no organized religion, but I do believe in God and Jesus Christ. I believe in freedom of religion, and the right to worship as you wish (within reason, of course. No human or animal sacrifices please). And I also believe in good and evil. I believe that evil has taken control in Washington D.C. and NYC. And I believe that evil is spreading, just like Islam. The religion of peace is no longer peaceful, considering the body count in its wake.
But that's just my opinion, I could be right.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Aug. 22, 2010
by Dewaine Shoulders
Ewoks, Islam vs. Sarah Palin
According to many pro-choice feminists out there, Sarah Palin is akin to being the Antichrist. To hear some of the loony rants and raves from these women, you would think that Sarah Palin was the epitome of evil. Yes, I am referring to the Ewok Movement. Those cute, cuddly characters from ‘Star Wars Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi’ have now been relegated to a political kickball between Liberal Feminazis (ala Rush Limbaugh) vs. Sarah Palin
And many of these very same women are defending Islam.
Before I get into the red meat of all of this, I have been patrolling some blog threads where many of these liberal women have been calling Sarah Palin pretty much everything but a human being. And in the course of some of their verbal diatribes, they have been bad-mouthing Christianity and actually defending Islam! Do these women not understand what they are saying? Or are the truly ignorant of the facts surrounding the so-called Religion of Peace?
Well, boys and girls, I’m going to spell out the differences between Sarah Palin and Islam.
Islam believes that:
Women are inferior to men.
Women should have fewer rights and responsibilities than men.
A woman’s testimony in count counts for one-half of a man’s opinion when giving evidence in a court of law.
Women should be beaten (or worse) if they ever make their husband feel inferior.
Women should be stoned for adultery.
Women should be maimed and killed for disobeying a husband’s or fathers commands or wishes (Honor Killings).
Women should have no say in regard to whom they can marry.
Women should have no say in what they can wear.
Women cannot choose where they can live.
Women cannot choose whether or not they can divorce their cheating and/or abusive husbands.
Girls can be forced to wed beginning at age 9.
Women can be mutilated in front of an Islamic Court by their husbands for anything deemed against Sharia Law.
Now, as far as I know, Sarah Palin does not believe in any of these things. And I dare say she is against all of them! Ms. Palin is Pro-American, Pro-Constitution and Pro-Freedom!
So why are the women who bash Sarah Palin defending Islam and, by extension, Sharia Law? Because those women are devoid of the truth, thanks to the mainstream media and those on the left that have a radical agenda in store for America. And those very people (and the MSM) defend Islam while condemning Christianity. Talk about insanity!
Now, I could go on and on about how I think the so-called Ewoks out there are wrong, but all I’ll say is this: Sarah Palin is a Christian! She is a mother, a grandmother and is someone who I would trust this nation’s future with. She loves this country, and would make a great leader for it.
Islam? Well, I wouldn’t trust my dog with those folks. They hate everything about the West; about freedom! They wish to convert America into some 900 A.D. Muslim nation. They wish to impose Sharia Law upon America. And they wish to enforce their radical theology upon all of us, whether we like it or not (kind of like the current administration looks at the will of the people as opposed to the will of Big Government).
And we, the infidels, will either convert (bow down to Allah) or die!
Now, to you women who doubt that, I can only say that I hope you enjoy dressing in a Burqa; following two steps behind a man; not being allowed to speak unless spoken to, and not have the right to so much as drive a car unless granted permission to do so by a man. And I also hope that your female children and grandchildren will enjoy not getting an education; being subjugated and beaten for not dressing properly; behaving like they are ordered to by some Imam, and being treated like cattle (actually, cattle are treated better than women are under Islamic (Sharia) Law).
So, those of you who do not like Sarah Palin - if that’s how you feel, fine. But I hope that when Sharia Law ends up being introduced in America that you remember that you helped it to happen.
Now, before you all get your panties in a bunch thinking it will never happen, please allow me to introduce you to Harold Koh. He was most recently the dean of the Yale Law School. Mr. Koh believes that the U.S. should re-interpret the Constitution to fall in line with the “legal norms” of other countries. He has stated that in some instances ‘Sharia law would be appropriate in some court cases.’
Is this the fundamental transformation of America in which Candidate Obama referred to? To trash the Constitution and ram Sharia law down our collective throats?
Thus I return my thoughts back to Sarah Palin. If you think that she is bad for America, maybe you had better rethink your position. Sarah Palin is a strong woman, and there are millions that are clamoring for her to run for president. Comparing the president we have now to Sarah Palin, I’d say she has America’s best interest at heart, whereas I cannot say that for our current president, with the Mao/Stalin/Chavez-loving administration that he’s surrounded himself with.
Sarah Palin represents a return to sanity in Washington; a return to a smaller, more responsible government. And just think of the possibility for a woman to break the ultimate glass ceiling once and for all. Imagine, the first woman president… Talk about breaking up the good ole boys club!
And finally, Islam wishes women to be ignorant and treated like excrement. And most of the Ewok women think Sarah Palin should be considered that. Talk about ignorance. Those women are in for a rude awakening. Mama (and Papa) Grizzlies, it’s time to sharpen our teeth and get ready to bite back at those that are destroying America and even possibly allowing the introduction of Sharia Law in America. It’s time to rally around Sarah Palin and stand-up for America and the Constitution!
Viva Freedom! Viva Sarah Palin!
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
by Dewaine Shoulders
Ewoks, Islam vs. Sarah Palin
According to many pro-choice feminists out there, Sarah Palin is akin to being the Antichrist. To hear some of the loony rants and raves from these women, you would think that Sarah Palin was the epitome of evil. Yes, I am referring to the Ewok Movement. Those cute, cuddly characters from ‘Star Wars Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi’ have now been relegated to a political kickball between Liberal Feminazis (ala Rush Limbaugh) vs. Sarah Palin
And many of these very same women are defending Islam.
Before I get into the red meat of all of this, I have been patrolling some blog threads where many of these liberal women have been calling Sarah Palin pretty much everything but a human being. And in the course of some of their verbal diatribes, they have been bad-mouthing Christianity and actually defending Islam! Do these women not understand what they are saying? Or are the truly ignorant of the facts surrounding the so-called Religion of Peace?
