Tuesday, August 24, 2010

By Dewaine Shoulders on Friday, August 20, 2010 at 2:00am.

Cordoba House: Islamic Center or Victory Mosque?

The mosque organizer, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is supposedly a moderate Muslim. course he said this a few days after 9/11: "The United States is responsible, indirectly, for the attack on the World Trade Center!" This is due, according to him, to our foreign policies. He also said that Osama bin Laden was made in the USA!

Okay, let's take a look at that -

The US did support bin Laden for a time during the 1980's. Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden (his full name), is the son of a wealthy Saudi businessman. He first achieved prominence in Afghanistan during an Islamic insurgency against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. He is said to have received a considerable amount of money during that 10-year battle from the CIA, which covertly helped finance the insurrection during the Cold War.

Now, in 1989, (after the fighting ended [as Russia retreated]), bin Laden returned home to Saudi Arabia. There, he began to confront the Saudi monarchy over their decision to allow U.S. troops into Saudi Arabia. There, you will find two of Islam's holiest places - Mecca and Medina. Devout Muslims believe that the land of Saudi Arabia is sacred and should be off-limits to nonbelievers. This is where the prophet Mohammed lived and died.

Then, in 1990, the United States deployed its troops to Saudi Arabia in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait... The Persian Gulf War.

That was when bin Laden began rallying disgruntled Saudi veterans of the Afghan insurgency and accused King Fahd of Saudi Arabia of selling the holy sites of Islam to the United States.

So, in a way, The US did have a small part to play in Bin Laden's creation... Very small.

Osama bin Laden is a believer in the twisted version of Islam that feels it necessary to kill all infidels and also Muslims that are not a part of bin Laden's particular brand of Islam. This is his OWN choice. The US did not play a part in his butchering the Koran; to use it as a weapon against the West. The Koran states that if you travel or live in another country, you live under the rules of that country. Did you ever hear this from the MSM?

So now we come back to Feisal Abdul Rauf.

He may be a moderate Muslim, but he is also twisting history to suit his purpose. And by building this Cordoba House Mosque and Islamic Community Outreach Center just 2 blocks from Ground Zero, he is continuing the tradition of building victory mosques on the sites of great Muslim victories... One of which is sitting atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.

When Islam gets a foothold anywhere, it spreads like a cancer. Take a look at Europe and you will see that in a matter of a few short years, France, Great Britain and other countries will be mostly Muslim. And they are already demanding Sharia Law in these countries. In fact, Great Britain began adopting Islamic Law back in 2008. How long will it be before they begin demanding it here?

Will some liberal judge say it's unconstitutional not to allow Sharia Law to be a part of American Law? Will the liberals on the Supreme Court rule in favor of Sharia Law and allow the fundamental transformation of America to truly begin?

So, don't kid yourselves in believing that this Cordoba House will be some kind of outreach to the New York City Area. There are already twelve mosques in New York City, and 2 withing blocks of the proposed new mosque. They will use it like they do in other mosques in other countries... To convert as many people to Islam as they can, and plan attacks inside America and elsewhere.

Many people have suggested that this mosque would not be good for New York City. In fact, many have already spoken out against the planned Cordoba House. Newt Gingrich is one of those voices; Sarah Palin is another. And of course, the media jumped on her for the use of the word 'refutiate.' And I have now seen the media using that word several times since. Even on CNN! Go figure!

Among the proponents of the mosque, Mayor Bloomberg of New York City. Could the billionaire mayor possibly has money invested in it? And, of course, our esteemed president is all for it, too. There are many on the left that love the idea of the mosque being built there. They cite 'religious freedom' as their reasoning. These are the same people that chastize Christianity but cheer on Islam. This is typical of the looney-left hypocrites!

But - just to play their little game - let's take the 'religious freedom' idea a step further, shall we? How about we go to Saudi Arabia and ask the king if we could build a Catholic Church, or perhaps a Jewish Synagogue about 2 blocks away from Mecca? I mean, it's all about religious freedom, isn't it?

I think we all know what would happen there. The king would say "Hell No!"

So, until they allow the construction of Churches and Synagogues near their sacred sites, then we should say "Hell No!" to their building a mosque near the WTC! They already have 12 mosque in NYC. And like I said before, there are 2 withing blocks of this proposed site.

So why do they want to build this monstrosity?

It's because they are building a 'victory mosque!' And they will be allowed to do so by the liberals in office in NYC and Washington D.C. They are surrendering to the terrorists. They are either too stupid to know that, or too blind to see. Either way, the people that lost family members in the WTC attacks will be receiving a collective slap in their faces from the Muslim Community, our president, Mayor Bloomberg and Feisal Abdul Rauf ! Absolutely disgusting!

My last thoughts:

I am not a religious person. I belong to no organized religion, but I do believe in God and Jesus Christ. I believe in freedom of religion, and the right to worship as you wish (within reason, of course. No human or animal sacrifices please). And I also believe in good and evil. I believe that evil has taken control in Washington D.C. and NYC. And I believe that evil is spreading, just like Islam. The religion of peace is no longer peaceful, considering the body count in its wake.

But that's just my opinion, I could be right.

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