Sunday, August 22, 2010

July 27, 2010

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...

A bill was introduced this past July 15th by our good buddy and professional con man/tax cheat, Charlie Rangle. The bill, H.R. 5741, is an interesting little bill to say the very least. It's otherwise known as the “Mandatory Service Act.”

Here's the lowdown on this piece of work:

H.R. 5741 gives the president the authority to require all able-bodied persons in the U.S. between 18 and 42 to perform mandatory national service. Now this can be either as a member of the uniformed services (the military) or in civilian service (the Peace Corps, or some other yet undetermined organization [probably Acorn]); or some other agency (national defense and homeland security?). This bill also allows the president to 'authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.'

It sounds like mandatory military induction right after high school to me.

Now, with this new bill (H.R. 5741), anyone between 18 and 42 will be eligible (and required) to serve a two year commitment to either civilian or military service.

Is this a backdoor draft? Or worse?

Obviously there are a few loopholes built into the bill for people to opt out of national service. Section 109 states that 'Conscientious Objectors' (see liberals) will be made to choose either 'mandatory noncombatant service '(whatever the president decides that is to be), or national civilian service (community organizers?).

Old Charlie Rangle has seen to it that the Civil Service is no longer needed. I'm just wondering how much he'll get out of this. Maybe free work in his slum apartments? Will the government reimburse him for allowing the 'free work?' Hmm?

H.R 5741,“Mandatory Service” (Can we say Slavery Bill?) is now being debated in the House Committee on Armed Services.

Here's the way I see it:

This bill sounds to me like force servitude to the government. Now granted, there are lots of people that would love to serve two years on the government dole. But others that will see this for what it is... A trip to an internment camp or a ticket into a war zone!

We haven't had the draft for a lot of years now. We have an all volunteer army that is filled with America's finest! To me, this new bill (H.R. 5741) is a backdoor draft without calling it as such. The president and most every Democrat politician has said that they do not favor the draft being re-instituted. But this sounds a great deal like a draft to me! This is rewording it to sound cool to the youth of America. For those who wish to do something "good" for the country (the liberal version of good, that is). But it's nothing more than a step toward making the military the only way to go after high school for those that can't afford college.

And I suppose that conservatives will be targeted with this bill. To take them away from home; send them somewhere they can either be killed or brainwashed. (at least that's what it sounds like to me). The liberals will be Conscientious Objectors like they were during the Vietnam War, and this time they will be able to do it with the blessing of the Community Organizer in Chief!

All others (Conservatives) will be forced into combat and/or some camp for misfits, where they can be retrained into mind-numbed Obama-zombies! America, this sounds a awful lot like something from our past history.

I know there will be few people that read this and say, “He's fear-mongering!” But there again, some of you will think to yourselves, 'this isn't how America should be! Another freedom gone; another liberty taken away from us by this Janus-faced (that's 'two-faced' for you liberals out there) administration!'

So, here's a question you should ask yourselves: Do you want your children and grandchildren becoming liberal guinea pigs in these 'Forced Labor' camps? Or worse yet, do you want them to become the American version of those crazy little cherubs that were once called 'Hitler Youth?'

Contact your Senators fast. Tell them to KILL BILL H.R. 5741!

But that's just my opinion, I could be right!

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