Well, boys and girls, I’m going to spell out the differences between Sarah Palin and Islam.
Islam believes that:
Women are inferior to men.
Women should have fewer rights and responsibilities than men.
A woman’s testimony in count counts for one-half of a man’s opinion when giving evidence in a court of law.
Women should be beaten (or worse) if they ever make their husband feel inferior.
Women should be stoned for adultery.
Women should be maimed and killed for disobeying a husband’s or fathers commands or wishes (Honor Killings).
Women should have no say in regard to whom they can marry.
Women should have no say in what they can wear.
Women cannot choose where they can live.
Women cannot choose whether or not they can divorce their cheating and/or abusive husbands.
Girls can be forced to wed beginning at age 9.
Women can be mutilated in front of an Islamic Court by their husbands for anything deemed against Sharia Law.
Now, as far as I know, Sarah Palin does not believe in any of these things. And I dare say she is against all of them! Ms. Palin is Pro-American, Pro-Constitution and Pro-Freedom!
So why are the women who bash Sarah Palin defending Islam and, by extension, Sharia Law? Because those women are devoid of the truth, thanks to the mainstream media and those on the left that have a radical agenda in store for America. And those very people (and the MSM) defend Islam while condemning Christianity. Talk about insanity!
Now, I could go on and on about how I think the so-called Ewoks out there are wrong, but all I’ll say is this: Sarah Palin is a Christian! She is a mother, a grandmother and is someone who I would trust this nation’s future with. She loves this country, and would make a great leader for it.
Islam? Well, I wouldn’t trust my dog with those folks. They hate everything about the West; about freedom! They wish to convert America into some 900 A.D. Muslim nation. They wish to impose Sharia Law upon America. And they wish to enforce their radical theology upon all of us, whether we like it or not (kind of like the current administration looks at the will of the people as opposed to the will of Big Government).
And we, the infidels, will either convert (bow down to Allah) or die!
Now, to you women who doubt that, I can only say that I hope you enjoy dressing in a Burqa; following two steps behind a man; not being allowed to speak unless spoken to, and not have the right to so much as drive a car unless granted permission to do so by a man. And I also hope that your female children and grandchildren will enjoy not getting an education; being subjugated and beaten for not dressing properly; behaving like they are ordered to by some Imam, and being treated like cattle (actually, cattle are treated better than women are under Islamic (Sharia) Law).
So, those of you who do not like Sarah Palin - if that’s how you feel, fine. But I hope that when Sharia Law ends up being introduced in America that you remember that you helped it to happen.
Now, before you all get your panties in a bunch thinking it will never happen, please allow me to introduce you to Harold Koh. He was most recently the dean of the Yale Law School. Mr. Koh believes that the U.S. should re-interpret the Constitution to fall in line with the “legal norms” of other countries. He has stated that in some instances ‘Sharia law would be appropriate in some court cases.’
Is this the fundamental transformation of America in which Candidate Obama referred to? To trash the Constitution and ram Sharia law down our collective throats?
Thus I return my thoughts back to Sarah Palin. If you think that she is bad for America, maybe you had better rethink your position. Sarah Palin is a strong woman, and there are millions that are clamoring for her to run for president. Comparing the president we have now to Sarah Palin, I’d say she has America’s best interest at heart, whereas I cannot say that for our current president, with the Mao/Stalin/Chavez-loving administration that he’s surrounded himself with.
Sarah Palin represents a return to sanity in Washington; a return to a smaller, more responsible government. And just think of the possibility for a woman to break the ultimate glass ceiling once and for all. Imagine, the first woman president… Talk about breaking up the good ole boys club!
And finally, Islam wishes women to be ignorant and treated like excrement. And most of the Ewok women think Sarah Palin should be considered that. Talk about ignorance. Those women are in for a rude awakening. Mama (and Papa) Grizzlies, it’s time to sharpen our teeth and get ready to bite back at those that are destroying America and even possibly allowing the introduction of Sharia Law in America. It’s time to rally around Sarah Palin and stand-up for America and the Constitution!
Viva Freedom! Viva Sarah Palin!
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
June 27, 2010 at 1:42pm.
The first One Mans Opinion
After reading the news and listening to the endless drivel from the mainstream media, I fear that this country is heading down a road that we were never meant to travel, and that no matter what, we will never recover the liberties we have already lost in my lifetime.
I have decided to stop sitting ideally by while watching the decline of this country. I have decided to give MY opinion as to what's going on and how to fix it! These are just my initial thoughts.
I have witnessed a great many wonderful things in my lifetime, and also some things that I care not to remember. 9/11, for instance, is a day that brings back terrible memories. That was the day in which the world drastically changed for the worse, Since then, a steady stream of Radical Muslim Extremists have tried to do more harm to this country. Especially in the last year or so.
This makes me wonder why our leaders in both houses of congress are not doing more to root out that evil and stop it. Why can't we go into those countries that give aid to the terrorist and lay to waste the areas that are teeming with terrorist camps? Are we afraid that we might piss someone off? That we might kill a few innocent people? Well, they have no trouble in killing innocent people, so why should we? The purpose of war is to KILL PEOPLE AND BREAK THINGS! That's how you WIN A WAR!
We stopped calling the War on Terror the War on Terror. Muslim Extremists cannot be called Muslim Extremists anymore, least we upset the Muslim population of the world. If the Muslim population of the world would deal with those that pervert their religion, then maybe we wouldn't have to deal with it! Too often I see the Muslims dancing in the streets after the radicals blow up buildings full of so-called Infidels. And after 9/11, I seem to recall many in the Detroit Muslim community dancing in the streets when the World Trade Center came crashing down. Maybe we should fly a few planes into those communities and see if they dance in the streets then? If they hate America, then get out! Go back to where you came from. I'm sure they will welcome you back home. We do not need you here anymore. Quit taking American dollars and go back to living in the third world!
