Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aug. 22, 2010
by Dewaine Shoulders

Ewoks, Islam vs. Sarah Palin

According to many pro-choice feminists out there, Sarah Palin is akin to being the Antichrist. To hear some of the loony rants and raves from these women, you would think that Sarah Palin was the epitome of evil. Yes, I am referring to the Ewok Movement. Those cute, cuddly characters from ‘Star Wars Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi’ have now been relegated to a political kickball between Liberal Feminazis (ala Rush Limbaugh) vs. Sarah Palin

And many of these very same women are defending Islam.

Before I get into the red meat of all of this, I have been patrolling some blog threads where many of these liberal women have been calling Sarah Palin pretty much everything but a human being. And in the course of some of their verbal diatribes, they have been bad-mouthing Christianity and actually defending Islam! Do these women not understand what they are saying? Or are the truly ignorant of the facts surrounding the so-called Religion of Peace?

Well, boys and girls, I’m going to spell out the differences between Sarah Palin and Islam.

Islam believes that:
Women are inferior to men.
Women should have fewer rights and responsibilities than men.
A woman’s testimony in count counts for one-half of a man’s opinion when giving evidence in a court of law.
Women should be beaten (or worse) if they ever make their husband feel inferior.
Women should be stoned for adultery.
Women should be maimed and killed for disobeying a husband’s or fathers commands or wishes (Honor Killings).
Women should have no say in regard to whom they can marry.
Women should have no say in what they can wear.
Women cannot choose where they can live.
Women cannot choose whether or not they can divorce their cheating and/or abusive husbands.
Girls can be forced to wed beginning at age 9.
Women can be mutilated in front of an Islamic Court by their husbands for anything deemed against Sharia Law.

Now, as far as I know, Sarah Palin does not believe in any of these things. And I dare say she is against all of them! Ms. Palin is Pro-American, Pro-Constitution and Pro-Freedom!

So why are the women who bash Sarah Palin defending Islam and, by extension, Sharia Law? Because those women are devoid of the truth, thanks to the mainstream media and those on the left that have a radical agenda in store for America. And those very people (and the MSM) defend Islam while condemning Christianity. Talk about insanity!

Now, I could go on and on about how I think the so-called Ewoks out there are wrong, but all I’ll say is this: Sarah Palin is a Christian! She is a mother, a grandmother and is someone who I would trust this nation’s future with. She loves this country, and would make a great leader for it.

Islam? Well, I wouldn’t trust my dog with those folks. They hate everything about the West; about freedom! They wish to convert America into some 900 A.D. Muslim nation. They wish to impose Sharia Law upon America. And they wish to enforce their radical theology upon all of us, whether we like it or not (kind of like the current administration looks at the will of the people as opposed to the will of Big Government).

And we, the infidels, will either convert (bow down to Allah) or die!

Now, to you women who doubt that, I can only say that I hope you enjoy dressing in a Burqa; following two steps behind a man; not being allowed to speak unless spoken to, and not have the right to so much as drive a car unless granted permission to do so by a man. And I also hope that your female children and grandchildren will enjoy not getting an education; being subjugated and beaten for not dressing properly; behaving like they are ordered to by some Imam, and being treated like cattle (actually, cattle are treated better than women are under Islamic (Sharia) Law).
So, those of you who do not like Sarah Palin - if that’s how you feel, fine. But I hope that when Sharia Law ends up being introduced in America that you remember that you helped it to happen.

Now, before you all get your panties in a bunch thinking it will never happen, please allow me to introduce you to Harold Koh. He was most recently the dean of the Yale Law School. Mr. Koh believes that the U.S. should re-interpret the Constitution to fall in line with the “legal norms” of other countries. He has stated that in some instances ‘Sharia law would be appropriate in some court cases.’

Is this the fundamental transformation of America in which Candidate Obama referred to? To trash the Constitution and ram Sharia law down our collective throats?

Thus I return my thoughts back to Sarah Palin. If you think that she is bad for America, maybe you had better rethink your position. Sarah Palin is a strong woman, and there are millions that are clamoring for her to run for president. Comparing the president we have now to Sarah Palin, I’d say she has America’s best interest at heart, whereas I cannot say that for our current president, with the Mao/Stalin/Chavez-loving administration that he’s surrounded himself with.

Sarah Palin represents a return to sanity in Washington; a return to a smaller, more responsible government. And just think of the possibility for a woman to break the ultimate glass ceiling once and for all. Imagine, the first woman president… Talk about breaking up the good ole boys club!

And finally, Islam wishes women to be ignorant and treated like excrement. And most of the Ewok women think Sarah Palin should be considered that. Talk about ignorance. Those women are in for a rude awakening. Mama (and Papa) Grizzlies, it’s time to sharpen our teeth and get ready to bite back at those that are destroying America and even possibly allowing the introduction of Sharia Law in America. It’s time to rally around Sarah Palin and stand-up for America and the Constitution!

Viva Freedom! Viva Sarah Palin!

But that’s just my opinion, I could be right!

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