Sunday, August 22, 2010

June 27, 2010 at 1:42pm.

The first One Mans Opinion

After reading the news and listening to the endless drivel from the mainstream media, I fear that this country is heading down a road that we were never meant to travel, and that no matter what, we will never recover the liberties we have already lost in my lifetime.
I have decided to stop sitting ideally by while watching the decline of this country. I have decided to give MY opinion as to what's going on and how to fix it! These are just my initial thoughts.

I have witnessed a great many wonderful things in my lifetime, and also some things that I care not to remember. 9/11, for instance, is a day that brings back terrible memories. That was the day in which the world drastically changed for the worse, Since then, a steady stream of Radical Muslim Extremists have tried to do more harm to this country. Especially in the last year or so.

This makes me wonder why our leaders in both houses of congress are not doing more to root out that evil and stop it. Why can't we go into those countries that give aid to the terrorist and lay to waste the areas that are teeming with terrorist camps? Are we afraid that we might piss someone off? That we might kill a few innocent people? Well, they have no trouble in killing innocent people, so why should we? The purpose of war is to KILL PEOPLE AND BREAK THINGS! That's how you WIN A WAR!

We stopped calling the War on Terror the War on Terror. Muslim Extremists cannot be called Muslim Extremists anymore, least we upset the Muslim population of the world. If the Muslim population of the world would deal with those that pervert their religion, then maybe we wouldn't have to deal with it! Too often I see the Muslims dancing in the streets after the radicals blow up buildings full of so-called Infidels. And after 9/11, I seem to recall many in the Detroit Muslim community dancing in the streets when the World Trade Center came crashing down. Maybe we should fly a few planes into those communities and see if they dance in the streets then? If they hate America, then get out! Go back to where you came from. I'm sure they will welcome you back home. We do not need you here anymore. Quit taking American dollars and go back to living in the third world!

For those Muslims living here in America that do not like what is happening to their religion, then please take a stand and go after those radical leaders and help to take them out! Quit sitting by while you wait to see who will win before you decide who's side you are on! Stand with America, or go back to your home countries and stand with the radicals!

We in America give platitudes where we need to give ultimatums. If you want our help in fixing things, then you need to get off your collective asses and do something to help yourselves! America has bailed out so many for so long, yet the current administration apologizes to the world for our arrogance? WTF? I do not apologize for American Exceptionalism. I revel in it! We are who we are because we have freedom! And apparently many around the world come here to enjoy those freedoms. So why apologize for being who we are? Be proud of the fact that we are Americans! If you want to be an American, come here and help. But do it legally! No More Illegal Aliens (undocumented workers my ass)!

Meanwhile, back in Washington, D.C. - The constant infighting and the lazy representatives that cannot even read the bills they pass, are cause for concern. And every American should be wary of those that try to usurp power for themselves over the will of the majority of Americans. All the while, they overlook the importance of things like securing our borders, balancing the nations budget, and defeating the extremist militants that wish to cause more harm to America and her Allies.

There are so many problems in this nation that are so important that our leaders need to address, yet they pass massive spending bills that have made the economy worse than it was before they tried to fix it. The overlook the illegal immigration in favor of garnering the Hispanic Vote. When Arizona passes a law to secure its border, the federal government deems it a racists bill and wishes to have it struck down. And now they are going to sue Arizona for doing what the Federal government is supposed to be doing that in the first place – Securing the Border? I think the states should sue the Federal Government for mismanagement and fraud!

When the federal government cannot or simply will not do the job it is supposed to be doing, then it is placed upon the people to change the government to do the bidding of the people. No one is suggestion a coup here, but we need to begin the process of voting out the people who have been in power for far too long; replacing them with people that understand that the world has become a far more dangerous place than just 20 years ago. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of governmental mismanagement. If these career politicians aren't replaced soon then we will lose more liberties! They will continue to grow government, adding more to the costs that we, the taxpayers have to pay for.

And now we need to talk about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (60 plus days in the making as of this writing). The president, better known as the 'Community Organizer-in-Chief', cannot allow the many countries that have offered to help in the clean-up to actually come in and help because he's afraid that he'll alienate the unions. The Jones Act prohibits the help. All the president has to is temporally suspend the Jones Act and we could get the oil spill under control much faster. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil is pouring out of a busted well and polluting the water, the land, and killing or harming the wildlife, sea life and the economy of the entire gulf region.

I thought the EPA was there to protect against things like this, yet the EPA has not pushed for the Jones Act to be suspended so the clean-up can begin! And where are the so-called environmentalists that protest off-shore drilling? Still protesting? I have yet to hear if they are down there helping to clean the mess up! If they are not, then the environmentalist movement is nothing more than political theater designed to take more freedoms away from America! Hmm? I might be onto something there!

Whether you're a liberal, conservative or somewhere in between, we all face a crisis of leadership and good governance in Washington D.C.

It's what we do in November of this year that will foretell the direction the nation takes to rectify the problems. If we continue to vote in career politicians they will continue to do nothing to secure the borders and bring this nation back from the brink of economic collapse due to their irrational spending habits.

If we elect new people into these offices, we also need to send a message with them... Fix it, or lose your job! Put in place term-limits and live under the same rules you deem necessary for the rest of America to live under! No Golden Parachutes, and no other healthcare than what the rest of us are going to be living with. And those politicians should have to go on Medicare and Social Security like the rest of us! If it's good enough for us, then it should be good enough for them too! See how fast those things get fixed then!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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