For those Muslims living here in America that do not like what is happening to their religion, then please take a stand and go after those radical leaders and help to take them out! Quit sitting by while you wait to see who will win before you decide who's side you are on! Stand with America, or go back to your home countries and stand with the radicals!
We in America give platitudes where we need to give ultimatums. If you want our help in fixing things, then you need to get off your collective asses and do something to help yourselves! America has bailed out so many for so long, yet the current administration apologizes to the world for our arrogance? WTF? I do not apologize for American Exceptionalism. I revel in it! We are who we are because we have freedom! And apparently many around the world come here to enjoy those freedoms. So why apologize for being who we are? Be proud of the fact that we are Americans! If you want to be an American, come here and help. But do it legally! No More Illegal Aliens (undocumented workers my ass)!
Meanwhile, back in Washington, D.C. - The constant infighting and the lazy representatives that cannot even read the bills they pass, are cause for concern. And every American should be wary of those that try to usurp power for themselves over the will of the majority of Americans. All the while, they overlook the importance of things like securing our borders, balancing the nations budget, and defeating the extremist militants that wish to cause more harm to America and her Allies.
There are so many problems in this nation that are so important that our leaders need to address, yet they pass massive spending bills that have made the economy worse than it was before they tried to fix it. The overlook the illegal immigration in favor of garnering the Hispanic Vote. When Arizona passes a law to secure its border, the federal government deems it a racists bill and wishes to have it struck down. And now they are going to sue Arizona for doing what the Federal government is supposed to be doing that in the first place – Securing the Border? I think the states should sue the Federal Government for mismanagement and fraud!
When the federal government cannot or simply will not do the job it is supposed to be doing, then it is placed upon the people to change the government to do the bidding of the people. No one is suggestion a coup here, but we need to begin the process of voting out the people who have been in power for far too long; replacing them with people that understand that the world has become a far more dangerous place than just 20 years ago. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of governmental mismanagement. If these career politicians aren't replaced soon then we will lose more liberties! They will continue to grow government, adding more to the costs that we, the taxpayers have to pay for.
And now we need to talk about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (60 plus days in the making as of this writing). The president, better known as the 'Community Organizer-in-Chief', cannot allow the many countries that have offered to help in the clean-up to actually come in and help because he's afraid that he'll alienate the unions. The Jones Act prohibits the help. All the president has to is temporally suspend the Jones Act and we could get the oil spill under control much faster. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil is pouring out of a busted well and polluting the water, the land, and killing or harming the wildlife, sea life and the economy of the entire gulf region.
I thought the EPA was there to protect against things like this, yet the EPA has not pushed for the Jones Act to be suspended so the clean-up can begin! And where are the so-called environmentalists that protest off-shore drilling? Still protesting? I have yet to hear if they are down there helping to clean the mess up! If they are not, then the environmentalist movement is nothing more than political theater designed to take more freedoms away from America! Hmm? I might be onto something there!
Whether you're a liberal, conservative or somewhere in between, we all face a crisis of leadership and good governance in Washington D.C.
It's what we do in November of this year that will foretell the direction the nation takes to rectify the problems. If we continue to vote in career politicians they will continue to do nothing to secure the borders and bring this nation back from the brink of economic collapse due to their irrational spending habits.
If we elect new people into these offices, we also need to send a message with them... Fix it, or lose your job! Put in place term-limits and live under the same rules you deem necessary for the rest of America to live under! No Golden Parachutes, and no other healthcare than what the rest of us are going to be living with. And those politicians should have to go on Medicare and Social Security like the rest of us! If it's good enough for us, then it should be good enough for them too! See how fast those things get fixed then!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
The first One Mans Opinion
After reading the news and listening to the endless drivel from the mainstream media, I fear that this country is heading down a road that we were never meant to travel, and that no matter what, we will never recover the liberties we have already lost in my lifetime.
I have decided to stop sitting ideally by while watching the decline of this country. I have decided to give MY opinion as to what's going on and how to fix it! These are just my initial thoughts.
I have witnessed a great many wonderful things in my lifetime, and also some things that I care not to remember. 9/11, for instance, is a day that brings back terrible memories. That was the day in which the world drastically changed for the worse, Since then, a steady stream of Radical Muslim Extremists have tried to do more harm to this country. Especially in the last year or so.
This makes me wonder why our leaders in both houses of congress are not doing more to root out that evil and stop it. Why can't we go into those countries that give aid to the terrorist and lay to waste the areas that are teeming with terrorist camps? Are we afraid that we might piss someone off? That we might kill a few innocent people? Well, they have no trouble in killing innocent people, so why should we? The purpose of war is to KILL PEOPLE AND BREAK THINGS! That's how you WIN A WAR!
We stopped calling the War on Terror the War on Terror. Muslim Extremists cannot be called Muslim Extremists anymore, least we upset the Muslim population of the world. If the Muslim population of the world would deal with those that pervert their religion, then maybe we wouldn't have to deal with it! Too often I see the Muslims dancing in the streets after the radicals blow up buildings full of so-called Infidels. And after 9/11, I seem to recall many in the Detroit Muslim community dancing in the streets when the World Trade Center came crashing down. Maybe we should fly a few planes into those communities and see if they dance in the streets then? If they hate America, then get out! Go back to where you came from. I'm sure they will welcome you back home. We do not need you here anymore. Quit taking American dollars and go back to living in the third world!
For those Muslims living here in America that do not like what is happening to their religion, then please take a stand and go after those radical leaders and help to take them out! Quit sitting by while you wait to see who will win before you decide who's side you are on! Stand with America, or go back to your home countries and stand with the radicals!
We in America give platitudes where we need to give ultimatums. If you want our help in fixing things, then you need to get off your collective asses and do something to help yourselves! America has bailed out so many for so long, yet the current administration apologizes to the world for our arrogance? WTF? I do not apologize for American Exceptionalism. I revel in it! We are who we are because we have freedom! And apparently many around the world come here to enjoy those freedoms. So why apologize for being who we are? Be proud of the fact that we are Americans! If you want to be an American, come here and help. But do it legally! No More Illegal Aliens (undocumented workers my ass)!
