Sunday, August 22, 2010

July 20, 2010 at 11:08pm.

Is Sarah Palin adding to America’s lexicon?

Refudiate: A combination of the words Refute and Repudiate.

Did Sarah Palin coin the word? Not really. It has been used a few times before. Now, it you Google the word ‘Refudiate’ you will find the following links:

Report to Joint Commission on Prescription Drug Use - (1980). Refudiate is written in that report. Written, no doubt by some educated person.

Worldwide Narcotics Review of 1988 and you’ll also find the word Refudiate in that!

Clinical Research in Communicative Disorder Principals (1987) and Refudiate is used in that report, and again, written by an educated person.

Lunatics of Terra (2005) You’ll find Refudiate there, as well..

Even John McCain used the word Refudiate five different times on the David Letterman Show a while back.

Now, is Refudiate in an actual dictionary? Not really, no. But, it has been used before. And no, Sarah Palin did not make up the word. It is a common mistake apparently to mispronounce and sometimes misspell certain words. They may sound right and look right, but are incorrect. Writers oft times create words for their works of fiction or non-fiction. It happens all of the time!

Having said that, the Liberals are having a field day bashing Sarah Palin for the use of the word, when their own favorites often make-up words or make gaffes.

For example, President Obama has made several gaffes during the course of his campaign and several times now since taking office. He said he had visited nearly all of the 57 states, and Europe was a country instead of a continent. Yet I haven’t heard the liberals or the left-leaning media bash him for that. Nor did they when he said Corpsemen instead of Corpsmen. And I didn’t hear an outcry when he said the following on May 9th 2010 while giving the commencement address at Hampton University:

"Meanwhile, you're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't rank all that high on the truth meter. With iPods and iPads; Xboxes and PlayStations; none of which I know how to work, information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than a means of epantsapation. All of this is not only putting new pressures on you; it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

As an aside, if you wish to get technical, iPods, iPads, Xboxes and PlayStations are all made up words. Should we blast their creators for that?

So, did Obama mean emancipation? Or was he simply saying that the internet was not allowing the removal of pants?

I didn’t hear the liberal media jumping all over his case about it. Why?

It’s called a double standard! Republicans and Conservatives are held to a different standard that Liberal/Progressives and Democrats.

Remember how Dan Quayle was ridiculed for misspelling Potato? He spelled it Potatoe. Now he was called stupid and other non-repeatable words by the looney left for his gaffe. But Joe Biden can make them daily and the left says nary a word. They will just laugh and say, “Oh, that lovable Joe!”

A Double Standard? You betcha!

So, when the leftist media and the leftist bloggers rail against Sarah Palin for using a word that they deem ridiculous, remind them that their wonderful leader (that well-educated orator that makes left-leaning media types get tingles up their legs) said Epantsapation; he made up a word. How dare he! Let's all remember that no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Of course, Obama read it from a Teleprompter and/or mispronounced the word; kind of like he did with Corpsemen. An honest mistake? Or was it an uneducated attempt at saying a word that he probably has never once used in his life? Who really knows?

But the double standard currently being used against Mrs. Palin makes me ask: Do they think that it’s okay if their side messes up, but when our side does it, then it becomes front page news? Double Standard? Oh yeah!

Remember when George Bush mispronounced Nuclear? The left-leaning media had a field day with that! “He’s soooo stupid. He can’t even say the word right.” Maybe Bush wasn’t the brightest bulb in the lamp, but stupid he is not. You don’t get to be president by being stupid. It does take talent and brains to be Commander in Chief. I don’t think for a minute Obama is a stupid man. But he is, after all, human (don’t tell that to the left - they think he’s the messiah), and humans do tend makes mistakes. And Sarah Palin is human. She isn’t stupid, no matter what the mainstream media and the leftists bloggers would have you believe.

To sum it up, if the leftist media and bloggers want to jump on Sarah Palin for the use of the word Refudiate, then we should also point out their use of made-up words like Republitard, nutbags, wingnuts and so on and so forth. It’s truly the pot calling the kettle black.

After all, double standards are a way of life for the Liberals.

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

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