Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010 at 1:05pm.

jour·nal·ist - noun
a : a person engaged in journalism - a writer or editor for a news medium.
b : a writer who aims at a mass audience (Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Okay, now we have established that a journalist is someone who either writes or edits for a news medium - a newspaper, radio, TV, magazine or even an internet blog site.

Here's my question: ‘When did journalists begin to manipulate the news to fit their agenda?’

I could be wrong, but right after the media had their way with President Richard Nixon (exposing the Watergate scandal), I think journalists suddenly felt the need to get out there and destroy anything and anyone on the right side of the aisle. And they have continued to march against the right and mainstream America ever since. The news of the past few days illustrates the media’s distaste for not only all things Conservative, but anyone who expresses any viewpoint not held by the left.

As Rod Serling would have said, “Submitted for your approval...”

Journolists - There were around 400 journalists involved in a loosely-connected journalistic forum; all of them conspiring to influence the past presidential election. Their plan was to manipulated the news so that Rev. Jeremiah Wright (and his hate-filled sermons) would not be reported on. They intended to make racism charges against someone like Carl Rove or other Republicans instead.

Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller (his online magazine) has been releasing e-mails that show some of those liberal journalists were actively seeking to influence news coverage rather than just report or comment on it. The stories recount how some of these ‘so-called’ journalists were plotting to kill stories on Rev. Jeremiah Wright to protect then-Sen. Barack Obama 's presidential campaign. Other e-mail chains wanted to start an effort to for shut down Fox News! Kudos to Tucker Carlson; a real journalist who investigates the news and reports on it!

A couple of examples of the leaked emails from the ‘Journolists’ -

Sarah Spitz is a producer on ‘Left, Right and Center.’ That’s a radio program on KCRW (a NPR affiliate). In one leaked email, Spitz said that she would "laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out" if she were to see conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh suffering a heart attack. Of course, she later issued a statement saying that she "made poorly considered remarks about Rush Limbaugh to what I believed was a private email discussion group from my personal email account." And she added, "As a publicist, I realize more than anyone that is no excuse for irresponsible behavior. I apologize to anyone I may have offended and I regret these comments greatly; they do not reflect the values by which I conduct my life." And then she added, "I never knew I had this much hate in me. But he deserves it."

Okay... Maybe I'll buy the fact that she believed that she thought her 'private email' wouldn't ever become public fodder, but as for the rest, I don’t believe her - except for the fact she hates Rush Limbaugh and would like to watch him die. That I do believe!

Also, leaked e-mails from blogger David Weigel caused him to lose his job at The Washington Post. He was supposed to be covering the Republicans and Weigel's emails spouted his hatred for the right.

Another example: Brian Ries is a (ahem) writer for The Daily Beast. He led a campaign on Facebook, declaring what Sarah Palin's posted about the Mosque at Ground Zero (WTC) to be a racists post. Facebook removed the posting. Later, Ms. Palin reposted the article and was gracious enough not to mention the bigoted rush to censor her words by those on he left. She said it had been a technical error. And following that, Facebook issued an apology. Facebook spokesman, Andrew Noyes, said in a statement, "The note in question did not violate our content standards but was removed by an automated system," He went on to say, "We're always working to improve our processes and we apologize for any inconvenience this caused."

These are just a couple of examples of how some 'supposed' journalists in the mainstream media hate, or at the very least, have a bias against conservatives.

Now I could get into First Amendment violations of free speech and how the left is all for free speech, so long as it fits ‘their’ agenda, but I think we all know that by now. The fact that these so-called journalists are trying to censor or smear anyone (regardless of their political ideology), or call for another media outlet to be shut down, really concerns me.

Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?

Here’s what I think: I tend to believe that there are probably a handful of real journalists left in America. Those who still have integrity and who haven’t sold their souls to the Progressive (communist/socialist) Movement.

What frightens me the most is that there are journalists out there that spew venom toward the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck; accusing them of racism (or a host of other things), and at the same time they are protecting Democrats and Progressives by omitting facts - or completely ignoring them. That’s not reporting the news... That’s manipulation! It has become more than apparent that the media is filled with left-leaning, dare I say it, communist and socialist sympathizers! Their mission: destroy the morals and ethics that built this country and replace it with Social Justice. They wish to manipulate the masses by brainwash them into believing that bad is good and right is wrong! And they are trying every day to fulfill that mission.

My grandfather would have said, “They lie like a dog!”

Journalists are supposed to report the news an let ‘We The People’ make up our own minds. Now, they just force-feed us propaganda and untruths; all in hopes that we’ll believe them because they are smarter than ‘We The People!’

But one thing is for certain - if these so-called journalists continue to try to make the news instead of simply reporting it, the only news we’ll end up hearing is what the state-run media is allowed to tell us.

Does Pravda ring any bells, comrades?

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

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