Meanwhile, back in Washington, D.C. - The constant infighting and the lazy representatives that cannot even read the bills they pass, are cause for concern. And every American should be wary of those that try to usurp power for themselves over the will of the majority of Americans. All the while, they overlook the importance of things like securing our borders, balancing the nations budget, and defeating the extremist militants that wish to cause more harm to America and her Allies.
There are so many problems in this nation that are so important that our leaders need to address, yet they pass massive spending bills that have made the economy worse than it was before they tried to fix it. The overlook the illegal immigration in favor of garnering the Hispanic Vote. When Arizona passes a law to secure its border, the federal government deems it a racists bill and wishes to have it struck down. And now they are going to sue Arizona for doing what the Federal government is supposed to be doing that in the first place – Securing the Border? I think the states should sue the Federal Government for mismanagement and fraud!
When the federal government cannot or simply will not do the job it is supposed to be doing, then it is placed upon the people to change the government to do the bidding of the people. No one is suggestion a coup here, but we need to begin the process of voting out the people who have been in power for far too long; replacing them with people that understand that the world has become a far more dangerous place than just 20 years ago. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of governmental mismanagement. If these career politicians aren't replaced soon then we will lose more liberties! They will continue to grow government, adding more to the costs that we, the taxpayers have to pay for.
And now we need to talk about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (60 plus days in the making as of this writing). The president, better known as the 'Community Organizer-in-Chief', cannot allow the many countries that have offered to help in the clean-up to actually come in and help because he's afraid that he'll alienate the unions. The Jones Act prohibits the help. All the president has to is temporally suspend the Jones Act and we could get the oil spill under control much faster. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil is pouring out of a busted well and polluting the water, the land, and killing or harming the wildlife, sea life and the economy of the entire gulf region.
I thought the EPA was there to protect against things like this, yet the EPA has not pushed for the Jones Act to be suspended so the clean-up can begin! And where are the so-called environmentalists that protest off-shore drilling? Still protesting? I have yet to hear if they are down there helping to clean the mess up! If they are not, then the environmentalist movement is nothing more than political theater designed to take more freedoms away from America! Hmm? I might be onto something there!
Whether you're a liberal, conservative or somewhere in between, we all face a crisis of leadership and good governance in Washington D.C.
It's what we do in November of this year that will foretell the direction the nation takes to rectify the problems. If we continue to vote in career politicians they will continue to do nothing to secure the borders and bring this nation back from the brink of economic collapse due to their irrational spending habits.
If we elect new people into these offices, we also need to send a message with them... Fix it, or lose your job! Put in place term-limits and live under the same rules you deem necessary for the rest of America to live under! No Golden Parachutes, and no other healthcare than what the rest of us are going to be living with. And those politicians should have to go on Medicare and Social Security like the rest of us! If it's good enough for us, then it should be good enough for them too! See how fast those things get fixed then!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
July 19, 2010
Actually, I did not write this, but have thought about it. But the person that wrote this should be praised as a great thinker. The following was on a post and I copy pasted it for all to see.
Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al:
We have stuck together since the late 1950's for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course.
Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.
Here is a model separation agreement:
Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.
We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with wind, solar and biodiesel. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them.
We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies and illegal aliens. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood .
You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us. You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.
We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N. but we will no longer be paying the bill.
We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.
You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. We'll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a right. We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National Anthem." I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine", "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya" or "We Are the World".
We'll practice trickle down economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot.
Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag.
Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you answer which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.
John J. Wall
Law Student and an American
P. S. Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Barbara Streisand, & Jane Fonda with you.
P. S. S. And you won't have to press 1 for English when you call our country.
Actually, I did not write this, but have thought about it. But the person that wrote this should be praised as a great thinker. The following was on a post and I copy pasted it for all to see.
Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al:
We have stuck together since the late 1950's for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course.
Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.
Here is a model separation agreement:
Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.
We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with wind, solar and biodiesel. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them.
We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies and illegal aliens. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood .
You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us. You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.
We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N. but we will no longer be paying the bill.
We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.
You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. We'll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a right. We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National Anthem." I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine", "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya" or "We Are the World".
We'll practice trickle down economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot.
Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag.
Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you answer which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.
John J. Wall
Law Student and an American
P. S. Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Barbara Streisand, & Jane Fonda with you.
P. S. S. And you won't have to press 1 for English when you call our country.
July 20, 2010 at 11:08pm.
Is Sarah Palin adding to America’s lexicon?
Refudiate: A combination of the words Refute and Repudiate.
Did Sarah Palin coin the word? Not really. It has been used a few times before. Now, it you Google the word ‘Refudiate’ you will find the following links:
Report to Joint Commission on Prescription Drug Use - (1980). Refudiate is written in that report. Written, no doubt by some educated person.
Worldwide Narcotics Review of 1988 and you’ll also find the word Refudiate in that!
Clinical Research in Communicative Disorder Principals (1987) and Refudiate is used in that report, and again, written by an educated person.
Lunatics of Terra (2005) You’ll find Refudiate there, as well..
Even John McCain used the word Refudiate five different times on the David Letterman Show a while back.
Now, is Refudiate in an actual dictionary? Not really, no. But, it has been used before. And no, Sarah Palin did not make up the word. It is a common mistake apparently to mispronounce and sometimes misspell certain words. They may sound right and look right, but are incorrect. Writers oft times create words for their works of fiction or non-fiction. It happens all of the time!
Having said that, the Liberals are having a field day bashing Sarah Palin for the use of the word, when their own favorites often make-up words or make gaffes.
For example, President Obama has made several gaffes during the course of his campaign and several times now since taking office. He said he had visited nearly all of the 57 states, and Europe was a country instead of a continent. Yet I haven’t heard the liberals or the left-leaning media bash him for that. Nor did they when he said Corpsemen instead of Corpsmen. And I didn’t hear an outcry when he said the following on May 9th 2010 while giving the commencement address at Hampton University:
"Meanwhile, you're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't rank all that high on the truth meter. With iPods and iPads; Xboxes and PlayStations; none of which I know how to work, information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than a means of epantsapation. All of this is not only putting new pressures on you; it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."
