Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Now that I have your attention, let me take a moment to talk about one of my least favorite subjects: Politics. I hate politics actually. Call it a slight loathing; perhaps a small abhorrence, or even a wee bit of a detestation of biblical proportions… I simply dislike the entirety of the political game. Yet, as of late, I have found myself digging through the news for all things political.

Why? I dunno?

I have been thinking about, looking at, reading about and absorbing the entire political spectrum like a sponge as of late. Call it an illness; call it a concern for the country, or you might even call it a sign from above, telling me I had best get my act together. To get out there and do something to insure the posterity of the United States won’t hold me personally responsible for being a slacker… For not doing what I can do to help break the endless cycle of ‘Cram it down their throats’ politics.

Case in point:
I have been writing about Sarah Palin for a little while now. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my hat-holder (my head/mind) I have heard a voice. Actually, I have been hearing an entire chorus of voices! At first I thought that the voices were a sign that I needed mental help, and fast! Then I realized that the voices I was hearing were those of our forefathers. You know the ones, don’t you? Washington, Hamilton, Hancock, Franklin, et al. Somehow I must have tuned into the wrong radio frequency, as they have been broadcasting in my head 24/7 (in hi-def digital sound), saying things like, “Now is the time to take a stand!” or “Ask not what your country can do to you; ask what you can do to keep it from happening again!”

So there I was… Last night while in my bed, all comfy under the covers, when WHAMMO!

I heard a new voice; one that I haven’t heard in a very long time. It was Ronald Reagan. I heard “She’s the one!”

I awoke with a start. I looked around the room (in total darkness) and all I could see was nothing but the dark; all I could hear was my own heavy breathing. Yet the echo of the voice lingered in my head like some song that you can’t quite remember the lyrics of, but the tune you know well. And that tune played over and over in my head.

“She’s the one!” So, either I was dreaming that I was awake, or still somehow synced into the voice after waking up.

Now before I go on let me explain - I normally talk to myself when writing dialogue for one of my stories, but I seldom talk to myself otherwise, unless it’s to run down the shopping list or something mundane like that. But here I was, talking to some echo; some vocal manifestation; some phantasm of President Reagan, asking him, “Who’s the one?”

At first there was silence. Then I heard “Sarah.”

“Palin?” I asked again.

“She ‘s the one!” And with that, stone cold silence filled my head. The steady staccato (I know, an oxymoron) of background noise stopped. It was silent finally. And by that time it was after 6 this morning.
I managed to sleep a little bit before dragging my lazy arse out of the sack and facing the day. And for the life of me, I heard one other voice in my head when I put my feet on the floor. It was Roy Halee.

Now before you ask “WHO?” I’ll tell you. He was the man who sang a little theme song. Does “Here I come to save the day!” ring any bells? Yes, Mighty Mouse’s theme song was playing in my head. I know, I am totally weird, but I could hear the song in my head and somehow I equated it to Sarah Palin.

So, is the correlation between Mighty Mouse and Sarah Palin a stretch? Maybe? But here’s how I made the connection.

Mighty Mouse rushes in to save the day all of the time.
Sarah Palin could rush in to save the country by running, and hopefully winning, the presidential election in 2012.
Mighty Mouse had a girlfriend named Pearl Pureheart.
Sarah Palin’s heart is pure American!
One of the Mighty Mouse villains was named ‘Julius Pinhead Schlabotka.’ Sarah Palin battles pinheads on the left everyday!

Hmm? Coincidence?

Okay, all humor aside, I think that the voices in my head were telling me that Sarah Palin WILL run in 2012 for the presidency. In fact, I think she’s already running. I think she has taken a page out the Obama Candidate Handbook (available wherever The Communist Manifesto is sold) and is in perpetual campaign mode. I think it’s not only very media savvy, but very intelligent to do so. She somehow manages to keep her name in the news, whether she tries to or not.

She is already a household name. Whether people like her or not, you have to admit that the world is revolving around Sarah Palin these days. She is fodder for the Lamestream Media; the butt of jokes by all of the late night comedians, and the talk of blog sites everywhere. When she Twitters something, it is like the shot heard ‘round the world! When she makes a Facebook post, it is front page news.

When politics enters the conversations around the water coolers of America, Sarah Palin’s name is mentioned. Some roll their eyes, while others open them wider. Some people can’t stand her while others, like myself, tend to grasp onto every word like it was manna from Heaven.
So, in conclusion, I will reiterate that I hate politics! But when it comes to Sarah Palin, I find it hard not to like politics. After all, she very well could ‘Be the One!’

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

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