Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One Mans Opinion
Aug. 31, 2010

It's time to open the old mailbag. I have been getting emails where I have been asked some rather interesting questions in regards to my political or religious views. These are a sample of what I have been asked as of late.

Dear Dewaine,
When a persons body is "regular" with regard to bowel function people refer to it as a "daily constitutional". If people become irregular or have diarrhea they refer to it as having a "loss of constitution." Why hasn't anyone made that correlation to our nations current health status and progressing "loss of constitution?" S.B. KY.

Dear S.B. - I have said it before and I will say it yet again: Washington D.C. needs an enema! We need to vote the crap (progressives) out of our nations capital and replace them with people that understand the constitution, and who will abide by it; not ignore it!

You sure talk about Sarah Palin like she's some kind of saint. I think she's a terrible woman, and certainly not someone that can make a great president like Mr. Obama. Tell me, why do you like her so much? K.B. (state unknown)

Hi K.B. Obviously, your views are much different than mine, especially regarding the worst president in American History (so far). So, instead of just telling you why I like Sarah Palin, let me show you some stark contrasts between her and the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Sarah Palin loves this nation; Obama apologizes for it.

Sarah Palin has a son serving in the military; Obama never served, nor has he the sense to understand that the military is full of our finest Americans!

Sarah Palin was a governor of Alaska; Obama spent little time in the Ill. Senate (mainly voting present), and less time in the U.S. Senate (9 official days?) before running for president.

Sarah Palin was a mayor of Wasilla, AK; Obama was a community organizer in Chicago, IL.

Sarah Palin ran a state; Obama ran a presidential campaign.

Sarah Palin wears a American flag-pin with pride; Obama doesn't wear a flag-pin because he's ashamed of what it represents.

Sarah Palin surrounds herself with people that are good Americans; Obama surrounds himself with American terrorists (Weather Underground folks) and people who admire Mao and Hugo Chavez.

Sarah Palin believes in the Republic; Obama believes in Socialism.

Sarah Palin believes that people should keep what they earn; Obama believes in wealth redistribution.

Sarah Palin believes that less government will allow America to prosper; Obama believes Big Government is the answer to everything.

And Sarah Palin is someone who believes that taxes should be lower on all Americans; Obama wants to tax the rich, create hidden taxes on everyone else, and spend money like there's no tomorrow!

These are just a few of the differences in Sarah Palin and President Obama. You can believe what you want, but I believe in Sarah Palin!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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