As an aside, if you wish to get technical, iPods, iPads, Xboxes and PlayStations are all made up words. Should we blast their creators for that?
So, did Obama mean emancipation? Or was he simply saying that the internet was not allowing the removal of pants?
I didn’t hear the liberal media jumping all over his case about it. Why?
It’s called a double standard! Republicans and Conservatives are held to a different standard that Liberal/Progressives and Democrats.
Remember how Dan Quayle was ridiculed for misspelling Potato? He spelled it Potatoe. Now he was called stupid and other non-repeatable words by the looney left for his gaffe. But Joe Biden can make them daily and the left says nary a word. They will just laugh and say, “Oh, that lovable Joe!”
A Double Standard? You betcha!
So, when the leftist media and the leftist bloggers rail against Sarah Palin for using a word that they deem ridiculous, remind them that their wonderful leader (that well-educated orator that makes left-leaning media types get tingles up their legs) said Epantsapation; he made up a word. How dare he! Let's all remember that no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Of course, Obama read it from a Teleprompter and/or mispronounced the word; kind of like he did with Corpsemen. An honest mistake? Or was it an uneducated attempt at saying a word that he probably has never once used in his life? Who really knows?
But the double standard currently being used against Mrs. Palin makes me ask: Do they think that it’s okay if their side messes up, but when our side does it, then it becomes front page news? Double Standard? Oh yeah!
Remember when George Bush mispronounced Nuclear? The left-leaning media had a field day with that! “He’s soooo stupid. He can’t even say the word right.” Maybe Bush wasn’t the brightest bulb in the lamp, but stupid he is not. You don’t get to be president by being stupid. It does take talent and brains to be Commander in Chief. I don’t think for a minute Obama is a stupid man. But he is, after all, human (don’t tell that to the left - they think he’s the messiah), and humans do tend makes mistakes. And Sarah Palin is human. She isn’t stupid, no matter what the mainstream media and the leftists bloggers would have you believe.
To sum it up, if the leftist media and bloggers want to jump on Sarah Palin for the use of the word Refudiate, then we should also point out their use of made-up words like Republitard, nutbags, wingnuts and so on and so forth. It’s truly the pot calling the kettle black.
After all, double standards are a way of life for the Liberals.
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
Is Sarah Palin adding to America’s lexicon?
Refudiate: A combination of the words Refute and Repudiate.
Did Sarah Palin coin the word? Not really. It has been used a few times before. Now, it you Google the word ‘Refudiate’ you will find the following links:
Report to Joint Commission on Prescription Drug Use - (1980). Refudiate is written in that report. Written, no doubt by some educated person.
Worldwide Narcotics Review of 1988 and you’ll also find the word Refudiate in that!
Clinical Research in Communicative Disorder Principals (1987) and Refudiate is used in that report, and again, written by an educated person.
Lunatics of Terra (2005) You’ll find Refudiate there, as well..
Even John McCain used the word Refudiate five different times on the David Letterman Show a while back.
Now, is Refudiate in an actual dictionary? Not really, no. But, it has been used before. And no, Sarah Palin did not make up the word. It is a common mistake apparently to mispronounce and sometimes misspell certain words. They may sound right and look right, but are incorrect. Writers oft times create words for their works of fiction or non-fiction. It happens all of the time!
Having said that, the Liberals are having a field day bashing Sarah Palin for the use of the word, when their own favorites often make-up words or make gaffes.
For example, President Obama has made several gaffes during the course of his campaign and several times now since taking office. He said he had visited nearly all of the 57 states, and Europe was a country instead of a continent. Yet I haven’t heard the liberals or the left-leaning media bash him for that. Nor did they when he said Corpsemen instead of Corpsmen. And I didn’t hear an outcry when he said the following on May 9th 2010 while giving the commencement address at Hampton University:
"Meanwhile, you're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't rank all that high on the truth meter. With iPods and iPads; Xboxes and PlayStations; none of which I know how to work, information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than a means of epantsapation. All of this is not only putting new pressures on you; it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."
As an aside, if you wish to get technical, iPods, iPads, Xboxes and PlayStations are all made up words. Should we blast their creators for that?
So, did Obama mean emancipation? Or was he simply saying that the internet was not allowing the removal of pants?
I didn’t hear the liberal media jumping all over his case about it. Why?
It’s called a double standard! Republicans and Conservatives are held to a different standard that Liberal/Progressives and Democrats.
Remember how Dan Quayle was ridiculed for misspelling Potato? He spelled it Potatoe. Now he was called stupid and other non-repeatable words by the looney left for his gaffe. But Joe Biden can make them daily and the left says nary a word. They will just laugh and say, “Oh, that lovable Joe!”
A Double Standard? You betcha!
So, when the leftist media and the leftist bloggers rail against Sarah Palin for using a word that they deem ridiculous, remind them that their wonderful leader (that well-educated orator that makes left-leaning media types get tingles up their legs) said Epantsapation; he made up a word. How dare he! Let's all remember that no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Of course, Obama read it from a Teleprompter and/or mispronounced the word; kind of like he did with Corpsemen. An honest mistake? Or was it an uneducated attempt at saying a word that he probably has never once used in his life? Who really knows?
But the double standard currently being used against Mrs. Palin makes me ask: Do they think that it’s okay if their side messes up, but when our side does it, then it becomes front page news? Double Standard? Oh yeah!
Remember when George Bush mispronounced Nuclear? The left-leaning media had a field day with that! “He’s soooo stupid. He can’t even say the word right.” Maybe Bush wasn’t the brightest bulb in the lamp, but stupid he is not. You don’t get to be president by being stupid. It does take talent and brains to be Commander in Chief. I don’t think for a minute Obama is a stupid man. But he is, after all, human (don’t tell that to the left - they think he’s the messiah), and humans do tend makes mistakes. And Sarah Palin is human. She isn’t stupid, no matter what the mainstream media and the leftists bloggers would have you believe.
To sum it up, if the leftist media and bloggers want to jump on Sarah Palin for the use of the word Refudiate, then we should also point out their use of made-up words like Republitard, nutbags, wingnuts and so on and so forth. It’s truly the pot calling the kettle black.
After all, double standards are a way of life for the Liberals.
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
Friday, July 23, 2010 at 1:05pm.
jour·nal·ist - noun
a : a person engaged in journalism - a writer or editor for a news medium.
b : a writer who aims at a mass audience (Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary).
Okay, now we have established that a journalist is someone who either writes or edits for a news medium - a newspaper, radio, TV, magazine or even an internet blog site.
Here's my question: ‘When did journalists begin to manipulate the news to fit their agenda?’
I could be wrong, but right after the media had their way with President Richard Nixon (exposing the Watergate scandal), I think journalists suddenly felt the need to get out there and destroy anything and anyone on the right side of the aisle. And they have continued to march against the right and mainstream America ever since. The news of the past few days illustrates the media’s distaste for not only all things Conservative, but anyone who expresses any viewpoint not held by the left.
As Rod Serling would have said, “Submitted for your approval...”
Journolists - There were around 400 journalists involved in a loosely-connected journalistic forum; all of them conspiring to influence the past presidential election. Their plan was to manipulated the news so that Rev. Jeremiah Wright (and his hate-filled sermons) would not be reported on. They intended to make racism charges against someone like Carl Rove or other Republicans instead.
Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller (his online magazine) has been releasing e-mails that show some of those liberal journalists were actively seeking to influence news coverage rather than just report or comment on it. The stories recount how some of these ‘so-called’ journalists were plotting to kill stories on Rev. Jeremiah Wright to protect then-Sen. Barack Obama 's presidential campaign. Other e-mail chains wanted to start an effort to for shut down Fox News! Kudos to Tucker Carlson; a real journalist who investigates the news and reports on it!
A couple of examples of the leaked emails from the ‘Journolists’ -
Sarah Spitz is a producer on ‘Left, Right and Center.’ That’s a radio program on KCRW (a NPR affiliate). In one leaked email, Spitz said that she would "laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out" if she were to see conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh suffering a heart attack. Of course, she later issued a statement saying that she "made poorly considered remarks about Rush Limbaugh to what I believed was a private email discussion group from my personal email account." And she added, "As a publicist, I realize more than anyone that is no excuse for irresponsible behavior. I apologize to anyone I may have offended and I regret these comments greatly; they do not reflect the values by which I conduct my life." And then she added, "I never knew I had this much hate in me. But he deserves it."
Okay... Maybe I'll buy the fact that she believed that she thought her 'private email' wouldn't ever become public fodder, but as for the rest, I don’t believe her - except for the fact she hates Rush Limbaugh and would like to watch him die. That I do believe!
Also, leaked e-mails from blogger David Weigel caused him to lose his job at The Washington Post. He was supposed to be covering the Republicans and Weigel's emails spouted his hatred for the right.
Another example: Brian Ries is a (ahem) writer for The Daily Beast. He led a campaign on Facebook, declaring what Sarah Palin's posted about the Mosque at Ground Zero (WTC) to be a racists post. Facebook removed the posting. Later, Ms. Palin reposted the article and was gracious enough not to mention the bigoted rush to censor her words by those on he left. She said it had been a technical error. And following that, Facebook issued an apology. Facebook spokesman, Andrew Noyes, said in a statement, "The note in question did not violate our content standards but was removed by an automated system," He went on to say, "We're always working to improve our processes and we apologize for any inconvenience this caused."
These are just a couple of examples of how some 'supposed' journalists in the mainstream media hate, or at the very least, have a bias against conservatives.
Now I could get into First Amendment violations of free speech and how the left is all for free speech, so long as it fits ‘their’ agenda, but I think we all know that by now. The fact that these so-called journalists are trying to censor or smear anyone (regardless of their political ideology), or call for another media outlet to be shut down, really concerns me.
Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?
Here’s what I think: I tend to believe that there are probably a handful of real journalists left in America. Those who still have integrity and who haven’t sold their souls to the Progressive (communist/socialist) Movement.
What frightens me the most is that there are journalists out there that spew venom toward the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck; accusing them of racism (or a host of other things), and at the same time they are protecting Democrats and Progressives by omitting facts - or completely ignoring them. That’s not reporting the news... That’s manipulation! It has become more than apparent that the media is filled with left-leaning, dare I say it, communist and socialist sympathizers! Their mission: destroy the morals and ethics that built this country and replace it with Social Justice. They wish to manipulate the masses by brainwash them into believing that bad is good and right is wrong! And they are trying every day to fulfill that mission.
My grandfather would have said, “They lie like a dog!”
Journalists are supposed to report the news an let ‘We The People’ make up our own minds. Now, they just force-feed us propaganda and untruths; all in hopes that we’ll believe them because they are smarter than ‘We The People!’
But one thing is for certain - if these so-called journalists continue to try to make the news instead of simply reporting it, the only news we’ll end up hearing is what the state-run media is allowed to tell us.
Does Pravda ring any bells, comrades?
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
jour·nal·ist - noun
a : a person engaged in journalism - a writer or editor for a news medium.
b : a writer who aims at a mass audience (Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary).
Okay, now we have established that a journalist is someone who either writes or edits for a news medium - a newspaper, radio, TV, magazine or even an internet blog site.
Here's my question: ‘When did journalists begin to manipulate the news to fit their agenda?’
I could be wrong, but right after the media had their way with President Richard Nixon (exposing the Watergate scandal), I think journalists suddenly felt the need to get out there and destroy anything and anyone on the right side of the aisle. And they have continued to march against the right and mainstream America ever since. The news of the past few days illustrates the media’s distaste for not only all things Conservative, but anyone who expresses any viewpoint not held by the left.
As Rod Serling would have said, “Submitted for your approval...”
Journolists - There were around 400 journalists involved in a loosely-connected journalistic forum; all of them conspiring to influence the past presidential election. Their plan was to manipulated the news so that Rev. Jeremiah Wright (and his hate-filled sermons) would not be reported on. They intended to make racism charges against someone like Carl Rove or other Republicans instead.
Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller (his online magazine) has been releasing e-mails that show some of those liberal journalists were actively seeking to influence news coverage rather than just report or comment on it. The stories recount how some of these ‘so-called’ journalists were plotting to kill stories on Rev. Jeremiah Wright to protect then-Sen. Barack Obama 's presidential campaign. Other e-mail chains wanted to start an effort to for shut down Fox News! Kudos to Tucker Carlson; a real journalist who investigates the news and reports on it!
A couple of examples of the leaked emails from the ‘Journolists’ -
Sarah Spitz is a producer on ‘Left, Right and Center.’ That’s a radio program on KCRW (a NPR affiliate). In one leaked email, Spitz said that she would "laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out" if she were to see conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh suffering a heart attack. Of course, she later issued a statement saying that she "made poorly considered remarks about Rush Limbaugh to what I believed was a private email discussion group from my personal email account." And she added, "As a publicist, I realize more than anyone that is no excuse for irresponsible behavior. I apologize to anyone I may have offended and I regret these comments greatly; they do not reflect the values by which I conduct my life." And then she added, "I never knew I had this much hate in me. But he deserves it."
Okay... Maybe I'll buy the fact that she believed that she thought her 'private email' wouldn't ever become public fodder, but as for the rest, I don’t believe her - except for the fact she hates Rush Limbaugh and would like to watch him die. That I do believe!
Also, leaked e-mails from blogger David Weigel caused him to lose his job at The Washington Post. He was supposed to be covering the Republicans and Weigel's emails spouted his hatred for the right.
Another example: Brian Ries is a (ahem) writer for The Daily Beast. He led a campaign on Facebook, declaring what Sarah Palin's posted about the Mosque at Ground Zero (WTC) to be a racists post. Facebook removed the posting. Later, Ms. Palin reposted the article and was gracious enough not to mention the bigoted rush to censor her words by those on he left. She said it had been a technical error. And following that, Facebook issued an apology. Facebook spokesman, Andrew Noyes, said in a statement, "The note in question did not violate our content standards but was removed by an automated system," He went on to say, "We're always working to improve our processes and we apologize for any inconvenience this caused."
These are just a couple of examples of how some 'supposed' journalists in the mainstream media hate, or at the very least, have a bias against conservatives.
Now I could get into First Amendment violations of free speech and how the left is all for free speech, so long as it fits ‘their’ agenda, but I think we all know that by now. The fact that these so-called journalists are trying to censor or smear anyone (regardless of their political ideology), or call for another media outlet to be shut down, really concerns me.
Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?
Here’s what I think: I tend to believe that there are probably a handful of real journalists left in America. Those who still have integrity and who haven’t sold their souls to the Progressive (communist/socialist) Movement.
What frightens me the most is that there are journalists out there that spew venom toward the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck; accusing them of racism (or a host of other things), and at the same time they are protecting Democrats and Progressives by omitting facts - or completely ignoring them. That’s not reporting the news... That’s manipulation! It has become more than apparent that the media is filled with left-leaning, dare I say it, communist and socialist sympathizers! Their mission: destroy the morals and ethics that built this country and replace it with Social Justice. They wish to manipulate the masses by brainwash them into believing that bad is good and right is wrong! And they are trying every day to fulfill that mission.
My grandfather would have said, “They lie like a dog!”
Journalists are supposed to report the news an let ‘We The People’ make up our own minds. Now, they just force-feed us propaganda and untruths; all in hopes that we’ll believe them because they are smarter than ‘We The People!’
But one thing is for certain - if these so-called journalists continue to try to make the news instead of simply reporting it, the only news we’ll end up hearing is what the state-run media is allowed to tell us.
Does Pravda ring any bells, comrades?
But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!
July 27, 2010
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...
A bill was introduced this past July 15th by our good buddy and professional con man/tax cheat, Charlie Rangle. The bill, H.R. 5741, is an interesting little bill to say the very least. It's otherwise known as the “Mandatory Service Act.”
Here's the lowdown on this piece of work:
H.R. 5741 gives the president the authority to require all able-bodied persons in the U.S. between 18 and 42 to perform mandatory national service. Now this can be either as a member of the uniformed services (the military) or in civilian service (the Peace Corps, or some other yet undetermined organization [probably Acorn]); or some other agency (national defense and homeland security?). This bill also allows the president to 'authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.'
It sounds like mandatory military induction right after high school to me.
Now, with this new bill (H.R. 5741), anyone between 18 and 42 will be eligible (and required) to serve a two year commitment to either civilian or military service.
Is this a backdoor draft? Or worse?
Obviously there are a few loopholes built into the bill for people to opt out of national service. Section 109 states that 'Conscientious Objectors' (see liberals) will be made to choose either 'mandatory noncombatant service '(whatever the president decides that is to be), or national civilian service (community organizers?).
Old Charlie Rangle has seen to it that the Civil Service is no longer needed. I'm just wondering how much he'll get out of this. Maybe free work in his slum apartments? Will the government reimburse him for allowing the 'free work?' Hmm?
H.R 5741,“Mandatory Service” (Can we say Slavery Bill?) is now being debated in the House Committee on Armed Services.
Here's the way I see it:
This bill sounds to me like force servitude to the government. Now granted, there are lots of people that would love to serve two years on the government dole. But others that will see this for what it is... A trip to an internment camp or a ticket into a war zone!
We haven't had the draft for a lot of years now. We have an all volunteer army that is filled with America's finest! To me, this new bill (H.R. 5741) is a backdoor draft without calling it as such. The president and most every Democrat politician has said that they do not favor the draft being re-instituted. But this sounds a great deal like a draft to me! This is rewording it to sound cool to the youth of America. For those who wish to do something "good" for the country (the liberal version of good, that is). But it's nothing more than a step toward making the military the only way to go after high school for those that can't afford college.
And I suppose that conservatives will be targeted with this bill. To take them away from home; send them somewhere they can either be killed or brainwashed. (at least that's what it sounds like to me). The liberals will be Conscientious Objectors like they were during the Vietnam War, and this time they will be able to do it with the blessing of the Community Organizer in Chief!
All others (Conservatives) will be forced into combat and/or some camp for misfits, where they can be retrained into mind-numbed Obama-zombies! America, this sounds a awful lot like something from our past history.
I know there will be few people that read this and say, “He's fear-mongering!” But there again, some of you will think to yourselves, 'this isn't how America should be! Another freedom gone; another liberty taken away from us by this Janus-faced (that's 'two-faced' for you liberals out there) administration!'
So, here's a question you should ask yourselves: Do you want your children and grandchildren becoming liberal guinea pigs in these 'Forced Labor' camps? Or worse yet, do you want them to become the American version of those crazy little cherubs that were once called 'Hitler Youth?'
Contact your Senators fast. Tell them to KILL BILL H.R. 5741!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...
A bill was introduced this past July 15th by our good buddy and professional con man/tax cheat, Charlie Rangle. The bill, H.R. 5741, is an interesting little bill to say the very least. It's otherwise known as the “Mandatory Service Act.”
Here's the lowdown on this piece of work:
H.R. 5741 gives the president the authority to require all able-bodied persons in the U.S. between 18 and 42 to perform mandatory national service. Now this can be either as a member of the uniformed services (the military) or in civilian service (the Peace Corps, or some other yet undetermined organization [probably Acorn]); or some other agency (national defense and homeland security?). This bill also allows the president to 'authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.'
It sounds like mandatory military induction right after high school to me.
Now, with this new bill (H.R. 5741), anyone between 18 and 42 will be eligible (and required) to serve a two year commitment to either civilian or military service.
Is this a backdoor draft? Or worse?
Obviously there are a few loopholes built into the bill for people to opt out of national service. Section 109 states that 'Conscientious Objectors' (see liberals) will be made to choose either 'mandatory noncombatant service '(whatever the president decides that is to be), or national civilian service (community organizers?).
Old Charlie Rangle has seen to it that the Civil Service is no longer needed. I'm just wondering how much he'll get out of this. Maybe free work in his slum apartments? Will the government reimburse him for allowing the 'free work?' Hmm?
H.R 5741,“Mandatory Service” (Can we say Slavery Bill?) is now being debated in the House Committee on Armed Services.
Here's the way I see it:
This bill sounds to me like force servitude to the government. Now granted, there are lots of people that would love to serve two years on the government dole. But others that will see this for what it is... A trip to an internment camp or a ticket into a war zone!
We haven't had the draft for a lot of years now. We have an all volunteer army that is filled with America's finest! To me, this new bill (H.R. 5741) is a backdoor draft without calling it as such. The president and most every Democrat politician has said that they do not favor the draft being re-instituted. But this sounds a great deal like a draft to me! This is rewording it to sound cool to the youth of America. For those who wish to do something "good" for the country (the liberal version of good, that is). But it's nothing more than a step toward making the military the only way to go after high school for those that can't afford college.
And I suppose that conservatives will be targeted with this bill. To take them away from home; send them somewhere they can either be killed or brainwashed. (at least that's what it sounds like to me). The liberals will be Conscientious Objectors like they were during the Vietnam War, and this time they will be able to do it with the blessing of the Community Organizer in Chief!
All others (Conservatives) will be forced into combat and/or some camp for misfits, where they can be retrained into mind-numbed Obama-zombies! America, this sounds a awful lot like something from our past history.
I know there will be few people that read this and say, “He's fear-mongering!” But there again, some of you will think to yourselves, 'this isn't how America should be! Another freedom gone; another liberty taken away from us by this Janus-faced (that's 'two-faced' for you liberals out there) administration!'
So, here's a question you should ask yourselves: Do you want your children and grandchildren becoming liberal guinea pigs in these 'Forced Labor' camps? Or worse yet, do you want them to become the American version of those crazy little cherubs that were once called 'Hitler Youth?'
Contact your Senators fast. Tell them to KILL BILL H.R. 5741!
But that's just my opinion, I could be right!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 9:32pm.
Why I Carry a Gun
I will state for the record that I did not write this, but I believe every word!
A wise man once said: there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to take an ass whoopin.'
I don't carry a gun to kill people.
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.
I don't carry a gun to scare people.
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.
I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid.
I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world..
I don't carry a gun because I'm evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.
I don't carry a gun because I hate the government.
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government..
I don't carry a gun because I'm angry.
I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.
I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy.
I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy.
I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.
I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate.
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.
I don't carry a gun because I love it.
I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.
Police protection is an oxymoron.
Free citizens must protect themselves.
Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.
Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take an ass whoopin' unknown (but obviously brilliant)
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. >From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. >From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
---- ------------- -------------
Uganda established gun control in 1970. >From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. >From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late!
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
If you value your freedom, please spread this anti gun-control message to all of your friends.
The purpose of fighting is to win.
There is no possible victory in defense.
The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either.
The final weapon is the brain.
All else is supplemental.
I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment!
If you are too, please share this.
Why I Carry a Gun
I will state for the record that I did not write this, but I believe every word!
A wise man once said: there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to take an ass whoopin.'
I don't carry a gun to kill people.
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.
I don't carry a gun to scare people.
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.
I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid.
I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world..
I don't carry a gun because I'm evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.
I don't carry a gun because I hate the government.
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government..
I don't carry a gun because I'm angry.
I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.
I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy.
I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy.
I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.
I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate.
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.
I don't carry a gun because I love it.
I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.
Police protection is an oxymoron.
Free citizens must protect themselves.
Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.
Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take an ass whoopin' unknown (but obviously brilliant)
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. >From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. >From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
---- ------------- -------------
Uganda established gun control in 1970. >From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. >From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late!
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
If you value your freedom, please spread this anti gun-control message to all of your friends.
The purpose of fighting is to win.
There is no possible victory in defense.
The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either.
The final weapon is the brain.
All else is supplemental.
I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment!
If you are too, please share this.
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